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Mindfulness and Negative Self-Talk
6 pages (1780 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Mindfulness and Negative Self-Talk" helps in informing on whether mindfulness practices done briefly will help accept negative self-talk.... The findings have an audience drawn from the group of people who may not have as much time for longer routines of mindfulness.... ... ... ... With the rarity of literature to explore the effectiveness of briefer routines of mindfulness, this investigation sets in to search for leads the may be a basis for recommending lesser periods of mindfulness....
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Multi Sector Collaborative Project
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This project proposal is aimed to give an introduction into the areas that are to be covered in the project.... The project that has to be done is based on Methamphetamines in Spokane.... The project is aimed to find out the effects of this particular drug in the population of Spokane.... ... ... ...
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Customer Satisfaction at Sambal Express
8 pages (2705 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Journal of the Academy of Marketing science, 32(3), pp.... This research paper "Customer Satisfaction at Sambal Express" is to establish the level of customer satisfaction provided by Sambal Express in London.... In order to achieve the main aim of the research, a survey is conducted among the customers of Sambal Express and their views....
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Best Fit between Business and HR Strategies in the Complex Era of Inter-Organizational Relationships
9 pages (3075 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Best Fit between Business and HR Strategies in the Complex Era of Inter-Organizational Relationships" paper explores the feasible ways by which organizations with the interlocking relationships of the global economy can best respond to the challenges posed by increased business competition.... ... ...
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Sociopolitical and ideological conditions and constraints of translation
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The dissertation will be an investigation of the socio-political and ideological conditions and constraints of translation.... I intend to examine the present theories and concepts on the issue of constraints what will enable me to provide synthesis of the major constraints and determine the status of the issue, its applications, possible outcomes and solutions of the problem....
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Corporate Governance Quality on Performance of Firms
13 pages (3719 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
ositivism relates to that branch of science where both observation and mathematical analysis of data can form the body of knowledge to help reach towards conclusion for the hypotheses being evaluated.... The field of science called ontology is also related to positivism since it involves the understanding of reality and then evaluating it is addressed through positivism.... nother area of science is termed as interpretivism and is also generally termed as positivism....
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Exploring the Differences in Patients Satisfaction with Primary Care Provided by Nurses and Doctors
17 pages (4657 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
However, there is a certain controversy in the medical community, as some experts argue about significant risks related to the independent work of NPs in primary care, such as misdiagnosis or inappropriate treatment.... For example, the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and the American medical Association hold the opinion that NPs should work only in collaboration with GPs (Rough, 2009).... We consider patients' satisfaction is the key factor, as it is most of all associated with the quality of care, influencing on patients' compliance with medical treatment, on patients' willingness to follow prescribed medicine and advices, on the repetition of patients' visits to the same doctor....
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The Implementation of Comprehensive Integration in Special Education
12 pages (3463 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Vocation Educational Training Programs" paper proposes the best learning environment for students with special needs.... The patterns of education of children with developmental disorders have evolved from exclusion, where such children were educated in isolation, to segregation than to integration....
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The Board Gender Diversity and Cost of Capital in Hong Kong
15 pages (4247 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The aim of the research proposal titled "The Board Gender Diversity and Cost of Capital in Hong Kong" paper is to evaluate the degree of gender diversity on the boards of Hong Kong's listed companies and their impact on a firm's financial performance.... ... ... ... Cost of capital is an important measure of performance as it is the minimum rate of return that a firm must achieve to continue its operations....
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The Impact of the Growth of FDIs on the Indian Economy
9 pages (2711 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Impact of the Growth of FDIs on the Indian Economy" highlights that according to reports by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, GoI, India has received a total Foreign Direct Investment to the tune of Rs.... 3, 54,738 Crores from Mar 91 to July 2008.... .... ... ... The objective of this dissertation is to analyze the impact of increased FDI on the Indian economy....
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Western Banks v Islamic Banks: Differences in the Governance, Efficiency and Capitalization
11 pages (3266 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Western Banks v Islamic Banks: Differences in the Governance, Efficiency, and Capitalization" discusses the development of business activities worldwide has been based on the following two criteria: the demands of the customers and the characteristics of the targeted market....
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Political Economy and Economics
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Political Economy and Economics' the author analyzes a branch of the science of a statesman or legislator, which proposes two distinct objects, first, to supply a plentiful revenue or subsistence for the people, and secondly, to supply the state or commonwealth with a revenue.... Political economy considered as a branch of the science of a statesman or legislator proposes two distinct objects, first, to supply a plentiful revenue or subsistence for the people, or more properly to enable them to provide such a revenue or subsistence for themselves; and secondly, to supply the state or commonwealth with a revenue sufficient for the public service....
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The Importance of Personal and Professional Development
6 pages (1820 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper " The Importance of Personal and Professional Development" focuses on the fact that personal and professional development is among the most essential concepts in the modern world not just for long-term career development, but also for personal life.... .... ... ... Personal and professional development (PPD) is defined as the process of setting up aims and goals in life (Throop and Castellucci, 2009, p....
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The film Water as a characteristic of contemporary films made for the love of cinema
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Research Proposal
The film Water gives rise to a new wave of thought about the origin of oppression of women in India in the post colonial context, i.... , that the source of the oppression lies in the cherished ritualistic traditions of Hinduism.... ... ... ... The objective of this study would be to examine the oppression of widows portrayed in the film “Water”, to demonstrate that it is contrary to the image of oppression of women that was portrayed in post colonial cinema, i....
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Investigating Effects of Advertising and Marketing in Human Memory
5 pages (1557 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Retrieved November 26, 2012, from http://science.... Retrieved November 26, 2012, from http://science.... Retrieved November 26, 2012, from http://science.... science Research Proposal.... et/Jenwashere/science-research-proposal#btnhtm Schrock, A....
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The Relation between Estate Taxation and Equitable Growth
23 pages (5998 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
From the paper "The Relation between Estate Taxation and Equitable Growth" it is clear that there is a negative correlation between the GDP and the estate tax rates.... Based on the collected data, analysis, and discussion, such assertions have been confirmed.... .... ... ... An estate tax, also called inheritance tax, refers to any tax that is levied on assets left behind by a decedent....
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10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The military is a major arm of the government;it is an organization that is endowed with the sole and sensitive function of providing internal and external security.... vital area of research under the military pay system would be general rather than specific.... ... ... A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF MILITARY PAY SYSTEMS A....
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High speed stereo imaging techniques for flame studies
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The medical field has benefited a lot due to the invention of efficient diagnostic methods.... The medical field has benefited a lot due to the invention of efficient diagnostic methods.... Many inventions have been made that are applicable in many fields.... These methods require modification....
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Gender Equality in Rural Tunisia Versus Gender Equality in Urban Tunisia
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Having an expected life of more than 70 years and medical services accessed universally, noticeable profits are collected from the social sectors, having significant contribution to the position of women in Tunisia.... The paper "Gender Equality in Rural Tunisia Versus Gender Equality in Urban Tunisia" discusses that for the present study qualitative method should be chosen....
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Shock Advertising as a Source of Public Awareness
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposed project 'Shock Advertising as a Source of Public Awareness' is to determine the effectiveness of shock advertising and whether or not deliberately offending the audience by violating accepted social, religious and ethical norms is an appropriate and useful marketing technique.... ... ...
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Effect to Increase the Performance: the Informal Relationship Between Leader and Subordinate
1 pages (489 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Effect to Increase the Performance: the Informal Relationship Between Leader and Subordinate" is about Informal relationships, which can be seen to comprise friendship, trust, advice seeking, and exchange of goods and services.... ... ... ... According to Simon, the driving forces of informal relationships are inherent within humans....
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Genderism and Architecture
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
problem was, she was a woman and he was a gay man.... In a world full of construction and men's men, she was not welcome and neither was he-because, let's face it, architecture is technically considered a profession for straight males. ... ... lowly, however, his dreams began to turn to dust when he realized he wasn't interested in the construction aspect of being an architect-he absolutely Hated construction with a capital H....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Following its acquisition and incorporation of several other rug-making brands under the Rug Company brand, it is important for the company to develop and implement a strategy that will increase its presence to the public and the interior design industry.... This proposal presents.... ... ... he approach in which the company could improve the awareness of its products and services to the public by providing a marketing plan for improving the company's presence offline and online....
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The Effectiveness of Music as a Mnemonic Device on Recognition Memory
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
?Psychological science 13 (1): 55–59. ... A paper "The Effectiveness of Music as a Mnemonic Device on Recognition Memory" claims that studies devoted to this topic researched it in different aspects such as an effect of peak experiences on music perception and memories retrieval, relations between music, and autobiographical memory....
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The impact of mobile devices on Cyber Security
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
The proposed study "The impact of mobile devices on Cyber Security" reveals the potential interaction between mobile devices and Cyber Security.... In this way, authorities can check whether the terms of the law, for punishing the individual who initiated such violation.... ... ... ... The specific topic is related to two key disciplines....
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A Day Care Facility Strategic Business Plan
2 pages (781 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "A Day Care Facility Strategic Business Plan" focuses on a daycare facility that would be built and maintained would be made affordable for most ordinary working parents even as it strives to excel in its endeavor.... The number of such facilities is still inadequate.... ... ...
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Violent Behavior in the Media and its impact on Violence in the Physical World
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This review focuses on the effect of television violence on aggression in real life and develops a comprehensive experimental procedure for testing whether there is a relationship between the level of violence that is observed, and the aggression that is shown for adult males.... ... ... ... Violence and aggression in the media has been an increasing trend for many years as technology continues to increase and programmers compete for ratings....
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Interventions to Increase College Students Grades
7 pages (1853 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
As the paper "Interventions to Increase College Students Grades" outlines, young people often take drastic measures to rid themselves of the pressure.... This includes suicide.... Sadly, Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people in the 15-24-year old range.... ... ... ... The author of the paper will begin with the statement that gone are the days when 'kids can just be kids'....
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Various Facts Regarding Communication Apprehension
8 pages (2181 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Various Facts Regarding Communication Apprehension" is an outstanding example of a psychology research proposal.... The idea of this learning is to learn with reference to communication apprehension by formative if discrepancies among the way a personage view themselves as well as the way in which they distinguish others to view them escort to higher communication trepidation....
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To What Extent Is Employees Trust the Key to the Effectiveness of High Performance
6 pages (1961 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
In an organization where there exists a relationship of trust between employee and the employer there is an increase and improvement in organization performance (Tzafrir, 2005).... Organization trust that an employee has on.... ... ... The paper "To What Extent Is Employees' Trust the Key to the Effectiveness of High Performance" is a wonderful example of a research proposal on human resources....
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Saudi Consumers Perceptions and Reactions
14 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In this proposal 'Saudi Consumers Perceptions and Reactions' the researcher has provided brief idea of the selected research topic Saudi Consumers perceptions and reactions to companies CSR (corporate social responsibility) initiatives.... ... ... ... Research questions and background of the research has also been discussed in this proposal and in suitable cases, the researcher has taken help of research works of previous researchers to validate the argument....
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Issues in Managing International Human Resource
11 pages (3153 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This report aims at analysing the current issues faced by the managemement of medical Precision Systems (MPS) USA in managing the international workforce of the company and provides recommendations for developing an international HRM strategy with a global outlook coupled with local responsiveness.... edical Precision Systems, which has been in operation since 1972 is a US owned company producing medical precision tools.... By offering a “cafeteria style” remuneration option for workers to choose from, which may include family medical covers, fully paid annual holiday trips, schooling subsidies for children etc, so that employees can choose according to their needs (Lawler 2000)....
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Art, Design and Education: Mock Grant Project
6 pages (1649 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Art, Design and Education: Mock Grant Project" discusses that interagency cooperation is hearty, being attained through ceaseless gatherings, and the offering of encounters will help in centering exertions into basic points rather than the broadening.... ... ... ... he time is simply right to handle the chance of the national endeavors to change the educational module inside the five-year plan....
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Analyzing the State of Air Pollution in the City of Doha
6 pages (1672 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
"Analyzing the State of Air Pollution in the City of Doha" paper research proposal is geared towards drawing an understanding of the state of air pollution in the city of Doha in Qatar.... This helps in developing strategies that ensure that the levels of air pollution are minimized within the city....
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Study of Employee Motivation
7 pages (2046 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Study of Employee Motivation" shows us that Employee motivation is an interesting subject that has been attracting the interest of Human Resource Management practitioners and academic scholars.... Motivation is vital to employees' performance and for organizational performance as well....
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Changing Role of Cinematographers in the Age of DigitalImagery
3 pages (1156 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper introduces the topic of research as the 'Changing role of cinematographers in the age of digital imagery.... A preliminary search on the topic enabled the researcher to trace out the changing qualifications, knowledge and skills, attitudes and work culture for the cinematographers.... ...
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What Is Motivation and How to Strengthen It
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Job satisfaction is controlled by the employees' satisfaction with such factors as salary, leave, medical facilities and insurance etc.... This research proposal "What Is Motivation and How to Strengthen It" discusses Herzberg's theory of motivation by analyzing the impact of individual factors on the workers' productivity from their own perspective....
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Communication Barriers between Universities in the Third World Countries
6 pages (1969 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Eurasia Journal of mathematics, science and technology education, 5(3); 235-245.... This proposal "Communication Barriers between Universities in the Third World Countries" seeks initiation of research into the impediments of research in the developing countries and the potential solutions....
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Work and Organizational Psychology
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The present research proposal "Work and Organizational Psychology" deals with the ideas of humanistic management.... As the author puts it, motivation is everywhere and people use it more often in whatever they do.... In school, in organizations, in sports clubs, etc motivation is required.... .... ...
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Coffee Shop Franchisee Business in Western Australia
14 pages (5177 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This work called "Coffee Shop Franchisee Business in Western Australia" describes the measurement of current demand for client brands of stores in the locations specified by the client.... The author outlines how Coffee drinking habits are changing and how they are related to the coffee store business....
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Car Parking in the Abu Dhabi City
9 pages (2803 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The writer of the paper 'Car Parking in the Abu Dhabi City' states that Abu Dhabi experiences the problems of over-subscription of current car parks, neglect of set rules, the growing use of cars, and underutilization of public car parks.... This, therefore, calls for the management of parking in the city....
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Factors of Productivity
7 pages (1915 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Job satisfaction is controlled by the employees' satisfaction with such factors as salary, leave, medical facilities and insurance etc.... This work called "Factors of Productivity" describes the relationship between satisfying and dissatisfying factors affecting workers' productivity....
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General Property Requirements of Stent Fractures
5 pages (1413 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Therefore, cobalt chromium alloy L605 and stainless steel 316L are popular metals in the biological and medical field, whose biomedical application is coronary stent 2,6,7.... The paper "General Property Requirements of Stent Fractures" highlights that several perspectives came up in the findings with commendations to the assessment of stent fractures....
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Abu Dhabi Police Department: the Reputation Management
10 pages (3099 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Abu Dhabi Police Department: the Reputation Management" is about content analysis of public relations communications from the ADP – those issued directly and through secondary media sources – will be conducted, and a series of in-depth interviews with a number of residents....
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How Can Saudi Arabia Improve Policy to Reduce RTAs Mortality and Morbidity
8 pages (2541 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Safety science, vol.... Safety science, vol.... World Academy of science, Engineering and Technology, vol.... Saudi medical Journal, vol.... How important is a quick medical response?... "How can Saudi Arabia Improve Policy to Reduce RTAs Mortality and Morbidity" paper is aimed at strengthening the deliberations of the Saudi Arabia government through recommending modern and appropriate policies....
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Motivation and Retention of Adult Online Sophomore Students
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Before considering the other aspects of the proposal, it is important to analyze the issue of increased number of ‘dropout of sophomore students' in the.... ... ... The proposal will also discuss the linguistic, socio-cultural, socio-economic/political issues which cause the students dropout.... Besides, it will discuss how these adult online sophomore dropouts can be reduced, and the The purpose of the study is to find out “Why the level of adult online dropout is increasing and how to motivate and retain the adult online sophomore students?...
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An evaluation of human rights abuses and reconciliation of the past in Nigeria 1966 -1999
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper will do a critical analysis of the Oputa Truth Commission, study its mandates, while taking an in-depth look into its findings, and the implications of these findings on the Nigerian society.... The successes and the failures of this Commission will be analysed.... ... ... Nigeria established the Human Rights Violations Investigations Commission (HRVIC) in 1999, after its transition into democracy, following the end of the authoritarian military rule....
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Impact of Computer-Based Video Games on Learning
10 pages (3095 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Consequently, a number of studies have found out that when the computer-based educational video games are designed appropriately, they can improve the learning process of kids especially in the discipline of mathematics, science, language and literature.... The paper "Impact of Computer-Based Video Games on Learning" states that among the benefits of computer-based video games are that they help in making classroom sessions more interesting and engaging, promoting interactivity and engagement, challenging and motivating....
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Gender Discrimination and Its Effect on an Employees Behaviour and Morale
7 pages (1778 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The sources of secondary information from which bulk of the data and literature will be collected are academic journals such as science direct and emerald.... "Gender Discrimination and Its Effect on an Employee's Behaviour and Morale" paper evaluates and understands how gender discrimination affects an individual's morale and behavior at work, and critically evaluates how gender discrimination affects an employee in her social life....
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Healthy Eating and Exercise in Reducing Obesity Risk
4 pages (1105 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
?Obesity: science to practice.... In medical terms, a person qualifies to be obese if their body mass index goes beyond the recommended 30kg/m2 (Williams & Fru?... The essay "Healthy Eating and Exercise in Reducing Obesity Risk" addresses the question that following a healthy nutrition regime coupled with an excellent exercise regimen can ensure that one lives a healthy lifestyle that is free of common illnesses....
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