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Handbook for Effective, Professional Communication by Vonhof, S
7 pages (1993 words) , Download 0 , Article
Many articles have been written to explain communication, how to improve it, its components, and types.... Many articles have been written to explain communication, how to improve it, its components and types.... The author of the paper "Handbook for Effective, Professional Communication by Vonhof, S" will begin with the statement that communication is vital for the survival of human beings since it is through communicating that we get to understand others and get to build relationships with others....
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Belief in Ghosts, Spirits, and Afterlife
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/articles/669/... The author of the article 'Belief in Ghosts, Spirits, and Afterlife' concerns the reasons why humans believe in the existence of such supernatural entities who come as punishment for sins or encouragement for virtue as well as a near-death experience of some spiritualists....
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Rio de Janeiro: Exploring the Links between Inequality and Violence
9 pages (2584 words) , Download 1 , Article
ov/pmc/articles/PMC3863848/ ... et/media/objects/articles/rio-de-janeiro-the-forgotten-mix-of-city-and-metropolis-or-periphery-of-urban-regeneration/en-gb/ ... "Rio de Janeiro: Exploring the Links between Inequality and Violence" paper analyzes the contents of inequality and violence in Rio de Janeiro and identify the links between them....
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
10 pages (2733 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" presents human rights that are rights that are inherent to man by virtue of being human.... They are also known as natural rights.... In many countries, the topic of human rights and the various violations of it is a serious topic.... ... ... ... In this connection, many countries have codified 'universal' human rights to which they subscribe....
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Obama's Education Plan
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The unwillingness to close the under-performing institutions because of strong organizational supporters hurts the sentiments of the students of charter schools.... That is why the students are performing poorly (Miners, June 2009).... In this paper, the focus is on the present educational structure, the charter schools and their merits and President Obama's initiative on the educational plan....
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An Attorneys Book of Business
41 pages (10250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The objective of this paper is to conduct a critical examination of the effects of placing excessive importance on a lawyer's book-of-business to the extent that it is made the sine qua non of his existence.... The paper first delves into the historical and evolutionary aspects.... ... ... ... This discussion talks that the history of the legal profession reveals that a confluence of several events taking place over the years accounted for the emergence of a highly commercialized legal profession that places, among others, seemingly irrational importance on a book-of-business to gauge the success of a legal practitioner....
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Harlem Renaissance
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
The Harlem Renaissance, which blossoms in American African culture, mostly in creative arts and it is among the influential movements in American African literary history.... Accepting musical, literary, visual arts and theatrical participants hunts to reconceptualize blacks in.... The Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance, which blossoms in American African culture, mostly in creative arts and it is among the influential movements in American African literary history....
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Sources and Properties of Raw Material Feedstock
5 pages (1521 words) , Download 0 , Article
The writer of the paper 'Sources and Properties of Raw Material Feedstock' states that in a final process step called "pressure swing adsorption," carbon dioxide and other impurities are removed from the gas stream, leaving essentially pure hydrogen.... ... ... ... In steam methane reforming, methane reacts with steam under 3-25 bar pressure (1 bar = 14....
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Michelangelo's "Last Judgment"
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Unlike the earlier works of the master The Last Judgment doesn't anthemise the powerful energy of God's creation but describes the huge.... ... ... In the fresco Michelangelo breaks with centuries of iconographic tradition and describes not the moment when the last judgment is being made and saints and sinners are being separated from each other, but The Last Judgment The Last Judgment is the greatest work of art of the famous Michelangelo, painted on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City....
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Environment of the United Arab Emirates
1 pages (288 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of the "Environment of the United Arab Emirates" paper argues that the economic freedom index, rapid economic growth, penetration towards economic diversification, and WTO and OPEC memberships are the key drivers of the economic trends of the UAE.... ... ... ... Based on this five-dimension model as described by Hofstede, the UAE is divided into five dimensions of culture, i....
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Calmodulin as a Calcium Binding Protein
1 pages (386 words) , Download 4 , Article
This attachment brings about a change in the structure of calmodulin and makes it capable of performing its functions.... "Calmodulin as a Calcium Binding Protein" paper focuses on this protein which is known to be present in both animals and plants.... The protein comprises 148 amino acids and it possesses four sites which are referred to as 'domains' where calcium can attach....
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International Cooperation to Save Aral Sea
1 pages (305 words) , Download 1 , Article
The article "International Cooperation to Save Aral Sea" states that The Aral Sea located in between Uzbekistan and Kazakstan used to be the first world's largest lake in 1960 at 26, 250 square miles (http://visearth.... csd.... du).... Recently, however, the sea is seen to decrease in size,.... ...
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David A. Sklansky's View of Katz v. the United States
4 pages (1073 words) , Download 4 , Article
The aim of this work 'David A.... Sklansky's View of Katz v.... the United States' is to understand, why the case of Katz v.... the United States is still important for the legal practice, especially from the viewpoint of the security threats existing after the events of 9/11.... ... ... ... The author states that Sklansky writes that in the case with Charlie Katz 'the Court concluded that agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation had violated the Fourth Amendment Prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures' by bugging a pair of public telephone booths from which Katz had placed his bets'....
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Dracula by Carol Senf
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of the paper states that in Carol Senf's 'Dracula: The Unseen Face in the Mirror,' the author argues that an examination of Bram Stoker's narrative technique reveals a number of similarities between the 'good' characters of the book and the 'evil' of Dracula.... .... ... ... Senf begins her argument by refuting what most people think they know about the novel based upon the movies....
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International Accounting Standards
4 pages (1053 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "International Accounting Standards" tells us about study of International Accounting Standards and the structures of the Board for IAS.... It consist two main bodies, i.... .... trustees and the IASB, an entity which develops and issues International Financial Reporting Standard.... ... ...
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Constructing A Non-Depressed Self
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
The study is about the depression that starts being part of the nature in a women personality.... This study completely focuses on different acts and reasons which makes the women feel depress and this depression when in excess leads to a psychotic result upon the personality.... ... ... Many arguments are unbolt and evidences are given through different female scholars psychiatrist mainly, Jack and Mauthner....
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Human Evil by Hicks
4 pages (1060 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'Human Evil by Hicks' the author looks at the type of evil, which Hicks calls 'non-moral,' and refers to things like 'suffering or pain, both physical and mental.... In other words, those things which are unpleasant to experience without necessarily being willfully caused.... ... ... ...
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Eichmann in Jerusalem - a Report of the Banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper "Eichmann in Jerusalem - a Report of the Banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt" scrutinizes the ways in which thinking can evade the occurrence of immoral deeds.... This discusses the banality associated with evil and then the thoughts are connected with the trial that Eichmann faces.... ... ...
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Psychological Approaches to Family Therapy
1 pages (443 words) , Download 2 , Article
One of the points relates to the act of integrating models when performing family therapy.... The objective of the article "Psychological Approaches to Family Therapy" is to critically discuss a piece of study that focuses on the vital aspects of psychological counselling in regard to the group and, specifically, family therapy....
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Challenges Faced by Counselors When Assessing Spousal Abuse
2 pages (429 words) , Download 2 , Article
Jackson-Cherry and Erford (2014) elaborate that the language barrier is one of the common cultural issues that stumble counselors from performing effective assessment of spousal abuses.... The writer of this paper states that undoubtedly, counselors working with families to assist in the resolution of family and relationship issues undergo through challenging and tricky situations....
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Service Quality and Turnover Intentions as Perceived by Employees
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Article
The paper 'Service Quality and Turnover Intentions as Perceived by Employees' states that Slåtten, Svensson and Sværi (2010) consider the causes and consequences of the relationship between the quality of service delivery and the likelihood of a service industry employee to change places of work....
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Marketing Strategies on Innocent Smoothies
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Article
?? (Computer arts, n.... (Computer arts, n.... (Southon, 2007; Computer arts, n.... omputer arts.... This discussion talks that innocent smoothies are made of 100% combined pure fruits with no sugar, additives nor concentrates.... The formula and process used in making the product made the company instantly gain its own identity from other similar products....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Article
Health Promotion and the Determinants of Health Name: Institution: Health Promotion and the Determinants of Health Everyone craves to see a successful bright, future for themselves and for their children.... Health is then a key issue to achieving such desires (Hartford, 2012).... ... ... ... It is determined by where and how people live, their work or play and how such activities affect their health....
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Samsung Smartphones Patents Strategy
4 pages (1457 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Samsung Smartphones Patents Strategy" describes that it is Samsung's weak position relative to competitors as far as intellectual property is concerned, This weakness translates into a profound vulnerability and a threat to the continued success of Samsung in the global markets.... ... ...
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Alternative Methods of Accounting
8 pages (2180 words) , Download 1 , Article
This scenario creates a conflict of interest and managers are tempted to manipulate accounting numbers by performing income smoothing.... "Alternative Methods of Accounting" paper discusses the advantages and cons of using alternative methods to determine the net income of a corporation....
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Language Acquisition of Children
7 pages (2010 words) , Download 1 , Article
There is a high likeliness that the children will understand the story because of their experience in performing out the characters in the story.... This article "Language Acquisition of Children" will examine the methods in which play can expedite the development of children's language; the relevance of various languages in the creativity of the children, as well as the process through which children acquire language....
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Olympic Games and Villains
8 pages (2142 words) , Download 1 , Article
Businesses failed to perform as they were performing earlier.... This article "Olympic Games and Villains" provides an insight into the political events that unfolded during the 1972 Olympic Games that were held in Germany in Munich city.... The article highlights some of the implications of political and terrorist activities that halted the games temporarily....
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Artifacts in CT Images
5 pages (1465 words) , Download 3 , Article
In this articles, classification by Yazdi and Beaulieu (2008, 135) will be used. ... The paper "Artifacts in CT Images" elaborates on different artifacts in CT imaging and various techniques to prevent then.... Radiologists must detect CT artifacts while reporting to enhance the diagnostic value of the imaging technique....
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Business-Unit Level Relationship between Employee Satisfaction, Employee Engagement, and Business Outcomes
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Article
he articles are related in the following way.... The articles are also similar in the theories they use in describing organizational behavior. ... he articles are related in the following ways.... The articles also agree on some motivational aspects in ensuring good employee attitude and behavior.... he articles are related in definition and explanation of motivation.... Both articles provide the same meaning and explanation of different motivation theories developed by different scholars. ...
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Usage of Flashcards in Identifying High-Frequency Words
6 pages (1671 words) , Download 0 , Article
It will give a summary of the articles highlighting the main points and give a response reacting to the article.... It will give a summary of the articles highlighting main points, give some quotes and give a response reacting to the article and how it can improve reading skills. ...
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Effects of School Uniforms Have on Students
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
nfo/articles/Case_for_Uniforms.... This paper talks that a lot of debate regarding the effects of school uniforms on students.... Wearing a school uniform even decreases chances of students from joining gangs or engaging in violence or crimes.... .... ... ... According to the paper school uniforms play a large role in masking differences in students and preventing them from forming groups related to their wardrobe....
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Menger on the Origins of Money
14 pages (3648 words) , Download 0 , Article
From here on Menger (1892) introduces the two most important aspect of this article; saleability and difference in the degree of saleability among various articles or products.... Though initially they have maintained their own thought processing but within 1920s to 1930s they have joined the mainstream neoclassical school....
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Allama Muhammed Iqbal
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
rom the Government College Lahore, he studied Philosophy, English literature and Arabic and came out as a gold medalist with a Bachelors of arts degree.... In 1907, Sir Arnold pushed Iqbal to go to Europe and get a Bachelor of arts degree from Trinity College at Cambridge....
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Standards for Math Child Evaluation
5 pages (1477 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Standards for Math Child Evaluation" highlights that children identify shapes according to how they appear.... They associate shapes with what they see around them.... Demonstration or examples provide a better learning tool for young children as they like experimenting.... ... ... ... Perusing shapes, building figures from shapes, and making a photo book furnishes kids with a chance to investigate their alternate points of view....
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Analysis of Banker's Work Concerning Manufacturing Overhead Cost Drivers
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Even as of year 2000, the “Learning on the Internet Partnership” has already recorded that Banker wrote at least 100 articles in leading research journals in accounting and related disciplines.... The Sage Publication website identified Schroeder as the author of over 100 articles in academic journals....
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Octavian's two biggest achievements
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
Thus, the removal of the barbarian threat abroad by the expeditionary campaign of his military paved the way for peace or Pax Romana, which is patently Octavian or Augustus Ceasar because of the legacy it created that we still enjoy today in the field of arts, culture and literature whereby it flourished due to the stability, good administration and unprecedented peace that prevailed during Octavian's rule.... Pax Romana or Roman Peace also paved the way for stability and provided the necessary atmosphere for culture, arts and beatification to flourish....
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Economics for Management
11 pages (2965 words) , Download 0 , Article
The objectives were undertaken through the selection of articles that are based on areas of economics related to the environment, fiscal and monetary issues, and international concerns.... The objectives were undertaken through the selection of articles that are based of areas of economics related to environment, to fiscal and monetary issues and to international concerns....
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Are There Serious Health Benefits from Mobile Phones
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
ncorporating mobile technology into healthcare has become common in performing several data acquisition tasks.... This article "Are There Serious Health Benefits from Mobile Phones" outlines mobile health as a term recently used to refer to public and medical health practice, which obtains support from a mobile device such as patient monitoring devices, mobile phones, PDAs, and other wireless gadgets....
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Lagging of the Productivity of the UK
1 pages (387 words) , Download 2 , Article
The indicator of the productivity decline in the country is that the country is not performing at its true potential and this result to lower incomes and high price levels in the state.... The article "Lagging of the Productivity of the UK" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the lagging of the UK's productivity....
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Hamlet: Shakespeares Masterpiece
8 pages (2203 words) , Download 0 , Article
It's looked upon as the challenge that is ultimate to one performing it; people always quote it without their knowledge thus brought out as a masterpiece, a great piece of stage craft.... The article "Hamlet: Shakespeares Masterpiece" focuses on the critical analysis of the illustration of some of the reasons that have made Hamlet a great success for Shakespeare....
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John Stuart Mill and His Practical Works
9 pages (2505 words) , Download 1 , Article
The "John Stuart Mill and His Practical Works" paper focuses on one of the most prominent and influential philosophers and political economists the world has ever produced.... He was a learned scholar, thinker, and politico-economic analyst of nineteenth-century England.... ... ... ... John Stuart Mill is the torch-bearer of the liberty of speech and writing....
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The Leadership Model in the Fire Service
8 pages (2594 words) , Download 0 , Article
For this reason, a leader must have the ability to detect and understand the readiness of their followers in performing task in different situations.... This paper ''The Leadership Model in the Fire Service'' tells about Dr.... Harry Carter argues that the fire service is a specialized field providing community service and operating in the often hazardous environment thus leaders in the fire service must-have attributes and skills specific to the nature and need of the fire service....
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Business Modeling and BOS
8 pages (2138 words) , Download 0 , Article
Apart from these, the other indicators or blocks include identifying the exact revenue streams based on which the desired targets can be fulfilled, effectively using the available resources, performing key activities within a set time and working upon developing the cost structures among others....
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Australian Criminal Justice System Response to Illicit Drugs and Violence
7 pages (2255 words) , Download 0 , Article
Their emotional problems did not keep them from performing their usual work during the implementation of the program.... The article "Australian Criminal Justice System Response to Illicit Drugs and Violence" focuses on the critical analysis of the police diversion initiative, the intermediate court-based diversion, drug courts, and correctional centers for compulsory drug treatment in response to drugs and violence....
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Team Based Organization Performance
8 pages (2101 words) , Download 3 , Article
6 The availability of an operational plan that outlines the tasks, those performing the tasks, and the timeline for task completion can serve as an effective guideline for teams.... This paper ''Team Based Organization Performance'' tells us that in the recent past, organizations have opted to reorganize into teams because of the potential exhibited by teamwork....
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Miles Davis's Performance of Around Midnight
9 pages (2311 words) , Download 4 , Article
In such a way, jazz can be seen as a contributing factor to the level to which musicians, regardless of genre, seek to integrate with and plan active part in the music that they are performing.... The paper "Miles Davis's Performance of Around Midnight" states that the video puts a very relaxing feeling in one's shoes and lets the person enjoy the music to its depth....
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Gender Inequity Influence on the International Development
8 pages (2014 words) , Download 0 , Article
Including other housework, women and girls are forced to allocate up to seven hours a day in performing home productions.... This paper 'Gender Inequity Influence on the International Development' explains how gender inequity in education and employment has significant negative impacts on international development and economy, leading to higher child mortality and fertility....
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The United States Constitution
7 pages (1815 words) , Download 3 , Article
The Constitution, which had replaced the articles of Confederation, details the rights and privileges that the people of the United States are entitled within the restraint of the law and are still in use today as much as they had ever been, with the first ten articles being known as the Bill of Rights.... The Constitution, which had replaced the articles of Confederation, details the rights and privileges that the people of the United States are entitled within restraint of the law and are still in use today as much as they had ever been, with the first ten articles being known as the Bill of Rights....
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Ronald Reagan and the End of the Cold War
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'Ronald Reagan and the End of the Cold War' the author discusses Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the U.... .... His presidential rule is marked by introduction of several important policies, which contributed in the end of the Cold War, and brought many changes in the economic condition....
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Industrial Relations
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Article
Industrial relations were the concept which was relevant only for journalism.... But in reality we cannot restrict the vast topic of industrial relations to mere trade union activities.... It has many dimensions more related to a business student and society at large.... .... ... ... In this article we will discuss what industrial relations exactly is?...
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