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MILITARY PAY SYSTEMS - Research Proposal Example

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The military is a major arm of the government;it is an organization that is endowed with the sole and sensitive function of providing internal and external security.A vital area of research under the military pay system would be general rather than specific…
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? MILITARY PAY A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF MILITARY PAY SYSTEMS A. INTRODUCTION a. PROBLEM MENT b. RESEARCH RATIONALE c. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES d. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS e. SUMMARY f. LITERATURE REVIEW g. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY h. PARTICIPANTS i. RESEARCH DESIGN j. INSTRUMENTATION AND DATA COLLECTION PLAN k. DATA ANALYSIS AND REPORT l. APPENDICES AND REFERENCES Time schedule Resources needed Personnel Assurances /Clearances Questionnaire/ survey/interview A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF MILITARY PAY SYSTEMS a. INTRODUCTION The military is a major arm of the government; it is an organization that is endowed with the sole and sensitive function of providing internal and external security of the country. A vital area of research under the military pay system would be general rather than specific. The research is therefore concerned with addressing the military pay in a diverse perspective: the structural make up of the system; how the structure operates; accountability; and responsibility of the system. Also, all the issues that impact the overall system will be addressed by the research undertaking; under issues, gender and military will be addressed, military and crime, recruitment in the military and their salary schemes including other relevant issues. It is these kinds of motivations and urge to find out that have propelled the urge to find out about the military pay system. This study will lead to the development of strategies to help deal with the challenges depicted (Neuman 2009). This is to ensure that the future benefits realized from the system are maximized for the future generations. Research on Military pay is also because there is tremendous transformation in the socio-economic sector. The socio-economic changes have severely affected the stakeholders in the military by causing severe stress due to the culture and the social make up of the society. This has lead to the creation and sustained social crimes like rape, murder, and economic vices in the military. Therefore, this research project is towards seeking, exploring and investigating/finding out the following: To examine the extent to which the military pay systems and structures have influenced the economy of the country. To identify and evaluate the areas which require change and restructuring for efficiency. To assess the impacts of the changes affected ones they are in position. The evaluation here seeks towards finding a sustainable solution for the military pay tribulations. b. PROBLEM STATEMENT Military officers are an important asset to any country hence must be accorded all the assistance they need in order to perform their work efficiently. The research is hence seeks to find out why there is never enough compensation to the military for the work they do and the risk they expose themselves to. The relevant expected risks shall be identified and advocacy plus awareness be shouted to the government that they will never be in the position to provide enough compensation for the risks that the military are engaged (Neuman 2009). Those seeking to join the forces will also have enough knowledge and facts to make a basis before deciding to join the forces or not. c. RESEARCH RATIONALE The problem is that the compensation is never enough and the reason therefore has a fundamental task of finding why this is so; the major reasons behind this fact. This research is also towards finding out about the nature and magnitude of the risks and tries proposing a compensation that if given to the service men would be closer to substituting the risks that they face in the course of discharging their duties (Financial Friendly fire 2006). The research requires a dissection into the roles of the study and can only be determined using qualitative approach of data collection and analysis; this will be done through collection of information from a varied group of persons in the military identified through random selection, topics to be discussed with them is as well got randomly. The methods of investigation entail discussions through discussion questions, interviews through interview schedules prepared and questionnaires will be used with questions relevant to all the groups available. Adequate and concrete information will be gathered through directly observing the military as they undertake their operations. This information can highly be relied upon since they are not based on rumors but actual occurrences. This research is not an easy one since it involves demographic studies with complex and frequent variations and components of the population. This entails sex, age, and mortality and death aspects of the populace. This makes it so hard to relate risk exposure, death, and pay; the analysis and report is equally very hard. d. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose and the objectives of this study apart from those highlighted in the introductory section are to:- carry out an exercise to investigate about the open and hidden risks that the military men are faced with. Their roles and responsibilities to the state and the citizenry as far as security provision are concerned. Their compensation and payment procedures and systems is another aspect of investigation. The other aim is to investigate find out why the payments to the military servicemen is not always enough and even propose on the channels to improve the inefficiencies witnessed. The process of conducting the research necessary knowledge about risks facing the military is likely to be added to the academia, these include a whole roll of expected risks. From the research, the researcher through relevant information is able to advice the relevant stakeholders on how to minimize the impacts of the inefficiencies caused by the inability to satisfy the societal need of compensating the military. e. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis in its form as a predictor plays a vital role in trying to preempt the outcome of the research. The research engages to find out about several aspects of the military which rages right from the work they do, the nature of their involvement which fundamentally narrows down to the risks they are engaged in the course of their work. The research is to make it clear and test whether the compensations to the military officers is likely to cater for the risks they face during their service to their country. If the research findings prove this statement to be true then more of the citizens are likely to be encouraged to join the forces since they would be lucrative, the opposite is also true. However, if the findings prove futile then other citizens are likely only to join the military on independent judgments and self-interests. f. SUMMARY The research proposed to be conducted using the proposal herein is to analyze the most critical aspect of the socio-economy. Security is vital for the well-being and stability of any society, without security and its appropriate measures, many social settings will always crumble. It is with this respect that I found it prudent to find out on ways to help the people who are responsible for ensuring the security both internal and external to the country. That is the military and the aspect that causes havoc in the process of delivery of their service; that is military payment system and procedures, whether they are efficient or not and whatever could be done to improve in the performance of this critical and sensitive sector. The main aim is to find out why the pay is not satisfactory to compensate for the risks facing the military operations in the discharge of their duties. The risks they face are diverse right from; being killed by the opponents, poor or unfavorable climates to working at odd hours. As a result they face a sure risk which death hence difficulty in compensation. g. LITERATURE REVIEW There is no common way that we can use to explain how the government handles the finances and payments to their military (Financial Friendly fire 2006). The security budget takes a big bulk of most countries budgets according to research findings. The government of the United States values the security of it citizens, it is in fact the number one objective apart from the provision of food, clothing and shelter (Orakhelashvili 2011). This is depicted through the vast investments that the government has placed on establishing several security fundamentals; this in terms of security agencies, which are grounded on very strong, pillars, policies and elaborate/bureaucratic plans. Heavy investment in security is derived from the fact that America views the other states of the world as it enemies in the verge to protect its superpower interests. In as much as it is a source of employment, being a military officer is not an easy task, as it may seem to be. This is despite the fact that it is the sole responsibility of the military to provide security protecting it country from attacks by enemies either internally or from without. The army, navy, and the air force undertake such roles in thorough and coordinated efforts to meet tuff and overwhelming objectives (Orakhelashvili 2011). Their operation environments expose them to risks, which may and to the highest probability result to death. This work requires real hard work, devoted efforts, commitment and big hearts, which are very difficult, attributes to arrive at just like that and from anybody (Financial Friendly fire 2006). Nothing, not even money compensations can cover for the risk exposure of the militants hence it has to be understood that they work risky and dangerous environments, which is costly to the extent of warranting even death. When we talk of the pay given to the military officers, it is pruned and highly sound to mention that they are lowly paid when compared to what they expose themselves to in the process of discharging their duties and mandated roles. The paper, which explores issues with comparison to what pay the military receive, is used to explain the aspect and relationships of the said variables (Report to congressional requesters 2004). The content presented cuts across to the extent that the topic would explain the relationships of the military life with that of gender issues. Gender calls for the involvement of both the men and women in integrated roles of the military service despite the variability in physiological makeup of the two divides (Report to congressional requesters 2004). Disparity arises firstly in the number where there are more men than women in the military. In addition, the challenges and setbacks facing the women are as well vast; they range from despise of the women and even physical molestation given their vulnerability to vast situations. In the act of service women may undergo even some extreme acts like rape (Kutz & Frank 2004). Women are also forced to leave behind their young children during war, which deprives the bond of love between the mother and the children. Despite it being in record that a few women are today employed as the army, still the society does not recognize them much. Gender and military is since a very complex issue (Kutz & Frank 2004). The numerous challenges and complexities have resulted into an uprising demand for the address and redress of the urgent issue of how military should conduct its operations. Demand in this case could be used to mean the part of planning process, which would aid the department of defense to handle and cross its hurdles amicably. It is in record that the military find it hard even as there is a fight to have them be saved from such agony (Kutz & Frank 2004). It is in record that after September 11th when the US twin towers was hit by terrorists lead by Osama Bin Laden, the US sent its troops to the Afghanistan and since a number have died due to the risks they face. Death is since a very big challenge as there is a fight to lift the welfare of the military officers (Report to congressional requesters 2004). The military is vital again in the sense that development cannot be realized without peace and stability. Countries like China who are fast developing in terms of infrastructure and even technology need utmost peaceful environments to thrive. In fact, the country is recorded to be highly innovative in terms of technology; this has prompted the government to invest much on their military in order to create a sustainable environment for growth and expansion of industries. Military in China are extra-devoted working in the extreme nights, they devote their time during weekends and they are exposed to looming risks. The China government is not able to cover all these in the most convenient and satisfactory manner since resources are a constraint (Report to congressional requesters 2004). The military career has also never been very attractive in the 1900’s due to the low pay that it attracted. People were highly not willing to join the carrier due to the many risks and meager returns in form of compensations (Kutz & Frank 2004). Commotions and havoc witnessed through destabilized governments when the military would at time threaten a coup in an attempt to advocate for salary and bonus increments. Military retirees also demanded good retirement plans. It is since evident that the risks that are faced by the military is very expensive to compensate for (Report to congressional requesters 2004). B. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research is likely to be conducted using several research methods due to the nature of the situation. Considering that, the nature of the matter under research is fragile, secretive and a highly secretive matter of countries security, some methods may be limited or movement in some sections may be barred for security purposes (Creswell 2003). All in all both qualitative and a bit of descriptive/quantitative may be applied. Qualitative method may be applied using questionnaires and personal interviews. Direct observations on site are as well applicable in the scenario. The case study approach is fundamental to build on the framework. This would entail an analysis into the cases of the same scenario, which have occurred in the past. The quantitative aspect if must be employed then simple statistical tools of analysis are recommended to avoid derailing the process due to unnecessary complexities. Qualitative method is able to allow for interpretation of meaning and it accommodates complex phenomena and dynamic processes, which accommodates exploration thus providing deep knowledge through valid and reliable instruments. The nature of the research is likely to majorly only permit the use of the case study approach as a methodology. C. PARTICIPANTS In any research exercise, participants are the major component and they are what constitute the success and validity of the research findings (Creswell 2003). Participation starts from the researcher himself or herself all the way to the objects and subjects of research. The bulk of participants in our case is made up of the components where the data we are to use in making conclusions is gotten from. These include the military officers and all the stakeholders of any military camp. The relevant governments would as well be useful in information provision since the government through the relevant agencies is privy to very vital security information. The criterion for choice of participants and number is not clearly defined since security issues are governmental and choice of sampled governments would entail a wide geographical region. Still random and sequential method would be applied to get 10 forms of sampled governments. Other data would be found from case studies from previous researches. a. RESEARCH DESIGN A research design normally converts a research question into a testing project; this means that for a best design there is need for good research questions. The research design methods that will be used are and majorly two; that is Qualitative design and a bit of quantitative methods. It is quite simple and clear that for research to be of the required quality to deal with the defined problems a sound research design has to be put in place (Creswell 2003). Quantitative design methods employed will permit ideas to be generalized, prediction be made with utmost accuracy and permitted testing f hypothesis. Quantitative methods on the other hand are exploratory and in this sense are likely to provide wide range of knowledge. This it does since it natures such as complexity, dynamism and interprets meanings of ideas (Creswell 2003). b. INSTRUMENTATION AND DATA COLLECTION PLAN For quality research, quality data has to be facilitated (Creswell 2003). Qualitative techniques of collecting data are diverse and they include; use of questionnaires with well and relevantly constructed questions, interviews will also be conducted on participants who can be reached directly for personal discussions (Creswell 2003). To places, which can be, visited physically, direct observation will be the most appropriate form or technique to be used. Quantitative research instruments must possess the following so that they become effective:- they have to be highly reliable and valid which entails doing away with measurement bias as well as protecting questionnaires from influenced responses; complete references have to be used in cases where established instruments were employed (Creswell 2003). c. DATA ANALYSIS AND REPORT Once data has been collected it analysis and presentation for report purposes is the next course of action. Data can be analyzed in a variety of ways depending on which type of data we are dealing with (Creswell 2003). In our case since the bulk of our data is qualitative both exploratory data analysis (EDA) which will focus on finding the new discoveries on the so said data and confirmatory data analysis (CDA) which will confirm or make false the already existing hypothesis. For the less qualitative aspects that are needed descriptive statistics with slight analysis will be employed to bring out the findings (Creswell 2003). Once all the relevant analysis are in place, there will be a comprehensive report to be compiled and produced to be used by the relevant parties in knowing about the actual findings and outcome of the research process. d. APPENDICES AND REFERENCES Time schedule The research will go on for four months that is between August and November of 2012; Time Activity August Identification and analysis of research problem September Planning on how to carry out the research October Real research study will be conducted November Analysis of final data for results and report production Resources needed Resources required to successfully conduct the research include;- Electronics(laptops and mobile phones), stationery for recording, funds in form of money must be sufficiently enough to take care of fundamental and necessary expenses like transport, food, accommodation, airtime purchases and other relevant purchases. Other resources are questionnaires and interview questions. Personnel Personnel are needed to support in activities, which may be overwhelming. Research assistant will be hired if need be, research experts and consultants will also be hired at the right moment, driver, typist and data analyst will be hired. Expected Budget Expenses Estimated cost ($) Transport 2,000 Living expenses (Food and accommodation) 1,800 Research Assistant 2,500 Informants Gifts 400 Permit Fee 350 Analysis Costs 1,500 Stationery 100 Laptop Computer 800 Medical Insurance 200 Telephone, Fax, Postage, Email 1,200 Contingencies 1,000 Total 11, 850 Assurances /Clearances For smooth and effective operations, the authorities concerned in the concerned countries must be informed. After which their consent and permission must be got. In this research case, the government must be made aware that a research will be conducted in their military department to seek information about their military service men for a period of four months. The second authority to seek permission from is the department of finance at the military head offices. This would aid in getting the required information of relevant financial data from their systems. If permission is accepted then an informed consent form is issued giving guidance on how the process is to be conducted. Questionnaire/ survey/interview PART A: General information I. What is your occupation?………… II. How old are you?……………… III. Are you male or female?……………………… IV. How long have you worked?……………………………….. V. How much is your salary…………………….. VI. When do you get your salary?……………………… VII. Do you receive any allowances?.................................... VIII. Do you go for leave?......................................................... IX. When are your working hours?.......................................... PART B: For females alone I. How long is your maternity leave?........................................... II. Do you think it is enough time for you?.......................................... III. At what time do you go for work?.................................................. IV. When do you get back to your house?................................................ V. Do you get enough time with your family?..................................... VI. Is your husband comfortable with your work?..................State any complaints if there is… PART C: Challenges in the occupation I. What problems do you face at work?........................... II. How many times have you gone for overseas wars?............................... III. What were the challenges?................................. IV. Did you experience any deaths?.......................If there are, how many were they?.... V. Do you work at night?..................What are the setbacks?........... PART D: Feelings and attitude towards the occupation I. What is your comment on the amount you earn?........................ II. Is it satisfactory with respect to the risk you undergo? Support your answer…….. Reference List Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Financial Friendly fire: a review of persistent military pay problems: hearing before the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, April 27, 2006. (2006). Washington: U.S. G.P.O. Kutz, G. D., & Frank, G. B. (2004). Military pay Army National Guard personnel mobilized to active duty experienced significant pay problems. Washington, D.C.: U.S. General Accounting Office. Military pay Army Reserve soldiers mobilized to active duty experienced significant pay problems: report to congressional requesters.. (2004). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Accountability Office. Neuman, W. L. (2009). Understanding research. Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon. Orakhelashvili, A. (2011). Collective security. London: Oxford University Press Read More
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