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Antibiotics Resistance and Infectious Diseases
13 pages (3840 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to WHO 2012, Pp 1, medical research under the globalized world and chemical technology, antibiotics or antibacterial drugs have been improved to a range of diminishing various microorganisms including fungi and protozoa other than bacterial infections.... This essay "Antibiotics Resistance and Infectious Diseases" is about the way by which microorganisms are able to resist or confer invulnerability to antibiotics....
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Assessment of The Value of Social Media for Tourism
10 pages (2831 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The essay "Assessment of The Value of Social Media for Tourism" focuses on the critical analysis of the value that the tourism industry attaches to social media.... It is crucial to look into demand and supply organizational perspectives, as key drivers to the utilization of social media.... ... ...
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Role of Interpersonal Communication
10 pages (2766 words) , Download 0 , Essay
he advancement in technology has seen significant use of computers and computer networks in organization and transmission of information.... Communication can take several forms.... Each form is distinguishable from the other based on the number of people involved, the opportunity to receive information and give feedback,....
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The Traditional Airline Industry
10 pages (2736 words) , Download 0 , Essay
technology advances progressed into the early 70s.... The paper "The Traditional Airline Industry" explains that low-cost airlines have achieved a high degree of success in the airline industry.... They have gained a significant market share in short-haul domestic flights and have even begun to penetrate into the long-haul markets....
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Working with Acute Mental Health Needs Clients
10 pages (3209 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author of the paper "Working with Acute Mental Health Needs Clients " will begin with the statement that as technology is advanced, the facilities and the speed at which mankind works is advanced, so is the deterioration of both physical and mental health is advancing.... s technology is advanced, the facilities and the speed at which the mankind works is advanced, so is the deterioration of both the physical and mental health is advancing....
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Leadership That Produces Results
15 pages (4035 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For instance, government regulations, technology, natural disasters and competitors' targets have profound effects on businesses and the leaders should be innovative in thinking to survive in such environments.... The paper 'Leadership That Produces Results' is a spectacular variant of a case study on management....
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Contracts for the Catering Business
12 pages (3380 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Technological aspects include mainly the development of technology, R&D issues.... The paper "Contracts for the Catering Business" states that food is an integral part of any festival, event or celebration.... Catering is a system of cooking and servicing food in an organized manner....
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Epidemiology - Environment, Education, and Leisure
7 pages (3110 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The increasing amount of time spent on computers at home and school has raised questions about how the use of computer technology may make a difference in their lives-from helping with homework to causing depression to encouraging violent behavior.... From the paper "Epidemiology - Environment, Education, and Leisure", with every new treatment found for a disease, another new disease sprouts to haunt people....
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The Essentials of Category Management
11 pages (3193 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Essentials of Category Management" is a good example of a Management essay.... Category management, among various definitions, can be understood as putting products and commodities into groups based on how consumers prefer using the products.... .... ... ... The paper "The Essentials of Category Management" is a good example of a Management essay....
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Service Development and Project Management
11 pages (3027 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of technology... The paper "Service Development and Project Management" is a perfect example of a management essay.... According to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, the project plan is an approved formal document that is used in guiding both project control and project execution....
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Kazakhstan Development
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Despite the free movement of people and other business related resources countries are still struggling with unfair distribution of resources, slavery, limited use of technology in developing countries, destruction of natural resources and unemployment.... HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE Name: Date: Introduction Globalization is a complex aspect of the society and can be referred to the growth and development of economic activities as well as political activities of a country in a way that these activities have a major impact on the people in another region across the globe (Stohl 2004, P....
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Evaluate the transition from oil based world economy to an economy driven by alternative energy sources
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Evaluation of the Transition from Oil Based World Economy The source of energy is one of the biggest challenges facing the globe today.... There has been a heavy dependency on oil in almost all sectors of economies the world over such as transport, manufacturing and household use among others....
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Organizational Ethics
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Company Profile: Google Google Inc is a global leader in the technology sector specializing in the search engine industry.... Leaders in managing the organizations are faced with numerous changes and have to make very important decisions that affect the business.... The organization has a strategy to achieve among other competing interests and the insistence on businesses to operate ethically only serves to make matters worse....
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Improvement of Health Care Services Received by Indigenous People in Australia
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 7 , Essay
of technology and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 29.... This paper talks about the current state of Australian Health system in regards to provision of medical services to Indigenous population.... Also the essay outlines potential policy changes that might improve health outcomes for this population group in the country....
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How Have Changes In The World Economy Since 1945 Affected Room For Manoeuvre Of Multinational Firms
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
These corporations also became more guarded with their technology, choosing to withdraw their operations from the countries rather than to allow the host nations to control these operations (Shaikh, 2010).... Multinational corporations have been in existence for a major part of human trade and economic history....
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Has Kuwait Prospered with Western Relations
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
That being said the obvious attraction of the wealth, prosperity and advanced technology prove to very valuable incentives in the race to secure allies in the Middle East.... After all the bloodshed, strife and horror of the late 1980's early 1990's, Kuwait has reemerged as a particularly polished and well-funded nation, especially considering the region....
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Leading change at Corus
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
New technology used in production also played a key role in changing demand as customers expected high specifications.... Managing change effectively is important in keeping change efforts in track and overcoming business challenges.... In addition, modern organizations are highly complex and cannot be transformed by one management guru....
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The Role Of The Lend-Lease Program In Allied Victory During WWII
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
"Co-operation: Trade, Aid, and technology," in Allies at War: The Soviet, American, and British Experience, 1939-1945, ed.... The initial American policy at the outset of the Second World War was officially one of isolationist neutrality.... It shouldn't have been our war; didn't have to be through any obvious necessity by September, 1939....
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Language and culture
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With advent of technology, websites are widely used to inform people on diverse issues.... The paper presents the influence of context on conversation that can be seen in the conversation between the two female students.... It is often suggested that people will adjust their choice of words in language depending on the circumstance and context....
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Understanding Inclusive Education
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 10 , Essay
ICT (information and communication technology) also offers many inclusive solutions for children with disabilities.... This paper explores what inclusive education is.... Inclusive perspective is one in which there is no intention to leave out any important person while making efforts to reach a certain milestone....
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Differences between Human Resource Management and Personnel Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Differences between Human Resource Management and Personnel Management Name: Instructor: Course: Date: An organization's human assets or using a more contemporary term, its human resources are by far the most crucial in the running of an entity.... Over the years, the importance of the human resource has not changed but the sphere within which it is managed has shifted maybe not in nature but in terms of how it is viewed or referred....
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Discuss the eight bases of individual power
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Eight Bases of Individual Power Name of the of the Professor University Date Abstract The study has been prepared for understanding eight bases of power.... Strategic planning is an important part in the achievement of success for every organization.... ... ... ... It holds an important position in the organization....
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The Macro & Microeconomic Of China
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
) 1979 to mid-1980s A law on Joint Ventures enabled foreign investors to share technology with SOEs.... This research looks into the microeconomic and macroeconomic factors that have made it possible for China to grow consistently over the past decade up to the present, with intentions to learn from that developing country's economic principles and practices....
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Way companies should handle customers and employees in a multiculturalism environment
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Internet and current technology have paved the way to new market places, which enables companies to promote their business in the international or new geographic areas and cultures.... The research project provides a brief background indicating the way the globalization era has altered the way companies carry out business and also communicate across diverse cultures....
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Monoclonal antibodies
10 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Monoclonal antibody technology: The production and characterization of rodent and human hybridomas.... The purpose of the paper 'Monoclonal antibodies' is to examine monoclonal antibodies, which are defined as monospecific antibodies, which are equal out of being made of identical immune cells, which are clones of an inimitable parent cell....
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Australian Health Care
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Pregnancy and postnatal periods are two of the most challenging times in the life of a woman.... These periods are challenging enough for the woman to gradually release herself from other duties and chores and concentrate solely on the birth and care of the baby. ... ... ... ... ... he ordeal could sap the energy of any individual except that the mother has deep reservoir of strength and affection for the baby which keeps her on the move in order to provide succor to the baby....
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Global Health Care Issues and Policies
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Patients may hang on for weeks to months on ventilators because the families culture is not to ever stop trying and with technology today, that can be a very long time.... This paper "Global Health Care Issues and Policies" focuses on the fact that healthcare is a business.... Stand in the hall of any hospital for more than a few minutes and you will know that is true....
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Read the requirement i send you carefully,
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Improving Organizational Performance through Communication as an Organizational Behavior Professor Abstract Undoubtedly, the workplace scenario has changed over the years with respect to emerging ideas, needs, and requirements of the market.... ... ... ... About three decades ago, employees were people who were there in the company to work and receive wages at the end of the day or the month....
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International and Comparative Human Resource Management
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There has been more transparency in companies with the advent of technology and the help of media.... The paper discusses the managerial aspect of the Morale Welfare and Recreation Company.... It also clears the way on how good it is working in order to ensure its development, as well as that of the programs served by MWR....
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Exploring Your Ethnicity
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Ethnic Diversity Name Institution Diversity is a constant element in our midst.... It is an intrinsic feature in existence in the human kind.... Since man has existed, he has been presented with interactions with different other people different from him in diverse aspects.... ... ... ... As such, the fact that it is a permanent aspect of human life, it would have been expected that humankind should have come to terms with it and embraced diversity....
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Acupuncture:answer to chronic pain management
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
God has allowed pain to rack a human being's body for several purposes.... First,it makes man remind him of his finiteness and his being a vincible and dependent creature.... Without pain,man can freely assert that he is the captain of his body and soul.... .... ... ... God has allowed pain in order to warn man of the proximate possibility of danger lurking inside his corporal system i....
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Subtle Signals of Inconspicuous Consumption
11 pages (2949 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ne of the very important factors for the shift on the landscape of consumption is on the rapid advancement in technology.... This essay "Subtle Signals of Inconspicuous Consumption" discusses consumption behaviors that have symbolic value, and people use consumption to form inferences about other's social identities, tastes, and preferences (cited from Belk, Bahn, and Mayer 1982; Burroughs, Drews, and Hallman 1991)....
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Business Plan on Launching a Web-Based TV Channel
13 pages (3498 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Making the proper usage of advancement in information technology, the channel is planning to conduct mass advertising through mobile text messages.... The essay "Business Plan on Launching a Web-Based TV Channel" focuses on the critical analysis of the concept of a business plan of launching a web-based TV channel to be called 'Launch Party TV'....
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Triple Bottom Line
12 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Differentiating Instruction with technology.... The paper "Triple Bottom Line" concerns effective methods to measure the social, environmental, and economic performance of an organization.... According to CEO of Cascade Engineering, Fred Keller, the triple bottom line is executed in the organization to focus on the planet and people....
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Soft Systems Methodology in 1981
11 pages (3074 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Moreover, others think that with the advent in technology and increased need for organizations to secure their information, organizations may not meet the challenge of securing their information resulting to a scenario where such information is used against certain individuals or organizations particularly by competing firms (Barton & Tursting, 2005, p....
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Branding and Communications: Building Lives Charity
13 pages (3791 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Since the budget does not allow for more intensive consultation with information technology architecture specialists, Ektron leadership or volunteer IT knowledge bases will assist in developing a website for the purpose of revenue creation and also information exchanges.... This essay "Branding and Communications: Building Lives Charity" presents the Building Lives Charity (BLC) that requires an effective branding and communications strategy in order to guarantee a higher volume of public donations for this special cause....
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Innovation Research & Development and Growth - Nissan
12 pages (3353 words) , Download 5 , Essay
2011, "Demystifying Coca-cola Innovation", Bank Systems & technology, vol.... From the paper "Innovation Research & Development and Growth - Nissan" it is clear that innovation management ensures organizations respond well to internal and external opportunities and utilize their creative capacities to come up with new products, processes and ideas....
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Corporate Social Responsibilities - BMW Group
12 pages (3323 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This programme aims at promoting the understanding of technology and sustainable mobility among adolescents and children (BMW Group, 2015). ... The paper "Corporate Social Responsibilities - BMW Group " highlights that generally, in the modern business environment, CSR reporting is more widespread among organizations due to the growing public awareness of the importance of sustainable development....
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Personnel Handling and Leadership Assessment
10 pages (2702 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Every moment, there is always a new innovation and technology related to business or any organizations' undertakings.... The paper "Personnel Handling and Leadership Assessment" discusses that 'competence goes beyond words.... It's the leader's ability to say it, plan it, and do it in such a way that others know that you know how- and know that they want to follow you' (Maxwell 1999)....
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Corporate Social Responsibility at Sainsbury PLC
12 pages (3309 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Elkington has emphasised on seven sustainability factors under the approach, such as, market, transparency, time, value, partnership, technology life cycle and governance with every factor playing necessary role in the sustainability process.... The paper "Corporate Social Responsibility at Sainsbury PLC" explains that CSR has become necessary for organisations for long-term sustainability and survival....
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The Continual Evolution of English and Hindu
11 pages (2973 words) , Download 2 , Essay
hus, along with ruling the nations, the developments that have taken place in these nations or for that matter cultures, have also been incumbent on the developments in the fields of technology like the invention of new media of communication like telephone, telegraph etc.... This essay "The Continual Evolution of English and Hindu" focuses on the language that is basically a platform that facilitates expression in its easiest form....
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An Empirical Study on FDI
10 pages (2872 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Quite obviously, the situation could be comprehended as a tensile one for the development of Information technology within the economy.... This paper ''An Empirical Study on FDI'' tells us that Foreign Direct Investment plays a very significant role in the growth and economic performance of a nation....
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Renfrey Memorial Hospital Board of Directors
10 pages (2734 words) , Download 3 , Essay
technology is used very effectively to create an online internet based platform where the employees can apply and get immediate response.... "Renfrey Memorial Hospital Board of Directors" paper analyses the problems faced by hospitals with respect to the nursing staff and looks at the strategies they use to counter those problems....
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Opportunities and Challenges of International Marketing of Nestle
10 pages (2888 words) , Download 3 , Essay
"Opportunities and Challenges of International Marketing of Nestlé" paper deals with the aspect of international expansion and its effects on the product and marketing and product mix of the organization.... The organization selected for the study is Nestle.... .... ... ... Promotions are vital as they form the medium of communication between the organization and the final consumer....
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Liberal Education, McDonaldization of Education, and Student Fees
10 pages (2856 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For Ritzer, “a society characterised by rationalist is one which emphasizes efficiency, predictability, calculability, substitution of nonhuman for human technology, and control over uncertainty” (101).... The essay "Liberal Education, McDonaldization of Education, and Student Fees" focuses on the critical analysis of the statement that 'student fees are the natural and logical conclusion to the "McDonaldisation" of higher education', in terms of the traditional notion of liberal education....
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Energy Security and Energy Securitization
8 pages (2810 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Bulletin of Science technology Society, Vol.... This paper ''Energy Security and Energy Securitization'' tells us that the continuous development of industrial activities has resulted in the increased need for energy.... In highly industrialized countries the problem is higher, leading to conflicts regarding the ways that sources of energy could be secured either in the short term....
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Policy of Free Speech and Free Press
9 pages (2660 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The most relevant kinds of logic for media policy and regulation include political (based mainly on partisanship), administrative (reflecting organizational efficiency), commercial (refers to profitability), industrial (related to broader national economic strategies), cultural (depending on a choice of values, for instance relating to language, nation, ethnicity, community, gender) and, technical (operating efficiency and technology innovation). ...
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Dietary Patterns for Girls in the United Arab Emirates
10 pages (3233 words) , Download 0 , Essay
19(1) Ajman University of Science & technology Network, United Arab Emirates pg 3-7 ... This essay "Dietary Patterns for Girls in the United Arab Emirates" provides an in-depth analysis and understanding of the dietary patterns and nutrition for girls' teenagers in the United Arab Emirates....
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Social News Sites Reporting the Arab Spring in Egypt
9 pages (2727 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the above case, the social media was a vital cog in the Egyptian movement, and it was also further pushed further by the new generation of technology-savvy Egyptians (Chebib and Sohail, 2011).... The paper "Social News Sites Reporting the Arab Spring in Egypt" states that social media was a powerful tool during the Egyptian Revolution....
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Facing the Enigma of Californias Water Crisis
12 pages (3316 words) , Download 2 , Essay
We have the technology; therefore we should recycle it using new technologies.... This paper ''Facing the Enigma of Californias Water Crisis'' is about the current water crisis that California faces.... Millions of Californians depend on the Bay Delta for their water.... With increasing diversions and exports the Bay-Delta is deteriorating....
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