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Print Media Turning into Electronic Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
In Praise of WIMPS: A Social History of Computer programming.... This paper 'Print Media Turning into Electronic Paper' aims to critically discuss new media need to new forms of media studies.... Moreover, new media would be defined with the help of comparison of two approaches including Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and Social Shaping of Technology (SST)....
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Threats Faced by the Welsh Language in Wales during 1874 and 1914
9 pages (2446 words) , Download 0 , Article
Baner ran several leading articles on the subject, condemning the fact that, though Wales boasted of being a 'nation of nonconformists', she allowed her representation to remain in the hands of Conservatives and anglicans (Gellner, 2003).... In 1866, however, they were given concrete form in a series of articles written by Henry Richard, for the Morning Star (Henderson,1996).... The articles, which were translated for the Baner and drew widespread praise within Wales, were published under the collective title, Letters on the Social and Political Condition of the Principality of Wales, a year later....
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Case Study
10 pages (291 words) , Article
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om/p/articles/mi_qa3737/is_200007/ai_n8920375>Peter, F.... .... ... ... The devastating fire occurred in the year 1999.... he main aim after the fire occurred was to create a tunnel that would be having more fire resistant materials.... he main things that was doneFire-resistant sheeting fitted to its wallsMore traffic lights The devastating fire occurred in the year 1999....
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Expanding Medicaid
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The commission's paper is very detailed with real illustrations drawn from reliable sources that not only make it Read the Kaiser Commission Paper "Expanding Medicaid" in the articles section.... Do you agree with the papers findings?... Why?... Look at the state examples in the paper....
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Social software
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
om/p/articles/mi_m0BDW/is_12_42/ai_72291922ABC (2008).... This report presents a basic overview of social software.... This is an increasingly popular and user-inclusive type of software, due mainly to the millions joining online services like MySpace and Facebook, and looking at Wikipedia and YouTube; this popularity "has drawn attention to a group of technological developments known as social software....
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Antimicrobial Resistance
1 pages (422 words) , Download 1 , Article
The writer of this essay states that drug resistance occurs when an antimicrobial is used inappropriately either for a short period of time, at a low dosage, at inadequate potency or for the wrong disease.... When this happens the microbes are able to adapt.... ... ... ... Health care providers, patients, and industries all alike contribute to this problem in a number of ways....
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Tuition increase
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
One of the most pivotal controversies that surround the news is the alarming rate of college tuition hikes that has taken place over the recent decades.... First and foremost is the fact that inflation has occurred throughout the world.... In addition, the recessive economy has failed.... ... ... These factors not only frustrate parents and students, but also anger communities as well....
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Hand and Wrist Positioning for Imaging
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The focus of this paper is on Hand and Wrist Positioning for Imaging.... There has been a lot of advancement in the imaging techniques that had improved the knowledge of hand and wrist imaging to a great extent.... ... ... ... However, the conventional technique of radiograph imaging modality remains the most important one till date despite advancements in this field, (Bhat, Kumar and Acharya, 2011)....
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The Important New Management Discipline of the 21st Century and Its Applications for TSE Limited Companies
1 pages (369 words) , Download 2 , Article
Furthermore, secondary research from a collection of journals, articles, periodicals, books and credible internet sources will be carried out to form the basis of background to the context of the research, literature review, research methodologies and information pertaining to the companies under review....
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Literature Review Matrix
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
(2013).... Inpatient fall prevention programs as a patient safety strategy: a systematic review.... Annals of Internal Medicine, 158(2), 390-6.... doi: 10.... 326/0003-4819-158-5-201303051-00005. ... ... aines, T.... Hill, A.... Hill, K.... Brauer,.... ... ... (2013).... Cost effectiveness of patient education for the prevention of falls in hospital: economic evaluation from a randomized controlled trial....
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Compensation: Theory, Evidence, and Strategic Implications
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
he compensation plans depicted in these articles seem not to be good for business.... "Compensation: Theory, Evidence, and Strategic Implications" paper focuses on compensation plans for the manager and the employers that help to attract and retain the best possible workforce.... The motive of this work is to achieve a high level of performance....
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Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Article
"Strategic Planning for Academic Library Instructional programming.... This paper 'Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations" focuses on the fact that each organisation goes through organisational problems which affect its performance.... Depending on the problem-solving techniques that they employ, some effectively overcome these problems, others flounder....
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Wireless technology in the educational system
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Article
The articles commonly focus on the presence of a "technology-integrated classroom" made possible by the invention of wireless technology devices such as cell phones, personal digital assistants, wirelessly networked handheld computers, wireless sensor network and others.... Application of Wireless Technology in the Educational System Introduction The articles commonly focus on the presence of a "technology-integrated classroom" made possible by the invention of wireless technology devices such as cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDA), wirelessly networked handheld computers, wireless laptop technology, wireless sensor network and others....
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How SEOs / SEMs earn trust and other things
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The term SEM is associated to promoting and increasing traffic on websites.... On the other hand, the term SEO is associated to improvement process of a website, both for the.... ... ... Link Popularity means that search engines would only point towards the specific website, if it has relevant and similar content with the link of the website....
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Agreements on Trade Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
22 pages (5412 words) , Article
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From the paper "Agreements on Trade Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights" it is clear that the time periods provided for transition in the TRIPS agreement have proven not to be adequate enough for developing countries and appear now not necessary in the long run.... ... ... ... The agreements on trade aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS) have been in play since 1st January 1995....
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Why Is the Accessibility of Care Notes in Many Languages So Important
1 pages (331 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Why Is the Accessibility of Care Notes in Many Languages So Important?... observes the role of Thomson Reuters' achievement - updating the system of Care Notes in 15 languages which will contribute to high-quality informational support of foreign patients in medical institutions of the US....
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The Russo and Shoemaker Ideology on Overconfidence
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
Overconfidence is a major influence in decision-making; thus, there is a need to correct its influence.... This paper "The Russo and Shoemaker Ideology on Overconfidence" seeks to explain suggestions by Russo and Shoemaker on how to overcome overconfidence.... ... ... ... The Russo and Shoemaker ideology on overconfidence is far from being false....
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American History: Socialist Ideas of Eugene Debs
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
is articles appeared in a number of radical newspapers and magazines such as Common Sense, which had almost half a million ridership.... The goal of the following article "American History: Socialist Ideas of Eugene Debs" is to discuss the political vision of the United States by Eugene Debs....
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Social Phobia
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Article
It practically explains the loss in confidence that is always experienced my individuals who always find themselves in situations where they are expected to communicate or react.... When categorized, social phobia falls into.... ... ... Social phobia as a disorder mostly affects the personality of an individual, but in worse scenario may affect others because of the choices taken or made by an individual as it has a Story: Social Phobia Social phobia is an aspect that has left many wondering....
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Details of FBI's Kavanaugh Inquiry Show Its Restricted Range
2 pages (586 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article of Shear et al "Details of FBI's Kavanaugh Inquiry Show Its Restricted Range" captures one of the controversial issues happening in the USA.... It discusses Kavanaugh a judge accused of sexual misconduct.... The revelation from the FBI inquiry indicates the restricted range of the case....
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Human Resource Management in Germany
2 pages (628 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper ''Human Resource Management in Germany'' tells us that business success results from the organizational practices of good human resource management.... Human resource management includes policies and practices in a system that influences the conduct, attitude, and performance of employees....
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Whats Holding Back Small Businesses
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay discusses that the global inflation trends have led to the closure of many businesses, increased interest rates for loans and heightened retrenchment of employees.... Businesses have opted to cut down their operational costs in order to maximize profits and remain in business.... ... ... ...
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The Non-Western Political Process by Alfred Diamant
2 pages (534 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'The Non-Western Political Process by Alfred Diamant' the author gives a review on Lucien W.... Pye's earlier article.... Diamant does not agree with Pye's classification of the political process between Western and non-Western.... He implies that the inverse is true of the Western political process....
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Current Event Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the article, “Inside President Obamas War on the Fast & Furious Whistleblowers” the author talks, about the outcome of whistleblowers after they came forward with evidence of institutional wrongdoings; and, specifically, about the outcome of whistleblowers during the Fast.... ... ... The author interviews a Senator from the Obama administration, who explains the situation at hand....
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Sexual Violence
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) "Sexual Violence, Stalking, and Intimate Partner Violence Widespread in the US" (December 14, 2011) tells about rape and sexual violence being a very serious problem that affects millions of people each.... ... ... Studies have underlined the fact that sexual assault can be physical, verbal, visual or anything to lead a person to engage unwanted sexual interactions....
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Our National Eating Disorder by Michael Pollan
2 pages (578 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'Our National Eating Disorder by Michael Pollan' the author strongly believes that the main idea of the article is the author's contention alleging that there exists a pervading national eating disorder by Americans manifested through over anxiousness in being health conscious.... ... ...
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Using Disputants Metaphor in Mediation by Thomas H. Smith
2 pages (626 words) , Download 3 , Article
In the paper 'Using Disputants' Metaphor in Mediation by Thomas H.... Smith' the author highlights some of the concepts of how metaphor disputants use their knowledge and skills to disentangle, guide, and reframe communications to enhance self-reflection, expand possibilities and explore meanings....
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Dollar Index Headed for Rapid Collapse: Chart
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The currency wars also known as quantitative easing is majorly determined and controlled by the US dollar.... If the US dollar is weak.... ... ... As the US dollar also becomes weak, the intensity of the currency wars increases to greater levels.... There are downsides to the weakening of the Dollar Index Headed for Rapid Collapse: Chart The article in discussion is about the weakening of the US dollar and what effects it will have on other currencies as a result of currency wars....
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Dont Expect Job Data Alone to Persuade Fed on Rates
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Don't Expect Job Data Alone to Persuade Fed on Rates" by Floyd Norris concerns interest rates policy of the Federal Reserve.... Reportedly, Federal Reserve justified maintaining the low-interest rates until the unemployment rate continues to hover above 6.... percent.... .... ... ...
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Creativity in the workplace
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article titled “How To Manage Creatives” has been authored by Miranda Kennett and in this article she provides insight for managers regarding how they can manage creative individuals (Kennett 48).... She states that managing creative people can be quite tricky and there are.... ... ... two kinds of managers including the practitioners and the generalist and both of them can successfully manage creative individuals by having a vision as well as communicating it in an effective manner, by setting benchmarks and etc....
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Website content: description of services provided
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Using robust web technology and database management systems, we aim to make our website a useful portal for the clients who are looking for different kinds of services in a highly.... ... ... Proxum provides fast and reliable search options which can be further customized with the help of advanced settings....
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Guillain-Barr Syndrome
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
Having its roots in the neuromuscular system with immediate spread of the symptoms to the body, Guillain-Barre Syndrome(GBS) is an autoimmune disease that often masquerade as paralytic disease during its initial establishment in the body.... Many researchers have conducted and.... ... ... zed quite a number of researchers seeking to make clarifications on how the disease spreads into the body, how it relates with other systems and so on....
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Abnormal Psychology
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Article
This is due to the fact that there is no big sex difference for cases of eating disorders.... Cases of binge eating and anorexia have been found to be more prevalent among the girl population (Boone, Soenens, & Luyten 2014).... However,.... ... ... By focusing on only the population which has the higher number of cases anorexia, the authors were able to provide a clear insight into the issue without being said to be biased....
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The Dynamics of Elite Politics during the Jiang Era
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
David Shambaugh's article about “The Dynamics of Elite Politics During the Jiang Era” recognizes that there were as many changes that occurred in Jiang's era from 1980s as those that his leadership initiated during his rule.... His leadership was not as strong as other.... ... ... ee Chinese leaders such as Mao Zedong, but he was keen to ensure that he created an image that showed continuity with Mao and other traditional Chinese elements (Shambaugh 2)....
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The Role of Competitive Intelligence in an Organization
10 pages (2860 words) , Download 3 , Article
"The New Competitive Intelligence Agents: "programming" Competitive Intelligence Ethics into Corporate Cultures.... This article "the Role of Competitive Intelligence in an Organization" gives a critical analysis and discussion of the role of competitive intelligence within an organization with a special focus on Samsung Group....
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Cataloging of Research Studies
9 pages (2624 words) , Download 0 , Article
xecuting FRBR will entail enormous training and re-programming.... The article "Cataloging of Research Studies" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the problem of cataloging research studies.... At present, an increasing majority of students and intellectuals more often than not circumvent library registers in support of other funding mechanisms....
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Female Offender Treatment and Employment Program
10 pages (2990 words) , Download 0 , Article
hristina Ruccio , director of Womens programming stated that “What we focus on is letting them realize that the important thing is taking care of themselves," ... The paper "Female Offender Treatment and Employment Program" discusses that in order to prevent women from returning back to the abuser upon release they need to understand that they have a right not to be attacked in their own homes and that they do not have to return to a violent household....
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Why the Future Doesn't Need Us by Bill Joy
2 pages (536 words) , Download 127 , Article
This article "Why the Future Doesn't Need Us by Bill Joy" explains the possible advantage and disadvantages of the invention of nanotechnology, genetic engineering, and robotics.... There is a lot of threat to humanity form GNR technologies as these things have the potentiality to self replicate....
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The Englishtenment Period and the Value of Women's Rights
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper declares that the Enlightenment value that this paper chooses to focus on deals with the value of gender empowerment and the recognition that woman are capable of autonomy and agency.... The Enlightenment may not have brought about complete equality between men and women.... ... ... ... As the paper stresses, the New York Times is running a series entitled 'The Female Factor' and in an article dated March 6, 2012, entitled 'Women Move Into Asia's Corner Offices', it discussed how women in Asia who had previously been subjected to inequality and relegated to the household are now coming into their own....
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High Stakes Testing Programs by Finbarr Sloane
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The following paper 'High Stakes Testing Programs by Finbarr Sloane' discusses the issues that can be found in regards to high-stakes testing programs and their effects on the educational futures of students that take these tests and programs.... ... ... ... According to the article, there are four major issues that need to be addressed: the different types of tests that are used, the effects that these tests have on student motivation and morale, the connection between the tests and the curriculum, and the clear distinction between assessments of learning and for learning....
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History Still Matters by Bill Moyers
2 pages (617 words) , Download 3 , Article
In the paper 'History Still Matters by Bill Moyers' the author argues that it is important to understand the past because the past can instruct us more fully on where we are today, what we are made of and where we are likely heading should we follow the current path we're on?... ... ... ... The author accomplishes this first by introducing the subject with a brief story intended to be funny and then begins to present his arguments of why we should be students of history....
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The Current State of Knowledge
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'The Current State of Knowledge' the author focuses on 'Intercultural Research: The Current State of Knowledge' by Stephan Dahl who seeks to provide a brief overview of the main concepts and theories that are important in understanding intercultural studies.... ... ... ... The author defines culture as made of different factors that a particular group shares, and that becomes a way of interpreting behavior....
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Moral Hazard and the Financial Crisis by Kelvin Dowd
2 pages (582 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'Moral Hazard and the Financial Crisis by Kelvin Dowd' evaluates the article addressing the issue of moral hazards and how it applied to the financial crisis of that time.... Dowd's main problem is with the chiefs of corporations especially bankers who have been running away with huge sums of money....
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Teaching Health and Physical Education in Australian School
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay presents the contemporary teaching approaches which entailed in the curriculum had their establishments in the past; hence, they are typical traditional approaches to teaching HPE.... These traditional approaches face challenges from the novel trends regarding teaching HPE.... ... ... ...
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Safe and Clean Water as a Human Right
2 pages (576 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article "Safe and Clean Water as a Human Right" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the use of safe and clean water as a human right.... The article states that United Nations (UN) passed a new resolution in June 2010 that declared safe and clean water as a human right.... ...
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Olympic Cities - Lessons Learned from Mega Event Politics by Greg Andranovich et al
8 pages (2224 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'Olympic Cities - Lessons Learned from Mega Event Politics by Greg Andranovich et al' is an inspiring example of a tourism article.... This essay presents a critical overview of an academic journal article published in the Journal of Urban Affairs which was researched by Greg Andranovich, Matthew J....
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Cloud Computing and Cloud Security
7 pages (2239 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Cloud Computing and Cloud Security" highlights that every piece of data within the system is usually safe and no unauthorized individuals can get its access.... Safety is ensured by the availability of a special application that in network enabled.... .... ... ... Cloud computing is computing that allows users to share resources instead of every user utilizing shared resources instead of every user having personal devices or local servers handling their applications....
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TWO page summary and critique
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
Career choice is an iterative process based on the meaning placed by an individual in his/her relationship with others.... Narrative career counseling can be understood by foregrounding personal meaning.... Exploring the story.... ... ... Listening and attending skills are fundamental to understanding the clients story....
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Women in Leadership
2 pages (500 words) , Download 8 , Article
Most women speak using words like; I think, am not sure, perhaps, am trying, very and tried.... The words they normally chose to use in their conversation make them sound unsure of what they are talking about.... ... ... Asking for permission to speak and apologizing too much are some of the weaken factors in women leaders....
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Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology by Nestor Damasco
2 pages (603 words) , Download 4 , Article
In the paper 'Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology by Nestor Damasco' the author discusses the need for more equipment which later became so expensive leading to additional cost that escalated suddenly.... Therefore, in the year 2004, homecare opted to approach the biomedical repair segment....
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