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Walt Disney Company
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Critical Profile: Walt Disney Company Number Introduction Walt Disney Company mostly referred to as the Disney was started as a family company and grew to become one of the largest Media and entertainment conglomerate in the world in terms of revenue.... Company Operations The Walt Disney Company which started in 1923 as Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio, has grown tremendously to become the largest Media conglomerate in the world in terms of revenue.... The Walt Disney Company with its subsidiaries and affiliates is a diversified international family entertainment and Media enterprise, with four business divisions which are highlighted here....
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The Prevalence of Television and the Internet in Todays Society
13 pages (3461 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The Media is an important tool in the socialisation process of children.... The article notes that the gender portrayals in the cartoons and by the Media, in general, is a cause for concern due to the important role that the Media plays in the socialisation of children.... Children learn more about socialisation from the Media based on what they watch and hear.... This means that the Media should be careful to ensure that both male and female characters are portrayed as equal....
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Financial Stability of Islamic Banks
13 pages (3756 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
In this paradigm, the sharing of profit and loss on loans was the most outstanding feature.... This implied that these banks charged no interest on loans and took deposits from.... ... ... The paper "Financial Stability of Islamic Banks" is a wonderful example of a research proposal on finance and accounting....
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9/11 events
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Everyone is aware of the atrocious attack on twin tower which took place on September 11, 2000 in United States of America.... However, after this disastrous attack there had been numerous conspiracies with regard to the real attackers behind this brutal act.... ... ... I will attempt to prove here that the real culprits behind this attack may not be necessarily Islamic terrorist group rather it could be the American extremist who play the whole game to blame Islamic population....
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3 pages (750 words) , Download 31 , Research Proposal
Gentrification is an important issue regarding urban development.... Gentrification allows for wealth to inhibit an area that was once a lower income community.... Inhibiting the area with more wealth means higher rent, increase in taxes and many other issues associated with gentrification.... ... ...
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To What Extent Do Saudi Universities Implement E-learning
8 pages (1997 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The aims of this project 'To What Extent Do Saudi Universities Implement E-learning' are to discover where Saudi universities stand with regard to e-learning and to discuss the concept of e-learning.... The goals of this project are to study King Saudi University and Imam University.... ... ... ... The author states that e-learning is an increasingly popular form of knowledge transmission throughout the world....
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What Are the Impediments to Innovation among Australian SMEs in Agriculture Industry
22 pages (6057 words) , Research Proposal
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The paper "What Are the Impediments to Innovation among Australian SMEs in Agriculture Industry" is a great example of an agriculture research proposal.... In a globally competitive market, innovation is one of the key ways that businesses whether small and big improvements on their products, services, processes and management in order to remain competitive....
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Causes of PM2.5 in China
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The questions that this study seeks to ascertain are: What is PM2.... and what are the causes or sources of PM2.... ?... How PM2.... is affecting the health of the Chinese people?... How the increase of PM2.... is clearly linked to increased economic growth, and how this link or trend might continue in future?...
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Insurance and Business Insurance Products
26 pages (6500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The present paper "Insurance and Business Insurance Products" is focused on the idea of insurance which is a financial product of hedging against risk and uncertainty.... Reportedly, any kind of business is exposed to certain types of risk, no matter how small or how large the business is.... .... ...
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How to Start a Small Business in Dubai
12 pages (3417 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "How to Start a Small Business in Dubai" focuses on Dubai City which is globally popular for its great opportunities for businesses.... In 2014, the state was ranked as the 5th most affordable and 1st for airport connections to business districts.... ... ... ... A quantitative cross-sectional descriptive design will be used in this study....
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How DSLR cinematography is affecting the aesthetics of motion picture for cinema
2 pages (500 words) , Download 8 , Research Proposal
To test this, I will shoot a short movie made of a collection of four scenes using three different Media: film stock, digital camera (RAW), and DSLR (compressed).... The conclusion of the research will be a short film that will combine sequences filmed using different Media....
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Role of CBL in Promoting Effective Governance in the Banking System in Libya
10 pages (3083 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Role of CBL in Promoting Effective Governance in the Banking System in Libya " discusses that since its independence from the colonial rule in 1951, the state-controlled socialism of Libya has largely been responsible for a closed economy that had shunned global trade.... .... ... ... The role of Central Bank becomes crucial in promoting an effective governance module within the banking system in Libya primarily because the banks have various stakeholders like shareholders, debt holders, the board of directors, competitors, the common man whose savings can be used or misused by banks if not monitored closely....
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Anything related to Civil Engineering
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Construction is a robust area that entails balancing several aspects of the project such as the project duration, cost, quality, scope and safety (McGraw Construction, 2).... In this respect, the dynamism involved in the construction management may at times cause a conflict of.... ... ... On the other hand, the compromise can be between time and cost, where the required project construction time may be shortened so as to save on the costs....
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Adjustment of CT Scanning Protocol for Headaches
28 pages (7000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The aims of the research study are to get an understanding of the current protocols used for CT scanning in headaches and through an assessment of the current protocols in use for CT scanning to arrive at a more safe and suitable protocol for the use of CT scanning in headaches.... ... ... ... The objective of the study is to demonstrate that proper patient awareness on the benefits and risks is not being created, thereby making patient compliance less reliable and patients are not in a position to make a meaningful contribution in decisions pertaining to the use of CT scanning as a diagnostic tool for their medical problem....
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Community Based Correctional Program
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Community based correctional program' the author analyzes programs, which are essential for the wellbeing of the society, since it helps in reducing the budgets used for state correctional programs with a chemical abuse problem.... ... ... ... The author states that the community correctional program will be aimed at serving the state correctional program who are chemically dependent, which will be done by providing full treatment services for the offenders....
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The Causes and Health Related Impact of Smoking
6 pages (1641 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The changing lifestyle of people which makes them live away from the family with little restrictions to smoke, lack of awareness regarding what might seriously go wrong and the Media depiction are all a reason for inducing smoking among youngsters (Keyishan, 2003).... They did so for fun, influenced by Media and parents....
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Community Health Framework and Intervention Plan
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This proposal deals with a public policy model for intervening with older adults with mental illnesses.... It discusses how the federal government is dealing with this population and explain why because of the focus on costs, it is having some difficulty in promoting the concept of collaborative care....
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Medication Errors in Emegency Department
8 pages (3162 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Medication Errors in the Emergency Department" paper examines causes and to identify programs to reduce medication errors in the emergency department.... The research questions guiding the research proposal are: what are the causes of medication errors in the emergency department.... ... ... ... In recent years with the onset of computers being used for medication management, there has been a great deal of research supporting the safety of Computer Physician Order Entry (CPOE)....
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Improving Safety in the Design of Buildings in the UK
7 pages (1956 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The aim of this proposal "Improving Safety in the Design of Buildings in the UK" is to recommend better strategies for mitigating fire accidents in a building by taking a holistic approach to all fire strategies with respect to the outlined British building standards.... ... ... ... This study focuses on establishing the major causes of fires in relation to the design of the buildings; the focus, in this case, will be to establish the major smoke leakage, thermal investigations as well as integrity condition....
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How, to What Extent and with What Consequences Are Freshmen Exposed to Cyber Violence
1 pages (430 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The modern-day freshman is a victim of the new and insidious form of bullying that also involves social Media.... The paper "How, to What Extent and with What Consequences Are Freshmen Exposed to Cyber Violence?... focuses on a retrospective study of the freshmen's sad experience....
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Madinah Cardiac Centre
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This is a focused study of the Saudi health sector.... The paper mainly touches the retention of health workers that has been noted to be a very important requirement for ensuring quality delivery of healthcare.... ... ... ... ... ... Most health facilities in Saudi Arabia go through very difficult times trying to achieve employee retention due to high incidence of employee turnover....
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Confederate Government Complicity in the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
8 pages (1994 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Confederate Government Complicity in the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln" discusses that image of Booth as a 'loose cannon,' an embittered fanatic acting out of anger remains valid in assessing the motive for the assassination conspiracy.... ... ... ... The assassination of Abraham Lincoln like many others has spawned many conspiracy theories....
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How Quality Management and Improvement Processes Have Contributed to the State of London Underground
20 pages (5719 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'How Quality Management and Improvement Processes Have Contributed to the State of London Underground' is a breathtaking example of the management research proposal.... London Underground has been seeking to execute the replacement of its old signaling system in two of its major stations, which are the Jubilee Line and Northern Line....
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The Ipods Prospects in Terms of Customers and Features
6 pages (1508 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Ipod's Prospects in Terms of Customers and Features" studies two aspects related to the product.... The recent economic turmoil and the slowing sales of the product since 2007.... In this context, the research studies this area with the belief that consumers are unwilling to replace their old iPods....
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C&Cs Bulmers and Magners Brand
4 pages (1143 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "C&Cs Bulmers and Magners Brand" states that C&C has become a buzzword not only in the Irish market but also in the European beverage and snacks industry.... At present, C&C is the country's most recognized as the leading manufacturer and distributor of beverages and snacks in the country....
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Aspects of the Restaurants Business
13 pages (3698 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Aspects of the Restaurant's Business" discusses relevant aspects of supply chain management for the restaurant business.... This is both in general for her planned new restaurant and approaches to supplier strategy, together with recommendations in respect of two lines of supply....
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Confederate Government Complicity in the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal describes the confederate government's complicity in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.... This paper outlines the historical background, many conspiracy theories.... the plan to assassinate President Lincoln.... ... ... ... Among the many questions that still hang is whether there was confederate government complicity in the assassination2....
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Identifying the Causes of DVD Stock Shrinkage in the Supermarket Store
8 pages (3146 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Identifying the Causes of DVD Stock Shrinkage in the Supermarket Store" paper contains a research proposal that aims to determine at which stage between delivery and reception into stock, while in the stock room or when on display the greatest losses occur.... .... ... ... Stock can be lost from initial manufacturing, through distribution to delivery and storage up to the point of sale in shop displays....
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High-Speed Network Switching
15 pages (4082 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This work "High-Speed Network Switching" focuses on all aspects of computer networks, the main principle, and goals high-speed network switching design.... The author outlines the position of the majority of company networks, describes Network Switching as one of the main techniques for the packet routing inside and outside of any network, demonstrates the problem statement....
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Leadership Style and Motivation
14 pages (3970 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Leadership Style and Motivation" seeks to establish the relationship between the leadership style and the degree to which employees are motivated in their work, and the quality of work being accomplished.... This relationship is depicted in the framework provided by Liang....
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Assisted Suicides
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Research topic: ... ssisted Suicides ... esearch question: ... hould physician-assisted suicides be made legal globally?... What are the social implications of this practice?... ... ... ... ... Research Proposal Research topic: Assisted Suicides Research question: Should physician-assisted suicides be made legal globally?...
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Europe and Emerging Economies: India
6 pages (2101 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This paper "Europe and Emerging Economies: India" discusses India as an emerging economy though some people may have doubts still.... The less impact of the current global financial crisis on the Indian economy is an answer to the critics of India's claim as an emerging economy.... ... ... ... India and Europe are two regions that have some common elements for increased cooperation....
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The Atlantic Water Business Development
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper 'The Atlantic Water Business Development' is about the impacts of the Atlantic Gateway project on the economic landscape of Liverpool city.... The Atlantic Gateway project is a redevelopment strategy proposal that targets North-west England through Manchester and Liverpool.... ... ... ...
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Helping in Career Choice
8 pages (2055 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
During the session, the following general and traditional Media as recommended by Cochran (1997) were used: ... This research paper "Helping in Career Choice" discusses Open Option as a career-counseling firm.... Following is a report of the interview that was carried out in response to a client who needed the advice of the firm in career choice order, and the correct path in developing his career....
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Role of HR Business Partners in Implementation of Change Management Strategy
9 pages (2669 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Role of HR Business Partners in Implementation of Change Management Strategy" explores the roles and challenges at the HR operational level of change management.... Business situations make it necessary for organizations to alter their methods of functioning on an ongoing or on an overhaul basis....
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Racism in Britain
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Racism in Britain' is being carried out to evaluate and present the history of racism in the British soil, the past inclinations of the British justice system towards racism as well as the current standards that have already been set.... ... ... ... The paper begins with the statement that racism is cannot be merely considered as social in nature but highly political....
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Eating Habits and Lifestyle
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Lastly, the moderator in charge of the group may be biased to focus the comments on a particular opinion that is not general thus inaccurate results may be collected (Demand Media, 2013).... In addition to that, focus groups can help a company be better placed in the market due to collective opinion of those group members (Demand Media, 2013).... om/mba-courses/research-methodology/write-about-objectives-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-interview-method-of-data-collection/ [Accessed: 11 March 2013] Demand Media, 2013....
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Lack of Motivation & Coaching in the Workplace
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
With globalization making other factors of production readily available for all, companies are losing competitive advantage which was through raw materials and location etc.... Organizations all over the world.... ... ... are striving to attract the best human capital and provide them with the best of facilities for retention so that they are able to create more value for their organization as well as the stakeholders. ...
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Evaluating the Recruitment System at First Finance
17 pages (125 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Evaluating the Recruitment System at First Finance" is an excellent example of a research proposal on human resources.... Recruitment forms one of the core processes of the human resources (HR) department, and it is the first step in the employee life cycle.... The process refers to the steps used to define the job requirements of the organization....
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The Impact of Design Change during Construction
11 pages (3105 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This work called "The Impact of Design Change during Construction" describes the advantages and disadvantages of making changes in the design in a construction project, especially if the project has already begun.... The author outlines the impact of design change in construction, problems that can occur....
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Childhood Obesity in America
14 pages (3588 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Childhood Obesity in America" discusses the lifestyle of parents that paves the way for negligence towards their children.... It is the eating habit and training that is provided to the children by the parents that are solely responsible for childhood obesity.... ... ... ... Parents nowadays are paying little attention to their child's health and well-being....
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Correlation Between Cigarette Smoking and High School Achievement
9 pages (3993 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Correlation Between Cigarette Smoking and High School Achievement" focuses on the critical analysis of the prevalence of cigarette smoking among high school students, factors that motivate students to smoke, impacts of smoking on performance, perception of students on cigarette smoking....
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Improving Sleep on the Behavior Problems of Children
9 pages (3021 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The author of the following paper "Improving Sleep on the Behavior Problems of Children" is focused on a developing body of knowledge on the effects of sleep disorders and sleep deprivation on the well-being and functioning of humans (Pilcher & Huffcutt, 1996).... ... ... ... Research has shown that sleep deprivation or restriction has negative effects on the emotional development of children (Sadeh, Gruber, & Raviv, 2002)....
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Impact of Organizational Structure on Corporate Performance
3 pages (1117 words) , Download 8 , Research Proposal
The study "Impact Of Organizational Structure On Corporate Performance" identifies how an organization may categorize and delegate its task to achieve its goals.... The major objective is to identify the relationship between organizational structure and the corporate performance of the firms.... ...
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Whether Privacy is a Human Right
10 pages (2834 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The research proposal "Whether Privacy is a Human Right" examines the context of this hypothesis in the modern world where technology has undergone exponential growth and is being used for ulterior motives by different groups.... It will also dwell on the historical, anthropological, and political context of privacy and its implications in the present day....
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Difficulties in Scaling Up of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Manufacturing Sector in Uzbekistan
5 pages (1388 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
"Difficulties in Scaling Up of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Manufacturing Sector in Uzbekistan" paper identifies the implications of globalization for the growth of SMEs in the manufacturing sector in Uzbekistan and the strategies being pursued by SMEs.... .... ... ... There will be questions to form the quantitative and qualitative approach....
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Sustainable Models of Economics in African-American Communities
23 pages (6376 words) , Download 10 , Research Proposal
From the paper "Sustainable Models of Economics in African-American Communities" it is clear that the reliability of research methodology is concerned with internal consistency as well as stability of the research methodology, and specifically research instruments (Srinagesh, 2011).... .... ... ... This research proposal investigates the scope for implementation of various strategies through public-private collaboration....
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One-Two-State Solution
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Name: Course: Date: One-Two- State Solution Concepts & Theory; Developing Methodology Concept definition Below is a definition of concepts and terms to be used in the paper.... Human rights: the ultimate rights of individuals that entails the right to meet basic needs which are food, water and clothing, right to security, right to live, freedom of movement, right to make responsible decisions without coercion, and the right to associate freely....
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Role of Microcredit Institutions in Reduction of Poverty
9 pages (2414 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Role of Microcredit Institutions in Reduction of Poverty'' tells us that poverty eradication is a dream which the whole human society aspires to realize by ensuring all their efforts are geared towards containing poverty.... The government has also taken into consideration those living below a dollar per day....
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Active Shape Modelling in the Prediction of Hip Fracture
11 pages (3167 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The runs rate of progression in these runs were recorded by using three different Media as a way of consolidating results that were obtained.... This work called "Active Shape Modelling in the Prediction of Hip Fracture" describes the most effective way of increasing the chances and accuracy with the prediction of the existence of hip fractures in humans....
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