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The soccer team
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Discourse community ethnography is proven by John Swales as an important discussion in considering communication among groups because it is an important factor observed in daily life.... As mentioned earlier, the team meets for practice, two to three times a week which is a fairly good number of times for good communication to...
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Comments on Bowman versus Fels Case
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Legal advice is the first type of LPP, which protects the communication between lawyers and their clients.... Ability of the commission to have access to communication between an undertaking, which it suspected of anti-competitive behavior and its lawyers, was the main concern of the case (Jones & Newburn 2007, pp.... For example, if privileges rely on the right to defense, then any irrelevant communication between a lawyer and client is excluded from the scope of the privilege, hence is a subject to a disclosure obligation....
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Counterterrorism in the USA
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The immediate issues that must be addressed are the loopholes in homeland security; there needs to be a timely and direct communication between the two bodies that literary hold the lives of millions of Americans in their hands.... The FBI and the CIA should have direct channels of communication (Beresford, 2004).... Had there been reliable and unrestricted communication between the FBI and the CIA, there would never have been such an attack....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The letters entails communication from the days of tough times, they showcase the story of the despair in a way that is more influential and affecting than... Down and Out in the Great Depression is a moving and enlightening collection of characters by the forgotten men, women, and children who passed through one of the worst periods of adversity in the American account....
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Legal Issues in HR Management
4 pages (1112 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With the standards having similar conditions for every division of industry are those that deal with the access to medical and exposure account, personal defensive equipment, and communication about risk.... The State of California needs businesses to form a wound and sickness avoidance plan which takes account of a teaching and communication structure, a procedure for recognition as well as assessment of risks associated to place of work, periodic assessments, systems for looking into occupational wounds and diseases, procedures for correcting dangerous or injurious circumstances, as well as record keeping (Small & Barnhill, 1998)....
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Branding, Pricing, and Distribution at Trendy Fashionista
4 pages (1047 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The price skimming and push marketing communication strategy can contribute to the feasibility of the firm's new business concept.... The push marketing communication strategy can be described as a one-way communication between the marketer and his audience.... In addition, the price skimming strategy and the push marketing communication strategy can contribute to the feasibility of the firm's new business concept....
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Organizational Change in Trauma Nursing
4 pages (1116 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The other important aspect is communication.... Ensuring that communication is as clear and taken as serious as possible is appropriate for ensuring timely changes and elimination of conflicts.... As the manager, I must portray appropriate communication skills for the purpose of change and decision-making....
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Changes in the International Economic Order after the Global Financial Crisis
4 pages (1324 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The company continued to enhance customer and market focused marketing programs including their role as the official communication gadget partners of the Olympic and Paralympics games in Beijing 2008 (Mertzanis, 320).... The company focused beyond the crisis and realized the potential to develop a leading position in the new industry, where communication services, smart phones and digital media would merge together.... the management therefore restructured the company's various consumer businesses into a new digital communication and media to both facilitate synergies and cut costs while at the same time combining the various business components into a device solutions divisions (Conti, 38)....
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Starbucks Organizational Performance
5 pages (1311 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Relationships, views, and expectations among those who are all part of one group—or who view themselves as part of the same company or as “insiders”—are different from the types of relationships and communication patterns that develop among those who view themselves as belonging to different groups.... tarbucks uses negotiation, collective bargaining and interpersonal communication as the main approaches in conflict management.... If the team lacks communication, it will create chaos situations and affect mutual trust of team members....
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Technology Gets Better over Time
4 pages (1297 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Technology Gets Better over Time" highlights that technology has the potential to make a positive or a negative impact on a person's life.... It can help a person to build his family structure and at the same time, its negative use has the tendency to dismantle his social family structure....
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Signs of Organizational Wellbeing
4 pages (1284 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One, in the organization, there are clearly set goals of the management to remain achieved, the organization has performance ethics, and integrity, admiration for variety is present as well as good communication among the staff and the management.... Good communication originated from the strategically organized organization structure that facilitated the smooth flow of information and interactive moments among us, the staff, and management personnel (Cooper, 2009)....
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Into the Fray Issues
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Lafleur executives are likely to choose the most experienced and high potential candidate who have proven their skills not only in results-achievement, but also in communication.... Still, the communication she has with Michael and his subordinates is straightforward by e-mailing and meetings proposals.... ecure his connection to the offices in New York and Paris (Clifford) by business trips and constant communication....
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Digital Conversions of Broadcasting and Telecommunications
4 pages (1067 words) , Download 0 , Report
However the giant leap came in the form of digital basis of these technologies when there was advancement exhibited by the technologists who brought in novel means of communication and broadcasting.... The Digital Dilemma: Making the Most of the Digital communication Technology and Pedagogy.... communication Technologies that will Change our Lives....
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Portfolio of Practical Project: The Fashion Industry
17 pages (5085 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
he society is part of a global communication network.... Therefore, market communication needs planning to attain these objectives.... Therefore, the decisional role in choosing the medium of communication and the target message will depend on the survey analysis.... roblem solving approaches of effective communication, negotiation and persuasion—decision theory ... These factors may also shape the communication strategies that relates to persuasion and negotiation....
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Does the Universal Practice Model of HRM Exist
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Structures are typically hierarchical and communication flows downwards from the top of the organization via the hierarchy.... Structures are typically hierarchical and communication flow downwards from the top of the organization via the hierarchy.... on the case of IKEA discusses HRM specifics within a single corporation, represented in European countries and the US, where communication and professional skills, the ability to cooperate or obey a strict hierarchy have different weight....
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Internet and Democracy
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
An essay "Internet and Democracy" claims that the Internet provides new opportunities for information, communication, and participation.... The communication through internet is independent of distance and not expensive also.... Internet communication is the fastest way of communication.... The Internet provides new opportunities for information, communication and participation.... The communication through internet is independent of distance, easy to use and not expensive also....
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Interpersonal Management
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
From the time I arrived at the university, my confidence has considerably grown and I have been able to make numerous new friends, which made me become satisfied with my choice of university.... I have also gained a lot of experience as well as independence, which are important.... ... ... Therefore, I can conclude without a doubt that the university teaches a person many aspects even before the real studies start....
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Strategic Approach to Information Technology Management
8 pages (2053 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
For example, communication changes should have an impact on sectors such as customer service.... Since then Cisco has been on the frontline in the development in communication through networking and the internet.... This revolutionized communication around the world as IP addresses were created bringing more competition in the communication industry.... This changed communication lines to shift from the traditional phone lines to IP based networks....
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Emergency Plan for the Ashford University
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Overall, the importance of activation and termination of emergency plan lies at the heart of emergency planning, because proper use of knowledge and communication can save a lot of money, and limit the extent of damage[Per06]. ... communication and information are the two prerequisites of activation and termination of emergency plan.... The Campus Crisis team at the university campus comprises of Vice President, Campus Director, Director of Student Affairs and Admission, Campus communication Manager, Campus Director of Security and Safety, Campus Registrar, and Campus Director of Information Technology[Ash12]....
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How Parents Should Engage with their Children and Ration the Internet
7 pages (2029 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Moreover, a sociological analysis into the way in which technology has shifted interpersonal dynamics, relationships, and communication has been conducted by a variety of researchers and convincingly pointed to the fact that the current era of texting, instant messaging, Facebook et al.... The paper "How Parents Should Engage with their Children and Ration the Internet" notes though the internet is a valuable tool for communication, risks of internet addiction, especially among youth, remain strong; necessitating parents to limit the amount of time their children spend virtually....
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The Concept of Corporate Strategy
6 pages (1988 words) , Download 2 , Essay
(2008) in his article ‘The importance of effective communication” covers all the different aspects of communication and its effects of business.... Effective communication is the most important component of the success of an organization.... Whether its interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup, organizational or extreme level communication every form of better communication can give tremendous results in business growth. ...
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Christian Diors Existing and Recommended Luxury Brand Strategies
15 pages (5241 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
Significance of Marketing Mix in the Use of Integrated Marketing Communication Recently, the marketing mix of integrated marketing communication (IMC) has moved from the 4P's known as the product, price, place, and promotion to the application of the 4C's which stands for customer, cost, convenience, and communication (Smith, 2003).... Importance of Brand communication Campaign .... Significance of Marketing Mix in the Use of Integrated Marketing communication ....
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The ICT Industry in Canada
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The drop is arbitrated to drop in the export of electronic products (7% decrease), instruments (5% decrease) and communication gadgets (4%).... In 2008, the services by the ICT sector had witnessed a growth of 33% with the majority of the contribution from CS design and communication services (Industry Canada, 2010).... Information and communication technology.... % of the total employees followed by those in communication equipment sub-sector and manufacturing having a 46% input....
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Contributions of the Word-of-Mouth to Marketing
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
From the paper "Contributions of the Word-of-Mouth to Marketing" it is clear that word-of-mouth communication has evolved to become a powerful promotion tool in the business world.... Contributions of the Word-of-Mouth to Marketing: A Critical Analysis Introduction Word-of-mouth communication is considered as the "princess of media," which has caused histories to be created, civilizations to be evolved and cultures to survive (Raghavan, 2006, p.... Though originally it included only oral communication, today it refers to all types of communication from person to person, including face to face, telephone, email and text messaging....
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The Learning Organization in Obtaining Parts for Military Vehicles
6 pages (1729 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Secondly, people should openly communicate with others effectively without fear of criticism, as effective communication is the key aspect towards the success of an organization; therefore, communication should be openly and information should be conveyed well across the organization, as this will contribute to successful organizational performance.... Culture form the basis through which an employee operates within the organization context, and secondly, there is open communication and everything across the organization is well communicated effectively....
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Trends in the Radio Industry
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
That is, it was radio through wireless technology, which first initiated the field of wireless communication, and with the rise of many radio broadcasters worked as the catalyst for the development of electronic Before the advent of Television and other electronic mediums, Radio for more than half a century was the most popular entertaining system available for people from all strata of the society, with maximum households all over the world enjoying the space occupied by radio....
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The Reflection of Facial Expressions to Ones Thinking
5 pages (1426 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The importance of learning the meanings of such facial expressions emanates from the need to understand the possible reactions that one should expect during communication or the actions that such people might show in addressing certain matters.... Further, the people's facial muscles will contract; hence, they will tend to be serious about their actions for their recipients to understand the essence of their communication.... Research argues that it is impossible for people to mask the emotions presented by the situations they seek to avoid; hence, their communication will appear serious....
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Analysis of Social Media
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The sites are interactive and introduce the push-pull communication model.... Such statistical interactions enable the marketers understand specific demographic features about their target audience thus employ necessary tools in increasing the effectiveness of the communication.... The use of smart phones made the social networking sites portable and most convenient tools of communication.... The effectiveness of communication and interactions on the social media relies on the aggressiveness of the marketers (Wasserman & Kram, 2009)....
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Global Terrorism Threat for the United States of America
5 pages (1596 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration has developed standards of ensuring interoperable communication across homeland security agencies and authentication methods such as biometric identifiers and SMART cards in order to ensure the security of the disaster communication system (Sullivant, 2007).... The American citizens can be more effective in being First Responders to disasters through offering education on how to use the emergency communication systems such as 911 public safety answering points, the emergency alert system and radio communication systems in order to notify the emergency departments and the police about the occurrence of the disaster (Kingsbury, 2009). ...
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America Needs English as the Official Language
5 pages (1466 words) , Download 1 , Essay
As such, providing communication in English and another language they understand would foster effective communication in the country.... This would make it easier for them to vote and understand communication from the government, court proceedings and educational institutions.... Take the example of the school bus story given by Marin where students fell into disharmony because of the difference in their language of communication (79)....
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AT and T Top Buyer at US Airwaves Auction
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The other information is based on opinion from different analysts in the wireless communication network field and experts from various technology firms.... n increase in the airwaves of mobile data means an expansion in the wireless communication field.... he wireless communication field has for a long time been dominated by a few companies while the rest still deal with fiber communication.... Google has decided to venture into the wireless communication in addition to it using fiber for such a long time....
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Developing Management Skills
5 pages (1509 words) , Download 0 , Essay
iming can be everything in communication.... The more descriptive I can be in my communication with Pat, the better his understanding of the situation or problem will be.... Most researchers and observers agree that the best interpersonal communication and relationships are based on congruence.... Verbal communication – Tone & Emotional Congruence....
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Successful Marketing Stories
6 pages (1728 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The company is an exception in continuous branding and developing pioneering products that have changed the nature of the computer and communication industry (Boone & Kurtz, 2010).... Apple products like iPod are built on advanced communication technology and additional features like e-mail and messaging capabilities, which have increased the level of customer satisfaction.... Apple products like iPod are built on advanced communication technology and additional features like e-mail and messaging capabilities, which have increased the level of customer satisfaction....
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The Social Relationships on the Internet and Face-To-Face Relationships
6 pages (1602 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The use of the internet as a means of communication has rapidly gained popularity since its advent in the last century.... number: The Social Relationships on the Internet and Face-To-Face Relationships Introduction The use of the internet as a means of communication has rapidly gained popularity since its advent in the last century.... Considerably, the internet relationship has adversely displaced some of the vital social activities, especially among the communities and individuals who have intensively indulged into the internet as their sure means of communication....
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Agreement between Orlando and Helen
6 pages (1715 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
general rule in communicating an offer requires that there must be an effective communication of acceptance of the offer.... The law in instantaneous communication regarding communication of acceptance has been set in the case of Brinkinbon v Stahad Stahl Gmbh7 that once one communicates acceptance through an instantaneous communication the contract is valid when the communication of acceptance is received. ...
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The Transition from Orality to Literacy and Electorally
4 pages (1365 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper ''The Transition from Orality to Literacy and Electorally'' tells that Orality has been defined by Webster's English dictionary as reliance on spoken, rather than written language for communication.... The Transition from Orality to Literacy and Electracy Orality has been defined by Webster's English dictionary as a reliance on spoken, rather than written language for communication.... The transition from orality to literacy however, was a very slow process and long after the written word was accepted as the best form of communication, texts were still read aloud....
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The Throes of Democracy by Bryan McCann
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Hence, the 20th century Brazil continues to be the main subject area of his studies and he covers all its social and cultural areas (such as popular music, journalism, radio and politics) in his various published writings.... The paper 'The Throes of Democracy by Bryan McCann' throws light on the current political situation pervading in Brazil and the shape that this new democracy is taking....
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Video Review Control Room
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
[Name of the Writer] [Name of the Professor] [Name of the Course] [Date] Video Review Control Room MESSAGE OF ITS THEME DELIVERED BY THE DOCUMENTARY?... The theme of the control room, stated briefly can be the exploration of the process of gathering of the truth, its presentation and its ultimate creation by the deliverers of it....
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Walt Whitman
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Later on, he found his way to work in journalism to earn a living.... His works have long been the staple readings at English classes that range within all levels of education.... The bearded man often seen in pictures accompanying his poems has been a.... ... ... His poems, written over a century ago still reverberates affinity toward today's literary reader with the direct points and unending themes he has incorporated as his own during his time as a struggling writer....
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Transfer information
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The organization usually conducts workshops about journalism, sex education, and new media technologies.... I have been grateful to have received high quality education from my former school.... I appreciated all the help that my former teachers and schoolmates have given me.... I am a....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Notably, it explores all emerging issues across the world through a close and candid interaction with the respondents to bring out credible and transparent journalism to its audience.... The Economist is a English newspaper publication based in the United Kingdom that is published weekly and mainly deals with issues such as; world politics, science and technology , business and finance, world economics as well as culture....
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5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Business and journalism clubs will also be of importance in marketing and linking with partners to sponsor the project.... Also, the project will help increase college and graduation enrolment rates among students.... In addition, there will be a reduction in the number of college students drop....
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Creative Treatment of Actuality
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The creative treatment of actuality was first propounded by John Grieson who viewed it as a form of journalism, presented through the media process.... The author of this paper examines the concept of creative treatment of actuality and how it applies to the media.... It will involve the critical review of two documentaries of the 1930s in which the idea of critical treatment of actuality was applied....
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Causes of the Holocaust, the Targeted Victims of the Holocaust
4 pages (1034 words) , Download 4 , Essay
For Class, they should not even embrace a public office or be engaged in banking, journalism and other professions of liberal nature where they could voice out their point of views.... The paper "Causes of the Holocaust, the Targeted Victims of the Holocaust" states that both Great Britain and the United States of America did verify in 1942 Germany's aim to exterminate all the remaining Jews in Europe or what was called the Final Solution....
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Market Failures within Globalization
4 pages (1202 words) , Download 2 , Essay
These include such circles as academia world, journalism and publishing.... The essay "Market Failures within Globalization" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the market failures within globalization.... A monopoly is a business that is the sole provider of a service or good, in the process giving it a remarkable competitive edge....
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Fatsis Book - Word Freak
4 pages (1144 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, at one stage of his professional journalism, he set out to explore much about the game for his article.... The paper "Fatsis Book - Word Freak" discusses that the characters have been portrayed in a rather unusual perspective where, despite their weaknesses and obsession, they stand out as evidence of how Scrabble has been transformed into a world-class competitive game....
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Jewelry for All
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Angelina is keen on pursuing a career in journalism.... This essay 'Jewelry for All' discusses customer segments of jewelry.... heir product line includes all kinds of jewelry comprising of gold, silver and platinum settings.... The company's target market includes husbands shopping for their wives and boyfriends shopping for their girlfriends....
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Gordon Parks
4 pages (1076 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
He was also an activist and knew the finer aspects related with journalism.... He was also an activist and knew the finer aspects related with journalism.... The paper "Gordon Parks" tells us about african-american photographer.... An African-American photographer, Gordon Roger Alexander Buchannan Parks had a talented personality....
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Ethical Dilemma and Suggested Decision
4 pages (1080 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The case study that I have selected for this paper is not my personal experience, but it pertains to one of my first cousin, Liana, who has been working as a journalism professor for many years.... ... he essay "Ethical Dilemma and Suggested Decision" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the case study related to an ethical dilemma and the decision suggested to solve the situation....
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The history of irish education
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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Additionally, Carleton learned about many folk tales from his father, with the same reflecting in his future writings in the realms of journalism and literature.... Ireland's educational standards of the period that would be discussed in this essay were at their lowest.... The formal education of the modern-day was even beyond the wildest of dreams of the country's denizens of....
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