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Thesis that uses your original profile and your newly collected data to clearly present your point to your audience
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The purpose of this program is to enable students of all levels to achieve the high academic standards set by the state after thorough research (U.... "Two Decades of research and Development in Transformational Leadership.... These components include professional development of staff, setting up of SMART goals, parental involvement in bringing about improvements as well as the use of an external partner that assists the school in implementing these reforms (U....
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Problem based learning activity
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From our research, we found out that Lamar city consists of five schools ;Primary School, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and Lamar Career & Technical Center.... n the third meeting, we discussed the results of our data research on the previous two meetings.... ased on the results found from our research, we came up with a three-year plan to help improve education in Lamar.... To achieve this, the group members must come up with a work plan, attend research seminars, and finally send monthly reports about the effect on students....
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Immigration and Employment in Ontario
35 pages (8750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This paper describes many aspects regarding the living of immigrants in Canada.... Also describes a series of advantages like the increase in the working capital, the availability of fresh scientific and cultural ideas, and disadvantages like the increase in the cost of public services, financial pressure....
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Burrawoys Model of Public Sociology
7 pages (2103 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Theory and research give legitimacy and direction to public sociology.... Thus to have a research on sociology, one's mind must have to completely absorb all the pits and falls of the outcomes.... Our research on sociology not only connects us with the world outside but also helps us to understand the nature of people.... To move these various disciplines toward a public social science, Craig Calhoun, the President of the Social Science research Council, has encouraged sociologists and other scientists to ask social science questions about what encourages scientific innovation, what makes knowledge useful, and how to merge these agendas, with attention to both immediate necessities and long term flaws....
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Decision Making and Appropriate Problem Solving Tools
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
By sharing the budget cut prorate, each department could implement cost cutting measures like monitoring the use of office supplies, reusing old documents as scratch papers, putting off lights and electrical appliances when not in use, checking faucets and leaks, putting off overtime, etc. ... State governments view Medicaid managed care as a way to improve access to care for beneficiaries and to slow the growth in Medicaid expenditures, according to Stephen Zuckerman, a principal research associate at the Health Policy Center at the Urban Institute, who has studied the effect of managed Medicaid on access and utilization....
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Team working theories
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
rg/papers/Vol(2)3/Version-2/G233945.... ‘Method, Reliability & Validity, Statistics & research: A Comprehensive Review of Belbin Team Roles.... The essay is about critical analysis of effective team working theories in managing human resources.... In this essay, the writer starts by providing brief descriptions of four team working theories namely Belbin's model, Tuckman's model, Adair's model, and Maslow's model....
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Masters in Program Management
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
During the preliminary time period of my professional career, when I had to work as mere representative in the segment of retail call center and research and resolution activities, I developed the strong urge for knowing the traits of management better for grasping further career opportunities.... I have got acquainted myself with this great attribute of management throughout my professional career since the last seven to eight years.... My short-term professional objective is to augment my possession of knowledge in management field and the long-term professional objective is to create such an image of myself which will be admired by people as one of the most effective managers in the country....
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Would there be Apple without Jobs
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Various news articles, research papers published in renowned journals, annual reports of Apple Inc have be studied to gather the aforesaid information.... research Problem With the absence of man who has been termed as the single biggest factor in the success of Apple Inc, questions arise whether Tim Cook, the new CEO, will be able to lead the company and retain its dominant position.... research Design The study has used exploratory research to identify the apprehensions raised due to Steve Jobs' death....
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Rising Costs and Effects on Both Employees and Employers in the US
12 pages (3403 words) , Download 1 , Essay
percent in 2001…According to recent research, the principal reason for decreasing enrollment during the period 1987-2000 was that the cost to employees had risen substantially (3).... research in Action, Issue 17 ... Kaiser Family Foundation/Health research and Educational Trust, Employer Health Benefits 2007 Annual Survey.... Statistically, minorities are less likely to occupy executive, managerial, or professional positions than are whites, and this data indicates that their healthcare costs, and presumably their healthcare quality, would necessarily be less....
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Women in Biology: Barbara McClintock
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In her mid-30s, she abruptly realized that what she had was a woman's profession as a research scientist.... She preferred the genetics and cytology of Indian corn or maize, as her research topic.... No one had so far been able to differentiate visually the maize chromosomes when she first commenced her research.... Even though jobs were rare in these depression years, McClintock won a National research Council fellowship.... She was set apart from most of the other researchers for the reason that she used corn in her research....
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Discussion 6.2
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In this context, I would execute professional duties with flexible approaches.... Behavior of consumers is not only random but also uncertain.... Changes in business environments necessitate corresponding changes in management skills.... In this article, Randall and Sandra are.... ...
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Global Language: Learning French and the English Language
1 pages (379 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The "Global Language: Learning French and the English Language" paper considers learning the French language along with the English language in order to gain access to better job opportunities, and educational opportunities and enhance understanding of different cultures.... ... ... ... English is now considered the most widely spoken language and French is second in the lead....
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Attendance and Discipline Referrals
5 pages (1804 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Cawley, Hayden, Baker-Kroczynski and Cade (2002) undertook a study to describe the school based project that was designed for reducing the gap between practice and research regarding the students with disabilities and their learning difficulties in the general classroom.... This research paper "Attendance and Discipline Referrals" discusses the influence of absenteeism and discipline referrals on the academic achievement of special students to understand the factors that greatly attract them towards absenteeism....
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Critiquing Consultations Between Nurse Prescribers and Patients with Diabetes in Primary Care
8 pages (2598 words) , Download 3 , Essay
They obtained approval from Berkshire Research ethics committee and University of Reading ethical committee and the permission to conduct the study from both University and NHS ethics committees and research and development approval obtained in each primary care trust.... This essay "Critiquing Consultations Between Nurse Prescribers and Patients with Diabetes in Primary Care" seeks to explore critically the elemental development of the research study published in the International Journal of Nursing by Steiner et al....
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A Change in the Achievement Level of Students
9 pages (2628 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
research on status attainment has gained importance after the Second World War and the developments in computer hardware and software has enabled the study of large volumes of data effectively.... The research by Lucinda Platt indicates that privilege and social class continues to assist students to avail educational opportunities to attain high status employment.... Another research shows that the performance of girls from non poor ethnic groups is better as they complete the GCSE (Hirsch p....
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Gender Inequalities in the Workplace
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The graph clearly indicates that women having a professional degree earn only 60% of what men with the same degree earn.... Gender Inequalities in the Workplace Gender inequality can be simply referred to the disparity between individuals on the ground of gender differences.... Gender inequality exists even in the modern world, as an important social issue visible in all areas of the society....
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Shifting Paradigms: Creating Meaningful Learning
5 pages (1336 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
he overall research and discussion reveals that the educational system around the world is undergoing serious changes due to the shifting paradigms and environmental conditions.... This also increases the standard of accountability at all professional and educational levels.... This was done through incorporating the contemporary learning requirements, students' professional interests, developing technologies and the changing world scenario....
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Dancing: Hip-hop Styles
4 pages (1107 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Dance research paper.... In order for one to dance to ballet, they have to attain training from professional ballet trainers.... professional dancers, however, have a rough time in ballet school, as it is quite demanding. ... The author of the "Dancing: Hip-hop Styles" paper states that he/she prefers hip-hop dancing because it attempts to integrate the components of the environment into the dance routine....
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The Austrian School Economists
4 pages (1100 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Though the theory started its development in XVI-XVII centuries, as an independent science, economics was proclaimed with the research Paper ... t is no doubt that each of the schools is able to affect my future professional life.... In addition, all my decisions connected with personal or professional life will be definitely formed under the influence of subjective values and preferences; therefore, the deductions of Austrian School will be implemented into practice....
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How Occupational Stress Affects Mental Health
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
538) Now this model, as supported by the body of academic research on the subject, supposedly demonstrates three important points about occupational stress and its role in mental well-being of many adults.... In a study by Mearns and Cain (2002), it was explained that the factors that make the teaching profession stressful are: “interpersonal demands, the diversity of tasks required, lack of professional recognition, and discipline problems in the classroom; administrative red tape, bureaucracy, and lack of support; workload and time pressure” among others....
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Education by Computer
4 pages (1109 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research works on any subjects or topics can be conducted easily with the help of internet.... In our personal, professional, educational, and social lives, computers are contributing heavily; however, the contributions of computers in education seem to be the most important one.... In our personal, professional, educational and social lives, computers are contributing heavily; however, the contributions of computers in education seem to be the most important one....
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How Stress Can Impact Health
4 pages (1093 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
In America, research pointed that the major causes of stress concerns on money, work, economy relations, familial responsibilities, job instability, housing problems, health issues, and personal safety (American Psychological Association, 2012).... Other persons who can't bear chronic stress may consult professional help so that they will be able to avail medication, therapy session and necessary advises (APA, 2012).... Psychologists, medical practitioners, and therapist could help diagnose root causes and problems associated to chronic stress and they could provide professional assistance to better your feelings either by medication, therapeutic session, or by simply listening to your woes (Helpguide, 2012)....
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Incident Command System
4 pages (1152 words) , Download 0 , Essay
However, in the process of this research, we found out that there are specific factors that may affect the viability and drawbacks of such a system.... However, in the process of this research, we found out that there are specific factors that may affect the viability and drawbacks of such a system.... This aspect includes the benefits of training for preparedness among responders, as well as their professional qualification and facility availability....
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Nursing Workload and Patient Safety
10 pages (3066 words) , Download 0 , Essay
research within Australia indicates that there exist great relationship between hospital nurse staffing, patient safety outcome and general quality health care (Greenglass 2003).... Nursing research.... Noticeably, nurses are required to do other tasks such as washing and dressing patients, monitoring their eating regime, coordinating and performing subsidiary services and transporting patients in addition to their professional tasks which I have personally observed to be occurring in many hospitals....
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Has Communication Technology Made People Less Effective Communicators
5 pages (1583 words) , Download 0 , Essay
However, research into the impact of communication technology on society has raised questions over the effect of personal communication technologies on individuals and societies.... This research has been informed by claims that communication technologies have directly affected communication in both positive and negative ways (Markus 2004).... In particular, an increasing body of research has suggested that despite all benefits of electronic communication, it holds risks for social life....
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Juveniles and the Death Penalty: Annotated Bibliography
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
This paper presents summaries of various information sources which include credible articles and research papers on the various legal aspects of the juvenile death penalty.... The reliability of the data and information which is discussed is demonstrated by the fact that it is based on research findings.... The research thus creates a dilemma that would elicit debate on the current legal framework which puts questions on the constitutionality of capital punishment...
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Electronic Marketing Communications: The Role of Technology in Educational Marketing
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Relation to previous research…………………………………………….... research questions …………………………………………………….... RELATION TO PREVIOUS research ... research has been conducted in the field of electronic marketing which shows its relation to educational marketing by using some effective technologies.... Simerly(1989, p 54), in his research shows that there are many benefits of using technology in educational marketing....
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The Resource Curse Paradox
6 pages (2156 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
GIGA Working papers.... rg/papers/w15836 ... du/docs/papers/downloads/685.... o be able to attain its objective, which is to prove that the resource curse theory is not a blanket theory applicable to all states that are oil-dependent for their revenues but only to those states with weak social and political forces, the research will have to look into the background of oil-producing states and their social and political institutions before and after they engaged in oil production and exportation....
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The Current Status of Literacy in Mathematics
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It also shows that research on education is very important. ... research is done to improve the literacy and education globally.... For the matter of the paper "The Current Status of Literacy in Mathematics", the language would be explored especially the reading area in the effectiveness of math class....
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Environmental Impact of Carbon Fuel Consumption
5 pages (1516 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The governments should therefore invest in forms of research which can help come up with new ways of reducing the impact of carbon emissions through developing new platforms and equipment to help reduce the emissions.... Investment in research into vehicles that are run by the use of other means other than fuel consumption should be the goal of all countries if there is any hope for the future generations. ...
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Government Higher Education Policies
7 pages (2019 words) , Download 3 , Essay
research has shown that the system has benefited positively the population as graduates that are more qualified are employed as compared to non-graduates.... Task Government Higher Education Policies Introduction The government provision that is charged with intellectual development and professional societal accommodation is normally through education policies....
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A Comment On A Commitment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The fact that the world continues to appreciate the use of green energy sustains the future of both the technology and the professional technical knowhow the students acquire by maintaining the solar panels (Clark 21).... Colleges and universities as institutions of higher learning are integral parts of the society....
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Racial Policy of Nazi from 1933-1939
6 pages (1727 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In 1936, the Jews were forbidden in all professional jobs, successfully stopping them from having influence in higher education, industry, and politics (Kay, Rutherford & Stahel, 2012, p.... This paper ''Racial Policy of Nazi from 1933-1939'' tells us that German Workers Party, normally called the Nazi Party, was an exceptionally nationalistic political party inside Germany....
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Academic English
4 pages (1352 words) , Download 0 , Essay
(1999), Science in Support of professional Disciplines: An Experiential Approach, 6th International Conference on Experiential Learning, Tampare, Finland.... The focus of the paper "Academic English" is on global recession, information technology, IT solutions, IT skills, the placement department, a strong liaison, the job market, graduating students, developing their skills, getting them geared up for the corporate world....
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Modern and Contemporary Art
5 pages (1547 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The art displayed high quality and professional use of bronze and other metals, specially imbibed to enhance the arts' worth (3Boca Raton Museum of Art, “West African Tribal Art and Oceanic Art”).... The paper "Modern and Contemporary Art" discusses that the art displayed the importance of God among the people and the aesthetic power that they possess....
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The Result of the Accumulation of Negligent Acts
10 pages (2692 words) , Download 2 , Essay
She should have acted as a professional; nobody expected extra-skills from her: she should have acted as a normal, average teacher.... According to the UK Medical Protection Society, “Medical malpractice is the provision of substandard, improper or negligent medical care resulting in harm to a patient, by a healthcare professional.... Shearer, in spite of being a medical professional, did not even bother to get information on the existence of a possible allergy....
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Psychology Annotated Bibliography
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With over 20 years of experience in helping children deal with issues of separation and divorce, the author has recognized the various needs of children with divorcing parents and suggests numerous ways of improving the overall psychological wellness of these children through combined research, intervention, and policies that will lead to more positive parent and child relationships.... Conclusions reflected by the author as to the imbalance between the challenges and promoted strategies present extensive evidence and thorough research....
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Perspectives of Egyptian Elections
6 pages (1660 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper "Perspectives of Egyptian Elections" explains that by organizing protests, the Arabs demonstrated a desire to get aid in rebuilding their institutions - media, legislature and judiciary.... The coming elections of Egypt are a clear indicator that finally the citizens are being heard.... ...
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Proper Application of CAPM Model
8 pages (2198 words) , Download 4 , Essay
research Aims and Objectives The rationale thus created is that the CAPM model helps to calculate expected return of an investor and evaluate the performance of the companies.... research questions The research questions that will be discussed in this paper are discussed below: 1.... research hypothesis The research hypothesis that will be tested in this paper can be represented in a tabular format as given below: H0: The companies selected are not performing strongly to create value for the shareholders H1: The companies selected are performing strongly to create value for the shareholders H0 is the null hypothesis which will be tested against the alternative hypothesis H1....
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A History of Modern Psychology
5 pages (1353 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Hergenhahn (2008) states that, “Anna became her father's emissary to psychoanalytic societies throughout the world, delivered his papers, typed his daily correspondence, and, along with his friend and physician Max Schur, attended to his personal and medical needs” (p.... So, Anna decided to co-operate with her father to continue his research in psychology, especially in psychoanalysis.... Later, Anna was able to continue the research work of her own and served at Vienna Psychoanalytic Training Institute....
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Relationship LensEveryday Ethics
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
s a professional I am answerable to the management, colleagues, and customers.... In order to better handle our professional lives we should improve our self efficacy.... In the event we find more satisfaction and we become effective ethical agents in our professional lives.... As a professional, I seek to implement justice so that the work duties are distributed according to the skills and expertise of the workforce.... Future Perceptions and CareerDifferent work situations can create cynicism in our minds and because of that self efficacy in our professional lives can become low....
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Dimensions of Emotional Maltreatment of School Adolescents at Home
5 pages (1542 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The significance of the study, research question and research hypothesis follow. ... Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among the five ... The author makes reference to several refereed papers in an attempt to inform readers of the current knowledge and progress on the topic of emotional abuse.... To improve the credibility of the research, this factor must be taken into account.... The standard structure recommended for journal articles is as follows: abstract, background, research problem and/or objectives and hypothesis if applicable, research methodology (sampling, research instruments, research design, and data collection and analysis), research findings and discussion, implication and recommendations for future research....
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Should a Charge of Plagiarism Ruin Your Life
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
D concentrates typically on one specific area of research in the person's field of study.... ?? Swanson did what, after considering the implications, seems almost obvious and might be considered plagiarism of sorts by current standards: “Swanson showed that standing problems in medical research may be significantly addressed, perhaps even solved, simply by systematically surveying the scientific literature....
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Confronting the problem of the low level of students academic performance
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Despite the increase in competitiveness and the urge to make it to the top, however, research by ACCG Counseling Services (2013) has revealed that there is an increasing trend towards a low level of academic performance among students.... Despite the increase in competitiveness and the urge to make it to the top, however, research by ACCG Counseling Services (2013) has revealed that there is an increasing trend towards a low level of academic performance among students....
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Pros and Cons of Five Biotech Businesses
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
As the paper outlines, the company carries out all its research activities, product development as well as light manufacturing within a BL2 laboratory that sprawls over an area of 11700 sq.... ontract research Organization (CRO) 7 ... hristopher Plein has opined that “biotechnology refers to the use of recombinant DNA techniques, cell fusion, and bioprocessing techniques to modify life forms for various research and commercial uses” (Plein, 1991, pp....
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The Notion of Leadership and Ways of Leading for Organisational Change
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This research is being carried out to explore the notion of leadership, using illustrative examples of different leadership styles in an effort to show how leadership has evolved and what options are available to leaders today to gain commitment and followership.... Employee turnover: a meta-analysis and review with implication for research, Academy of Management Review, 11(1), pp.... (1992), Educational leadership, research Library, 49(5), p....
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Public Water Utility in Saudi Arabia
8 pages (3001 words) , Download 2 , Essay
elation to Previous research 5 ... he research study attempts to answer the following questions: ... he study will contribute to the existing body of research in two major ways: ... irst, by focusing on an organisation in Saudi Arabia, the research will be an important addition to the body of literature on change management predominantly founded on western models. ... elation to Previous research ...
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Examination of benefits of using IT Software in value added elements in supplier procurement
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The study observes a complete background of Procurement and Sourcing activities in Supplier Value chain system and evaluates the need of Information technology in Procurement activities.... The study also observes the features and forms of e-procurement operations.... A thorough.... ... ... ture review was done on Virtual Value Networks, Value models in procurement context and literature on assessment of value of e-procurement At its most basic, study found that e-procurement is coming more and more to mean automating the whole purchasing process than just selling A shorter purchasing cycle to maintain lower inventory levels and respond more quickly to stock-outs is the core business value through e-procurement....
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Delphi Methodology to Determine the Criteria Recognized Corporate Social Responsibility
28 pages (10127 words) , Download 8 , Essay
This essay "Delphi Methodology to Determine the Criteria Recognized Corporate Social Responsibility" is about research that supports whether the criteria used by corporate executives, as agents of corporations, is in agreement with the various criteria used by theorists.... The research will provide valuable resources.... This body of research aims at presenting CSR in a new light and will examine its possible correlation with the underlying profitability of a company....
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Talent Management: Trends That Will Shape the Future
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
At the same time, the theories on motivation are suggestive on how human resource management professional can do about his or her work.... owever, in doing the set of tasks on talent management, the HRM professional must be aware as well that focusing solely on the top performers can be damaging for employee morale and overall firm performance (Guthrie et al.... The other than the professional advancement, there is a promise as well of personal advancement as the recruit is informed that he or she will travelling worldwide to explore different parts of the worldwide organization, obtain a professional qualification and expand skills and knowledge” (EYG-UK, 2010c)....
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