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ARTICLE CRITIQUE Article Critique: Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Communication Words: 500 Review the article en d, “Can We Talk? Researcher Talksabout the Role of Communication in Marriages,” from the ProQuest database found in the Ashford Online Library. Write a two-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) about your thoughts on this article. In your paper, be sure to address the following: ?• Can you relate to this article on self-disclosure in relationships? If so, explain what specifically you could relate to and provide examples of your own experiences.
If not, what has your experience been regarding self-disclosure in your intimate relationships? ?• Do you agree that self-disclosure is important and directly related to satisfaction in relationships? Why or why not? ?• What about gender differences? Remember, although research has found differences in gender communication, it has also found similarities. What kind of similarities between genders have you experienced? ?• Lastly, remember that although research is based on generalizations, not everyone fits into these generalizations regarding gender.
Do you feel like you fit into the generalizations? ?Be sure to reference the ProQuest article and at least one of your other course readings from this week in your paper (chapters 6 and 7). This can be your textbook or one of the recommended articles. I. Introduction. Here it will be attempted to explore relationships in numerous ways. The self- disclosure, gender differences, and how one fits into generalizations all affect relationships. Those elements will be discussed further in the next several segments of this investigation.
Basically, relationships are held together by scientifically agreed-upon elements. II. Self-Disclosure in Relationships. I can definitely relate to this article on self-disclosure in relationships. Any good relationship I have ever had are ones in which the quality of conversation were decent. According to Schoenberg (2011), “Couples in Orbuch's study who discussed [quality conversation] topics for as little as 10 minutes a day were much happier, she says, and less likely to divorce” (pgh. 17). I could specifically relate to the elements that the article described what comprised of a good relationship—and specifically with regards to the quality of the communication between two people and not necessarily the quantity of communication.
Self-disclosure is definitely important in many different kinds of intimate or close relationships—especially with friends. I have one friend who makes me tell her everything or she feels as though I am not being completely honest with her. However, I have realized that the more information she knows, the more she feels she can trust me with details of her own personal life. I think she feels more comfortable sharing with someone who is willing to tell her everything that she feels she needs to hear.
I don’t necessarily ask her to do the same—but since I know she appreciates full self-disclosure—I do practice it to a certain point. I have realized that in many ways that is one of my most satisfying personal friendships—or connections, if one will. III. Gender Differences in Relationships. Gender differences definitely come into play in a relationship. If two people are not of the same gender in a relationship, naturally there is going to be conflict due to the fact that men and women do not think in the same manner.
Therefore, one must always be ready for various conflicts to occur and take it as part of the natural course of things in relationships. IV. Fitting into Generalizations. With regard to fitting into generalizations, I would say that I probably would fit into one generalization or two. However, everyone, like myself—is different and everyone is individual. Everyone has their own peccadilloes, interests, and unique or individualistic traits. “[O]ther cultures such as those of Latin American and Mediterranean countries take much more time to establish a point and to establish a relationship with someone.
People in these cultures may carry on more than one conversation at a time and often consider it offensive to interrupt others when they are speaking” (“Concepts of Time,” 2011, pgh. 4). V. Conclusion. There are several aspects to relationships that can make them wonderful or horrid, depending upon the quality of the interaction. Self-disclosure, gender differences and whether one fits into generalizations all contribute to a relationship’s relative quality or lack thereof. REFERENCES “Concepts of time.” (2011).
Cultural and environmental factors in interpersonal communication (ch. 6 reading). US: Ashford University. Schoenberg, N. (2011). Can we talk? researcher talks about the role of communication in happy marriages. Available: .
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