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Brands Deal With Fluctuating Markets at Las Vegas Trade Shows - Article Example

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Similarly, they determine the business success since they are the target of all the businesses, making them play an essential role in the economy. However, the success…
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Brands Deal With Fluctuating Markets at Las Vegas Trade Shows
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BRANDS DEAL WITH FLUCTUATING MARKETS AT LAS VEGAS TRADE SHOWS Consumers are the major drivers of the market, and they are very vital for any business to release its goals. Similarly, they determine the business success since they are the target of all the businesses, making them play an essential role in the economy. However, the success of consumer’s presence depends on their purchasing power. Many factors determine consumer’s purchasing power and some of them include standard of living and the market trend.

The article figures the fate of brands in the fluctuating markets as Las Vegas trade show since there seem to be more operations than before.1One of the things that stand out from the article that is an indication that it will affect the overall fashion trend or the consumers behaviors is unemployment.2 According to the article, the unemployment rate dropped to 5.7% from 6.6%.3 It shows a strong indication that more people will have the money to spend on the apparel. As more people are employed and earn some cash, their spending also increases which is good for any business.

The businesses will no longer rely on the entrepreneurs to buy the products as it will have an expanded consumer base including those who were not employed.In conclusion, consumer’s purchasing power is critical for business because it make them trap their spending. Increasing trend of employment among the consumers is a good predictor that sells of apparel will increase because many consumers have money to spend. Employment will also influence the consumer behaviors because they will be buying as per the trend.

BibliographyBrown, Rachel. Brands Deal With Fluctuating Markets at Las Vegas Trade Shows. WWD. (2015)

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