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Operations Management
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Operаtionаl аctivities аre centrаl to the provision of services аnd/or goods.... Every orgаnisаtion provides а product аnd service.... ... ... А meаl in а restаurаnt, а visit to the hospitаl, buying а pаir of Levi 501s, mаking а pаir of Levi 501s, Woodstock Festivаl, insuring аn аutomobile, stаying in аn hotel, going to the cinemа, even the workings of а prison; аll hаve operаtions аctivities Even Government depаrtments cаn drаw heаvily upon operаtionаl initiаtives аnd strаtegies when they tаlk аbout supply chаin mаnаgement, leаn supply, just in time аnd totаl quаlity mаnаgement....
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The Rights of the LGBT
30 pages (7500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this study 'The Rights of the LGBT' the author looks into the depths of discrimination in the United Kingdom, with a specials focus on the rights of LGBT.... He undertakes the tasks of researching on how the law has been adjusted to give way to the rights of the group.... ... ... ... The author describes a situation where AIDS and homosexuality were related....
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Network Security of LAN used in Small Office and Home Office
60 pages (15000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The study was conducted with 15 small businesses, whose representatives have been interviewed.... The responses were then analysed thematically.... ... ... ... It must be noted also the fact that less than two thirds (60 percent) of our interviewed companies utilize hard to crack passwords.... Without such a password system, a hacker can quickly obtain access by exhaustive search Another fact worthy to note is that less than two thirds (62 percent) of these small businesses use automatic patching....
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The Concept of Sustainable Development
29 pages (7567 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From the paper "The Concept of Sustainable Development" it is clear that a marketing and sales campaign has been designed to generate greater awareness of Railpower along with brand name recognition and to assist customers in obtaining funding programs.... ... ... ... The problem faced by Railpower is that they are in a highly capital-intensive business, and deploying a technology that has moved too quickly out of the development stage into the commercial sales stage....
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Virtualization Design and Implementation Guide for the SMB
30 pages (7709 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper ''Virtualization Design and Implementation Guide for the SMB'' aims at illustrating concepts of virtualization and the application of the same concepts towards improving the performances of the SMBs effectively and efficiently.... ... ... ... There are usually numerous virtualization; however, they are often distinguished by the computing architecture layer applied and the virtualized components targeted (Alvarez, 2012)....
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How Does Globliztion Affect Women
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This pаper аddresses the question from two perspectives.... First, it drаws on the recent work of economists to provide аn overview of globаlizаtion, then it tаkes а close look аt trends аnd counter-trends regаrding women's pаrticipаtion in the globаl economy.... .... ... ... According to the report while women аre obviously а diverse group, compаred to men they аre overwhelmingly disаdvаntаged economicаlly....
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Country Analysis Project: Korea and Canada
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In order to warrant success, a business needs to pay attention on strategies that lead to the understanding of both the internal and the external business environment.... This helps the business firms to plan on how to respond in ways that will ensure the survival and profitability of these businesses....
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Operation and Competition Study of UK Tourism Industry
28 pages (8381 words) , Term Paper
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Mintel (2012) did research and found that the volume of domestic tourism in 2011 was 58.... Now, tourism has become an important tertiary industry and in some countries or regions it even becomes the largest pillar industry of the economic income.... In the UK, the tourism has become one of the most important factors that contribute to the growth of the UK's economy....
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Size and Hydrological Features of Chile
49 pages (10390 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Size and Hydrological Features of Chile" states that Chile lies on the southwest of the Pacific coast of South America.... The whole nation is comprised of a thin strip of land protruding North-South.... It has a maximum breadth of 420 km, which has around 2,006,096 sq.... km.... ... ... ...
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Modern pricing models
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The success of every firm is embedded on its effectiveness to pick a price model that efficiently help attract, serve and retain its customers in an ever increasing competitive environment pricing models keep on changing and become obsolete.... .... ... ... In essence, MAPM is the foundation for picking an effective or set of pricing models by a firm....
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Innovation and Technology Transfer
15 pages (4110 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Innovation and Technology Transfer" discusses that the reаson the government hаs shown its support for the EV hаs been аir quаlity.... The sole reаson for the ZEV mаndаte is controlling аir pollution.... Аutomobiles аnd smаll trucks аre responsible for аbout hаlf of аll urbаn аir pollution....
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The Rights of Victims v the Rights of the Accused
52 pages (13000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This paper 'The Rights of Victims v the Rights of the Accused' will try to find the answer to the recent ongoing debate on the concerns of the victim's participatory rights regarding the rights of the defendants.... International Criminal Court suffered criticism at the hands of member states.... ...
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Company Law liability
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In every business capital and Management are the vital factors.... These factors determine the growth of business.... There are four types of business system such as Sole Trade, Partnership, Private Limited Company and Public Limited Company.... Each form of business is suitable at different circumstances....
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Securitization and Swaps
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the present day business environment in order to enhance the competitive strength the firms constantly look for information and knowledge relating to the shift in the market conditions and also enabled services for putting forth the financial and other transactions.... ... ... ... In this sphere the services by the financial services organizations are extremely important and necessary for the business houses to accomplish their financial objectives....
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Corporate Social Responsibility - A code of ethics
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Bibby Offshore are one of a number of North Sea Offshore service companies.... They compete in a fierce market place for contracts that encompasses everything from ongoing repair and maintenance work to large scale EPIC (Engineering Procurement Installation and Commissioning) projects. ... ... ... ...
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An Effective and Integrated Marketing Approach to the Business
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper describes human resources management that includes finding competent leaders for the business.... These are managers who are expert in their own field and could drive the whole organization into the achievement of corporate goals, sufficient experience and leadership skills.... ... ... ...
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United Nations System for the Protection of Human Rights
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper 'United Nations System for Protection of Human Rights' asserts that HR Council has to reinforce its presence in countries that violate human rights, for example, in Cambodia.... The author mentions the role of the Council's treaty bodies, which monitor public policies and procedures.... ...
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Things Fall Apart, On the Road and Pride and Prejudice
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Dean comes to join them after securing divorce papers so as he could settle with Inez.... According to the research, in the majority of the plays and the novels, protagonists tend to lose every case, mistreated or misunderstood in the course of the story.... This paper illustrates that the authors of the books; Things Fall Apart, On the Road and Pride and Prejudice have all employed similar themes to prove how friendship has been used to develop a protagonist....
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Operation Management
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Operation management 1.... Introduction In the past few years the market of global communication have increased at an escalated pace with amplification in the significance of international trade as well as mammoth investment in the global economy.... Rapid increase in liberalization of telecommunication sectors in various countries of the world also has made its influence immense....
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Ford Motor Company Analysis Report
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
rg/additional_files/journ_coc/full-text-papers-open-access/Paper006.... The following project presents a report on the organisational analysis of Ford Motor Company.... The report is presented using four perspectives, namely Bureaucratic, Contingency, Cultural and Political.... It proposes recommendations based on the analysis of the four perspectives and identification of the challenges....
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Significance of Absolute Returns to Relative Performance
13 pages (4024 words) , Download 2 , Essay
du/~lpederse/papers/BettingAgainstBeta.... The author of the paper under the title "Significance of Absolute Returns to Relative Performance" will begin with the statement that the term absolute return is linked to the utilization of assets by the company over a specific period of time....
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Finance for Business Decisions
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It started its operation in 1849 as the Australian Mutual Provident Society.... It was a non-profit organization which worked as a life insurance provider.... The major twist came when AMP demutualized in 1998 and.... ... ... During which the share holders received 1.... million shares.... Amp Limited demerged itself from Henderson Group plc in 2003 which was done on a regional basis where AMP was based in Australia; The Henderson group took hold of AMP Limited's financial data of 2011 shows that the company has 949,037 shareholders with a total share capital of 2,854,672,784 ordinary shares....
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The Iraqi Marshland Restoration
15 pages (4464 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The paper 'The Iraqi Marshland Restoration" is a perfect example of an environmental studies research paper.... The paper 'The Iraqi Marshland Restoration" is a perfect example of an environmental studies research paper.... Various regions of the world have experienced a form of environmental degradation of some sort....
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Capital Punishment - Execute Cannot Be Pardoned
27 pages (6750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper 'Capital Punishment - Execute Cannot Be Pardoned' examines whether the death penalty should be upheld or replace with life imprisonment, is a controversial issue in the justice system.... Capital punishment is terminal and irreversible, good reasons why it should be abolished....
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Functionalism and Other Theories in Sociology
30 pages (7600 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "Functionalism and Other Theories in Sociology' outlines the oldest theoretical perspectives in sociology, whose dominance in sociology has been there for many years.... The theories are based on concepts one of which entails using the analogy between the society and individual.... ... ...
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Runic Alphabets in Scandinavia
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Rune, which was derived from the word "run", meaning "mystery" in Old Norse and Old English, best suits these letters which were carved in wood or stone, placed in a bag then thrown to look into the future.... They have been closely associated with divination while early Christian Church leaders condemned them as tools for communicating with the devil (Carroll 2006). ...
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Restrictions on Overseas Trade in Turkey
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The author describes trade barriers and reasons behind the barriers and restrictions in Turkey and states that the conduct of Turkey's foreign relations is characterized by flexibility, a clear perception of its national interests and a measured, down to earth, approach in meeting these interests....
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Christianity in the later Roman Empire
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Christianity has its own struggles before it became the widely accepted and practiced religion in the world.... Its history has its own share of historical significance that had made it become more meaningful to its followers.... ... ... ... Looking into the Christian faith today, it could be drawn from the mere observation of the society at present "that the most important basis for this development is to be found in the fact that the genuine Roman view concerning the general nature of the supernatural remained a national religiosity of peasantry and patrimonial strata....
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Answer questions (TF)
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
39, 40, and 43-I couldn't find any specific information on Malcolm X's parents or the other children in his elementary school.... His parents married in Canada, but I don't know if they met there, and I don't know where his father was born.... Malcolm went to school with mostly white children, but I don't know if he was only 1 of 2 black children in the school. ...
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Impact of Recession on the UK Economy
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper "Impact of Recession on UK Economy" focuses on the recession in the UK has traveled down from the failure of banks in the US.... The cascading effects of globalisation have made almost all major economies around the world vulnerable to the recessionary trends.... ... ... ... The result of all this is the debt of financial sector has risen sharply from (Calbreath, 2008)....
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Fashion, popular pleasures and media
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The researcher of this essay analyzes Fashion, popular pleasures and media.... "When I was fifteen years old, I used to frequently browse through Just Seventeen magazine.... When I turned seventeen, I read 19 and when I reached the age of nineteen, I started reading Company.... .... ... ... The paper discovers the media, popular pleasures and fashion....
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The Transition From Youth to Adulthood
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
*Dear Student, Please note that the files sent did not include publication information.... After each title, please refer to the books in question and add publication city, publication company and date.... Thanks.... The transition from youth to adulthood is as volatile as that of a phoenix, dying and reborn from ashes....
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Electronic Marketing Plan
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Electronic Marketing Plan" states that electronic marketing or e-marketing means making use of digital technologies to help sell your goods, products or services to the customers.... These technologies are an important addition to traditional marketing techniques.... ... ... ... A website analysis tool is a piece of software that you can use to measure the usage patterns of your site....
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Micro Economic Theory
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper declares that economic activity of a firm in general is determined not only by consumption and consumer behavior but is also influenced by production and trade.... Assumptions about consumer behavior that are made by the producers also play an important role.... ... ... ... According to the report the short term possibilities will include all input levels which are feasible based upon one restricting factor which is the time period and will be able to produce a particular level of output....
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The cognitive theory approach
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The focus of the Cognitive Therapy approach is directed towards the manner in which a person's thoughts and attitudes may affect his/her behavior.... The theory is grounded on the premise that people develop negative perceptions about themselves, which in turn impacts negatively upon their behavior....
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Liabilities In Post Contractual Benefit
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The following essay "Liabilities In Post Contractual Benefit" deals with the concept of a valid contract.... As the author puts it, it is most respectfully submitted that there did not exist any valid contract providing for 20% deduction, on the total cost of function to be held at Avoca Haven.... ...
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World War One Poetry: Rupert Brookes The Soldier and Wilfred Owens Mental Cases
7 pages (2079 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The main objective of the following essayis to comparatively analyze an instance of early World War 1 poetry - Rupert Brooke's 'The Soldier' with an example of later poetry - Wilfred Owens' 'Mental Cases'.... The essay will focus on the central themes depicted in both works.... ... ... ... ... ...
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Societal Roles and Concept of Age in Contemporary Short Fiction
8 pages (2048 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "Societal Roles and Concept of Age in Contemporary Short Fiction" discusses societal roles and the concept of age that has conditioned us to think in a linear fashion about these issues.... A role or a social role is a set of interrelated behaviors, privileges, and obligations....
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Interpretation of Speech by Socrates: The Apology of Plato
9 pages (2359 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This term paper "Interpretation of Speech by Socrates: The Apology of Plato" is about the statement in which Socrates explains the manner of his speaking.... The next part is followed by accusations made to him.... After that Socrates replies to his charges.... ... ... ... Before we go with a detailed description of the dialogues in Apology it is necessary to put some light on the character of Plato....
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How Women Use Sexuality to Get the Power They Want
8 pages (2475 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper "How Women Use Sexuality to Get the Power They Want" explains that women use sexuality and sexual tactics to get the power for what they want.... Woman's gender has never been a hindrance; it has always helped them to get their desired goals.... ... ... ... All the aspects favour women to dominate especially over man's minds....
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The Wife of Bath's Tale as a Counter-Version of the Arthurian Romance Tradition
7 pages (1920 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author of the paper "The Wife of Bath's Tale as a Counter-Version of the Arthurian Romance Tradition" states that the wife of Bath and Tales from Chaucer's Canterbury is depicted as Bawdy, lusty strong-willed assertive, and manipulative as well as intelligent by any standards.... .... ... ... The wife of Bath and Tales from Chaucer's Canterbury is one of the foremost literary works from the medieval period and the main character 'The wife' (Alison) is arguably one of the most extensively discussed and studied women characters....
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Dreams From a Freudian Perspective
8 pages (2100 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author of this essay "Dreams From a Freudian Perspective" describes the interpretation of Freudian dreams and his theories.... This paper analyzes the structural model of personality, the role of its ego, and superego.... .... ... ... Freud introduced the structural model of personality to account for his definition of the human mind....
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Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
8 pages (2356 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging" states that extra capsular rupture is the rupture of free silicone gel implants which escape into the breast tissues through the capsule.... In some situations, the escaping gel may find its way to the lymph nodes.... ... ... ... Magnetic resonance Imaging involves the use of powerful magnetic fields and radio frequencies to produce computerized and detailed images of soft tissues, organs and bones, as well as any other internal body structure....
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Tort of Mike Jigger
7 pages (1791 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Tort of Mike Jigger" highlights that as close family members, viewing the accident would obviously cause great emotional distress for Aunt Maria and Soraya.... Watching the accident on television as it happened may be sufficient to establish proximity.... ... ... ... A review of the facts in this matter revealed the claims available to Mike Jigger, his Uncle Lewis, Aunt Maria, and cousin Soraya....
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Miike Takashis View That Audition Is Not a Horror Film
6 pages (1830 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Miike Takashis View That Audition Is Not a Horror Film " highlights that Miike has stated in many different interviews that he does not feel himself to be a horror director, but uses violence as a way to portray humans and the horrific things that people do to one another.... .... ... ...
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Implications of Scapegoating Groups
7 pages (1900 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Implications of Scapegoating Groups", scapegoating is a dishonorable routine where people move liability and fault away from themselves and towards a group or person.... It is a manner by which irate position and feelings of resentment are aimed by improper allegations, towards others....
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Elizabeth Cady Stanton Criticism and Edition of the Bible
6 pages (1821 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Elizabeth Cady Stanton Criticism and Edition of the Bible" states that the bible's interpretation of the role of women in the life of Jesus, contribution to freedom (Miriam), judiciary, as well as the marriages to patriarchs, were critical to the women's position in the church and society....
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How God Heals: Christian Approaches vs Wholeness and Healing
8 pages (2300 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper "How God Heals: Christian Approaches vs Wholeness and Healing " argues in a well-organized manner that in the old times, healing came to men in very many different forms and ways.... God communicated to men sometimes directly or through other men.... ... ... ... Healing is one of the most frequent themes in the long and sprawling history in the religion of Christianity....
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Moving Average Smoother
8 pages (2137 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Moving Average Smoother" discusses that there are four different types of images.... These are the original image, the noisy image, the moving average image and the kernel filtered image.... The kernel filtered image is obtained by filtering the noisy image by the Gaussian filter.... ....
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Analysis of Alfred Tennyson's Work
9 pages (2515 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Analysis of Alfred Tennyson's Work" explains that Alfred Tennyson is an English poet who was born in 1809 in Sommersby England.... He was born during the beginning of the French Revolution and at the last part of the Napoleonic Wars.... Alfred demonstrated a love for poetry at an early age....
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