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Business Research Applications Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research is in general carried out to look for newer opportunities and to remain in business.... Pharmaceutical is one such field, which requires research not only to ward off competition but to be relevant with the times.... research happens to be an integral part of any science and medicine related company.... is also a global research-driven pharmaceutical company.... research is an important tool for long term objective strategies....
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The Influence of Culture on Advertising
39 pages (9750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay stresses that the elements of customs, traditions, culture, history, language, idiomatic terms, and non-verbal communication need to be taken into consideration (Centeno 1989) while partaking in national and international research for business transactions and advertisements.... t is important to have these elements in mind while doing research for advertising purposes in the country where business transactions are to take place (Centeno 1989) contrary to what Levitt (1983) claimed, that marketing could be standardized across cultures....
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Developing Professional Practice in Human Resources
12 pages (3404 words) , Download 19 , Essay
Small-Scale Piece of research 2 II.... The first part presents the analysis and findings of a small-scale piece of research.... Small-Scale Piece of research Human resource (HR) professionals have to work in a strategic manner.... The objective of this small-scale piece of research is to find out the specific HR competencies that actual service organisations, specifically those in the hospitality industry, value most.... Because a great deal of the literature on the subject matter has demonstrated a positive correlation between organisational performance and strategic human resource management, this small-scale piece of research tried to determine the HR competencies valued most by HR personnel in service organisations....
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Importance of the Reformation in Europe
19 pages (5324 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "Importance of the Reformation in Europe" shows that Western historiography has accumulated a broad scope of literature on the Reformation.... A true Protestant faith realizes itself not in specific religious efforts, but in the earthly ministry to people through the faithful implementation of professional duties....
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Reflection on Inter-Professional Care
4 pages (1119 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Reflection on Inter-professional Care " discusses collaboration with the OT was valuable and her approach to dealing with the problem overwhelmed me.... She was both imaginative and ensured that her decisions were implemented.... ... ... ... Moreover, all her decisions were patient-centered and aimed at ensuring that the patient received the best care possible....
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Market entry strategies:the Vianova case study
44 pages (11000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
It also undertakes research and Development Activities to innovate systems for continuous upgradation. ... It has extensive research and Development facilities aimed at improving technologies meant for use in heavy industries.... ... n the case of Via Nova an examination has been made of....
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Marketing Strategies, Product Life Cycle, Stages of Growth
19 pages (5451 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Essays in Technology Management and Policy: Selected papers of David J.... Such factors as sales, market share profit margins, costs, marketing information research and lastly effectiveness of marketing mix are put under scrutiny hence providing results that facilitate or act as a basis of better performance of the organization.... Market research Handbook....
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Serial Killers Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Running head: Serial Killers Serial Killers Abstract This paper focuses on research findings on serial killers.... This paper focuses on a research conducted on serial killers.... The information in this research paper has been gathered from various studies and reports on serial killers.... According to previous research, majority of the serial killers in the U.... For instance in the reported case of Harold Shipman, who was very respectable man and a professional working with NHS, he was discovered to be a serial killer by the authorities....
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Decision making in business
41 pages (10250 words) , Download 4 , Scholarship Essay
A decision is defined as "a moment in an ongoing process of evaluating alternatives for meeting an objective, at which expectations about a particular course of action impel the decision maker to select the course of action most likely to result in attaining the objective" (Harrison, 2001, p.... ...
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Chlamydia Trachomatis Infections in Adolescence Girls
35 pages (8750 words) , Download 3 , Admission/Application Essay
It is revealed that Hispanic suffer greatly with the highest prevalence rate of 66% The research found that there were 10,356 Chlamydia and 2,419 Gonorrhea Cases representing all age groups and both genders in the Miami Dade area for the year of 2013.... The focus in this paper is on Chlamydia trachomatis, a disease that has posed a greater challenge in Miami Dade....
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Personal and Professional Development - Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
10 pages (2777 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Participants give detailed reports of their findings and research providing people with an opportunity to express their own ideas about the subject.... To improve my proficiency, I would research through internet to study about the biographies of famous leaders who have bloomed in this industry.... om: the UK's expert provider of custom essays, Nottinghamshire, viewed 1 April 2013, http://www.... om/essays/education/approaches-to-self-managed-learning-education-essay....
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Differentiated Instruction Research Paper
11 pages (3040 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This research paper "Differentiated Instruction research Paper" shows that In this research, the aim is to ensure that Differentiated instruction, is objectively set up and understood, in a learning institution that has diverse students, those that are English speaking.... In this research, the aim is to ensure that Differentiated instruction, is objectively set up and understood, in a learning institution that has diverse students, those that are English speaking and those that are taking English as a second language....
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Homeland Security-The Secure Communities Program
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper examines the overarching vision and mission of the Department of Homeland Security, its cost to the American taxpayer, and its effects on all Americans, individually and at every level of government and organization.... The origins and background to the creation of the.... ... ... Particular focus is placed on the nature of the Secure Communities Program, its costs and its implementation....
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Professional Interest: IT in Science and Business
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
An interview will be conducted with an experienced professional in this area who will provide useful insights regarding the career.... his essay aims at delving in the sub-field of Information security, which is my area of professional interest.... An interview will be conducted with an experienced professional in this area who will provide useful insights regarding the career of an information security manager.... he individual interviewed for the purpose of this essay is an experienced professional in information security....
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Tips for Writing Academic Process Analysis Essays
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper 'Tips for Writing Academic Essays' on the example of creating an essay on the HRM gives advice how to research on the topic, interpret the data, establish the core argument, structure the ideas, create a conclusion moving from specific to general, correctly edit and reference.... Therefore, the process of essay writing implies such vitally important steps as analyzing the question, establishing the core argument/point of view, research on the topic, planning and organizing the ideas, editing and referencing (Kane 1983)....
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Ethics and Standards of Professional Psychology
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author was involved in the demanding undertaking that is revising the code of ethics and was the knowing and skillful leader of a large group which was devoted to formulating a standard of ethics, principles, ambitions and practical advice which help to safeguard the integrity and rights of patients, those involved with research and customers (Knapp & Vandecreek, 2005).... Ethics and Standards of professional Psychology Name of of Institution Abstract This is a reaction paper to Celia B....
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American CEOs Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
American CEOs make a huge sum of money and this has come under heavy scrutiny following the recent financial crisis and economic recession.... To attract and retain them the CEOs are paid through bonuses and different ways but the recent corporate scandals have attracted attention on this issues....
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Postmodern Professionals
5 pages (1622 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Despite this growth and speedy development of the style of professionalism, little research has been done on such subjects where the work practices of these professionals are not bounded by formal and conventional organisational structures (Jablin & Putnam, 2001), rules and normal ways of practice.... Despite this growth and speedy development of the style of professionalism, little research has been done on such subjects where the work practices of these professionals are not bounded by formal and conventional organisational structures (Jablin & Putnam, 2001), rules and normal ways of practice....
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Personal and Professional Health Care Communication
5 pages (1571 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This paper ''Personal and professional Health Care Communication'' tells that Communication in health care is essential and involves communication between patients and health professionals, communication between health professionals, and communication with the patient's family members.... This essay will discuss the importance of personal and professional health care communication through a review of appropriate literature.... Personal and professional Health Care Communication Introduction Communication in health care is very essential and involves several aspects like communication between patient and health professionals, communication between health professionals and communication with family members of the patient....
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Professional Soccer or Accountant
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
The author of the essay 'professional Soccer or Accountant?... My ambition of being a professional soccer player made me think that education was not important.... Admission Essay My ambition of being a professional soccer player made me think that education was not important....
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Research Paper on Stereotypes
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Another theory of stereotypes relies on psychological research and claims that for human beings it is too difficult to process all the nuances of individuality so stereotypes function to help cognitively organize groups of people.... Stereotypes One of the major concerns in regards to racial and gender considerations is the notion of stereotypes....
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Learning Styles and Lifelong Learning Process
32 pages (8000 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The paper "Learning Styles and Lifelong Learning Process" presents the types of questionnaires that I have taken to determine my learning styles and my personality types.... The paper presents some important concepts towards how an individual learns and the possible preference of learning styles....
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Police Officer Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Police Officer research Paper.... This is true not only in the hours of work itself, but also at home: “You must be prepared to conduct your personal life with the same degree of discretion as your professional life.... The job of police officer is not an easy one, and anyone who wants to enter the profession has to be prepared for some serious hard work....
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Inter-professional Collaboration
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Inter-professional collaboration is a form of collaboration that entails pooling up the expertise form different professionals as an intervention measure towards given problems.... Inter-professional collaboration is a common phenomenon as far as court cases is concerned.... This work would describe the application of an inter-professional collaboration in an integrated family court case study.... According to this case study, a number of inter professional collaboration can be discern....
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A Process Analysis for Writing Argumentative Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 12 , Essay
For many years, rhetoricians have advocated for the writing of argumentative essays as a form of learning how to think.... The introduction is always the first step of writing an argumentative essay, here the writer locates the thesis statement of the argument being analyzed, and the writer will present the statement after giving a brief introduction on the topic of argument A Process Analysis for Writing Argumentative Paper For many years, rhetoricians have advocated for the writing of argumentative essays as a form of learning how to think....
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Industry research paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Events assist in describing a community, a nation or a culture.... Most of the people consider events as festivals or sports.... However, events also comprise various sorts of.... ... ... In the preceding few decades, the scope, size and complexity of events have resulted in organizing events in a methodical way (Wrathall & Gee, 2010). ...
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The Concepts of Professional and Professionalism
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
01) reports that they have been examined as value systems, ideologies, discourses, and "powerful, privileged, self-interested monopolies, that were prominent in the neo-Weberian research literature on the 1970s and 1980s".... 3) contends that while organizations within the NHS and scientific research community once controlled the profession, "recent changes have created new professional groups or allowed previously excluded professionals into these organisations"....
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Healthcare system Research Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
his research paper looks comprehensively into the statutes that were put in place by the federal government and some of the amendments that were done to the them by the patient protection act in a bid to see the patients of the country not overexploited and abused.... Fraud and abuse in the field of medicine became increasingly growing in the United States of America with records showing that the country was losing billions of dollars to fraud raising concern in the federal government. ...
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Work-Family Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This will be followed with a clear explanation of the importance of Flexible Work Arrangements and a thorough research into the literature review will be conducted.... The paper will provide an analysis of the research and will also include the discussion of the findings in detail....
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Professional Development Plan
6 pages (1907 words) , Download 2 , Essay
his plan was very much effective in achieving my goals for this research.... This paper ''professional Development Plan'' tells that The plan above which author followed in the application of my PDP, contains both advantages and disadvantages.... unning head: Assessment 3 Assessment 3 Putting professional Development Plan into Action Assessment 3 Putting professional Development Plan into Action Learning goal: to use open/closed questions appropriately with patients and with other health professionals Actions Evaluation Day 1 (morning) Researched books and journals which discussed suggestions on how to carry out open and close-ended interviews....
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The Societal Context of Professional Working
16 pages (4489 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This paper ''The Societal Context of professional Working'' tells that the profession of social work is one of the traditional professions, going back to pre-industrial societies although it may not at that time have been known by its present name of social work.... The Societal Context of professional Working Introduction The profession of social work is one of the traditional professions, going back to pre-industrial societies although it may not at that time have been known by its present name of social work....
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Strategic Management of Human Resources and Innovation
15 pages (4443 words) , Download 4 , Essay
he research work starts with the foreword of human resource management.... "Both qualitative and quantitative appraisals of the research have finished that goal-setting theory request add to employees height of result and performance" (Terpstra & Rozell, 1994, p286).... [Journal] Management research News....
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The Techniques Used by Health Professionals
10 pages (2705 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Quantitative research is based on estimating quantities as it is a deductive process that is used to test pre-specified concepts [Oak Ridge Associated Universities, ORAU(a)].... On the other hand, qualitative research primarily is an inductive process that is used to formulate a theory.... hich research methodology would be most suited to this research question?... The main objective of any research is to gain new insights about an observable fact....
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Research Paper Outline
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
These theories provide a distinguishing feature between medical research and socially based research in various medical fields, for example, public health (Cockerham.... Sociological theories are widely applied in solving practical problems regarding social behavior in medical research....
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The Professional Career in Liberal Arts Studies
8 pages (2191 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "The professional Career in Liberal Arts Studies" explores the consequences of professionalism as related to personal morals and ethics.... Taking this fact alone into account, a professional career is still similar to a 'job'.... Therefore, situations can still easily arise where a professional has to follow orders, or else they could risk being fired.... he professional Career Although a career professional seems to have more responsibility to both themselves and the community, the increased responsibility can lead a person to be more fulfilled both in their careers and in their personal lives....
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Reflection on IMRD research paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It can be stated that by emphasizing upon the factor of time management, the research could be conducted in more detailed way and certainly it would help to bring certain changes while writing future papers.... Before starting to write the paper 2, I certainly acquired a brief and a valuable insight regarding the conception about writing an IMRD research paper.... The research topic was quite interesting and encouraged me a lot while writing the topic....
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IT-related Professional Issues
7 pages (2037 words) , Download 3 , Essay
International Review of research in Open and Distance Learning, 13(5), pp.... A research Update from the information study group at QUT.... The paper "IT-related professional Issues" overviews how technology affects the creation, organization, dissemination, and use of data.... IT-related professional Issues and IT-related professional Issues Introduction The world isfast becoming information-driven.... This relates to how an information professional or any other person who has access to privileged information should treat it and handle it to ensure it does not get into the wrong hands and become detrimental to others (Strassman, 2000)....
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Professional Development Portfolio in Nursing Practice
6 pages (1777 words) , Download 0 , Essay
lement: Identifies the relevance of research to improving individual/group health outcomes. ... Critical thinking and analysis refers to research for practice which is possible through thorough professional development and value for evidence (ANMC, 2006).... Through out graduation, I was taught about the importance of evidence based practice, because of which I am able to identify the importance of research.... I understand, it is very important for me to participate in research by retrieval of articles through databases, internet and library and reviewing them....
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Simple research paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Running Head: English The Future of the World with Social Entrepreneurship research Paper Name Name of Professor Introduction Love is at the heart of charity.... But love and doing business are also one and the same.... Social entrepreneurship, unlike charity, is a combination of philanthropy and business or for-profit goals....
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Word autobiographical research paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Word Autobiographical research Paper To start with, race relations are always imperative and none other than a workplace setting.... ord Autobiographical research Paper To start with, race relations are always imperative and none other than a workplace setting.... I would tie in the people through their work endeavors and professional conducts should be such that it fosters growth and productivity in the long term....
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Role of Business Ethics in Corporate America
86 pages (21500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Further, the general reasons that the economy slowly deteriorated and faced the long turf are also a part of the research.... The author of this paper "Role of Business Ethics in Corporate America" casts light on the current financial crisis as it hit the American economy and sent shock waves and repercussions to all global economies....
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Forensic Entomology research paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Throughout the twentieth century scientific methods of analysis have improved greatly, with the result that at the present time forensic entomology is a well-established discipline within forensic science, complete with rigorous protocols and extensive underpinning research which help to ensure that it provides relevant, accurate and reliable evidence for crime investigation and prosecution purposes....
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Development of Professional Identity
6 pages (1759 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Practitioner teacher inquiry and research.... Independent research: Development of Professional Identity ... Illuminations: Journal of the Arts, English and Literacy Education research Network, 1 (1), 44 -54.... The author of the paper "Development of professional Identity" will begin with the statement that professional identity is not just about learning particular things but it is about coming to be a particular type of person ....
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Enterprise and Business Development
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The induction of computer, mobile-phone and internet has changed the very scenario of everyday professional, occupational and domestic living altogether.... It is perhaps the tradition of Nature that it produces such personalities in every age which lead the world by virtue of their astounding qualities and superb achievements....
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Security Management
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The company was originally known as research in Motion (RIM).... Following attacks of 9/11 and other series of attacks and threats of attacks, security features in buildings and sites have become important.... While architects.... ... ... engineers endeavor to use the best skills that ensure optimum building and site security, Information Technology is the other area that IT experts spend a lot of time and resources trying to protect organization information....
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Tapit Wordlwide Professional Job Search System
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It claims to be having a lot of research in the market.... It claims to be having a lot of research in the market.... Tapit Worldwide professional job search systems have been claiming to better providers of unparalleled services in the area of online job search (Tapit, 2012).... The claims have not been substantiated by the provision of service in the promised Tapit Worldwide professional Job Search System: A study on why it fails its s and the false claims of employmentTapit Worldwide professional job search systems have been claiming to better providers of unparalleled services in the area of online job search (Tapit, 2012)....
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Endangered Species Reseach Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Endangered Species Environmental ethics refers to a branch of philosophy that focuses on extending acceptable behavior towards surrounding environment, nature and animals.... Environmental ethics looks at the rightful coexistence between human beings and their environment....
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Sincerity and Professional Ethics
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Sincerity and professional Ethics ... Sincerity and professional Ethics Sincerity and professional Ethics Ethics The term ethics is used globally whenever there is a need to define morals and standards which depict quality and sincerity.... Moral values like speaking of truth always, obeying of elders and sincerity for others are some basic ethics which are expected from every individual in his/her personal and professional life....
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Process Analysis Essay on Fuel Prices
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
My style of writing between the two papers is equally different.... As such, it is evident that there was a difference of purpose in the two essays.... Most assuredly, diction enabled me to address different audiences and the consequent change of the purposes of the two essays (Wheaton College Web)....
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Annotated Bibliography/Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
I also liked using a current interview with my research.... His professional and clam demeanor added credibility to his message.... An article in a professional journal would provide a broader view of the topic by reviewing the current literature....
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