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At Aetna, a C.E.O.s Management by Mantra
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Efficient human resource management will always lead to positive results (Briscoe, Schuler, & Tarique, 2012).... Recently, organizations have adopted a.... ... ... It is about the management of human capital to achieve the goals and objectives outlined in the organizational strategy.... Motivation and encouragement are the most effective ways of getting maximum output from the human capital....
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The Controversy over Climate Change and Global Warming
1 pages (461 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The Controversy over Climate Change and Global Warming" states that policymakers should also assist through such things as introducing taxes something that would raise the relative incomes of innovative cities.... This would encourage people to migrate towards more productive places.... ...
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Wall Street Journal
1 pages (315 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper ''Wall Street Journal'' tells us that in today's rapid-fire, global economy, insightful business policy, and on-target strategy are essential for a corporation's survival.... The WSJ article on the NYC building workers strikes touches on the importance of implementing effective business strategies to achieve potential growth....
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Economic Discussion
1 pages (297 words) , Download 1 , Article
The writer of this paper states that article 24 of GATT of WTO permits countries for preferential trade agreements (PTAs) among them.... Under this clause, member countries extend tariff concessions to each other that are not extended to the other member countries.... .... ... ... Bhagwati's arguments against the PTAs can be explained in the following lines....
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Marketing in the United States
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
As the discussion, Marketing in the United States, highlights despite the long-held perceptions that the millennial generation is indecisive, lazy and possibly inactive in the business, the marketers are now finding a new consumer generation in these individuals.... .... ... ... According to the paper the change is related to the fact that the millennial generation, which encompasses the young people in their twenties, forms the largest part of the American population....
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Toyota and the Future of Green Marketing by Joel Makower
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Toyota and the Future of Green Marketing by Joel Makower" takes a look at the market implications that Toyota suffered when the company decided to choose market factors such as 'high-aesthetic, high-performance, affordable cars' ahead of being green.... ... ... ... According to the writer, the reason why Toyota failed woefully in its decision to choose other factors ahead of being eco-minded and green is that the United States car consumer market has become more inclined to the need to uphold green marketing as a way of protecting the economic development, environmental compactness and social development of its self....
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New Regulations Clarify Mental Health Parity Law
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
"New Regulations Clarify Mental Health Parity Law" paper analizes the article which states that employers would no longer be allowed to require employees to pay separate deductibles for mental health care.... Mental health care treatments will be required to be on the same level as medical care practices....
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Arguments for and against Free Trade
1 pages (324 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Arguments for and against Free Trade" highlights that economists have been divided in their arguments for and against free trade.... Free trade has allowed the breaking of trade tariffs and barriers across the globe as more and more economies engage in international trade.... ... ... ... Alan Blinder presented his side of the story in a Wall Street Journal article in regard to free trade arguments (Wessel & Davis, 2007)....
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Brands Deal With Fluctuating Markets at Las Vegas Trade Shows
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
Similarly, they determine the business success since they are the target of all the businesses, making them play an essential role in the economy.... However, the success.... ... ... Many factors determine consumer's purchasing power and some of them include standard of living and the market trend....
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Great Chaos in China
1 pages (293 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of the following paper "Great Chaos in China" will make an earnest attempt to show how and why Mao must bear personal responsibility for what stands out as the darkest history of the People's Republic of China (Schoenhals 277).... ... ... ... The article seeks to explain the events in China in the summer of the year 1967, which left the country in a bad shape....
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The Farthest Frontier by Martha Brant
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of the following paper "The Farthest Frontier by Martha Brant " states that while gender roles have shifted because of the economic advantages the maquilas offer, society is still lagging in equitable income for its world citizens.... ... ... ... In The Farthest Frontier, journalist Martha Brant uses the Mexican town of Ciudad Juarez to illustrate the shifting nature of gender roles in contemporary Latin America....
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St Cloud Area Apartment Boom
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of the paper "St Cloud Area Apartment Boom" will begin with the statement that the boom in apartment construction in St.... Cloud is a natural reaction of people who experienced multitudes of house foreclosures where they tend to become conservative in choosing their new home.... ... ... ...
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Do the Words We Use to Describe Pregnancy Reveal our Feelings Toward It
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Do the Words We Use to Describe Pregnancy Reveal our Feelings Toward It" has been authored by Cox and in this article, the author focuses on the words that are used to describe pregnant women or the state of pregnancy and what these words really mean (Cox, 2015).... ... ... ... The author states that in the regions of Russia as well as Africa, a pregnant woman is referred to with the use of negative words that mean burden or ill....
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The Six Marketing Metrics CEO Actually Cares About by M. Volpe
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "The Six Marketing Metrics CEO Actually Cares About by M.... Volpe" explains the metrics, their computations, interpretations, and benchmarks, and suggests the significance of marketing metrics to chief executive officers and other managers in organizations.... ... ... ... The author identifies some of the significant marketing metrics to organizations' Chief executive officers....
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The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices and Corporate Sustainability
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices and Corporate Sustainability" presents the impacts of HRM practices and corporate sustainability on a firm's ethical climate.... It addresses the perspectives of the employees on the issues of human resource management in the organization....
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Issues Facing Gifted Learners
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
"Issues Facing Gifted Learners" paper contains a brief summary of the article entitled 'Gifted Learners in an Urban Setting: Challenges and Opportunities' written by Grubb that presented pertinent issues relative to the challenges that apparently face gifted students in an urban setting.... ... ... ...
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Hitting and Missing Targets by Ambulance Services for Emergency Calls
7 pages (2177 words) , Download 0 , Article
The ignorance to the emergency calls has resulted in the reduction in the mortality rate.... This problem resides in all UK countries.... The problem of.... ... ... The paper 'Hitting and Missing Targets by Ambulance Services for Emergency Calls' is a timeous example of a management article.... The main argument is regarding the issue related to the lack of response to the emergency calls to hospitals for sending an ambulance....
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Reducing Serious Fall-Related Injuries in Acute Hospitals by Barker, Kamar, Tyndall, and Hill
12 pages (3349 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Reducing Serious Fall-Related Injuries in Acute Hospitals by Barker, Kamar, Tyndall, and Hill" is a delightful example of an article on nursing.... Writing an article critique involves analyzing and evaluating the article as opposed to merely summarize the article contents.... ... ... ...
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Rapid versus Standard Intravenous Rehydration in Paediatric Gastroenteritis by Freedman, Stephen B
8 pages (2401 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Rapid versus Standard Intravenous Rehydration in Paediatric Gastroenteritis by Freedman, Stephen B " is a good example of an article on nursing.... The study "Rapid versus standard intravenous rehydration in pediatric gastroenteritis: a pragmatic blinded randomized clinical trial" seeks to establish if rapid instead of the norm intravenous rehydration leads....
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Logistic - Food Supply Chain by Louise Manning
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper "Logistic - Food Supply Chain by Louise Manning" focuses on the fact that L.... Manning discussed the interaction between consumer social responsibilities strategies and corporate social responsibility strategies in the logistic-food supply chain in the given article.... .... ... ... There are several principles of social responsibility, such as public responsibility and managerial direction....
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Samsung as a Globally Acclaimed Brand
7 pages (1906 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Samsung as a Globally Acclaimed Brand" discusses Samsungs progress from a low-cost imitator to a globally acclaimed brand.... The article identifies the hybrid system initiated by the firm's chairman which is the cornerstone of its success.... ... ... ... Built on the concepts of the Japanese model of diversification and the western model of focus, the firm has excelled in using the best from the two worlds to create a hybrid model that dwells on innovation and design....
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Environment and Behavior
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
In “Exorcising the ghost of Physical Determinism”, Karen A.... Franck has shed light on the major weaknesses of the physical determinist perspective and discusses the so-called “fear” of determinism that has proved to be a limiting factor that is preventing modern researchers from carrying on empirical studies that acknowledge and discuss the role of the physical environment in environment-behavior study....
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Exorcising the Ghost of Physical Determinism
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article discusses the roots of the term 'Determinism' and points out that in philosophy the term specifically refers to any event or happening occurring as a result of any given number of previous, or existing events or factors, without which its occurrence would not have been possible.... ... ...
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The Impact of Web Based Cancer Information on Patient Outcomes
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Article
14 review articles were selected and categorized on the basis of two selection criteria: ... lthough the authors cited the lack of availability of substantial literature on the topic as a major drawback, the trend portrayed in the reviewed articles suggested that there was scope for success of such internet based and interactive programs in shaping the course of patient outcomes....
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The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility
3 pages (797 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper ''The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility'' tells us that the corporate social Responsibility program is adopted since it acts as empowerment towards strengthening the future today so that the risk is minimized, and certainty is gained.... It helps to gain the responsiveness of the business towards its stakeholders....
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Seligman et al on Happiness
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Review of Seligman et al on Happiness In the article by Seligman,Parks and Steen the problem stated was that since WWII psychology has been solely focused upon curing the mentally ill and the other two original objectives.... ... ... Review of Seligman et al on Happiness In the article by Seligman, Parks and Steen the problem stated was that since WWII psychology has been solely focused upon curing the mentally ill and the other two original objectives, making ordinary people's lives better and learning to understand genius and talent, have fallen by the wayside....
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Racing to the Bottom Trade, Environmental Governance by Aseem Prakash and Matthew Potoski
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Racing to the Bottom Name Tutor 21.... 1.... 011 RESEARCH QUESTION The research question, which this report, seeks to answer is.... Does the involvement in international trade of import and export have an impact on the level of adoption of the voluntary environmental regulation of ISO 14001.... ... ...
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Chinas Stocks Head for Weekly Gain on Policy Outlook, Europe
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
This research is being carried out to evaluate and present the gains made by the Chinese stock based on changes in policies and speculation about the steps that are likely to be taken by authorities at in China and EU.... ... ... ... According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that the stock price increases had stagnated or experience slow growth since the world economic recession that was closely followed by EU debt crisis....
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The Legacy Issues of Vietnam
3 pages (773 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "The Legacy Issues of Vietnam" focuses on the critical, and multifaceted analysis of the major legacy issues of Vietnam.... This article is about the Vietnam War and the destruction it caused in Vietnam and the United States during the Nixon era.... ... ... ... It describes the repercussions in the aftermath of the war which led to inflation and a drastic change in the political as well as ecological environment....
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Legal and Ethical Aspects of Paramedic Practice
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Article
2008, Ethics in the Emergency Department, Find articles, 23 September 2009 from http://findarticles.... om/p/articles/mi_qa4004/is_200807/ai_n27899177/?... This article 'Legal and Ethical Aspects of Paramedic Practice' shall discuss one of these ethical issues.... It shall discuss the legal and ethical aspects of the issue and how these aspects can be resolved....
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Public budgeting
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The case of debt management is not an isolated one.... The article, “winning the Battle but Losing the War: The Psychology of Debt Management” by Moty Amar, Dan Ariely, Shahar.... ... ... Cryder, and Scott I.... Rick, also published in the Journal of Marketing has issues with the way people think that debt should be managed, instead of going the way that debt can be fully managed in a thing they term winning both the war, and the battle....
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When Do Opportunity Costs Count
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article examines all the possible results of opportunity cost and the impact of including or excluding such opportunity costs while appraising any business venture or any project.... This article points out that the opportunity costs are a relevant cost when ascertaining any given project.... ...
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A Decade of Development
2 pages (624 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper 'A Decade of Development' is a critique of the Journal article, 'A Decade of Development' that is about the development of free software and its popularity and acceptability by the software developers community over the last decade or so.... ... ... ... The article details the travails of free software proponents like Richard Stallman, David Wiley, and Lawrence Lessig....
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Peoples Perception of Chinese Culture by R. Parungao
2 pages (638 words) , Download 3 , Article
In the paper 'People's Perception of Chinese Culture by R.... Parungao' the author analyzes the article concerning cultural typecasting, which is cited as the main challenge for the American people.... The film industry has demonstrated the Chinese as people who are not governed by the rule of law....
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Functional Social Support and Major Depression In Cancer Patients
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Sadly, many people living with cancer suffer from other illnesses and conditions which subsequently complicate their health.... In the article,.... ... ... As noted, 38% of these grapple with depression, and they need support (Chan, Limoges and Fung p.... 6).... The article highlights three sources from which cancer patients could derive this support....
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Response on Dana Stevens Thinking Outside the Idiot Box
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The purpose of this article "Response on Dana Stevens' Thinking Outside the Idiot Box" is to argue Dana Stevens' point regarding the harm of television and TV audience overall.... The writer of the article would critically assess Stevens' point of view.... ... ... ... Dana Stevens' article, Thinking Outside the Idiot Box, is a direct attack on a previous article published by Steven Johnson, which apparently suggested that TV could make us smarter....
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Built Environment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
Sustainable environment can be described as an exclusive approach which allows the inquest of sustainable solution to problems in the existing environment.... Sustainable environment development aims at meeting the present needs without compromising the future.... This involves.... ... ... The environment we are living in has great impacts on our lives....
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Meeting the Worlds Energy Needs Entirely with Wind, Water, and Solar Power by Delucchi and Jacobson
1 pages (256 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Meeting the World's Energy Needs Entirely with Wind, Water, and Solar Power by Delucchi and Jacobson" states that the authors are in favor of natural energy resources.... The article is quite useful in terms of informing about the advantageousness of natural resources over energy from biomass....
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Tim Cook Interview: The iPhone 6, the Apple Watch, and Remaking a Company's Culture
1 pages (299 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Tim Cook Interview: The iPhone 6, the Apple Watch, and Remaking a Company's Culture" reflects collaboration as a strategic measure to generate success for the organization.... Cook is observed to lay stress on the point of needed collaboration between employees relating to departments....
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WellPoint to Acquire Amerigroup amid Health Care Overhaul
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article "WellPoint to Acquire Amerigroup amid Health Care Overhaul" discusses a health care overhaul that has continued to affect any kind of acquisition and mergers in the country.... According to the article, WellPoint decided to buy Amerigroup in a deal valued at $4.... billion in total cash....
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Equal Opportunity, Our National Myth by Joseph Stiglitz
1 pages (286 words) , Download 2 , Article
From the paper "Equal Opportunity, Our National Myth by Joseph Stiglitz", economically only 58% born in the bottom fifth income earners are able to move out of that category.... Furthermore, the life prospects of an American are largely dependent on the income and education of their parents.... ... ...
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How Culture Shapes Our Senses
1 pages (312 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "How Culture Shapes Our Senses" explores how language and culture affect sensory awareness using 20 different cultural groups around the world.... People are familiar with the identification of ordinary things or smells because of their familiarity.... They are in constant touch with them....
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Running out of Oil and Time by Paul Rogers
2 pages (646 words) , Download 2 , Article
The focal point of the paper 'Running out of Oil and Time by Paul Rogers' is mainly about the ever-increasing demand of oil juxtaposed with the ever-decreasing supply of oil.... However, it should be mentioned that with the development of innovative technological help this situation can be negated....
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The Working and Living Conditions of Apple Company
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article sheds a harsh light on how consumers are more concerned about getting their hands on the newest gadget than they are about the people that literally risk their lives.... Charles Duhigg and David Barboza open their article, 'In China, Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad'.... ... ... ... An explosion that took the life of Lai Xiaodong and three other employees, injuring many others....
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Water Pollution That Is Prevalent in the Water Bodies of West Virginia by Katie Fallon
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Water Pollution That Is Prevalent in the Water Bodies of West Virginia by Katie Fallon" discusses that Katie Fallon has been successful in conveying her message, and the data presented by her to support the facts satisfy the basic needs of a scientific argument.... ... ... ... The article belongs to the genre of appeal, where the author is asking people to understand the complications and perils associated with the current state of West Virginia....
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Summary + analysis
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article begins by introducing various films such as David Lynch's Blue Velvet (1986), Alan Parker's Angel Heart (1987), Bryan Singer's The Usual Suspect (1995), and Curtis Hanson's L.... .... Confidential.... Various aspects of these films have been described as being noir.... ... ... ... r example, in Blue Velvet, Jeffrey is overwhelmed by his curiosity, which causes him to spy on Dorothy, have sadomasochistic sex with her and shoot Frank Booth....
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Leadership and Cultural Context: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination Based on Project GLOBE
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Article
This research will begin with the statement that globe is a social entity that contains 170 scientists in the social field.... These scientists also represent the diverse 61 cultures that the world has.... Globe research has come up with several leadership theories that have been used in many cases....
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The Raging Grannies: Defying Stereotypes and Embracing Aging through Activism
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This research will begin with the statement that the article, Raging Grannies, is the depiction of an activist movement known as raging grannies by aged women who assumed the role of 'grandmother' and described it to be a symbol of protection, motivation, and justice.... ... ... ... It is evidently clear from the discussion that the history of Raging Grannies movement dates back to 1980s when women with similar notions came out on the streets with boards and protested in the language of music and fun....
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Depression in Adults with Mental Disorders
2 pages (605 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Depression in Adults with Mental Disorders" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the article on depression in adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).... It explains how adults with ADHD are prone to having depressive disorders.... ... ... ... The main purpose was to create awareness of what should be done to reduce the chances of adults with ADHD suffering from depressive disorders....
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The Responsible Administrator by Terry Copper
2 pages (583 words) , Download 4 , Article
In the paper 'The Responsible Administrator by Terry Copper' the author illustrates how a public officer or administrator should uphold and maintain responsible conduct, in the public institution from which they are posted to serve the public.... In fact, Copper has derived two approaches to this issue....
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