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The March That Started a Movement
13 pages (3612 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This essay is also significant for the People who do not have an understanding of the political history of the United States.... azam were the best symbols of the historic civil rights movements of the 20th century which served to enhance the lives for a greater part of the world's common People.... In excess of 250,000 People came to Washington in their bid to insist that equal opportunity for blacks are given and that Congress must move in the direction of passing civil rights legislation....
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Strategic Management of Samsung
7 pages (2274 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Samsung innovation is bringing People together.... It has numerous subsidiaries under the brand name.... Since Samsung is a MNC, it is governed by various laws, socio-political structure and cultures of different.... ... ... The paper 'Strategic Management of Samsung" is a great example of a management case study....
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State of the Economi in Bosnia
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Since most of the students want to concentrate on other issues like seeking for employment, People would adopt the shorter model since it would take those two years which is a relatively short period to accomplish their studies.... Taking into account the devastated state of the economy in Bosnia and comparing various projections that govern the operation of the models, the one year model is the one that is favourable....
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Integrated Strategy: Tesco
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Since marketing primarily deals into products and services that benefit People in some way or the other, People become the most important factor in the market strategies.... esco's market strategy was totally focused on the needs and requirements of the People and made continuous efforts to update its products line with that of the changing public demands.... This was reflected on its continuously changing website which became increasingly People-centric....
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Open Happiness Campaign by Coca Cola - Applied Buyer Behavior in Global Context
10 pages (2704 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Therefore, Open Happiness was intended to make People have positive view of life during economic hardship and it wanted to encourage People to remain happy despite economic challenges.... The campaign used various media to reach large number of People across the globe.... The adverts could be found in the television spots and other familiar TV programs like the American Idol that is dominated by various celebrities and watched by millions of People....
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Hollywood Representations of Women in 1930s Film
12 pages (3553 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
6), argues that the role women played is worth looking at but not worth any other form of attention implying that women were insignificant People in the society, and their only relevance appeared in their sexuality as objects of pleasure for men (Kolbjornsen 1998, p.... That said, film played a critical role in the establishment of women's freedom this was because the media enabled People to see what women had endured in order to establish their careers....
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Desperate relationship: Moving into Trust Marriages and Recovery
11 pages (3051 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The meanings and understanding People have about themselves and of their relationships are developed through society, language, and these meanings can be deconstructed, reconstructed, and changed through different ways of engagement in the telling of stories (Richardson, 2010).... Externalizing the issues that are threatening their marriage would make them feel more relieved since the approach has been proven to make People have an identity that is separating them from the problem; the problem becomes the problem, not the person....
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Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at the Repatriation General Hospital
9 pages (2737 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
They have started rehabilitation programs for People who suffer from COPD or other chronic respiratory illnesses.... COPD, which is categorized under chronic illnesses, typically effects elderly People more than other age groups.... The author of the "Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at the Repatriation General Hospital" paper focuses on analyzing this PR program and describing its processes for maintaining a better quality of life for patients with COPD or other chronic lung diseases....
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7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Corporate governance pertains to the set of systems, processes, policies and other mechanisms and institutions which affect the way a corporate entity is directed, administered or controlled, and which also may include the relationships among the various stakeholders involved as.... ... ... According to Dignam & Lowry (2006, p....
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Improving Performance Management at Elite Travel Solutions
6 pages (1910 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Why People stay: Using job embeddedness to predict voluntary turnover.... Previous research has shown that the managerial officers that manage employee performance effectively lead to the production of exceptional business outcomes, as compared.... ... ... The paper 'Improving Performance Management at Elite Travel Solutions" is a great example of a management case study....
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The New Real Estate Database of Robinson Realty
8 pages (2104 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
% of GDP ($46 billion) and over 7% of the workforce, employing about 730,000 People.... People need property for housing or business purposes.... From the paper "The New Real Estate Database of Robinson Realty" it is clear that the technology will help in improving the service by supporting the employees....
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Analysis of Tourism Policy, Planning and Development on Kangaroo Island
11 pages (3035 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Analysis of Tourism Policy, Planning, and Development on Kangaroo Island" is a good example of a tourism case study.... The need to develop sustainable tourism cannot be underrated.... In many tourist attraction destinations across the globe, policies aimed at enhancing this aspect has highly been adopted to ensure profitability both in the short and long run....
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Cultural Dimensions of Wal-Mart
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The group reminded Wal-Mart of its corporate social responsibility to take along People of all culture and faith (UPI Security & Terrorism, 2006).... For any organisation to work, a number of stakeholders have to pool their efforts.... Terry & Franklin (1994) define management as 'a distinct process consisting of activities of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling performed to determine and accomplish stated objectives with the use of human beings and other resources'....
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Leadership Theory & Practice 5th Edition, Peter G. Northhouse
6 pages (1603 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Technical skills entail the notion of managing things, the human skills involve the aspect of managing People and the conceptual skills refer to the aptitude of performing with ideas.... However, she has been stated to lack the competence to deal with the other People or the employees....
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Terrorist Strike at the Heart of the United Kingdom Transport System
8 pages (2028 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
In this paper my attempt is related to the management of all kinds that can well assist People with accurate information and reliability systems.... he later estimations show that approximately 700 People have been killed in this sudden mishap.... There are more than 1600 People who are injured.... This was not that easy as the whole area is always thronged with People on busy schedules.... here is a confirmation that the entire injured People are rescued, medically assessed, treated and, where necessary, evacuated to hospitals within five hours....
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Does Social Media Promote Freedom
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
On YouTube, he watches videos with content unsuitable for young People.... acebook, YouTube and MySpace are ways to interact with other People on the Internet.... In the paper 'Does Social Media Promote Freedom?... the author analyzes the case of Tom who had an accident and is resting at home....
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Green Nutrition in Australia - the Green Line Organic Direct
6 pages (1781 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
he website did not have any specific study area that provides exclusive insight to the effects of organic foods on the human nutrition although the above table clearly indicates the reasons why People should switch to a green, organic diet.... The paper "Green Nutrition in Australia - the Green Line Organic Direct" explores the relevance of GLOD's communication plan, the positive effects and nutritional contrasts of organic and non-organic foods which were basically fruits and vegetables, the company's placement of recipes and availability of products per season, etc....
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Sun shines enterprise case study
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
A SWOT analysis is quite advantageous to a business venture because it enables the company to achieve the goals and objectives set by the company.... A SWOT analysis can be identified as a strategic plan which is.... ... ... This paper will critically discuss a SWOT analysis based on Sunshine's case study. ...
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Innovation in a Hospital Organization Setting: Role of Leadership in the Context of Change
16 pages (4394 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The community also benefits from a wide range of health care services in the form of inpatient and outpatient provisions for children, young People, adults, and the elderly alike.... The community also benefits from a wide range of health care services in the form of inpatient and outpatient provisions for children, young People, adults and the elderly alike.... he era of technology and internet connection has made it so that information and processes are available to People from a computer system....
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Strategic Planning for JJ Richards & Sons Pty Limited
8 pages (2429 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
At present, the firm has more than one thousand six hundred vehicles and employs approximately two thousand People.... For instance, the increasing global population with the prediction being that there will be approximately nine billion People in the sphere by 2050 will heavily affect the standards of living.... These economic effects make People shift their attentions from waste management to the realization of other basic needs.... Given that the company uses People to undertake tasks that machines cannot conduct, they can face challenges since workers unions can negotiate in their favor....
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Social Workers' Skill to Understand Their Clients' Fears, Dangers and Needs
6 pages (1654 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The theory mentions that People develop from oral to anal, phallic, latency, puberty, genitally and old age (Hutchinson, & Oltedal, 2014).... "Social Workers' Skill to Understand Their Clients' Fears, Dangers and Needs" paper argues that a social worker has to understand their client's fears and needs by understanding these needs, the worker should prioritize them but in a professional manner not to discourage the client from opening up....
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International Law and National Security
9 pages (2380 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of this paper states that international law constitutes a detailed legislative framework for a universal application that emphasizes the peaceful coexistence of states and international organizations, different groups of People and multinational companies.... International law constitutes a detailed legislative framework for universal application that emphasizes peaceful coexistence of states and international organizations, different groups of People and multinational companies....
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Priority and Positional Goods
6 pages (1835 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
One of them is that People are normally born with traits that are inherited.... The trait theory asserts that these traits are quite different fro one person to another though some People may have similar traits that they inherited from parents or even grandparents etc.... According to the trait theory, People who naturally make good leaders just have sufficient or the right combination of these traits.... There are People who may have minimal traits that are inherited while others may have so many....
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Most Boring Teacher Ever
8 pages (2127 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
While much learning occurs spontaneously when People interact with each other and with their environment, more learning can occur when conscious effort is exerted and the skills and knowledge to be acquired is structured.... However, according to Jarvis (2012) learning occurs in any situation of interaction among People, which may include classrooms and social gatherings as well....
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Social Interaction at Tesco
6 pages (1711 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Social Interaction at Tesco" examined the social setting of a supermarket to study the social interactions of the People standing in the checkout queue.... The observation of the People in the queue concludes that forming a queue is an important social process.... The People talked about the various items they brought from the store.... The manner in which People conversed with each other in relation to the supermarket setting was captured....
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Women and International Human Rights
6 pages (1617 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
For instance, I was perturbed to learn that more than 2 billion People, the majority of whom are girls are not protected as required by the UN Trafficking in person protocols.... However, personally it is in my opinion that this is a failure on the part of the UN to fulfill its mandate of providing adequate protection to People against human trafficking and other forms of human abuse.... Although it would be expected to find torture still being used as a means of silencing People or to force People to provide critical information in undemocratic and failed states, I am surprised to learn that torture is still widespread in modern democracies....
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Intellectual Property Law: Difficulty with the Company Techno Web Design
7 pages (2002 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Just because TWD developed the website does not mean that they have any sort of control over the profits that will be generated through the download of the band's songs on BitTorrent, any profits that the band may earn, or any royalties on the music or images provided to TWD, as these rights all belong to other People.... Also, the copyright on the song excerpts must also be copyrighted in order to make sure that if there is any type of infringement, then the People or person infringing upon the copyright of Yello (and, subsequently LMI) can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. ...
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Defamation and Freedom of Expression in Hong Kong
10 pages (2806 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
For instance, there have been contradictions when it comes to reporting in Hong Kong and the Mainland (People's Republic of China) because the media treatment in the mainland is very harsh.... One are that concerns copyrights is concerning to news gathering where one has to ensure that they respect other People's works in a bid to safeguard their intellectual rights.... These requirements have been of great consideration in international reporting since media People have to ensure that there are no contraventions to country's copyright laws....
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Panel Meeting Ethnographic Description
12 pages (3117 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
According to the theory of communication accommodation by Howard Giles, when People come together and converse, there are some adjustments to be made so as to accommodate other People.... As it is, the People involved have a completely different perspective of viewing things, that is, from the old to the one with disability.... This changed with the introduction of all aspects of People into the panel including the disabled.... Mercy symbolizes the few old People who are ready to emulate change....
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Strategic Decisions That Led to Success of Amazon
10 pages (2569 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
ne of these ‘investments' in ideas came in the form of creating affiliates and associates with which they represent themselves on other People's Web sites, creating a domino effect that to date has not ended. ... (Stockport & Ivory 2004: 661) Can they continue to innovate and provide more and more services and products, trying to be all things to all People....
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Germany's Brandenburg Airport
6 pages (2521 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Germany has an average annual passenger population of close to 34 million People, and hence Berlin Brandenburg Airport is expected to serve as the third busiest airport in Germany.... Hence, most People in Germany and around the world will stay in a close watch to monitor and establish the truth in the statements made by Dr.... It is, therefore, a wish of very Germany citizen and the desire of all stakeholders that the Berlin Brandenburg Airport is eventually completed and People get to enjoy the numerous benefits that were promised upon completion of the project. ...
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Effectivness of Cycling Interventions
16 pages (3854 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The efficacy of such interventions has often been questioned by both experts and lay People on the ground that they do not produce the intended results despite the much hyped positive impact on the society at large and the participants in particular.... From the paper "Effectivness of Cycling Interventions" it is clear that the relaxed attitude could be attributed to a core system of beliefs that were created by incentives and education....
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Management Decision Problem Facing Wendy over the Intention to Expand to the United States
7 pages (1977 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Information obtained from the newspapers or official websites is likely to be reliable given that these are everyday sources of information to different informational requirements of the People in their everyday life.... Kotler (1999) also concurs that computer technology has revolutionised the way People do business particularly in marketing of products.... Chances that a large number of People would participate are quite high.... The computations of the data are based on the frequency each category visits the fast food and the mean is calculated using the total number of all the visits by all the People....
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Developmental Psychopathology Issues
12 pages (3284 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Abnormal behavior is the behavior that is personally distressing, dysfunctional or culturally deviant that is considered by other People as being improper and maladaptive so that when an abnormal behavior goes to the extremes, the person seen with this behavior is said to have a psychological disorder.... he decision to state that someone is abnormal is generally subjective and dependent on clinical verdicts that are predisposed by several factors that consider the correctness of the behavior that People exhibit when in their environment....
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Strategic Management for Forestry Commission
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
When an organizational culture is already there, it is difficult for People to forget their old behavior, beliefs and assumptions and to adapt a new behavioral pattern.... The paper "Strategic Management for Forestry Commission" states that incorporating changes by following the adequate hierarchical control helps the firm in achieving a strong internal structure which strengthens the organization and helps it in achieving its goals and objectives more successfully....
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Copyright Law in UAE
8 pages (2287 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The law on copyright provides the author or rights holder with several remedies against People who infringe and these include administrative sanctions, precautionary measures, criminal penalties and civil redress.... From the paper "Copyright Law in UAE" it is clear that the laws give the owners the privilege to enjoy their works and any infringement of this right is punishable....
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An Example of a Hate Crime
7 pages (1930 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The mens rea concept expresses a belief that People should be punished … only when they have acted with an intent or purpose that makes them morally blameworthy.... The paper "An Example of a Hate Crime" tells that Tom and Larry were on their way to a transvestite party in their guise of 'Thelma and Louise'....
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Attention Deficit Diffculty Syndrome
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Attention Deficit Difficulty Syndrome Introduction Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a psychiatric ailment of the neurodevelopmental form in which there are numerous concerns of acting impulsivity, hyperactivity, and or attention that are not suitable for the age of a person....
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Impact of Part-Time Job of University Teachers on Their Teaching Quality
7 pages (2004 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Throughout the years, as many People became aware of the importance of education in USA, the number of universities and students enrolling in them increased drastically.... What most People did not know is that, why do some prefer to become part time teachers amidst their real time jobs.... People always find a gap in their current jobs and utilize the free time which they have through part-timing to make something extra....
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Business Communications Case Study
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
om)BodyThe Starbucks brand name is known globally and it is recognized by its logo by People of all ages.... odyLocated in New York NY, just around the Washington Park Square on the Greene Street, so that People who come for a hang out at the park can take a quick stop at Crystal Mugs for Coffee....
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Reward and Performance in Human Resource Management
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
It is an approach to managing People that increase the probability of achieving success” (Performance management process handbook 1999).... Pay People Right!... This paper "Reward and Performance in Human Resource Management" focuses on the fact that performance management in today's business environment has gained immense importance as it now involves triggering suitable change agents which modify the employee behaviour in the desired direction....
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Economic Insights into Apple Inc and the Economic Trends in Nigeria
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
With the rise in globalization, many People are looking on avenues of connecting with the global world.... The iPhone gives many People an opportunity to go digital through a phone.... Many People will be willing to buy the iPhone at a significantly lower price than what the phone is changed currently.... The proportion of the income spent by People in buying the phone is high but regardless, People are willing to buy it due to its high quality and features....
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Research Methods in Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Group interviewing involves interviewing a number of People at the same time, the emphasis being on questions and responses between the researcher and participants.... This tends to be because only a small number of People are able to take part in the group otherwise the group becomes unwieldy.... The interview is a one-to-one process and allows the researcher to gauge the participant's interpretation of the relationships they see between events, People and social values (Bryman, 2004)....
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Challenges Faced by a Physically Handicapped Student Transitioning from Primary to Secondary School
8 pages (2623 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Thus, it may be difficult for People who are not familiar with his problem to understand some of the words he articulates.... The paper 'Challenges Faced by a Physically Handicapped Student Transitioning from Primary to Secondary School' seeks to critically examine the challenges faced by a student with a physical handicap associated with cerebral palsy as he transitions from primary school to secondary school....
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Communication Studies Paper about Communication Dimension in Mexican Culture (Palanca and Simpatica)
4 pages (1361 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Both of them have been mostly used for communicating with People in different social environments – family, friends, and workplace.... Their key difference is the following one: while Palanca reflects the power of a person to develop interpersonal relations, Simpatica, reflects the emotional characteristics of a person, meaning his ability to understand the value of other People within his environment.... Moreover, Simpatica reflects more effectively the Mexican culture, being related to the emotional characteristics of People across Mexico....
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Global Marketing of Starbucks
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Being global brings huge responsibility, this is when a company has to cater to People belonging to different backgrounds and religions, making diversity not an impediment to the growth of the company.... Starbucks: A brief description of the product offering and the brand strategy....
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Broadway Cafe: an E-Business Strategy
8 pages (2171 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The first step that Broadway Café requires to immediately take is to create a web page for itself and to build an awareness of the café among the People.... rovide easier access to People with ... an provide personalized services to People and build better customer relationships ...
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Critical Issue of Homelessness
6 pages (1626 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
ealth promotional concepts have been emerging ubiquitously with encouraging response from the People of all age groups.... he HPM provides for a holistic approach that recognizes the capacity and need of every person to interact personally, mentally and physically with People and environment around her....
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Developing a Marketing Plan for Unique Clothing Warehouse
15 pages (5786 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The textile firms form the seedbed for Japanese economy because they provide employment opportunities to a large mass of People, and also provide the country with foreign exchange.... As such, the company will classify its target market into three that is, young People, adults and industrial market segments.... Ltd will develop new brands to appeal to young People between the age of 14 and 29....
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Using social media to manage personal knowledge and learning within a Postgraduate Learning context
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
I observed that knowledge of the teachers and experienced People are disseminated among the new recruits or the learners with a sound communication system (Costello 634).... People from different parts of the globe gave me their perceptions and experience for different type of factor.... I am able to access different type of personal blogs and institutional record books; moreover, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ are giving me scope of interacting with different People....
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