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The Impact of the Media Industry on Culture
9 pages (2411 words) , Download 2 , Essay
he process of consolidation of the press and other tools of mass communication has been taking place in US and Canada in a big way.... Herd Harold 1952, The March of journalism: The Story of the British Press ... The paper "The Impact of the Media Industry on Culture" highlights that we need systems in place to guard the values and ideals that man has developed over many years....
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Mobile News Adoption among Young Adults - Examining the Roles of Perceptions
7 pages (1865 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Journalism & Mass communication Quarterly, 90(1), 126-147.... The paper 'Mobile News Adoption among Young Adults - Examining the Roles of Perceptions' is an intriguing example of research paper on sociology.... The aim of the study was to identify motivational predictors of mobile news consumption among young adults....
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Desperate relationship: Moving into Trust Marriages and Recovery
11 pages (3051 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The couple's growth areas (areas with low couple agreement) encompassed of communication, forgiveness as well as partner style & habits.... They comprises of poor conflict tenacity methods, poor family & sexual relationship, poor communication, low levels of forgiveness as well as partner style & habits.... onflict resolution, communication and Forgiveness ... Poor communication between the two partners can be presumed to be the main factor contributing to the poor conflict resolution between them....
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How are proffessional and managerial careers gendered and racialist
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
) pointed out that research had shown open racism is prevalent in the workplace with one out of four persons from a minority group avoiding a career in finance, journalism and law due to fear of prejudice.... With technology, communication has been enhanced and as a result, cultural exchange has led to the feminist beliefs of some societies and thus enabling women to be key players in management of organizations....
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Impact of Globalization Wal-Mart
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Impact of Globalization ... f we talk about the processes that result in world gathering at one place, we are on the other hand talking about Globalization.... This means that products and services, capital, and labor trades on a wider world basis.... ... ... ... The rise of less expensive sea transport and the telegram resulted to this process in the 19th century....
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The Trend of Constructing Women as Consumers
10 pages (2711 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
This seems to be because of the brand discourse overall pervasiveness and particularly due to advertising communication.... journalism Studies, 8(4), 550-554. ... The paper 'The Trend of Constructing Women as Consumers' presents consumers' production as an important feature of modern capitalism....
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Research Methods in Business and Economics
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Internal brand factors driving Successful Financial Services Brands Research Focus Brand image is very important in today's world where communication technology has grown to a great extent.... Financial services have also developed with the advent of communication technology and therefore branding also applies to services sector....
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Sociology of Law and Punishment
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Over the course of the last decade or so, it has become increasingly apparent that modern penalty, especially in the west, is witnessing a more 'civilised process' than in the era gone by.... This points to a more critical view that there is a possibility of Elias' 'civilising process' influence on less brutal practices of punishment in Western societies today....
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A Critical Appraisal of a Permanent Exhibition in London
8 pages (3724 words) , Download 1 , Essay
By the 1990s, the collections numbered over 6,000 artifacts that represented the Companys history in the areas οf defense, the fur trade, exploration, navigation, communication, and the retail business.... The essay "A Critical Appraisal of a Permanent Exhibition in London" elaborates on the practice οf collecting natural history specimens, artifacts, and artworks relating to the exploratory activities conducted by the Company was well established by the nineteenth century....
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Impact of Fast Food Advertising on Childhood Obesity
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
In fact, the advancements in information technology have not only facilitated the communication and interaction among people but also enabled businesses to advertise their products or brands to masses.... The research is conducted to study the increasing use of advertisements by fast-food companies and their impact on a child's purchase decision regarding junk food....
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Feasibility of Implementing Business Process Reengineering in Saudi Arabias Small and Medium Enterprises
9 pages (4687 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
By strengthening the use of information and communication technology (ICT), Saudi Arabia's small and medium enterprises (SMEs) will have the competitive edge to compete in the global market.... This paper " Feasibility of Implementing Business Process Reengineering in Saudi Arabia's Small and Medium Enterprises" focuses on the fact that as part of globalization, Saudi Arabia is facing difficult challenges with regards to the trading of products and services worldwide....
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Understanding Reflection for Tesol
17 pages (4591 words) , Download 4 , Coursework
While traditional basic language education takes the form of learning grammar, a more advanced method is to engage students right-off in second language communication along basic and real-life interaction, such as through conversation, role playing, photo language-- using the second language which need to be learned.... o employ cooperative practice, partnership between learners and teacher as well as peers, such as though joint language work projects can optimize the student's communication experience along meaningful situations, such that second language becomes part of practical thinking skills....
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Effects of Mass Media Violence on Violent Behavior
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In reviewing the innumerable studies over the last sixty years on the effects of television violence on human behavior conducted by researchers in sociology, psychology, and public opinion, there is no conclusive trend in the scientific evidence, as “many researchers have.... ... ... ed that one cannot generalize with confidence from the impact of mass media violence in the laboratory to the impact of mass media violence in the real world” (Phillips, 567)....
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Connection Between the Individual and Communal
6 pages (2084 words) , Download 1 , Essay
ue to diversity, people are able to communicate through a series of channels which are meant for satisfactory communication so that individual.... The Roots of Civic journalism: Darwin, Dewey, and Mead.... The essay "Connection Between the Individual and Communal" aims to determine the rationale on why perfect work is important to the original audience compared to the untargeted audience who may endure within the time limits while they are already fully withdrawn from the event....
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Video Games and Schooling
7 pages (2146 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
These video games will expose them to whatever happens in their talent oriented careers and thus will equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to further these exciting careers in media film production and mass communication.... Students of have talents that are needed in the media and may be film production and even journalism will get a chance of striking their careers as early as in the primary school....
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Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction
8 pages (2156 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
of the Journalism, Mass Media and communication of the Concerned 16 November Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction- An Investigation ... According to research findings of the paper 'Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction', No doubt, many associated politicians do need to be questioned regarding the weapons of mass destruction premise exploited by them to initiate this war but, contemporary media also has a measure of responsibility....
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Global Media, War, and Technology
6 pages (1911 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
Eras of communication are known to contribute a lot towards the history of human race.... einer, R, 2003, Live from Baghdad: Making journalism from behind enemy lines.... This bibliography "Global Media, War, and Technology" analyses population culture in relation to Government power and media control....
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The Relationship between Cuba and the United States regarding the Cold War
8 pages (2209 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Journalism & Mass communication Quarterly 81, no.... The paper 'The Relationship between Cuba and the United States regarding the Cold War' tells that a meeting was held by the president of United States and the president of Cuban to restore diplomatic relations between these two countries....
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All is Grace by Jim Forest Critique
8 pages (2118 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Women in communication: A Biographical Sourcebook.... She was devoted to radical or progressive journalism as the main instrument of the social advocate.... The review "All is Grace by Jim Forest Critique" critically analyzes the book All is Grace by Jim Forest.... The story of Dorothy Day still inspires, stabs our sense of right and wrong, and questions our integration in present-day American life by giving evidence to the viability....
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Business Category and Competition of Push Star Game Store
7 pages (2210 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The competition is also characterized by small stores scattered over a large geographical area and have low presence and use of online communication and no delivery systems (Morris, 1996). ... & Medill School of journalism.... This study aims at analyzing the competition of a games store located in London as a measure of gaining insight and understanding of the possibility of success of the Push Star business venture....
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Movie Review: Bicycle Thieves by De Sica, Citizen Kane, and Birth of a Nation by D.W. Griffith
3 pages (2288 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The author of "Movie Review: Bicycle Thieves by De Sica, Citizen Kane, and Birth of a Nation by D.... .... Griffith" paper focuses on answering questions regarding the films that have been watched in this course.... The author tells about their favorite film viewed in class this semester and why....
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Leveson Inquiry: Risk Management Analysis
7 pages (1855 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
The complainants must be victims of journalism, press intrusion, newspaper executives and owners, politicians and police communication advisers.... "Leveson Inquiry: Risk Management Analysis" paper focuses on the Leveson Inquiry fundamentally touches and qualifies the activities of the Department for Culture Media and Sport....
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Study Review on The Ellis Study
7 pages (1879 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
That exercise allows reflection for understanding and communication.... He pointed out that knowledge is not always seen on formal research as even journalism can share knowledge too (2005, p.... "Study Review on The Ellis Study" paper analizes the Ellis Study which focused on the academic approach to learning social sciences that do not adhere to the traditional way....
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Consumer Behaviour and Retail Marketing Strategy
18 pages (5437 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Preliminary communication, Vol.... The paper "Consumer Behaviour and Retail Marketing Strategy" assesses the consumer's attitudes plays an important role in formulating the retail marketing strategies to earn a competitive advantage in the global business and its influence on online shopping....
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The Impact of Studying Abroad on Graduate Employability
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There are also numerous jobs in the internet such as being a social media manager, which calls for one to have good communication skills and proficiency in various internet skills.... Such skills give them the ability to be able to apply for jobs which require a lot of writing such as journalism (Cai 2012)....
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Effect of Arab Spring on Direct and Indirect Investments
9 pages (2479 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
he effect of digital forms of communication has also been discussed extensively by Adi.... Some of the key media platforms that are discussed are Facebook, twitter, al Jazeera and other forms of digital journalism that have taken dominance around the globe.... The title of this study was to examine the effect that the Arab spring had on the direct and indirect investments in the Middle Eastern and the northern African region....
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Should Heathrow or Gatwick be Allowed to Build a Third Runway
7 pages (1958 words) , Download 1 , Essay
of the Journalism, Mass Media and communication of the Concerned 2 August Should Heathrow or Gatwick be allowed to Build a Third Runway? ... The main focus of the paper "Should Heathrow or Gatwick be Allowed to Build the Third Runway?... is on examining such aspects as the easiest way to increase the capacity of Heathrow airport, sentiments, extra traffic, the ability to manage air traffic and the national economies....
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Comparing and Contrasting Court Cases
8 pages (2374 words) , Download 1 , Report
Law, Freedom of Expression, communication SECTION Comparing and Contrasting Court Cases IN the case of Sony Corp America v.... Wichita Experiment focuses on the journalism debate between what the news readers need and what the news readers want (Schaefer 35).... This report "Comparing and Contrasting Court Cases" focuses on the case of Sony CorpAmerica versus Universal City Studio, the case of America Broadcasting Companies versus Aereo, the case of Regina versus Hicklin and the case of Skyywalker Records versus Navarro....
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Advertising and Globalization in India
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
heng, H 2004, "Advertising and Societies: Global Issues", journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 81, 1, pp.... This paper focuses on the concept of development of TV and satellite advertising in India as promoted by globalization and an explanation of the key theories from research and literature to justify the claims by Ciochetto in the study....
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The Piracy Generation
8 pages (2304 words) , Download 2 , Essay
parkes (eds) journalism and Popular Culture, London: Sage. ... This essay "The Piracy Generation" is about the expansion of the internet, and other technologies that enhance communication, which has inadvertently led corporations to exist within a global market that require them to be omnisciently connected to the ever-changing interests of their consumers.... The Piracy Generation The expansion of the internet, and other technologies that enhance communication, have inadvertently led corporations to exist within a global market that require them to be omnisciently connected to the ever changing interests of their consumers....
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Image of Arabs and Muslims in Western Media
7 pages (2124 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Media being the powerful tool of communication and image representation in modern times is a major source that has been questioned and subjected to its image representation and creation on this account.... The Media being the powerful tool of communication and image representation in the modern times is a major source that has been questioned and subjected to its image representation and creation on this account. ... ertain clear evidences have been noticed in the case of American media following patterns that are not just based on non professional guidelines of journalism in journal but also instigating hatred and distrust among the various communities....
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Photography and Filming in Antarctica
7 pages (1975 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The communication in the text is therefore not a universal way to pass a message to a wide a variety of people.... journalism: ... The paper "Photography and Filming in Antarctica" describes Antarctica's extreme climatic conditions.... Some films have been used to create a notion that life is completely inhabitable in these regions while other films and photographs show that people and other living organisms exist in this region....
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Airway Pressure Improve mortality in Patients with pulmonary edema
50 pages (12500 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
This study aims to assess and summarize existing studies in relation to the improvement in the mortality of patients with pulmonary edema through the administration of positive airway pressure focusing on the emergency and accident cases in medical care institutions.... ... ... ... The research covered a population of patients that have pulmonary edema who are brought to the emergency rooms or accident section for immediate treatment....
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European Advertising Rules
12 pages (3174 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Another challenge for the European advertising industry is responsible communication.... The same goes for people in journalism provided they are seeking the information for news reporting.... The "European Advertising Rules" paper contains a case study from which it is clear that Europe's advertising market has a long-awaited revision....
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Adolescent School Violence and Counseling
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The researchers hold that school counselors have a pivotal role in training parents to display better communication and conflict resolution skills among their children; similarly, it is also essential to educate parents on child development and the factors that may contribute to violent behavior....
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Multinational Operation in Finance and Banking
11 pages (3024 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
On the contrary the communication of FDI with the gross domestic product and inflation has a negative impact on the third world economies.... FDI is a kind of investment that is made by the multinational or transnational enterprises in foreign countries in order to manage the operation and....
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Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory of Human Development in Contemporary Psychology
11 pages (3625 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
This literature review "Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory of Human Development in Contemporary Psychology" discusses constructivist epistemologies that can be seen as a unifying force in both the psychogenesis and socio-genesis of knowledge, illustrated in operations in cognition.... ... ...
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Exploratory Literature Research Paper
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The various kinds of management and leadership styles followed by the boss have a cascading impact on the subordinates in terms of various factors: attitude towards work, motivation satisfaction, and efficiency.... This has led to an increased interest in research in the management.... ... ... This literature review makes an attempt to analyze the existing literature in the field of management styles....
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The Library and the Museum
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In order for a library to be effective, the information in the library must be organized well.... This paper shows how a proper organisation in a library, particularly through implementation of a catalogue system, can be used to increase the effectiveness of conducting a research in a library, in such a manner that it is easy for its users to search and access the information needed....
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Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer
8 pages (3061 words) , Download 1 , Essay
(2010) Risk communication and Public Health.... The essay tries to answer the question: do cell phones cause cancer or not?... It studies the relationship between cell phones and cancer.... It states that the findings of the studies developed in regard to this issue are contradicted....
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The Security Forces Hospital Program in Saudi Arabia
10 pages (3774 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
35) explained that the presence of inter-departmental collaboration and two-way communication among different departments is necessary when implementing a customized ERP system.... The paper "The Security Forces Hospital Program in Saudi Arabia" states that the attitude and point-of-views of SFHP's managers with regard to the implementation of the ERP system can significantly affect the success or failure of implementing the system....
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Implications of the Use of the Myiasis for Nurse and Patient
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Control of pain in the elderly population is quite often insufficient because of they underreport the pain because of the decline in communication and comprehensive abilities of the elderly because of their confused state or due to dementia.... The author focuses on Maggot therapy or bio-surgery which is one of the intervention strategies with known benefits in wound healing and management....
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Specifics of Management in Libraries
10 pages (2907 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The paper "Specifics of Management in Libraries" illuminates that the library as a dynamic environment must change with its community.... While its original mission and goals need not change, the process it undergoes or procedure it follows might necessitate changes to be more efficient and effective in providing services to its users....
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A Professional Development Plan
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Scholarship Essay
This essay declares that mentoring refers to a professional activity formed from a trusted relationship that creates a meaningful commitment between two or more parties.... Its origins can be traced back to ancient Greece whereby it was utilized to impart youths with spiritual and personal values....
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Human Resource Management Program for the United Arab Emirates
11 pages (3526 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
It is important to understand that the interviews under consideration were conducted through a face to face communication, and the methods of recording data, was through the use of a tape recorder.... The goal of this paper is to develop an efficient human resource strategy for the government of the UAE....
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Final Accounts and Financial Statements
13 pages (3674 words) , Download 2 , Essay
?? Establishment of suitable communication channels; ... The paper "Final Accounts and Financial Statements" tells that accounting record is termed as all of the documentation or documents included in the preparation of financial statements and records that are significant and relevant to financial review or budgetary survey and audits....
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Motivation of Human Resources
10 pages (2806 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Accessing the respondents may be difficult; however, through official communication with relevant stakeholders, the management will give green light.... The paper 'Motivation of Human Resources" is a good example of a human resources research proposal.... With increasing competition in the market, businesses are keen on ensuring the high productivity of the employees....
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Factors Responsible for the Glass Ceiling Effect on Women in Top Managerial Positions
9 pages (3755 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Action research involved communication between the researchers and the participants.... The researcher drew most of the theoretical framework from literature reviews and literature surveys.... The research was done with the objective of identifying the.... ... ... The paper "Factors Responsible for the Glass Ceiling Effect on Women in Top Managerial Positions" is a wonderful example of a research paper on human resources....
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Customer Service Training in Delyumy Company
9 pages (2762 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Levoy (2011) portend that this ensures that everyone shares the understanding of the skills set for efficient communication, solving difficult customer problems and supporting partnerships.... This research paper "Customer Service Training in Delyumy Company" explains the impacts of customer service function in Delyumy Company, outlining the procedure followed in the formulation of efficient customer service training and showing the benefits that the company attains from employee training....
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Exceptional Needs Children
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Examples of ITPs are journalism and other writing career after an English literature study and postsecondary college or university transition plan to continue the field of education that interests the child; and local Community Living Association and Post-21 Community Options to help the child gain an independent living in the community through supported employment (Paris, 2008, 70-72).... Transitional services include areas in employment, continued education, daily living, health, leisure, communication, and self-determination/advocacy (Paris, 2008, 70)....
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