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Metro Development and Land Use: The Growth and Decline of Suburbs
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Moreover, a typical suburb entails the city of garages coupled with single-use pods and relieve solely by gimmicks mainly encompassing numerous gables and corresponding peaked roofs.... 1The.... ... ... Metropolitan decline mainly focuses on central cities.... These cities are frequently characterized as inner ring suburbs, which are areas that are deemed most risk of Metro Development and Land Use: The Growth and Decline of Suburbs The article mainly allude the scathing within their condemnation of the suburbia presently....
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Cost of Gas Rises 18 Cents in the Past Two Weeks by Pierson
1 pages (367 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper "Cost of Gas Rises 18 Cents in the Past Two Weeks by Pierson" will look at a business article with a focus on the gasoline price in these recent economic times.... The nationwide standard price for a gallon of regular gas increased to $3.... 9 on 24th February (Pierson 1).... ... ... ... In recent times, the business has been fluctuating....
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Obesity in Children and Adolescents
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
"Obesity in Children and Adolescents" paper examines the article that critically analyses the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and secondary hyperthyroidism in obese and Non-obese children as well as adolescents.... The article was published in the Pakistan Journal of biological sciences....
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A Tale of Two Cities: Distinctiveness Theory and Advertising Effectiveness
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
"A Tale of Two Cities: Distinctiveness Theory and Advertising Effectiveness" paper states that the best way is to reflect cultural and ethnic diversity in the ad by representing all minorities in one way or the other so that the ad applies to a larger consumer base.... .... ... ... The consumers feel convinced by the ad and consider the brand trustworthy because they feel represented and can identify with the ad's spokesperson....
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The Lie About College Diversity by Frank Bruni
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "The Lie About College Diversity by Frank Bruni" establishes the actions that are transpiring after the schools bring together different bodies of the students.... It demonstrates a change of ideas in colleges despite utilizing their admission process to win students from diverse origins....
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Proximity Based Marketing
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Proximity Based Marketing Name: Institution: Proximity Based Marketing Introduction Location-based services (LBS) are defined as services, which depend on positional information of mobile device (Dhar and Varshney, 2011).... It is a mobile information service that broadens the processing capability of both the temporal and spatial information to users through the wireless and Internet communications (Dhar and Varshney, 2011)....
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The Tenth Anniversary of the Formula One Grand Prix in Bahrain
2 pages (700 words) , Download 2 , Article
The author of the following paper "The Tenth Anniversary of the Formula One Grand Prix in Bahrain" states that the Bahrain formula one grand Prix is supported by Gulf air.... The first formula one race in Bahrain occurred in April 2004 at the Bahrain International Circuit.... ... ... ... In 2004, it was the first formula one race to take place in the Arab World, and in turn, it was recognized and awarded as the best-organized Grand Prix....
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Functional Anatomy of the Shoulder
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Functional Anatomy of the Shoulder The article “Functional Anatomy of the Shoulder” is an article written by Glenn C.... Terry and Thomas M.... Chopp in the year 2000.... The article highlights the anatomy of the shoulder and presents with the role of the bones, muscles and the joints of the shoulder in bringing about the movement of the shoulder....
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Statistical Analysis
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Article
The type of statistical analysis to use in analyzing of data depends on the sample size, the research design used and also the sampling protocol adopted.... In analysis of your data from the three researches, both descriptive and inferential statistics will be useful.... ... ... ... Descriptive statistics should be used before inferential statistics....
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Practical School Community partnerships leading. To Successful educational Leaders
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
It entails collaborative functionality between schools and community entities such as corporate enterprises, student/parent/citizen.... ... ...
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The Role Prices Exhibit in the Entire Market Economy
3 pages (949 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "The Role Prices Exhibit in the Entire Market Economy" provides a practical understanding of the presently shifting market economy landscape, especially on how prices are established as a reaction to both forces of demand and also supply.... ... ... ... One of the key suppositions is that both buyers and sellers via a series of indiscernible connections help to thrust market prices towards....
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Development of Prosocial Moral Reasoning in Young Adulthood
3 pages (895 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article 'Development of Prosocial Moral Reasoning in Young Adulthood' is important because it adds a valuable voice into the debate of the stability in the differences in altruistic personality.... An informed voice serves to clarify the many misconceptions surrounding the topic.... ... ... ...
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Negotiable Instruments in Business Law
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
In India, the law regarding negotiable instruments like bills of exchange, checks, promissory notes etc.... is codified under Negotiable Instruments Act 1881.... Any person or agent or proxy who transacts a promissory note or check or any other instruments are bound by this Act.... ... ... ... The person who enters into contracting a negotiable instrument is liable either as an issuer or receiver....
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Japan Buys More of Euro Bailot Bond
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
Date Japan Buys More of Euro Bailout Bond This newspaper article is about Japan's move to buy bonds from a European bailout fund (Nakamichi , par 1).... However, the article stated that Tokyo will reduce by 10 percent its purchase of the new bonds issued by the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF)....
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Obama Gives Himself a Grade of Incomplete After 18 Months
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article is about the personal judgment of President Obama with regards to his performance as the Executive Branch of government.... He believed that a grade of 'incomplete' would sum up his performance because what his administration has done for the country has only reached the halfway mark....
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Morality and Economic Crisis: Enron, Subprime & Co
2 pages (666 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article "Morality and Economic Crisis: Enron, Subprime & Co.... presents ethical hazards that occur every day in leading and upcoming companies.... Derivatives should be taken to minimize reparation that may occur in unfortunate instances.... ... ... ... A derivative is a pact between parties that have precise conditions under which payments are to be made (Ulmer, Sellnow, & Seeger, 2010)....
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Review of Intellectual Property and E-Commerce
2 pages (656 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article "Review of Intellectual Property and E-Commerce" focuses on the critical analysis of the legal issues of e-business including intellectual property, privacy, ethics, and securities based on an article Intellectual Property and E-Commerce' published by The Economist.... ... ... ... During the last two decades, there has been a drastic technological explosion and it has impacted the way of performing business in many aspects....
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From Enlightenment to Romanticism
6 pages (1584 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "From Enlightenment to Romanticism" contrasts the solo scene allotted to Leporello in Act 1 no 1 of Don Giovanni with that for Don Ottavio in Act 2 no 21.... And compares the two characters and their situations in the two scenes from the ways in which Mozart and Da Ponte have portrayed them....
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An Attorneys Book of Business
41 pages (10250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The objective of this paper is to conduct a critical examination of the effects of placing excessive importance on a lawyer's book-of-business to the extent that it is made the sine qua non of his existence.... The paper first delves into the historical and evolutionary aspects.... ... ... ... This discussion talks that the history of the legal profession reveals that a confluence of several events taking place over the years accounted for the emergence of a highly commercialized legal profession that places, among others, seemingly irrational importance on a book-of-business to gauge the success of a legal practitioner....
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Qualitative Critical Review
9 pages (2916 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Qualitative Critical Review" is a critical study of the article entitled "The novice birthing: theorizing first-time mothers' experiences of birth at home and in hospital in Australia" by the authors H.... .... Dahlen, L.... .... Barclay, and C.... .... Homer (Dahlen et al.... 2010).... ...
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At OPEC, Some Worry as Oil Prices Start Falling by Mouawad
5 pages (2757 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of the paper "At OPEC, Some Worry as Oil Prices Start Falling by Mouawad" will begin with the statement that Jab Mouawad's article in the New York Times refers to a level of concern among some OPEC nations about decreasing oil prices in the current market conditions.... .... ... ... OPEC is a highly influential organization in world affairs today....
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The Load-Bearing Duct: Biomimicry in Structural Design
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the article 'The Load-Bearing Duct: Biomimicry in Structural Design' the author explored biomimicry in structural design.... The philosophical elements of the concepts and ideology of biomimicry are discussed in a case study of structural design.... ... ... ... The idea presented in the article is that the services of structural engineering and services engineering are interspersed while taking inspiration to some extent from nature and applying them to a large-scale conceptual design....
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Cigarette Smoke
2 pages (630 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Cigarette Smoke" tells us about the practice of burning tobacco and ingesting the resulting smoke.... The smoke may be inhaled, as is done with cigarettes, or simply released from the mouth, as is generally done with pipes and cigars.... ... ... ... Smoking can cause lung disease by damaging your airways and the small air sacs (alveoli) found in your lungs....
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Internationalization Process Among Small and Medium-Sized Firms
11 pages (3122 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Internationalization Process Among Small and Medium-Sized Firms" is about to detail findings in a study of internationalization processes followed by small and medium enterprises.... Department of Business Studies, and was published in the International Journal of Business Science.... ...
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Precautionary Principle in EU Environmental Law
9 pages (3049 words) , Download 1 , Article
The author of the "Precautionary Principle in EU Environmental Law" paper considers the meaning of the precautionary principle in EU environmental law paying and looks into the chronicle of its emergence both in the EC and the international community.... ... ... ... Although the decisions of the English Courts may feature the reluctance of the Court when it comes to adopting the precautionary principle as something that can be justiciable in isolation from other causes, there are already many instances where the principal had been seen as part of the laws of the land....
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Human Systems - Respiration
7 pages (1941 words) , Download 4 , Article
The paper "Human Systems - Respiration" underlines that the respiratory system is highly essential for a person's survival and it is very hard to replace it once it is damaged.... In fact, a few years ago, when stem cell therapy and organ transplants were not discovered, even replacing seemed impossible....
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Development of Organizational Capability at SISCO
10 pages (3289 words) , Download 2 , Article
du/faculty/mob/articles/Blackwell_2007.... This article "Development of Organizational Capability at SISCO" focuses on a private organization.... The company addresses many problems related to the electric utility and manufacturing industries.... The company is into offering communication systems and other applications....
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The Church, Lay Devotion and Veneration in the Apocalypse
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "The Church, Lay Devotion and Veneration in the Apocalypse" stresses that Price's article dwells on the single argument that Durer's Apocalypse tells about the destruction of political and religious hierarchy and the positive outlook on the devotion and veneration of lay people.... ....
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Articaine and Lidocaine for Maxillary Infiltration Anesthesia
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Article
This study was embarked on to make a comparison about the anesthetic properties of articaine hydrochloride with 1:200,000 epinephrine (Ultracain® DS) and Lidocaine with 1:80,000 epinephrine (Xylocaine-Adrenalin) for maxillary infiltration anesthesia.... ... ... ... The study encompassed twenty healthy dental students included for double-blind study....
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Reformation and the Reformer John Foxe
6 pages (1665 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper ''Reformation and the Reformer John Foxe'' contains the biography and the annotated bibliography of articles about John Foxe such as "Foxe, John.... The Acts and Monuments of the Christian Church", "Heroes of the Reformation" by Hagstotz Gideon and Hilda Hagstotz and "The Reformed Reader....
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Financial Counseling and Planning
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'Financial Counseling and Planning' the author focuses on the article by de Wall, which is a summary of a lengthier interview with Robert Kaplan, the co-creator of the Balanced Scorecard concept with David Norton, as well as excerpts from the speech he gave at the 2002 PMA conference....
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Addressing the Environmental Risks From Shale Gas Development
6 pages (1514 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article "Addressing the Environmental Risks From Shale Gas Development" focuses on the article by Mark Zoback, Saya Kitasei and Brad Copithorne.... The paper suggests the need for a common set of regulations so that the best practices can be applied across all projects.... .... ... ... These risks in the shale gas drilling process are discussed in two parts....
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Apple Already Manufacturing Apple Mini
6 pages (1608 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article review "Apple Already Manufacturing Apple Mini" compares how different firms will compete effectively on the production of user-friendly phones and computers.... It also contains an article critique.... .... ... ... The author has ignored the changes in consumer preference and brand loyalty....
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Mental Illness Increases HIV and AIDS Tests
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper 'Mental Illness Increases HIV and AIDS Tests" focuses on the fact that this article received publication in the AIDS Patient Care and STDs journal in December 2014.... It illuminates on an issue of the mentally ill receiving more HIV and AIDS tests because of their condition.... .... ...
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No To Nukes: Rhetorical Analysis of an Editorial
5 pages (1389 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "No To Nukes: Rhetorical Analysis of an Editorial" focuses on the critical analysis of the editorial 'No to Nukes' that appeared in The Los Angeles Times online newspaper on July 23, 2007, aiming to convince its readers that nuclear power may not be the best solution to end global warming....
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Taxation Requirements for an American Athlete
6 pages (1595 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Taxation Requirements for an American Athlete" states that tax treatment of athletes across the US-Canadian border is anomalous both in terms of world tax treaty norms and in terms of lack of justification for special treatment of league-based athletes versus non-league based athletes....
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Analysis of Public Drinking and Violence: Not Just an Alcohol Problem by Ross Homel, Steve Tomsen and Jennifer Thommeny
5 pages (1632 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Analysis of Public Drinking and Violence: Not Just an Alcohol Problem by Ross Homel, Steve Tomsen and Jennifer Thommeny" is a great example of a social science article.... This is a qualitative research article which uses various variables established through theoretical observation adopted from previous studies....
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Nuclear Medicine
5 pages (1472 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article ''Nuclear Medicine'' presents a research study of the applications of nuclear medicine technologies to molecular biology research on gene expression.... This represents a combinatorial approach to molecular medicine to produce precise, quantitative data on the gene expression profile of specific cells....
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Socialism in Capitalism: Sweden Democracy
5 pages (1465 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Socialism in Capitalism: Sweden Democracy" presents the benefit of having a free market in the country as well as having socialism to control the abusive capitalists and prevent the unequal distribution of wealth.... Sweden had a direct agreement between Pakistan and other countries....
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Training and Development Deficiencies in High Skill Sectors by C.Lloyd Analysis
6 pages (1651 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article "Training and Development Deficiencies in 'High Skill' Sectors by C.... loyd Analysis" focuses on the problem of 'high skill' training in the UK, and what implications do Lloyd's concerns have on the future of the UK labor market.... The problem is a skill shortage in the United Kingdom is not a new reality....
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Effective Skills in Connecting With the Audience While Communicating
7 pages (1778 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Effective Skills in Connecting With the Audience While Communicating" highlights personal knowledge and interpersonal communication skills.... Prior experiences have taught me that working with new faces might be tricky especially when it comes to doing assignments.... ... ... ... Conflicts, disagreement, and less communication may play a part in the downfall of the team and therefore, insufficient work on the assignment....
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How Apple Does It by Lev Grossman
6 pages (1606 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article 'How Apple Does It by Lev Grossman' was devoted to new products developed by Apple iPod as well as methods implemented by the company in producing new products and services.... The author of the article attempted to highlight several important points related to the business strategy of Apple....
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Microaggression in the United States
5 pages (1359 words) , Download 5 , Article
"Microaggression in the United States" paper analizes the article which article has shown that therapists tend to impose the dominant cultural view on clients of color.... In such cases, the therapists fail to appreciate the significance of diversity and racial tolerance.... .... ... ... People from diverse racial backgrounds have great insights that enrich the workplace, educational, healthcare, and other social environments (Guillaumin, 2012)....
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Understanding Education
5 pages (1452 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'Understanding Education' provides brief reviews of articles related to the topic of education.... These articles are Reconstructing Childhood by Kyle, What does economic management have to do with education?... by Meadmore, and Shoes Well Cleaned and Heels Repaired by Rodwell....
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Research Design Analysis
7 pages (1957 words) , Download 0 , Article
n this study, the researchers used a systematic review methodology whereby 20 articles that had summary of findings from more than 250 studies.... All the articles used in this study utilized meta-analysis methodology that combines findings of comparable research studies with an aim of drawing conclusions basing on large group of studies.... However, major bibliographic citation databases were used to locate the articles used in this study....
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Rhetorical Criticism-Week 6 Part I
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
To a major understanding, a popular culture text is referred to as the daily actions, events and objects that have radical implications in a person's beliefs and behavior.... In this.... ... ... It is an elementary description of how communication is mediated among culture texts.... Music, through the illusion of life perspective in analyzing it and how it showcases media effects, both casual and Introduction Media communication is necessary to be informed and kept abreast with popular culture texts....
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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
5 pages (1599 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" discusses that generally, 92 percent of the patients were given intravenous therapy whereas just 8 percent were given oral corticosteroids.... Thus more patients on oral corticosteroids should have been assessed.... ... ... ... Data was only collected from the hospitals under Premier Incorporated's Perspective....
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Cloud Computing: Security Issues and Solutions
13 pages (3527 words) , Download 3 , Article
Insecure Interfaces and APIs Cloud computing services are provided through a wide variety of user interfaces which are known as application programming interfaces (APIs).... This article "Cloud Computing: Security Issues and Solutions" discusses the developments in the area of information technology that have offered wonderful opportunities to business organizations....
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Heavy Metal and Society
11 pages (2934 words) , Download 2 , Article
Distinguished by bass-end tuning and guttural chanting vocals, death metal exists underground by deliberately disrupting consonant aesthetic and programming the human mind at the lowest levels with natural, intuitive rhythms.... The article "Heavy Metal and Society" discusses themes as heavy metal tries to find a place in one's worldview where they might fit as necessary in the achievement of a larger good, it says that evil is not always evil, as well as good is not always good....
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Rich Pictures
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 5 , Article
Use Case modeling is extensively used in software application modeling process and object oriented programming.... Requirement analysis is critical to the success of a process or product.... Businesses use it extensively before developing or modifying an existing system.... Requirement analysis, generally, take in to account different requirements of all stakeholders from system or process which are often conflicting to reach to a solution that optimally satisfies all. ...
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