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Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino
3 pages (958 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
The film presents well-known actors such as John Travolta, Samuel Jackson, Bruce Willis and Uma Thurman.... The cast and crew are not the only ones that make the film interesting.... ... ... Such elements will be discussed further in this paper to verify if the film is worth the viewer's time of two and a half hours....
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The Pianist by Roman Polanski
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
The film, directed by the well-known Roman Polanski, focuses on the struggle of Wladyslaw Szpilman throughout the German occupation of Poland.... Szpilman, played by Adrien Brody, goes from be a famous piano.... ... ... There are many times throughout the movie where Szpilman seems to lose all hope, yet he manages to survive to tell the story about what occurred in those times....
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The Ethics and Anxiety of Being with Monsters and Machines
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This essay encompasses the problem the relationship between art, society, and ethics specifically in the art created by Eduardo Kac.... Based on the reading which is entitled The Ethics and Anxiety of Being with Monsters and Machines there are different elements and concepts are of significant importance....
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Sunset Boulevard by Billy Wilder
3 pages (773 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
In an attempt to make a comeback into the film industry, Norma hires a screenwriter Joe Gillis to write a script for her comeback film.... The plot.... ... ... The plot of the film adds an impact to the story and works well in displaying the dark side of fame, zenith, and popularity associated with the film The paper "Sunset Boulevard Directed by Billy Wilder" is a worthy example of a movie review on visual arts and film studies....
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Police: Streetcorner Politicians by William K. Muir Jr
3 pages (892 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
One of the attractive features of the book observed in the paper "Police: Streetcorner Politicians by William K.... Muir Jr.... " is how it combines armchair analysis with on-field documentation.... With regard to the latter, the author seems to adopt a hands-on, spontaneous documentary style.... ...
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Theory of Formalism in Twilight Los Angeles
3 pages (817 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The review "Theory of Formalism in Twilight Los Angeles" focuses on the theory of formalism in Twilight Los Angeles.... The act whereby the narrator describes his inheritance of hatred characteristics from his grandfather is evidence to show that he is subject to the theory of formalism.... ... ... ...
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Rifts and Misunderstandings in Reds Movie
2 pages (661 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The paper "Rifts and Misunderstandings in Reds Movie" brings across a fair biographical account of the American radical journalist John 'Jack' Reed with respect to his working advocacy for communist ideals alongside the romantic complications with co-writer and progressive thinker Louise Bryant.... ...
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Sun also rises
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Name Institution Instructor Course Date Book Review: “The Sun Also Rises” The Sun rises by Hemingway is a story about a bunch of Americans visiting in Europe Paris After the First World War The story is told through the eyes of Jake Barnes who was a soldier in the war and became impotent as a result of injuries sustained from the war....
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A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
Name: Instructor: Class: Date: A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier-Review This is a fascinating memoir describing a boy's (Beah Ishmael) survival struggle experience.... He was born in Serra Leone and spent most of his childhood and teenage life in Sierra Leone country; he left to United States at the age of eighteen years....
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Paranormal Activity 2
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Paranormal Activity 2 This paper consists of the analysis and a review of the movie paranormal activity.... The paper shall answer the questions provided in the questionnaire along with the inclusion of the five vocabulary words.... In the first answer, the difference between a ghost and a demon is a lot....
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Our kind of people
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Our Kind of People: Book Review Our Kind of People, a book by Lawrence Otis Graham, is an ambitious look at the well-to-do African American portrait.... The author is a Princeton and Harvard-educated lawyer, a college lecturer, and a commentator on politics, race, and class....
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Bicycle Thieves
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Movie Review: Bicycle Thieves The film Bicycle Thieves (original Italian title Ladri di bicyclette) is an emotionally engaging film.... Made in 1948 in the aftermath of the Second World War, the film gives a realistic account of war-ravished Italy.... The economy is in a bad shape and social fissures are pronounced....
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Groundhog Day
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Class no.... Date Movie Review: Groundhog Day The "Groundhog Day” is genius film that is founded on notes and purposes that genius people may not be noticed immediately.... The film unfolds in an inevitable and so entertaining manner but in an effortless that the viewer may be forced to stand back and slap him/herself one understands the real goodness and entertaining the movie is....
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Critical Anlaysis
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The first article that I have read decides what difference exists between the individualism and the collectivism.... As I have gone through t he article I have seen that the article is written in a well manner.... However according to me there are some flaws in the article that would like to introduce here. ...
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Article Critique: Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Communication
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
ARTICLE CRITIQUE Article Critique: Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Communication Words: 500 Review the article entitled, “Can We Talk?... Researcher Talks about the Role of Communication in Marriages,” from the ProQuest database found in the Ashford Online Library.... ... ... ... Write a two-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) about your thoughts on this article....
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Has Capital Raising Become Hair-raising
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The gist of the article is all about the dangers of doing international investing activities in which there is the risk of currency exchange fluctuations.... The article cited the case of some European stocks which had outperformed the Standard & Poor's 500 stock index in dollar terms.... ... ... ...
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Evaluation of Jeffrey D. Sachs The End of Poverty Book
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Student Professor Class Date The End of Poverty?... When ones sees a noted economist of the level of Jeffery Sachs write a book and humbly title it “The End Of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time” there can only be one of two reactions: wild enthusiasm or vainglorious contempt.... ... ...
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Indiana State Board of Nursing Report
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Indiana State Board of Nursing Report Author's Name Institution On the 16th February, 2012, I attended an administrative meeting held by the Board of Nursing of the State of Indiana.... The panel was made up of seven members, two men and five women.... The panel was represented by Connie MacIntosh in the hearing where five License Practice Nurses would present their case concerning the revoking of their licenses....
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My freshman year critique
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
My Freshman Year Critique Name Professor Course Date Introduction My Freshman Year offers a description of school life that ought to be read by learners, parents, lecturers, university leaders, and any person apprehensive about the condition of advanced education.... ... ... ... Describing her personal expertise and those of her colleagues in the learning institution into a wider perspective drawn from general study of school existence, Nathan discovers that the current learners go through new difficulties that the educational institutes are not familiar....
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Analysis of the Argument in a Non-fiction Book(Analysis of Masson's Argument in The Pig Who Sang to the Moon)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Name: Course: College: Tutor: Date: Book review The author intends to discourage farming.... That people should stop exploiting animals in various ways.... This means that people should avoid eating eggs, meat, drinking milk, and getting other products from animals.... ... ... ... Masson clearly points out that it is wrong to keep animals....
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The Corporation Documentary
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
It won a Special Jury Award at the Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival in 2003 and the Audience Award at the Sundance Festival the next year.... This is not.... ... ... ising as it maintains dramatic tension throughout (often lacking in a documentary) and manages to add astonishing insight after astonishing insight culminating in a horrifying view of the modern corporation as psychopathic deviant motivated solely by greed for profits with no The paper "The Corporation Documentary Film" is a brilliant example of a movie review on business....
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Using a Database and Library Catalog
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
I typed the phrase “Food Justice” in the first field and used Boolean connectors AND and OR.... I searched “food justice” AND (system analysis OR policy).... ... ... ... Other additional limits were; the source type was limited to journals and the document type I selected article.... I also selected Through this research I found the journal by the title “Growing food justice by planting an anti-oppression foundation: opportunities and obstacles for a budding social movement....
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The Book Analysis of Philip Vera Cruz
3 pages (750 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
This essay discusses the life of Philip Vera Cruz and the book that reflects it shows how workers can attain a measure of respect if they organize themselves and fight for their rights as dignified human beings.... Every labor migrant faces the same struggles and tribulations.... ... ... ... Successive waves of immigrants had to overcome discrimination, prejudice, and in most cases, outright hostility as they struggle to establish themselves in the land of milk and honey; this oft-used phrase is certainly deceptive because prospective immigrants were soon subjected to the harsh realities of life in America....
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(French Book report #2 ) Bresler, Fenton, Napoleon III: A Life (1999)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The impact of these events was so immense that the entire Europe underwent changes as result of it.... It is still being said that the events that took place in those days.... ... ... Napoleon the Third, Louis Napoleon was one of those individuals who have had an impact on the entire events. ... ...
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Incident at Oglala
3 pages (821 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The movie is directed by Michael Apted and has a running time of around 90 minutes.... In a true sense, the movie is all about a court trial with all focus on Leonard Peltier who is a Native.... ... ... Along with Peltier two other members of American Indian Movement were also charged of the crime but the trial court acquitted The paper "Incident at Oglala" is a good example of a movie review on law....
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3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
As he reaches the place where he has spent his teen years, he wonders how destiny has changed his life and how he has irrevocably.... ... ... Seeing the difference between Floyd and him, Carl understands the way destiny sets different courses for each person.... The story reveals how the river of life makes dynamic even those who love to be static....
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Slumdog Millionaire
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Movie Review
However, the movie also had a compare and contrast element to it, in that, in the first part of the movie, the children were living in Bombay.... By the end of the.... ... ... Therefore, the contrast was between how the desperately poor children lived in Bombay, which was pre-modernity and pre-industrialization, compared to how they lived in Mumbai, which was post-modernity Movie Review: Slumdog Millionaire In the movie Slumdog Millionaire, the focus was upon the plight of the desperately poor children living in India....
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Run Lola Run
3 pages (892 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
Highly recommended for those who like a new and unique storyline and taut, edge of the seat thrills.... MPAA Rating: *****.... My Rating: ***** Lola, played by Franka Potente has 20 minutes to gather.... ... ... The film has multiple perspectives with three alternative storyline along with, non-stop action....
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Whiteman by Tony DSouza
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The paper 'Whiteman by Tony D'Souza' will discuss a novel about a young, idealistic American aid worker, Jack Diaz, who was assigned to the Ivory Coast in Africa and tried to find acceptance in an entirely different culture and environment than he was accustomed to.... ... ... ... The first novel of Tony D'Souza explores the adventures and misadventures of Diaz in learning the life in the country, his miserable portrayal of his 'Africanization', his relationships with local women, and his failure to grasp the mystery of Africa after a series of attempts....
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Jungle Fever
2 pages (692 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The movie review 'Jungle Fever' focuses on the following questions: can you offer a different interpretation?... If so, offer examples.... If not, explain why.... What are your thoughts about the 'liminal space' that connects black Americans with White Americans?... Give your comment after reading the paragraph....
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Cooper Clinical Medical Directors Guide to all the Healing Benefits of Exercise
3 pages (779 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This book review "Cooper Clinical Medical Director's Guide to All the Healing Benefits of Exercise" discusses healthy living and understand the importance of having good food.... Until recently, I was under the belief that having the right balance in my diet was adequate to lead a healthy life.... ...
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Theme Park Industry
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The author of this book report "Theme Park Industry" comments on the holiday parks, pleasure parks, recreational parks, or even amusement parks.... It is mentioned that these parks attract visitors both young and old who want to have a wonderful fun experience.... .... ... ... The biggest known theme park on offer in the world's Disney parks and amusement centers within the market six flags have infiltrated the business and offer remarkable sights....
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Red Tails Movie
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
This movie review "Red Tails Movie" focuses on the idea of staging a film about African-American pilots that came to George Lucas in 1988 but at that time he could not find any film companies that would agree to make this movie.... Therefore it was released almost 25 years later, in 2012.... ... ...
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Sociology in If Someone Had Known
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Movie reviews for the film were highly appreciative of the work that Kellie Martin did in her portrayal, calling it one of her best television films ever made.... This paper represents a sociological review of the movie "If Someone Had Known".... The writer believes that the movie is an excellent starting point when it comes to educating women about spousal abuse and how it can be dealt with then all hope seems to be lost....
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Key Differences in Media and Academia
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Popular media reviews and/or provides alternative conclusions regarding the findings and discussions by the scientists who have already published their work in scholarly journals. ... The paper 'Key Differences in Media and Academia' looks at the major similarity between the two sources of scientific information....
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Social Values Depicted in Pleasantville
6 pages (1486 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Roger Ebert's Four Star reviews--1967-2007.... The aim of the current review is to explore the everyday American life as portrayed in the movie "Pleasantville".... Thus, the document provides a brief summary of the movie's plot followed by a critical discussion regarding the depicted cultural norms....
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Journalism, Mass Media and Communication
5 pages (1405 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
There are also the facilities of advice, food and other columns such as reviews of ‘radio', ‘movies', ‘television', ‘plays' and ‘restaurants'.... This literature review "Journalism, Mass Media and Communication" presents journalism as an activity that can be described as one that defines journalists....
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Fandom and Identity of Electric Shadows
6 pages (1556 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
Ling-Ling later reviews the time they were separated as hopeless, expression additionally that the entry of her more youthful sibling was "nauseating.... The writer of the paper 'Fandom and Identity of Electric Shadows' states that fans experience rapture throughout minutes when the film is going great for their group, and anxiety when play is going against their character....
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The Jesus I Never Knew by Phillip Yancey
6 pages (1675 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
I feel that I know Jesus better than Yancey, and resent his achievement in publication and favorable reviews by leading exponents.... "The Jesus I Never Knew by Phillip Yancey" paper focuses on the book that records some common spiritual experiences that transcend formal Christianity itself, and hence Yancey's writing has some universal value....
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Consumer Protection Law
6 pages (1611 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
This movie review "Consumer Protection Law" focuses on the movie Class Action that is a movie that is supposed to teach people the practicability of business law.... A lot of things concerning consumer protection law, criminal responsibility, and ethical theories are learned from the movie.... .... ...
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Stock Options Effectiveness for Management Compensation
10 pages (1630 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
(reviews C.... The paper 'Stock Options Effectiveness for Management Compensation' is a thoughtful example of a finance & accounting literature review.... The paper 'Stock Options Effectiveness for Management Compensation' is a thoughtful example of a finance & accounting literature review....
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Analysis of Woman at Point Zeroby Nawal El Saadawi
5 pages (1387 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
"Analysis of Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi" paper examines a sensational story about a female revolt by an Egyptian prostitute on death row.... 'Point Zero' represents the lowest point.... In the context of the book, it represents the nadir in life.... ... ... ... In 'Woman at Point Zero' Nawal El Saadawi, a prominent Feminist not afraid of airing her views has provided an eye-opener that powerfully focuses on gender discrimination which unfortunately still exists today....
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For One More Day by Mitch Albom
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
cBride, “What People Are Saying”, Editorial reviews.... om/reviews.... This essay discusses fiction book review: For One More Day by Mitch Albom.... It tells us the story of the hardships in a family in a simple style.... It analyses hardships in every family, along with love, soft relationships, the inevitable errors, and finally with all the belated forgiveness....
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The Colour Purple by Alice Walker
5 pages (1358 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
This book review "The Colour Purple by Alice Walker" presents the book about women relationships and trauma and suffering women undergo in society.... In the story, the author talks about female friendship as a means for women to describe their suffering.... ... ... ... Sofia's strength and sass, Harpo's insecurity, and Shug's sexual assertiveness are major examples....
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Effects of Vaccination
5 pages (1493 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Effects of Vaccination" highlights that vaccination can save the life of an individual since it is effective and has gone under various reviews by scientists and doctors.... Vaccination can save the life of an individual since it is effective and have gone under various reviews by scientists and doctors....
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Background to the Disorder: Social Anxiety Disorder
5 pages (1404 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Moreover, the disorder may result after the social interaction when one reviews their performance.... "Background to the Disorder: Social Anxiety Disorder" paper argues that social anxiety seems overwhelming or even unwieldy to comprehend as a single disorder.... The paper examines three complements each other leading to an anxiety cycle: Anxious Sensation, Anxious Thoughts, and Anxious Behaviors....
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Detection and Isolation of Campylobacter Species
6 pages (1740 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
evertheless, there are technical (writing) matters that should not be taken for granted as one critically reviews the report.... The paper "Detection and Isolation of Campylobacter Species" discusses that while recent studies claim that inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD, are primarily caused by bacteria, there is yet a study that pinpoints the exact organism that results to, for instance, Crohn's disease....
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Cloud Computing and Non-cloud Based Applications - Benefits and Risks
4 pages (1344 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
"Best Hospital Management Software | 2016 reviews Of The Most Popular Systems".... The paper 'Cloud Computing and Non-cloud Based Applications - Benefits and Risks' is a great example of a literature review on information technology.... .... ... ... According to IBM (2016), cloud computing refers to the delivery of on-demand computing resources over the Internet....
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Michael Moores Fahrenheit 9/11
2 pages (727 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
In the essay 'Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11' the author analyzes one of the most entertaining of the political propagandist films produced in recent years.... Humor intermingles with a serious message for the purposes of swaying viewers towards a particular point of view.... ... ... ... The author states that since the film supports its message through seemingly incontrovertible and incontestable video and audio evidence, the embrace and acceptance of its propagandist message is easy....
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Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The biography, "The spirit of Allah: Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution" was written by Amir Taheri in 1985.... Before the Islamic revolution of 1979, the writer served as editor in chief of Kayhan, a leading newspaper of Iran and thus qualifies well to write about the personality of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and the influence that he cast over Iranian politics....
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