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Corporal Punishment - Pros and Cons
7 pages (1943 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper "Corporal Punishment - Pros and Cons" proves corporal punishment has a lot of disadvantages that prevail over its advantages and it should be discouraged.... The end results of physical punishment include decreased mental or cognitive development, and could lead to injuries and even death....
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Media and Politics
7 pages (2209 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Media and Politics" discusses media coverage as a process through which the media embarks on covering or following up on an event.... It is argued to continuously affect the dissemination of information and further influence the opinion that is expected from the target audience....
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Nonverbal Communication in Politics
9 pages (2463 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The paper "Nonverbal Communication in Politics" established that women tend to be higher achievers in creating rapport with others.... Men had higher scores when it came to strategic planning ability, delegation, persuasion, and being more reserved in expression.... ... ... ... Nonverbal communication is the act of communicating with another person through body language or other symbols in order to convey information or meaning....
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The Political Economy of the Rentseeking Society
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This research paper 'The Political Economy of the Rent-seeking Society ' is developed on the premise of the fact that the third world states slow development is not the fault of governments as most theories have postulated and gone ahead to justify.... ... ... ... The paper highlights the fact that it is the governments that are instrumental to the little development that the third world countries have been able to achieve....
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Desiring Canada: CBC Contests, Hockey Violence and Other Stately Pleasures
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This research will begin with the statement that an earlier statement by Pierre Trudeau in the late sixties became famous owing to its attribution that there lacks a particular place for the state inside the nation's bedroom seems a performative contradiction.... ... ... ... Desiring Canada is a successful masterpiece of work that successfully portrays how states change and develop the desires of its citizens....
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Analysis of The Philosophy of Buddha Article by Bahm Archie
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Analysis of The Philosophy of Buddha Article by Bahm Archie" discusses that the life of the philosopher is worth emulation.... His immense level of success is a great inspiration to many upcoming learners.... His leadership qualities were exceptional.... .... ... ... Reviewing the commendable philosophical masterpiece, it comes out that Bahm has been able to make a wide array of contributions towards the understanding of true fundamental principles of Buddhism (Bahm 45)....
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Diversity Inclusion in Campus
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
In the paper 'Diversity Inclusion in Campus,' the author tries to embrace the role of diversity and inclusion in their piece of art in a way to fathom how it affects the higher education learning.... He addresses the concept of diversity and inclusion through various disciplines.... ... ... ... The paper advocates that every person regardless of his or her ethnic and racial background must benefit from the right, and it should be left in the hands of a few individuals who enjoy the particular social class....
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Teaching Experience in Cultural Difference of Parents and Students from China and Hong Kong
8 pages (2388 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper "Teaching Experience in Cultural Difference of Parents and Students from China and Hong Kong" states there are no clear-cut recipes to resolve cultural diversity issues.... The awareness of the values inherent in the learning culture impacts positively on the outcomes of teaching.... ... ...
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Aboriginal Education and Training Policy
7 pages (2045 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The "Aboriginal Education and Training Policy" paper addresses the strategies that can be used in schools to meet the main goal of the NSW DET Aboriginal Education and Training Policy (2008) as well as the extent to which the NSW DET Anti-racism policy statement (2005) and NSW DET Racism.... .... ...
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Health and Safety Aspects in Car Park Construction
7 pages (2163 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Health and Safety Aspects in Car Park Construction" provides a discussion on the health and safety aspects involved in the construction of a four-story car park facility at the University of Central Lancashire.... ... ... ... As an advisor on constructional safety, I have proposed the various factors related to this construction....
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Current Policy Issue: Collective Bargaining under the Fair Work Act 2009
6 pages (1928 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This paper "Current Policy Issue: Collective Bargaining under the Fair Work Act 2009" draws the similarities and differences between the FW Act and the NLRA, determines how the two affect businesses in their respective countries and makes conclusions about which of the two is a better policy choice....
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The Freshman Orientation Book
7 pages (1879 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The paper "The Freshman Orientation Book" discusses that the book signifies what many authors of political science do not dare talk about because feelings differ here on grounds and many people do not indulge in the private mental ability or what the person himself is going through.... .... ... ... A semiotic analysis of the book cover and title does give the reader a bit of an idea of what is in store for them to read....
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How Globalization Affects Ethnic or National Identity
7 pages (2365 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "How Globalization Affects Ethnic or National Identity" examines how globalization affects ethnic and national identity.... The paper established that globalization is integral in re-orienting ethnic identity by impacting on cultural aspects that create a distinct ethnic group....
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Improving Positive Mental Health among Students in Australia
6 pages (1956 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This paper "Improving Positive Mental Health among Students in Australia" will examine the prevalence of depression among young girls and offer school-based counseling intervention to address depression and promote the positive mental wellbeing of the patients.... .... ... ... Depression is one of the most prevalent public health problems in the world....
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Key Issues to Be Considered while Dealing with Artificial Intelligence Fault Management
8 pages (2442 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Key Issues to Be Considered while Dealing with Artificial Intelligence Fault Management" discusses key issues on AI fault management.... The paper highlighted some areas noting that there is a need for analysis so that the actual process of AI fault management can be understood....
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Artificial Intelligence in Terminator Movie
9 pages (2454 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This paper ''Artificial Intelligence in Terminator Movie'' tells that The question 'Why did sky net build terminators with their built-in learning ability switched off?... assumes greater significance for a student of cognitive science, as it equips him with several possible answers based on his understanding of the theories....
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Relationship between Neoliberal Ideology and Corporate Crime
7 pages (2064 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Relationship between Neoliberal Ideology and Corporate Crime" outlines that because of neoliberalism, there are new forms of crime - white-collar crime, and a crime against the environment.... The perpetrators of the crimes are educated individuals who hold high social status in society....
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Photography and Filming in Antarctica
7 pages (1975 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Photography and Filming in Antarctica" describes Antarctica's extreme climatic conditions.... Some films have been used to create a notion that life is completely inhabitable in these regions while other films and photographs show that people and other living organisms exist in this region....
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Readings in Sociology of Deviance
9 pages (2440 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
This book review "Readings in Sociology of Deviance" presents Emile Durkheim as one of the major writers who authored revolutionary books in the field of sociology.... Suicide, authored by Emile Durkheim, is a unique publication and provides illustrations of the face of sociological monograph.... ...
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The Importance of Quality in Purchasing & Supply
5 pages (1883 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "The Importance of Quality in Purchasing & Supply" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "The Importance of Quality in Purchasing & Supply" is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... Gunasekaran, Patel and McCaughey (2004) identified quality as an essential component of all the stages undergone by different companies towards achieving effective purchasing and supply....
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Juvenile Crime and Justice
7 pages (2013 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Juvenile Crime and Justice" discusses that the modern social setting gives limited time for parents and other elderly people to socialize with the youth.... Most of the time is spent in office work and thus neglecting the foundational upbringing of young people and children.... ... ... ...
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National Curriculum and the RSA Opening Minds Curriculum
7 pages (2167 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "National Curriculum and the RSA Opening Minds Curriculum" focuses on the National Curriculum and the RSA Opening Minds curriculum which provide for the effective teaching and learning of key subjects such as English and maths.... ... ... ... This paper is about the National Curriculum and the RSA Opening Minds Curriculum....
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Analysis of Susanna Sawyer's Crude Chronicles
6 pages (1980 words) , Download 6 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Analysis of Susanna Sawyer's Crude Chronicles" discusses Suzanna Sawyer's 'Crude Chronicles: Indigenous Politics, Multinational Oil, and Neoliberalism in Ecuador' which is an attempt to bring the latest objects of analysis into the domain of anthropology.... ... ... ... The book narrates the struggles that exist between the indigenous social movements, the multinational energy company, and the Ecuadoran state....
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Gene Therapy - Positive and Harmful Side Effects
8 pages (2344 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Gene Therapy - Positive and Harmful Side Effects" highlights that gene therapy, a new technology might have some unforeseen risks and thus needs to be regulated legally.... Protocols need to be reviewed and approved by a relevant authority in the country where it is being developed.... ...
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Instructional Programs for Reading and Writing Difficulties
6 pages (1874 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Instructional Programs for Reading and Writing Difficulties" focuses on the look, learn, cover, write, and check methods that need to be integrated into instructional programs.... This is due to the fact that the technique can be applied to children of all ages....
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Independent Film Analysis
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
Writer/director Quentin Tarantino delivers a dark, gory drama in Reservoir Dogs, his feature film debut.... The film follows the story of a botched jewel heist and the aftermath as the jewel thieves search for the rat in their team.... The team of thieves includes five experienced jewel thieves and one undercover cop, assembled by the notably absent Joe (Tarantino, Reservoir Dogs)....
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Shantytown Kid by Azouz Begag
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Shantytown Kid is the childhood memoir of Azouz Begag, the first North African immigrant cabinet minister of France.... Begag was born to Algerian immigrants in France and wrote this autobiography in 1986 in almost his thirtieth year, by which time he had already become one of a handful of successful immigrants to have risen to positions of power....
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You Must Remember This
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Novels sometimes reflect society, and often they reflect society not how it is traditionally portrayed, but, rather, how society really was.... Sometimes the traditional portray is also the realistic one.... .... ... ... Introduction Novels sometimes reflect society, and often they reflect society not how it is traditionally portrayed, but, rather, how society really was....
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Marketing strategies and tools that affect hotel sales
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
.... Now marketing is quite a broad area which embraces various aspects like price, place, promotion and product.... These four aspects form a marketing mix of a firm.... As far as the issue of marketing communications is concerned, it actually refers to the area of ‘promotion' in a marketing mix....
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Workforce Design
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The alarming rate of unemployment in the wake of current economic downturn has forced us to revisit our workforce design.... Downsizing lay-offs have very devastating effects not only on the employees but also on the economic, political and social condition of the country.... .... ... ... WORKFORCE DESIGN Submitted By Introduction 3 Workforce/Job design Approaches 4 Conclusion 10 References 11 Introduction The alarming rate of unemployment in the wake of current economic downturn has forced us to revisit our workforce design....
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Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Zorba the Greek, is a novel about personal growth, and in particular, growth because of adversity and moreover, growth also in spite of adversity.... ... ... ... Zorba the Greek, is a novel about personal growth, and in particular, growth because of adversity and moreover, growth also in spite of adversity....
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Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Stages, Types
6 pages (2198 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This review "Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Stages, Types" discusses challenges, limitations, and outcomes for breast cancer patients.... The review analyses the personal life woman with breast cancer, her day in life.... The review explains breast prosthesis.... ... ... ... Breast cancer patients cannot engage in activities with too much physical strain and may not be able to work for long hours....
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Discrimination in the Recruitment Process
8 pages (2398 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This review "Discrimination in the Recruitment Process" discusses a key consequence of recruitment discrimination.... In some countries, victims of recruitment discrimination have many legal resources against the potential employer or recruiting agency engaging in discriminatory practices.... ... ...
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Environment Fire Safety Law
7 pages (2176 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
From the paper "Environment Fire Safety Law" it is clear that there are various regulations, policies and Acts enacted in view of environmental protection.... This paper has attempted to explore key regulations the furniture business may need to consider in its operations.... ... ... ... This paper explores key regulations a furniture business requires to consider....
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The Murder of Hannah Foster-Crime Documentary
6 pages (1856 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
The paper "The Murder of Hannah Foster-Crime Documentary" discusses that to avoid any tampering and destruction, the evidence collected was kept in different sample containers with proper labelling.... The chain of handling of the samples was recorded to keep track of those handling it.... ... ... ...
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In the Plex - How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives by Levy
8 pages (2048 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
In this book, the author has highlighted Google's innovation, work practices and contribution to the people throughout the world.... The inside story of the company has been highlighted in this book.... The author stated that current CEO Mr.... Larry Page and.... ... ... The paper 'In the Plex - How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives by Levy' is a provoking example of a media book review....
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Concepts of the Abject and Psychoanalytic Concepts
6 pages (1820 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Concepts of the Abject and Psychoanalytic Concepts" discusses the concept of abjection coupled with the monstrous-feminine concept that contains interlinked themes.... This includes mothering, life, and death, corpses, birth as well as mortality.... ... ... ...
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Which of Esping-Andersons Three Models of the Welfare State Is the Best
6 pages (1876 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
is a good example of a literature review on macro and microeconomics.... Spicker (2010: p11) describes the welfare state as involving the transfer of funds from the state to provide services for its citizens, as well as directly to individuals in form of benefits.... Welfare eligibility is dependent on various factors, including net and gross income,....
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Opening Doors to Conflict Resolution
9 pages (2537 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Opening Doors to Conflict Resolution' is a meaty example of human resources literature review.... Often, conflict is related with the violent dispute or agreement between two individuals or two groups, which increases instability within the environmental setting.... In precise, when concerning....
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The Last Neighborhood Cops by Gr Umbach
8 pages (2227 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The paper "The Last Neighborhood Cops by Gr Umbach" presents a book named "The Last Neighborhood Cops the Rise and Fall of Community Policing in New York Public Housing".... Its author is the assistant professor of history at John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York....
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Making Sense of State Incentives for Small Firms
9 pages (2342 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Making Sense of State Incentives for Small Firms" highlights that generally, Talley reports that although the IMF has not quantified the probable impacts of the failure to raise the debt ceiling, figures from economists indicate a worrying drift.... .... ... ... his study of the trend, Schoenberger carried out an interview with Mr....
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Nothing Much Has Changed: Days of Glory, Days of Indignity
8 pages (2089 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
The paper "Nothing Much Has Changed: Days of Glory, Days of Indignity" is a good example of a movie review on social science.... The movie Days of Glory directed by Rachid Bouchareb highlights the forms of institutional racism by focusing on the discriminatory treatment of the colonial North Africans by the white French (Days of Glory, 2006)....
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Current Context of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia
7 pages (2335 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Current Context of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia" focuses on universities in Saudi Arabia that are making attempts to use new technologies such as blended learning and learning to cater to the growing number of students and changing needs of the education system....
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Activities of Synthetic Host Defense Propeptides Processed by Neutrophil Elastase
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The reporter states that the research on antimicrobial peptides (AMP) has received a lot of scholarly attention with the major focus on the respiratory system.... Since the initial findings in 1996 that epithelia present in the linings of the respiratory airways of patients suffering from cystic fibrosis did not eliminate the bacteria....
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Clinical Trial by April Christofferson
9 pages (2303 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Clinical Trial by April Christofferson" highlights that generally speaking, Christofferson has described the fine line that is between morality and wrong, and further states that it is the choices of the people that truly define who they are.... .... ... ... Isabel McLain's husband, a former doctor and now the CEO of a huge mining corporation was trying to take away the land of the tribe in order to exact revenge on his wife who had ruined his career by exposing his medical malpractices....
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Inherent Leadership and Followership Styles in the Lion King
8 pages (2167 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
This movie review "Inherent Leadership and Followership Styles in the Lion King" discsses a movie that can enrich a student's life in multiple ways and could teach one much about management and leadership.... In The Lion King the leadership skills are taught and expressed through a vibrant and rich medium....
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Cybercrime, Privacy, and Security Concepts in the Film WarGames
8 pages (2178 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
This movie review "Cybercrime, Privacy, and Security Concepts in the Film WarGames" presents one of the films depicting IT/computer networks narrative position, which involves hacking of security systems by a teenager and his accomplices to benefit themselves out of the networks violations.... ... ...
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The Best Parenting Style
8 pages (2346 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The purpose of this review "The Best Parenting Style" is to conduct a comparative analysis of the various parenting styles in terms of its productiveness.... Specifically, the review will draw a contrast between the benefits of permissive and authoritarian parenting.... ... ... ... 'I cannot be just any parent, I want to be the best one so that my kid will also the best that he can be,' says one parent....
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Precious as a Movie About Child Abuse
9 pages (2401 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The paper "Precious as a Movie About Child Abuse" states that I would want to serve as a guidance counselor, making the healing process of children possible and free them from trauma and fear.... The children are the future leaders.... I want to be part of moulding these children to become good leaders....
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Pediatric Physiotherapists Clinical Reasoning and ICF
6 pages (1794 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This work "Pediatric Physiotherapists Clinical Reasoning and ICF" describes understanding the application of ICF frameworks within the discipline of clinical practice with special attention to pediatric physiotherapy.... The author outlines the ICF presents practitioners with guidelines on decision-making....
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