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Organizational Behaviour
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
urrent paper provides comparatative analysis of five articles about job satisfaction as well as reports research on two additional articles.... It is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of that persons parent....
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Different Aspects of Religious Health Care
5 pages (1401 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The figures available are very few at the same time human resources has postponed the employees satisfaction as indicated by the research that was done one and half years ago.... research indicates that most employees do not put on the table their concerns due to fear of the unknown.... research has shown that, hospital is making profit on those patients treated because of proper nursing In order to meet the volume of ever increasing patients; there is need to purchase more beds....
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Adolescent Suicide
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
They should make sure that their relationships with the teenagers never cross the limits of therapeutic relationships between a patient and a healthcare professional.... Even though suicide rates among all generations are growing as time goes on,teenage community seems to be the most problematic one....
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Norton anthology of literature
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
There were now able and encouraged to work for men's positions thus advancing their professional and political careers.... Women were now able to birth to the number of children that could allow them continue with their political and professional careers.... Norton Anthology of literature describes the twentieth century as the “Georgetown afternoon”....
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Newspaper Should Not Be Produced in the US
4 pages (1243 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Therefore, it can be concluded that one of the essential resource of a country is used to make papers.... Newspaper publishing is related to wastage of papers because people usually don't buy them now.... Newspaper research Journal.... The paper "Newspaper Should Not Be Produced in the US" indicates that the present condition of the economy proposes that newspapers should not be produced mainly in the US because many audit reports have shown the negative financial condition of the industry and its popularity is fading day by day....
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From Manuscripts to Electronic Records: a Corroborated change
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
FROM MANUSCRIPTS TO ELECTRONIC RECORDS: A CORROBORATED CHANGE Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 1.... .... INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... ... 1.... .... RATIONALE FOR THE CHANGE…………………………………………………………………………………………....
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Being a Responsible Human Being
2 pages (701 words) , Download 1 , Essay
From the discussion, it can be concluded that responsibility is an excellent virtue that needs to be cultivated and nurtured for personal growth as well as professional excellence.... It also means to be dependable and trustworthy to a point where I can desist from blaming others for my personal or professional mistakes.... At a personal level, I take my education, future professional career, health, and family relationships with much more seriousness....
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How Technology Provided Convenience
3 pages (938 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
After preparing this program Bushley can record it with the help of professional recordings software programs such as Pro-tools or logics.... They are extremely capable of catering to these professional needs very well.... This paper "How Technology Provided Convenience?...
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West Nile Virus
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the current research work, the approach to what exists in literature is not much different.... The study is conducted using a quantitative research method.... The quantitative research method has been used in several instances, especially in cases where the approach to intervention is for curative management among people who have already been affected by the disease.... In this study, the researcher combines the preventive intervention with curative management and so expects that the quantitative research will aid in achieving this 2-tier goal....
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Interview with First-Line Sales Manager at David Jones Department Store
5 pages (1607 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper under the headline "Interview with First-Line Sales Manager at David Jones Department Store" focuses on the fact that the first-line sales manager interviewed hails from David Jones, Ltd.... a large, long-standing department store in Australia.... .... ... ... The organization maintains a wide variety of different consumer departments including clothing, household goods, and electronics....
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Same sex Marriages
3 pages (750 words) , Download 45 , Research Paper
In my opinion, after I did a lot of research and from evidence of the many stories I read, I took a stand which was defending the rights of gays.... Marriages in general are always welcome and are considered to be a good thing, but when it comes to same sex marriages, then eyebrows are lifted in question....
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The main purpose of a prison sentence is to punish
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Running Head: PERSUASSIVE PAPER Incarceration: Punishment for the crime committed Name University Class Incarceration: Punishment for the crime committed The purpose of incarceration is to punish.... The purpose is not to satisfy the state, to satisfy the public, or to compensate the victim.... ... ...
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E books and its ease and convience in our society
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Conventional research in terms of finding books and physically getting them from libraries, and then in turn, scanning indexes or leafing through them for particular references is cumbersome by a long shot.... Ebook readers have had a phenomenal growth rate since their introduction, and while some of the predictions made that ebook sales would over run the sale of conventional books have not come true (McCarty 161), the rate of growth has been no less impressive....
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Exploring Dramatic Arts
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Jason sees Dr Vivian as nothing but a sick body when he yelled to Susie, “She's research!... The play demonstrates melded variances of characters.... In the play, Dr Vivian, is labelled as brilliant, unconforming, and cold-hearted woman.... She is a woman who focused almost her entire life in developing her intellect through analysing the poems of John Donne....
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Building Background and Comprehensible Input
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is an overview of a comparative essay between two SIOP components: Building Background or Comprehensible Input.... Both are very good basis of studies yet only one can remain the best source of the students' formative learning years.... In this paper, a comparative discussion will emerge between the two topics and how one became the most favored lesson and why. ...
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Analysis of Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield
4 pages (1067 words) , Download 3 , Essay
?? papers on Language & Literature, 40(3): 2004, 260-275.... The author of the "Analysis of Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield" paper states that Mansfield's story may seem too simplistic at the beginning.... However, the literary meaning is just the top of the symbolic iceberg, while the true meaning is hidden much deeper....
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Distance Learning Division of the Academy
4 pages (1242 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Appropriate exam papers that will be evaluated by the faculty that will be hired for this.... This research proposal "Distance Learning Division of the Academy" presents the introduction of Distance Learning at the Academy for outstation applicants who are unable to attend regular classes....
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Theories and Practices of Public Relations
11 pages (3139 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
PR writing is planned communication, which requires thorough research, organization of information, and its delivery to the audience.... Planning and Preliminary research 4 ... research Fact sheet  7 ... ublic relation is a planned communication that involves research of relevant information, organization of the information in a clear format and the delivery to the target audience.... Planning and Preliminary research ...
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Challenges in a Catholic Life
8 pages (2292 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From a Pragmatic Viewpoint – many research studies showed that children who had parents who are alcoholics also turned up alcoholic when they grow into adulthood.... This was amply demonstrated in his being the runt of the litter, growing up in a poor home, a constant struggle while in school (from elementary up to his college days) and achieved some measure of professional success.... Despite his professional success, his search for God soon brought him to the extreme decision to follow the way of Christ and abandon all his material belongings....
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Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Issues in the Conservative Party
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
iao, H, 2009, research in personnel and human resources management, Emerald/Jai: Bingley. ... The Conservative Party needs to become more attractive both at the voluntary and professional level to a wider section of the population.... Recommendations will then be made on how the party can improve in the area of attracting, promoting and retaining women in the professional party. ... Immediately after the party leader, following in rank within the party organization and structure are three principle elements; that is the voluntary wing that is made up of the local parties in the localities or constituencies, then the professional wing who are the employees of the party at the central office....
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Internal Audit Resources
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Corporate governance has simultaneously received robust consideration recently in both academic research and in practice as a result of giant scandals related to accounting and failure of large scale corporations.... The final part has the conclusion and the necessary recommendations for additional research regarding internal audit.... This specific research did not bear that intention of summarizing the discussion over this issue; though, it is anticipated to be one extra element that can help in the formation of views and to prolix other discussions on the subject matter....
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Child Rearing and Physical Punishment
8 pages (2107 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Spatz Widom in his research found out that even by applying extensive parental abuse, situations might not lead to aggression (Elizabeth Kandel, 1992). ... Special research published in the August 2006 special edition of the Cross-Cultural research: the Journal of Comparative Social Science have supported the use of physical punishment. ... n a research paper by David Benatar, 2001, consequentialist theories of punishment have reflected upon the positive aspects of corporal punishment, even for the retrubutivists , punishment is acceptable so far as the means of inducing pains are normal and for the betterment of the child....
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Reservation System for the Library
11 pages (5049 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
rimary as well as secondary research will be used for "Reservation system for the Library".... For primary research, academic literature and for secondary research interviews with library staff, and the librarian will be done.... nfortunately, Library manager health is not in good condition therefore it was difficult to get further research from her.... Supervision by lecturer ensure that the research/project is going in right direction, Otherwise it can go in wrong direction or it will take more time and also it is possible to have an inferior product outcome. ...
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Service Recovery
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Literature on interdisciplinary services provides a rich source of insight and research on effective service recovery (Bell.... Empirical research demonstrates that managing problems effectively entails the most vital component of a company's reputation for excellent service delivery in institutions and industries.... f Business research, 41....
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How Cultural Differences Between Parent and Host Country Can Affect Business Communication Process of an Organization
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Since, China is a country with diverse cultures, careful market research is an essential area that foreign companies need to consider.... The western companies have been able to gain the interest of the customers in China by conducting careful research about the Chinese market.... Handbook of research on Technoself.... London: Information Science research. ...
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Analysis of the Article About Responses of Consumers after Flood in the Mississippi River Basin
3 pages (1392 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Implications will usually be stated under summary or conclusions in peer-reviewed papers.... mplications will usually be stated under summary or conclusions in peer-reviewed papers.... The author of "Analysis of the Article About Responses of Consumers after Flood in the Mississippi River Basin' paper examines the research that the flood served to enhance rather than change the trophic structure within these river-floodplain ecosystems.... From Delong et al, (2001), the research presented in the article 'Responses of consumers and food resources to a high magnitude, unpredicted flood in the upper Mississippi River basin' focuses on the response of consumers and food resources to a high magnitude, unpredicted flood in the upper Mississippi River basin....
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How Students Use Social Media
9 pages (2781 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Social Media in Higher Education: A Literature Review and research Directions.... (2010) also stated that the students utilize social media for various reasons among which making friends, performing online learning as well as research work, sharing links and searching online jobs were observed as common phenomena.... Consequently, the aspect of social media provides ample of opportunities to the business organizations in order to maintain an efficient relationship with their customers in the global platform through persuasive advertisement, competitive sales promotion strategies and most importantly, in marketing research related operations among others....
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Brand Life Cycle and Brand Knowledge
2 pages (926 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this short essay 'Brand Life Cycle and Brand Knowledge' the author presents a brief discussion on brand life cycle as per the argumentation in the class.... Further to this, impacts of brand knowledge on retro products and brand life cycle are discussed.... ... ... ... The author hereby argues that brand positioning has much wider implications than product positioning and hence the brand life cycle needs to be viewed from a very different perspective....
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Burning of Fossil Fuels
3 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the paper 'The burning of fossil fuels' the author discusses the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil, which has led to emission of greenhouses in excessive amounts.... Release of excessive gasses in the atmosphere will increase the temperature of the Earth's surface.... ... ... ... The author states that the Federal government of U....
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Drugs in the UK
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Home Office research Study, 224, (2001): pp 5-17.... Drug abuse in the United Kingdom is one of the most challenging social problems.... Over 33 percent people in the country have used illegal drugs in their lifetime, with over 10% admitting to have taken the drug in 2009.... ... ...
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Music Therapy and Intellectual Development
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Music Therapy And Intellectual Development Institution Date Thesis Turn the televisions off and turn on the radio.... A relatively new form of therapy, music therapy, suggests that music has an influence on the intellectual development of young children.... ... ... ... Music therapy should be implemented in the early education of younger children in order to increase their intellectual development....
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Female Inmate Population
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Recent research done in the female correctional institutions evidence that women are destined to fail if the challenges they face in the institutions are not solved.... Recent research done in the female correctional institutions evidence that women are destined to fail if the challenges they face in the institutions are not solved....
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Sociology - Karl Marx
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
This research essay shall focus on Karl Marx contribution to the development of sociological theories and its application in the modern society.... Karl Marx Name: Institution: Abstract Karl Marx was one of the greatest sociological thinkers who criticized capitalism and advocated for socialism....
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What's your point of view
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents: Theory, research, and Public Policy.... Ever, since the last century, there have been numerous advances on the way video and computer games operate.... In particular, the advances have been made to improve the software and....
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The Impact Participating in Global Value Chains on International Trade and Foreign Investment
3 pages (1012 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The global value chain is a representation of trade across the borders of many countries.... The paper "The Impact Participating in Global Value Chains on International Trade and Foreign Investment" begins with the primary essential meaning of the GVC at the international and at global levels.... ....
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Scams, Stealing, Theft
2 pages (847 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
research also shows that a quarter of shoplifters are children with the remaining three-quarters being adults.... The paper "Scams, Stealing, Theft" discusses that according to the Urban Dictionary, theft/ the act of stealing is simply defined as the act of taking or claiming ownership of that which is not yours minus the consent or knowledge of the actual owner....
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Intellectual Property Rights
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This refers to the ability to start a new product or service line, not in consistency with existing product or services; it includes instinctive desire to take calculated risks for the sake of gaining material or non-material gains or satisfy entrepreneurial desires. ... ... ... ... ... eter Druker, the patriarch of management practices in this 21st century opines that entrepreneurship connotes innovation, which is a discipline, or a practice that has to be inculcated and implemented in empirical situations for common good and for increasing corporate value for shareholders....
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Social Media Analysis and Customer Behaviour
12 pages (3945 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
Wasserman and Faust (1998) recommend that firms should not just rely on social media analysis to gather information; they should also incorporate the traditional methods of survey and research.... This research proposal "Social Media Analysis and Customer Behaviour" examine the influence of social networks on the decision of a buyer.... The third chapter will describes the research methodology and data analysis and final conclusions of the study. ...
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A Critical Analysis of the Concepts of Sustainable Tourism and Geotourism
8 pages (2286 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Hose (2012) defines geotourism as a “provision of interpretative and service facilities for geosites and geomorphosites and their encompassing topography…constituency-build for their conservation by generating appreciation, learning and research by and for current and future generations” (p.... Concern of the tourism professional within the industry to reduce the negative impacts of tourism on both environment and cultures ...
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The Concept of Money and Its Creation
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(2004) Monetary Policy Alternatives at the Zero Bound: An Empirical Assessment, Brookings papers on Economic Activity, Economic Studies Program, 35(2): 1–100 ... (2011) The Effects of Quantitative Easing on Interest Rates, Brooking papers on Economic Activity 43(2): 215– 287... This research is being carried out to explain the difference between narrow and broad money, the role of central and commercial banks in determining the size of a country's money supply, and the effects and effectiveness of quantitative easing in the USA....
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Factors to Be Considered when Defining Data
16 pages (4504 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In choosing the research methodology, it is worth noting that there is a great difference between research design and research method.... The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the National Development and research Institutes, Inc.... This paper, therefore, investigates various factors, which must be considered by researchers in their definition of data that is required for their research.... FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED BY RESEARCHERS WHEN DEFINING THE DATA REQUIRED FOR THEIR research By 12th, January Introduction ...
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The Abolitionist Movement and its Influence on the Civil War
6 pages (1662 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
When Reverend Elijah Lovejoy – another supporter – was murdered due to him printing papers that showed sympathy towards the slaves, Phillips gave a speech in Lovejoy's defense.... The author of the paper 'The Abolitionist Movement and its Influence on the Civil War' states that the Abolitionist Movement was carried out from the 18th to the 19th centuries....
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Attitudes and Habits towards Recycling
11 pages (2977 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
ithin the households AST (2007) in 92% reported recycling used papers, in 2006 compared to 55% in 1992.... Of keen interest is that high number of males (28%) than females (19%) females recycled papers with only 0% men and 6% indicating having recycled carbons.... Surprisingly, a moderate low number is likely to recycle used papers.... This outcome could mean either most students are not informed on the best way to recycle papers since within learning institution paper waste is quite high....
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Are patents good or bad for Economics
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
With this objective in mind, the paper will present an overview of various citations and quotations from various journals and magazines among other publications.... In the.... ... ... preliminary section of the paper, a general theoretical idea of the concept of patents will be presented along with its advantages and disadvantages of those for an economy....
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Culture Care: Diversity and Universality Theory
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The theory is also realistic and a basis for many studies and research projects.... Additionally, many research projects and medical studies that are in line with the aim of improving human care services have been undertaken.... The theory encourages nurses to study generic and professional care to get all the necessary concepts of nursing (Leininger, 1989)....
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Leadership Power in Organizational Setting
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A CCL research White Paper.... rg/leadership/pdf/research/roleOfPower.... He shook hands with me, and introduced me to some professional people who had come to meet him.... The essay "Leadership Power in Organizational Setting" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in leadership power in organizational settings....
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Global Corporate Marketing Strategies of Bankings
8 pages (2609 words) , Download 2 , Essay
du/karyiu/confer/beijing03/papers/liang.... Is the Resource-Based Theory a Useful Perspective for Strategic Management research?... rg/research/security/china/research/technology. ... The paper "Global Corporate Marketing Strategies of Bankings" states that the strategy which was taken by RBS to enter the Chinese market was thoroughly analysed and the essay ended with certain recommendations for developing their marketing activities....
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World Banks Poverty Reduction Strategies
5 pages (1732 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) A country's macroeconomic condition is explained by the Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRS) and Poverty Reduction Strategy papers (PRSP) (IMF-World Bank, 1999, 1).... Therefore, these strategies were taking shape of the papers referred to as Poverty Reduction Strategy papers (Robb, 2000, 2).... Retrieved 24 Nov 2013 from: The World Bank, 2000, Poverty Reduction Strategy papers Internal Guidance Note....
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To What Extent Is Employees Trust the Key to the Effectiveness of High Performance
6 pages (1961 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "To What Extent Is Employees' Trust the Key to the Effectiveness of High Performance" is a wonderful example of a research proposal on human resources.... The research literature focuses on how to improve employees trust (Andrews, 2009).... Despite there has been lot of research on trust that has taken place on the theory researchers are yet to study the implication of managerial trust on the employees.... These theories mainly help a researcher to analyze the research topic well and reflect upon available background information....
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Customer Satisfaction towards EBanking in Saudi Arabia
54 pages (10496 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper further analysis the findings and discusses the different results and thereafter suggestions for future research on areas that need to be improved is done.... Although a lot of research on customer acceptance and satisfaction has been done in the United States and America limited published work exists on the Middle East.... he developing countries in the Middle East such as Saudi Arabia have had too limited research and published work that has been done on the acceptance of internet banking and the satisfaction in arbitered banking (Almogbil, 2005)....
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