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Strategic Supply Chain Management Plan or proposal
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
has started operating with only the traditional dairy products in Saudi Arabia.... The company has set its mission as provided by nutritious and quality foods as well as beverages to enrich the customers along with their lives in the course of business (Almarai, 2015).... ... ... ... has setup some core values to maintain the feasibility, such as it has been recognized as a flexible working style, which actually help to generate a strong teamwork and collaborative nature among the workers as per their knowledge and This atmosphere of work was also to increase the respect towards the work along with individual performances....
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Mass Media, Violence and Hate
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Psychological science in the Public Interest 4(3), 81-110.... This study discusses the thesis that violence and hate are both initiated and propagated by the mass media and, they have affected the way the society conducts itself.... The paper step-by-step focuses on each source and describes its evaluation, relation and discussion....
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Goal Setting in Motivating Individuals
12 pages (3325 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Goal Setting in Motivating Individuals" is a great example of a research proposal on management.... The prime intention of this research study is to examine how the perception of goal setting motivates individuals in a workplace to perform better through enhanced satisfaction and recognition....
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How Emotional Eating Can Sabotage Weight-Loss Efforts
6 pages (1744 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
More so, the privacy of the interviewee will be maintained just like in any other medical profession.... The privacy of the interviewee is mainly professional ethics for medical practitioners in the medical field.... This research proposal "How Emotional Eating Can Sabotage Weight-Loss Efforts" seeks to validate the hypothesis that emotional eating can sabotage your weight loss efforts; emotion is an independent variable while eating is the dependent variable....
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The Debate about Stem Cells
5 pages (1446 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The use of stem cells is a path breaking discovery in Medical science, and embryonic stem cells have the versatility to transform into almost any type of tissue in the body.... In recent years there has been increased interest in the use of stem cells; which constitute a major discovery in Medical science.... he opponents of stem cell research oppose the use of stem cells in medical treatment, from prejudice, and not on any rational basis.... tem cells are extremely effective in curing certain terminal diseases, and diseases resulting from damage to the nervous system and the brain (medical uses of stem cells)....
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Why Egyptian Youths Use Facebook and the Effect of Facebook on Them
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Why Egyptian Youths Use Facebook and the Effect of Facebook on Them" discusses that communication theory has just begun to fully understand the social and personal implications of online social networking sites on communications and individual development.... .... ... ... Seeking to provide a holistic an analysis as possible, we propose a heterogeneous (Diversity) sampling model....
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Communication between killer whales while hunting
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Killer whales scientifically called Orcinus orca are one of the widely distributed cetacean as they are present in all the oceans worldwide (Riesch & Deecke, 2011).... Within the confines of the given ecotypes in which they habit, it is notable that the prey preferences are what.... ... ... The prey items are vast factor that many research proposals and surveys seek to establish the feeding ecology of the species killer whales. ...
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Learning to Teach in Higher Education
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
n the context of emergency medicine, training and learning of the obligatory expertise and understanding to attain excellence in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques must be the main concern with a precise goal: the management of real-life medical conditions.... The advantages of imparting training and guidance in the field of cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques were established decades ago (Curry et al, 1987; Camp et al, 1997) by both medical as well as nursing professionals (Dane 2000, Hamilton 2005) in urban and rural surroundings (Sanders 1994). ...
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Patient Undergoing Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Perioperative Pain Experience
7 pages (2038 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Essentials of Research Methods in Health, Physical Education, Exercise science, and Recreation, 3rd Edition.... Privacy and confidentiality of medical records relative to medical research studies have always been problematic areas from the perspectives of patients (Lo 2009 82).... Proof of this is that the references include a significant number of primary sources published from known medical journals and only a couple of books....
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The Factors Affecting the Womens Role as a Leader in the Workplaces
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 7 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Factors Affecting the Women's Role as a Leader in the Workplaces" states that studying the total population is impractical, costly and unnecessary; therefore, a sample will be selected out of the total population.... Random sampling methodology will be used to select the sample.... ...
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Development study
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The research study that will be the focus of my Master's Thesis in Development Study will be tentatively titled “The impact of Ebola crisis on distribution and effectiveness of financial Aid in the West African countries”. ... ... evelopment of aid dependant countries has always.... ... ... been a strong debate in the academic and economic circles, with various advocates for and against the effectiveness of aid as a supporting tool for these deprived nations....
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Wind Effect on Combustion in Compartment Fire
9 pages (3159 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
roposal for Fire science (MSc) Dissertation ... San Francisco, USA: Inter science Communications Ltd. ... Philosophical Magazine and Journal of science 33: 196-203, http://dx.... The paper "Wind Effect on Combustion in Compartment Fire" discusses that between the first week and the sixth week, the literature review is continuously done and updated....
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The Lab report to study the impact of Specific drug on Hamsters
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The specific drug has specific effect on the activity level of human being as well as animals.... The drugs will show different impact on the activity levels of animals.... .... ... ... Some drugs may alter the metabolic rates by altering the glucose levels changing the activity levels, sleeping times, eating manners and other behavioral contexts....
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Edward Saids Orientalism and its Implication for Reading Literary Texts
6 pages (1788 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The object of this paper is a proposal to support a dissertation and to state the approach to the work, research, and materials in support of the working thesis.... The thesis is based on the theories of Edward Said's Orientalism and its Implication for Reading Literary Texts.... ... ... ... The bibliography provided here is subject to change, depending on each work's relevance to the overall dissertation....
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Perils of Social Networking
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Different social networking sites are significant in connecting people and thereby improving their interrelations.... However, these sites.... ... ... As such, critics argue that these social networking sites have done more harm than good to the societal members.... It will be, therefore, critical to embark on a research that considers these ills associated with social networking, thereby Research Proposal Research Proposal Perils of Social Networking Introduction The innovation in technology has boosted toa range of social Networking that individuals utilize to communicate with their peers globally....
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Space Elevator
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
in "Lost in Space' Setting a new direction for Australia's space science and industry sector", 27)The structural specifications of the Space Elevator include several parts like the base station, a cable, climbers, and a counterweight.... Man, by nature, is an innovator.... He has continuously tested the horizon of the thought and imagination resulting in a breathtaking array of inventions and discoveries....
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Installing a Nursery in the Work Place
2 pages (700 words) , Download 8 , Research Proposal
The paper "Installing a Nursery in the Work Place " discusses that the problem affecting the company is the loss of man-hours which is affecting the overall productivity of the company and causing strain to the workers that have to cover the parents.... ... ... ... The number of parents in the company is increasing with the young workforce having families....
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Gobalisation and Corporate Social Responsibility in Toyota Motors Corporation
6 pages (2272 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Globalisation and Corporate Social Responsibility in Toyota Motors Corporation" is a plan for the major research paper on the topics of globalization, corporate social responsibility, and the automotive industry production chain using the specific example of Toyota Motors Corporation of Japan....
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Driving Mom-and-Pop Shops out of Business
1 pages (379 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Driving Mom-and-Pop Shops out of Business" focuses on the critical analysis of the problem that large corporations, such as Wal-Mart and Home Depot, have been criticized for driving mom-and-pop shops out of business.... Is this a valid criticism?... ... ... ... Merriman et al.... state that Walmart and other huge stores can kick small businesses out of operations in locations where they start their business (Merriman, 2012)....
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The Need of Professional Development for Current Teachers
12 pages (3499 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Diversity and equity in science education: Theory, research & practice.... This paper "The Need of Professional Development for Current Teachers" examines the need for professional development for teachers with a focus on culturally relevant pedagogy, or culturally responsive teaching, in order to close the achievement gap found among students of color in middle school....
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Incident Response, Business Continuity, and Disaster Recovery Plans
5 pages (1416 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Hershey, PA: Information science Reference Kuonqui, C.... The "Incident Response, Business Continuity, and Disaster Recovery Plan" paper present a case study proposal with a view to enabling organizations to implement effective response and recovery plans for business continuity....
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Incident Response, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans
5 pages (1414 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Hershey, PA: Information science Reference ... "Incident Response, Business Continuity, and Disaster Recovery Plan" paper present a proposal with a view of enabling organizations to implement effective response plans for business continuity.... There are cost implications that are associated with the implementation of the incident response....
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Media Representation of Hong Kong Protest in 2014
8 pages (2455 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Nova science Publishers. ... This research proposal "Media Representation of Hong Kong Protest in 2014" aims to gain a deeper understanding of the role of the press during the protest, understand the relationship between the local media and government agencies and explore if the media was biased....
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A topic of interest in business or management
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The research would delve into potential impact of the recent economic and financial difficulties that besieged various countries worldwide.... The focus would be on the recent recession.... ... ... at impacted the United States economy and one would like to find out how these economic factors affected the rate new businesses are established or current businesses opted to close or declare bankruptcy. ...
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Analyzing Role of Diet in Academic Performance of the College Students
9 pages (2455 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
In relation to the key aim and objectives of the research study, the survey will be highly focus on the participants from a specific group with educational subject areas such as science and technology, finance and business studies.... The paper "Analyzing Role of Diet in Academic Performance of the College Students" highlights that significant deficiencies in daily nutritional intake often lowers the capability of the college students to deal with their stress and thus results in causing major health along with psychological issues....
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How the Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems Affects the Performance of Business
13 pages (3753 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Springer science & Business Media. ... The paper 'How the Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems Affects the Performance of Business' is a convincing example of a finance & accounting research proposal.... An accounting information system (AIS) is usually defined as the system of collecting financial and accounting data which is then stored and processed to be used by an individual in accounting tasks for an organization....
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Social Media Marketing: Game Theory and the Emergence of Collaboration
8 pages (2114 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Social Media Marketing: Game Theory and the Emergence of Collaboration" discusses the social media marketing that provides the companies with faster access to the communities and enhances the frequency of interaction between the company and its customers.... ... ... ... The companies use several techniques in order to use the social media platforms like Facebook, linked-in, etc....
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Impact of Alcohol Advertising on Drinking Beliefs and Behaviours
9 pages (2467 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Impact of Alcohol Advertising on Drinking Beliefs and Behaviours' is an engrossing variant research proposal on sociology.... The Australian government in 1976 effectively banned all tobacco advertising on radio and television by amending the Broadcasting and Television Act (Hoye et al....
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The Paradigm Of The Psychological Refractory Period
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The sources will be collected mainly by the use of inclusive and exclusive criteria which is based on variables like database used, the credibility of authors, date of publication, major findings made, the contribution of research to science, and variables used.... This paper "The Paradigm Of The Psychological Refractory Period" discusses that the impact of executive attention on the attentional bottleneck....
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Technical Choice of Dam Materials and Their Environmental Impacts
16 pages (4743 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Technical Choice of Dam Materials and Their Environmental Impacts" paper examines the potential benefits of using the drilling fluid in the recovery of oil in the homogenous reservoirs.... Recognition of the application of drilling fluid in oil exploration may be beneficial to countries.... ... ...
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Vermont Teddy Bear
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Running Head: Vermont Teddy Bear Vermont Teddy Bear [Name of the writer] [Name of the Institution] Vermont Teddy Bear Introduction Since centuries, people have been putting efforts to develop themselves by different means where business remained one of the most common forms of human development.... ...
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Human Resource Practices in Outsourcing Industry in India
5 pages (1568 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Human Resource Practices in Outsourcing Industry in India" investigates issues like human resource practices, employee voice and quit rate in the outsourcing industry in India.... The author analyzes how the Indian outsourcing industry has grown by leaps and bounds in the last decades....
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New Technologies and Innovation in Construction
10 pages (2950 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Biophilic Design: the Theory,science, and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life (Wiley, New Jersey,2008). ... This work called "New Technologies and Innovation in Construction" demonstrates the new technologies that can be used to improve the architectural designs in the establishment of the new office and teaching space in the university....
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Acknowledgements for the Research Work
1 pages (408 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
The author of this research proposal entitled "Acknowledgements for the Research Work" casts light on the author's acknowledgments.... It is stated: this dissertation is the culmination of what has become my life-transforming sojourn into graduate studies.... ... ... ... While this dissertation deservedly carries my name and attribution, it would not have been possible without the tireless labor and enduring patience of countless people who have sustained me with their wisdom and faith, without which this dissertation would not have been possible....
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Introduction of an iPod
5 pages (1380 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Introduction of an iPod" aimed at studying a specific case of market research and intend to adopt an organized effort in collecting information about related markets and customers.... .... ... ... The proposed research proposal will conduct elaborate research on the consumer markets across the world with a special emphasis on the markets in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Japan....
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No Child Left Behind and the Effects on Children with Special Needs
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Various schools either ignore or curtail programs that are unimportant in meeting the standard minimum skills (science Daily, 2008).... science Daily.... In the lieu of this paper the impact of NCLB on such students and assess its usefulness for children that require extra attention due to any kind of learning disability will be discussed....
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The Impact of Social Media on Businesses
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This study aims to represent the various social media strategies that are available for businesses, the way to analyze these strategies to come up with the best.... The unit of observation for this study will be the UK based firms that use social media as a medium for advertisement.... ... ... ... There has been exceptional growth in the use of social media by the business over recent years....
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Time Schedule: Timeline
6 pages (1910 words) , Download 8 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Time Schedule: Timeline" focuses on the estimated time which will be based on the academic calendar needed to be followed by the school.... Given an estimated timeframe of 4 months, below is how the whole research is proposed to be scheduled.... ... ... ... It can be seen that the proposal writing is expected to be completed in the next 3 weeks....
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Factors that Impact the Implementation of Service Excellence at the United Arabs
6 pages (1521 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Factors that Impact the Implementation of Service Excellence at the United Arabs" is a good example of a research proposal on management.... The background of the study succinctly provides relevant and detailed information for the study.... ... ... ... The paper "Factors that Impact the Implementation of Service Excellence at the United Arabs" is a good example of a research proposal on management....
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Performance of UKs Retail Sector during the Global Financial Crisis
7 pages (2042 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Performance of UK's Retail Sector during the Global Financial Crisis" paper identifies and explores the UK's retail sector and its performance during the financial crisis, while also keeping in view, the government's efforts to sustain the accomplishments of this sector.... ... ... ... Financial Slump and Joblessness: The decrease in consumer confidence is a product of the financial meltdown, the lack of skilled human resources as well as the condition of the poor housing market....
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What Problems Can Cause Pregnancy on College Students
4 pages (1327 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research "What Problems Can Cause Pregnancy on College Students?... seeks to establish from data gathered the problems leading to the factor of pregnancy in college students.... It evaluates the intensity of the problems in relation to the stresses the college students.... ... ... ... It is true that students do face a lot of stress and stress factors while in college....
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Impact of Global Media on Local Cultures and Identities in the Middle East
25 pages (6804 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Impact of Global Media on Local Cultures and Identities in the Middle East" focuses on the critical analysis of the impact of global media on local cultures and identities in the Middle East with a specific focus on the United Arab Emirates.... ... ... ... A lot of attention is written on the impacts of globalization on the media, yet the very definition of the term globalization is a hotly discussed one in academia....
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Gun Violence in Arkansas
19 pages (5133 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The program will also help in molding the youth to help victims of gun violence to seek medical attention and justice.... The paper "Gun Violence in Arkansas" discusses that it is important to rein in the mentality of the citizens by moulding their minds, hearts and hands in a positive way in order to arrive at lasting solutions of reduced cases of gun violence in Arkansas....
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Cruise ship accomodations and other accomodations of Rio brazil olympic
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a research to find the equilibrium number of cruise ships' rooms to be additionally constructed, and what governmental actions should be taken to cope with the possible room surplus after the Olympic event. ... ... razil won the bid to host.... ... ... Members of the Brazil population are anticipating that the 2016 Olympic Games will be a basis for rejuvenating the country's financial position and highlighting the cultural proficiency to the rest of the universe....
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How to Improve and Reactivate the Latest Data Mining Technology in UAE Municipality
7 pages (2903 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'How to Improve and Reactivate the Latest Data Mining Technology in UAE Municipality' is a forceful example of the management research proposal.... Data mining is a key area to be considered by any organization dealing with important data that may help it to prosper in its operations.... ...
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Childhood Obesity/Parental Education/Implications and Limitations
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The assumption is that this number will represent over 20% of a possible number of people within the population.... The population of the study has been proposed to be made up of students observed to be obese in.... ... ... The implication of the proportion of the sample size to the population is that the views and results to be collected among the respondents will become the larger representation of views and results from the entire population (Davis-Floyd, School: Topic: Implications And Limitations Lecturer: Implications and Limitations Implications and assumptions on the proposed sample A proposed sample size of 20 mothers has been suggested for the study....
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An Evaluation as to the Relationship of Corporate Returns from Stock Prices
8 pages (2119 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This piece of aims to applying science as an alternative to the use of gut feel.... The context of the proposed research assumes that businessmen and investors make decisions each day.... They normally look at the financial statement of the corporations to see the profitability of the same make an investment decision....
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Research Concepts for the Built Environment
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the research 'Research Concepts for the Built Environment,' the author tries to answer the question: Does the academic literature provide clear evidence that eco-town development and zero-carbon buildings will realistically be of material assistance in fighting climate change?... ... ... ... According to the paper, the earth is a living organism....
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Eating Disorders - a Widespread Problem in the World
2 pages (693 words) , Download 8 , Research Proposal
The paper "Eating Disorders - a Widespread Problem in the World" states people live in a fast-paced world, where most individuals hardly get enough time to adhere to healthy eating practices or physical exercises.... This has resulted in obesity and to counter this problem many people avoid food....
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Estimation of the Gulf Currency Union
5 pages (1687 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Estimation of the Gulf Currency Union" focuses on the critical analysis of the effects of the Gulf Currency Union (GCU) on Saudi Arabia.... A brief discussion of the research goal and objectives is included.... Gulf Currency Union is a popular topic of professional discussion.... ... ...
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