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The Load-Bearing Duct: Biomimicry in Structural Design - Article Example

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In the article “The Load-Bearing Duct: Biomimicry in Structural Design” the author explored biomimicry in structural design. The philosophical elements of the concepts and ideology of biomimicry are discussed in a case study of structural design…
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The Load-Bearing Duct: Biomimicry in Structural Design
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The Load-Bearing Duct: Biomimicry in Structural Design Sustainable development refers to the usage of resources in such a way that the human needs are fulfilled while not harming the environment. Therefore sustainable development aims to meet the needs of not only the current generation but also of future generations. Sustainable development has two dimensions: socio-economic development and environmental conservation. Effective sustainable development is one which balances the interrelationships between the two (Schwartz 49). Creating a useful expression of sustainable development is not abstract; rather it requires the explicit and clear determination of goals that it is trying to achieve. In the international arena, sustainable development forms the basis of principles and rules that judge and describe the course for development activities to adopt a sustainable path for development that does not come into conflict with the aim of protecting the environment. Sustainable development is directly related to a country’s goal for exploiting and making use of its resources. It calls on for countries to give the protection of the environment high importance when exploiting natural resources. Biomimicry refers to the usage of the best design principles of nature and then applying them to solve the problems of human beings. It takes inspiration from nature to come up with solutions for issues that humans face. Nature has methods to create super strong materials for high performance composites. It makes it without using high temperatures or any other synthetic toxic chemicals. By working within the limits of ecosystems which are greatly adapted, nature, at a worldwide scale, does not create any waste (Thorpe 46). In the article The load-bearing duct: biomimicry in structural design, Yiatros, Waddee and Hunt have explored biomimicry in structural design (1). The first part of this paper will review this article. The philosophical elements of the concepts and ideology of biomimicry are discussed in a case study of structural design. The idea presented in the article is that the services of structural engineering and services engineering are interspersed while taking inspiration to some extent from the nature and applying them to a large-scale conceptual design. The end-product of this endeavor is a so-called load-bearing product. The load-bearing product is a functional naturally ventilated multi-storey office building. It is aimed to take the applied loading in the most efficient way; as a result, it is both cost-effective and structurally efficient. Therefore it offers the potential to be sustainable throughout its design life. Biomimicry is used in a range of disciplines from engineering to designing. Shark skin has enabled the making of more aerodynamic swimsuits and airplanes. Lotus leaves have made the creation of a new paint that has self-cleaning properties possible. In history, Greek mythology refers to biomimicry when it narrates the tale of Daedalus trying to emulate the flying principles of a bird so that he can escape from King Minos’s island of Crete. Before the industrial revolution, applied mathematics and design codes drew inspiration from the nature for structural designs. The aforementioned article discusses the alternative solutions to conventional design practice such that it can become more sustainable. The main purpose of alternative designs would be to combine resources in a way such that the least energy is expended and wastage can be kept to a minimal. The article suggests that such energy-efficient principles can not only be applied to design but also to construction, choice of materials used and operation procedures of construction. It exemplifies how structures constructed on the principles of nature have proven to be sustainable; one of the biggest example being the Pantheon. The roof of the Pantheon takes inspiration from sea shells and is strong due to its multi-dimensional curvature. This makes the structure lighter than traditional concrete buildings and does not need any extra reinforcing. Copying natural processes is also essential to sustainable development since many of the natural hazards that the world is subjected to on a regular basis are due to improper power use. On the other hand, natural systems are minimum energy systems and the fact that they have been in existence since time immemorial is representative of their sustainability. Therefore, it makes sense to incorporate natural processes into the development of structures and for using renewable means for generation of power, lighting and ventilation climate control. Moreover, the selection of materials that are energy-efficient can also play a decisive role in the sustainability of the structures. Many engineers are working in collaboration with biologists to make materials- called smart materials- that can adapt to changes in the environment. Developments in this field can have an immense influence on the way design is made and construction done, since the harness of solar energy is by far the most feasible and efficient way to sustainable development. Using upon these principles, the authors present a case study for the designing of a large office complex. The urban design of a multi-storey office development is presented as a problem in the article, and solutions have been suggested in light of natural processes. Ventilation is one of the main issues in the development of multi-storey complexes. Mechanical ventilation, heating and air-conditioning has created problems such as Sick Building Syndrome. An efficient approach to natural ventilation requires consideration of factors such as external climate, location, size and geometry. Termites and many other species follow a perfectly designed system of ventilation to serve their housing needs. These principles can be applied to structures in order to supplement them with minimal energy expenditure. For making the structure more efficient, the authors have proposed many techniques such as spiral grain arrangement of fibers after taking inspiration from trees, and the usage of a helical structure. Internal space is redefined using tessellation. The issue of accessibility is solved by taking inspiration from wasps in the tropics. The authors contend that the effectiveness of the structure needs to be checked by asking questions such as does the structure make use of local expertise, does it reduce excesses from within, is it beautiful, does it depend on diversity etc. Throughout the article the authors reiterate the need to take inspiration from the sustainable features of the environment. The suggestions have been supported by working examples from nature, which makes the project a worthwhile prospect for development. However the authors observe that it is not always possible to apply natural design and construction features to man-made structures and this presents a huge scope of research for the future. One of the weaknesses of the article is that it does not provide examples from contemporary man-made structures that have been designed and constructed on natural principles. Providing facts and figures on the sustainability of such structures would make the argument more solid. Also, peer reviews and the views of prominent figures in the field of engineering and other relevant fields have not been provided. There opinions would have helped to formulate a more convincing argument in favor of sustainable development. Is professional engineering compatible with environmental ethics? A couple of decades ago, the case for environment was still not established. Till now, starting from the Stockholm conference, a key effort was done in part by the intellectual minds such as engineers and scientists and in part by politicians. This effort although has proven to be successful, it has been taken and assumed for one’s own use by the status quo. As a result, while everyone talks about environment, the deterioration of environment takes place at an alarming rate. In the past, governments were hesitant to incorporate the protection of environment into its development policies. However, over the years this concept has changed and there is a lot of chanting of slogans for sustainable development all over the world. Kothari observes that among the many voices that give meaning to sustainability, one of the voices that emerge is from the ethical dimension is of value (431). Without the ethical aspect of sustainability, it is an empty term. Therefore the issue arises, how deeply embedded are environmental ethics in the field of professional engineering. Is professional engineering further deteriorating the environment, or substantial measures are in place that promote the observance of ethical principles by engineers. Ethics refers to moral science and the study of social and personal morality. Professional ethics has received much credence over the past due to the need to seriously consider the ethically just, right and good. This goes hand in hang with the solution of value crises that emerge in response to decisions and form the pertinent resolutions and formulations for guidance in social life (Guha 11). Hence, environmental ethics is that branch of philosophy that studies the moral connection of human beings to the environment and its nonhuman constituents. It also studies the values and moral rank attached to this relationship. Over the recent years, engineering practice has started to incorporate environmental ethics in itself. Engineering, as a result, has become more about coming up with solutions for engineering problems and for designing products that are meant to provide the maximum advantage to the society. Therefore, the essence of engineering practice is to devise and follow the best solution to the engineering problem and to carry out the engineering process in the most effective way. This entails the ability to critically evaluate and rationally analyze all the elements that affect the proposed solutions and to be able to choose the best available solution; this solution should not only serve to be of benefit to people but must also be in line with environmental ethics. In order to come up with the best solution therefore requires an understanding of the ethical principles that govern it as well as the paths that can be adopted to solve the problem. It also involves consideration of ethical principles when that solution is meant to be applied in the practical field. In the past, engineers had aimed to achieve engineering solutions to issues faced by other people while giving little consideration to the ethical issues and social effects that such solutions entailed. Earlier, engineering ethics primarily dealt with professionalism and responsibility for technical competence rather than the social and environmental implications of the practice. Now there is increased awareness amongst engineers regarding their moral responsibility for the protection of the environment. Interest in environmental ethics for engineers gained significant impetus in the US during the end of the 20th century. Engineering ethics are being taught to students in a wide array of courses in the US. Also, many codes of ethics for engineers have been construed and implemented that provide them with guidelines regarding how to deal with environmental issues that emerge in conjugation to engineering practice. The World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) Code of Environmental Ethics for Engineers encourages engineers to make environmentally sound and sustainable development their main aim in practice. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Code of Ethics was revised in 1996 and was one of the first chief professional engineering societies to give sustainable development importance in its code of ethics. According to the WFEO Committee on Engineering and Environment, mankind’s enjoyment and permanence on this planet depends largely on how the current resources are being utilized. All engineers are required to follow a code of ethics that takes into consideration their moral obligation towards environment. As a result, engineers aim to achieve a superior technological solution that epitomizes their talents, courage, hard work and ability. This culminates in the provision of a more sustainable and agreeable surrounding. Engineers are also required to achieve their goals while using minimal resources so that their wastage does not occur. Also, in accordance to the code, engineers are obligated to allocate and consume raw materials in a way that produces the least pollution. Engineers also discuss the implications and the predicted effects of their proposed solutions. The direct as well as indirect consequence, along with the immediate and long-term impact that the solutions have on social equity, local system of values and the well-being of the people is given importance in engineering practice. In the professional sphere, engineers are required to assess the environmental effects of their technology. The various dimensions that are considered in this respect I include the condition, dynamics and aesthetics of the ecosystems that are affected by the technology; these systems can be urbanized or natural along socio-economic systems. Repeated emphasis is on the selection of a solution that is environmentally sound and is not in conflict with the essentials of sustainable development. Engineering practice also takes into account the steps that can be taken to upgrade the environment. Therefore, engineers also devise measures that can be taken to rejuvenate and replenish the environment to its healthy form in case deterioration has taken place. Engineers often bring together their engineering knowledge and ethical obligations to draft proposals to the restoration of the environment. Engineers are also expected to maintain a high degree of moral regard for their practice apropos to environment. Therefore, they do not indulge in unfair practice that harms the environment. Moreover, by law, engineers are expected to abstain from being involved in social or political activities that are deleterious to the environment. The law reiterates the need for engineers to develop a clear understanding of the “principles of ecosystemic interdependence, diversity maintenance, resource recovery and interrelational harmony” (Vesilind and Gunn 65). This forms the foundations for our continued existence and that all of these foundations serve to form the threshold of sustainability that should not fall beyond a certain level. Engineers are required to remember that conflict, gluttony, desolation and unawareness along with natural disasters are the leading factors that can cause significant damage to the environment. These factors are precipitated by man-made technology and the tampering of natural resources. Engineers can be active contributors to the process of environmental restoration or degradation; what they choose to be depends on their ethics and understanding of moral obligations. An engineer in whom ethics are well-ground would mould his or her engineering practice in a way that promotes the development of the environment. Professional engineering thus seeks to integrate the abilities, knowledge and creativity of the engineers to aid the community in reducing environmental degradation and promoting a better quality of life for everyone. Human values have become embedded not only in the human-computer interaction but also in other technology related fields. Technological innovations allude to human values. Ethics continue to play a role in how technology is allocated and used, and the same can be illustrated by means of an example; in the early 1990s, a new technology was made by the missionaries and released for use to the locals, the Yir Yoront of Australia. This technology- steel ax heads- was distributed without keeping into consideration the conventional limitations on ownership. The ax heads were made accessible to middle-aged men, old people, women and adolescents. As a result, the relationships between these people were modified substantially and the concept of dependence and family values was somewhat lost, altering the culture of the population. The human race has progressed rapidly over the past few decades; it is believed that the rate of progress and development is exponential. However, this has led to many environmental problems. The processes that humans follow for development and for making their lives more convenient has led to an increase in air and water pollution, depletion of soil and forests, generation of toxic wastes, greenhouse gases and the subsequent rise in temperature. These problems are starting to gather more attention over time. The Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice requires the computing community to take into consideration the environmental implications of their practice. There has been increased concern expressed over the resources that are utilized in the production of computing technologies. Moreover, the resulting by-products of the production processes such as toxic waste products are also being considered. On the consumption end, more attention is being paid to the resources that are made use of by computer technologies. For instance, the electrical needs of computing technologies are great and raise issues regarding the feasibility of such actions given the scarcity of resources (Freidman and Kahn 1193). The popular response to the cry for environmental protection over the past couple of decades has been a technocenteric approach. This kind of an approach is dual fold. It entails the development of clean technologies that are more efficient. Secondly, it deals with improved management, including waste reduction and environmental management solutions. Costanza and Jørgensen observe that such an approach is a relatively simple political and economic adjustment for the professional engineer (113). They regard it as the conventional business-as-usual but with a new or changed system of operation and technologies. On the other hand, issues are emerging where technological fix is being seen to be causing a negative impact on the society; it is failing to encourage sustainable development. Technology has increased the gap between the rich and the poor. The poor are unable to reach for the expensive technologies and are plunged into greater poverty. This leads to a dysfunctional society and more environmental damage since people who are bound in the shackles of poverty are unable to afford technologies that are aimed to be sustainable. Therefore sustainability is being addressed in the engineering discipline as a long-term perception and a comprehensive comprehension of the ecological, economic and social dimensions of the technologies. Therefore, contemporary professional engineering practice encompasses the need to rethink and reformulate the type of the relationship that humans have with the environment. Costanza and Jørgensen assert that sustainability in engineering should is an interdisciplinary, local and worldwide endeavor to deliver human development beyond, but inclusive of, the more conventional objectives of efficiency and technology to ecologically-incorporated sustainable development (113). An example that can be used to illustrate how engineering practices have been modified in order to make development more sustainable is through the River Nene flood defense program. The structure of the River Nene defense program entails features such as an analysis of the environmental setting, strategic environmental objectives and framework that needs to be formulated in implanting the strategy. An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the engineering options was carried out. One of the aims of the project was to protect and conserve the river setting. Also, recommendations were proposed for overcoming the disadvantages of the engineering procedures. More importantly, the engineering options were used to locate the most environmentally appropriate options for a specific location (420). Measures to promote the environment were also provided such as re-seeding, enhancing fisheries and fencing off grazing areas. These measures were aimed to reduce the impact of construction works on the environment. In conclusion, sustainable development is imperative and has implication for both professionals and students (Mitchell, Carew and Clift 53). Environmental considerations had been secondary and peripheral, and were something forced upon the engineer (Beder); however they are gaining attention over the time. Many codes of ethics for engineers exist that provide guidelines for hoe engineers should manage their conduct in promoting environmental development. Environmental ethics has gained attention in professional engineering over the past few years. However, there is still immense scope for the role to can play in the future for engineering practice. Works Cited Beder, Sharon. Making Engineering Design Sustainable, Transactions of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Australia. GE17.1 (1993): 31-35. Print. Costanza, Robert and Sven Erik Jørgensen. Understanding and solving environmental problems in the 21st century: toward a new, integrated hard problem science, Volume 2000. Amsterdam: Gulf Professional Publishing, 2002. Print. Friedman B. And Kahn P.H. “Human values, ethics and design.” The human-computer interaction handbook (2003): 1177-1201. Print. Mitchell C. A., Carew A. and Clift R. (2004) The Role of the Professional Engineer and Scientist in Sustainable Development, Chapter 2 in Azapagic A., Perdan S. and Clift R. (eds) Sustainable Development in Practice Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 29-56. Guha, Debashis. Practical And Professional Ethics (vol. 2 : Environmental Ethics). Concept Publishing Company, 2007. Print. Kothari, R. “Environment, Technology, and Ethics.” Technology and Values (2010): 431-437. Print. Schwartz, Priscilla. Sustainable Development and Mining in Sierra Leone. Pneuma Springs Publishing, 2006. Print. Thorpe, Ann. The designer's atlas of sustainability. Island Press, 2007. Print. Vesilind, P. Aarne and Alastair S. Gunn. Engineering, ethics, and the environment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Print. Yiatros S., M. A. Waddee and G. R. Hunt. “The load-bearing duct: biomimicry in structural design.” Proceedings of the Institutions of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability 160 (2007): 79-188. Print. Read More
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