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Contributions of the FIFA World Cup 2010 to Local Businesses in South Africa
18 pages (5101 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The dissertation "Contributions of the FIFA World Cup 2010 to Local Businesses in South Africa" critically analyzes the major contributions made by the FIFA World Cup 2010 on the local businesses in South Africa.... It was one of the largest sporting events in the history of world sports.... ... ...
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The Dilemma of State Building in Iraq
15 pages (4141 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''The Dilemma of State Building in Iraq'' tells us that Iraq has been an important country in international politics.... The geographical location of the country makes it strategically vital in the arena of international relations.... The importance of the country has been all the more imperative....
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Jamar Dynamometer and Manual Muscle Testing
14 pages (4169 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The paper "Jamar Dynamometer and Manual Muscle Testing" underlines that the grip strength evaluation facilitates to describe the patient's trouble along with this it is the basis for choosing as well as guiding the treatment.... The techniques utilized for the hand evaluation replicate the clinical decision....
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The Usual Methods of Execution
14 pages (3960 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Usual Methods of Execution" highlights that Capital Punishment is the only effective way to combat the rise of crime.... Britain, which abolished the Death Penalty in 1964, has witnessed a steadily rising murder rate; the rate was 300 before 1964, rising to 675 in 1979 and 833 in 2004....
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Measurement and Recognition of Issues Related to Financial Accounting
6 pages (4397 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'Measurement and Recognition of Issues Related to Financial Accounting' is an excellent example of a finance & accounting essay.... In the undertaking of financial accounting undertakings, the measurement and recognition of the events and activities that have taken place is a very important and crucial undertaking....
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Human Rights and Natural Law: Facts and Correlation
19 pages (4974 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Human Rights and Natural Law: Facts and Correlation" highlights that people are no longer afraid to go out and be counted and fight for their rights and voice out their frustrations.... Also, there is a fresher exposition and revival of natural laws.... ... ... ... During the second half of the 20th century, the world is treated with a succession of films that depict various abuses of human rights and all sorts of violations against the humanity of men....
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Health Promotion For Childhood Obesity
14 pages (4421 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Health Promotion For Childhood Obesity" ultimate focus of the discourse was to establish the most appropriate health promotion program for managing childhood obesity, program should include address issues such as physical fitness, nutrition, and nutrition education, lifestyle behaviors....
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The Development of International Human Rights Laws and Standards
17 pages (4354 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Development of International Human Rights Laws and Standards" tells that immediately at the end of the Second World War, it was felt necessary for the legal protection of human rights on an international level, and this has paved the way for the establishment of United Nations in 1945....
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The Effect of Active Management of the Third Stage of Labour on Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
18 pages (5263 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The writer of the paper 'The Effect of Active Management of the Third Stage of Labour on Maternal Morbidity and Mortality' states that active management of the third stage of labour is effective in preventing postpartum hemorrhage that in turn deters morbidity and maternal mortality.... ... ... ... The third stage of labor consists of the period following the delivery of the neonate, up until the subsequent expulsion of the placenta....
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Health and Smoking
21 pages (5137 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "Health and Smoking" is an outstanding example of a health sciences and medicine research paper.... Research has shown that smoking is one of those major causes of death that is the most preventable amongst many other causes in many countries.... There is no dispute to the fact that there already exists more than enough information in the public domain about the potential threats of smoking to human health....
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Negotiation Strategy: Shell, Greenpeace, and Lego Companies
18 pages (4988 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Negotiation Strategy: Shell, Greenpeace, and Lego Companies" is a remarkable example of a term paper on management.... The modern corporate world has grown and become more complex because of the process of diversification and globalization processes.... ... ... ... The paper "Negotiation Strategy: Shell, Greenpeace, and Lego Companies" is a remarkable example of a term paper on management....
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Methodology Rationale of a Lesson Plan
15 pages (4255 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Methodology Rationale of a Lesson Plan" it is clear that the consequential point in the preparing lesson, which is weak and inexperienced, is that students completed all the tasks promptly and because of the slipover of time they seem to be bored sometimes.... ... ... ... This paper includes my elaboration of a ninety-minute teaching lesson where I provide material for students to work on, and complete analysis of it....
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Corporate Governance and Company Valuation in Emerging Market Countries
17 pages (5077 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
It was only during the 80's the term gained worldwide attention.... Initial attempts to define corporate governance were first observed by United Kingdom's Cadbury report in 1992 and South.... ... ... The paper "Corporate Governance and Company Valuation in Emerging Market Countries" is a wonderful example of a literature review on macro and microeconomics....
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To What Extent Can Economic Forces Explain Rising Fertility in Europe
10 pages (2346 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "To What Extent Can Economic Forces Explain Rising Fertility in Europe?... is a wonderful example of an assignment on macro and microeconomics.... The economic state can be a contributing factor to the fertility rate.... Generally, the fertility rate determinants in the literature suggest different public and private consumption of goods, relative income levels, and life expectations....
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Leadership Style Is Crucial for Successful Organizational Performance
16 pages (4550 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'Leadership Style Is Crucial for Successful Organizational Performance' is a creative example of a management essay.... Leadership is defined as a social influence process in which a person supports other people so as to accomplish a common goal or task.... Leadership is always defined in two different contexts....
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Hindu and Judeo-Christian Myths
14 pages (4206 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Hindu and Judeo-Christian Myths" discusses that there is a basic difference between the Christian story of creation and the Hindu story of creation, and that is that the Hindu story believes that man himself was the creator of all, as opposed to a deity.... .... ... ... Creation myths, in general, different religions attempt to explain how something came from nothing (Leaming et al, 95)....
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Health Promotion Intervention
11 pages (4803 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "Health Promotion Intervention" highlights that the intervention carried out relied on the potential of talk and PowerPoint presentations in an effort to create relevant awareness.... According to the results analysed above, the intervention presented positive outcomes.... ... ... ... The intervention carried out utilized leaflets as well as a PowerPoint presentation....
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How Tort Law Can Be Described
16 pages (4246 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "How Tort Law Can Be Described" states that the aims of tort laws are designed to compensate someone who has suffered a wrong resulting in injury or loss of property at the hands of the defendant and to deter persons from acting in such a way that would infringe another person's rights....
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The Documentary Films
17 pages (4417 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper ''The Documentary Films'' tells that The main purpose of this paper is to see certain aspects of the making of a documentary film.... There are many instances when the documentary film turns up to be a so-called film with a reality check.... t is the craft that can make its spectators blind and deaf....
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Selected Family Health Promotion Assessment and Initiative
18 pages (5275 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The paper "Selected Family Health Promotion Assessment and Initiative" discusses that the results of the interviews demonstrated how the strengths of the selected family have been used as a means of providing efficient care for their affected family member.... ... ... ... Numerous studies have synthesized the evidence that points out the contributions of nurses toward family and community health....
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Inclusive and Special Education
15 pages (4295 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Inclusive and Special Education" highlights that education is the most important process in the world.... While many people access education without a hitch, others wish they never study.... The deaf has been frustrated by the education system in the world today.... .... ... ... The various societies in every jurisdiction can also introduce programs that would for the deaf....
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Collapse of Lehman Brothers
14 pages (4276 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
From the paper "Collapse of Lehman Brothers" it is clear that the recent financial crisis on a global level was an outcome of inappropriate decisions of financial institutions, as well as of the government that resulted in an adverse impact on millions of lives globally.... ... ... ... Lehman Brothers missed the opportunity and reports indicated a ratio of 1:31 (total assets to shareholders' equity) in the year 2007 (Buiter, pp....
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Conflict Management in Businesses
14 pages (5230 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The essay "Conflict Management in Businesses" focuses on the critical analysis of the current strategy to approaching conflict in terms of theoretical models available and how these are applied in action to the case scenario as a demonstration of the principles.... ... ... ... Conflict Management in businesses is a secondary activity only addressed when the need arises....
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Mission of Starbucks: Coffee Manufacturing and Marketing Companies
17 pages (5170 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This assignment "Mission of Starbucks: Coffee Manufacturing and Marketing Companies" is about a company that also concentrates on the aspect of customer satisfaction in terms of efficient services.... Also, one of the most significant aspects of the mission is its concern regarding the environment....
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Organizational Culture Is Fundamentally about Symbolic Meaning and as Such Cannot Be Managed
15 pages (4120 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
It is for the same reason that Human Resource Management has taken strategic position in organisational management (Pugh, 2007).... An.... ... ... The paper "Organizational Culture Is Fundamentally about Symbolic Meaning and as Such Cannot Be Managed" is a great example of management coursework.... An organization is a set of people working towards a common goal and successful achievement of an objective is dependent on the uniformity of the efforts....
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The Inclusion of 1 Peter 2:9-10 and the Understanding of the Elect
16 pages (4328 words) , Download 4 , Essay
As the paper "The Inclusion of 1 Peter 2:9-10 and the Understanding of the Elect" tells, from the dawn of recorded religious observance, the precepts of the existence of a remnant, a chosen people, and/or an elect have been projected by nearly each and every world religion.... .... ... ... The precepts that have been enumerated have led people to a belief in a particular type of exclusivity....
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International Oil and Gas Law
16 pages (4389 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The "International Oil and Gas Law" paper examines types of agreement that Urbania should enter for continued development and production from the Western Plateau region after the expiry of the concession such as risk management, the importance of risk management, and classic concession.... .... ... ...
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The Socio-Economic Rights of Asylum
18 pages (4483 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "The Socio-Economic Rights of Asylum" discusses that conflicts of all dimensions have plagued several countries worldwide; persecution, violence, and war have been taking place in some parts of the world based on political opinion, religion, and race, nationality among others accounts.... ...
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The Current Market Prices of Each of the Securities
19 pages (4612 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "The Current Market Prices of Each of the Securities" is a perfect example of a marketing assignment.... From the formula, it is the dividend paid divided by the difference between the rate of return per annum and the growth rate.... This is therefore substituted as shown: 17÷ (9-2) =2....
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Psycho-Social Processes Through Which an Individual Becomes a Torturer or Suicide Bomber
16 pages (4196 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Psycho-Social Processes Through Which an Individual Becomes a Torturer or Suicide Bomber" discusses feeling that their actions are legitimate and just with the context of war does not make their actions correct, but it does help us to understand the psyche of the suicide bomber.... ... ...
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Economic Migration and the Effects of Asylum Seeking in Europe
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Economic Migration and the Effects of Asylum Seeking in Europe" discusses the migration of people from one part of the world to another in order to find a job.... The person then sends the money he or she has earned back to the country of his nationality.... ... ... ... There are two kinds of migration(Papademtriou, 1991)....
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Junk Food Tax and Laws are the Angels of Health
16 pages (4305 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
"Junk Food Tax and Laws are the Angels of Health" paper argues that schools offer competitive foods to pupils in cafeterias, canteen, tuck-shops, and other vending machines.... Statistics show that more than 40 percent of pupils and students in the United States are frequent clients of these outlets....
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Impact of Regulation Regimes on Fund Performance
16 pages (4711 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Impact of Regulation Regimes on Fund Performance" focuses on the critical analysis of the usefulness of fixed income securities in the contemporary world.... There are many investment options in the global financial market, which can fetch good returns for investors.... ... ... ... Few are associated with high and low risk....
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Shariah Based Financial Instruments Forecast
15 pages (4857 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The "Shariah Based Financial Instruments Forecast" paper focuses on quantitative forecasting and analyzing volatility of Sukuk financial instruments by considering benchmarking and perspectives of balanced scorecards as the analytical financial tools.... ... ... ... As indicated in output 1 in Appendix A, the red line indicates the base historical data while the blue lines indicate the predicted output....
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OHS Performance Measurement of an Offshore Drilling Company
10 pages (4039 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "OHS Performance Measurement of an Offshore Drilling Company" discusses that the various tasks performed by the employees expose them to dangerous situations.... The OHS performance management system helps to keep an inventory of these hazardous tasks.... ... ... ... Offshore drilling is a mechanical process in which a good bore is drilled through the seabed....
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What Is Modal Realism
17 pages (4520 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay ''What Is Modal Realism?... ' focuses on the existence of imaginary or possible worlds that are as real or believable as the actual physical world that we live in.... Possible worlds exist side by side with the real world.... The idea of a possible world cannot be boiled down to an essential idea....
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Social Causes of the Decline in Marriage
16 pages (4435 words) , Download 4 , Essay
"Social Causes of the Decline in Marriage" paper argues that there have been falling trends in marriage among African Americans.... Economic feasibility, social degradation, health condition, and unemployment are some of the compelling causes that promote cohabitation and indifference towards marriage....
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Requirements for Bank Regulations
15 pages (4167 words) , Download 3 , Essay
"Requirements for Bank Regulations" paper argues that market discipline encourages transparency in the banking sector.... Banks need to offer some information to the creditors and depositors for them to know the financial status of the bank from time to time.... ... ... ... Title 6 is also known as Bank and Savings Association Holding Company and Depository Institutions Regulatory Improvement Act....
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Management and Leadership Across Cultures
15 pages (4544 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The essay "Management and Leadership Across Cultures" focuses on the critical analysis of understanding the way the managers at Hilton Hotels approach the issues associated with management, leadership, and motivation in culturally varied business environments.... ... ... ... Internationalization has given rise to the increasing awareness of the managers of the hospital and the tourism sectors focusing on the various related leadership qualities of the people in the organizations....
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Does Remittance Help in Reducing Poverty
11 pages (3856 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The paper "Does Remittance Help in Reducing Poverty" highlights that an existing Central and commercial banking infrastructure, community philanthropy, and income inequality within society might be prevalent predictors of whether remittances will be, long-term, and effective in poverty reduction....
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Conviction and Impeachment in the Chambers of the US
18 pages (4872 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
"Conviction and Impeachment in the Chambers of the US" paper states that based on the judicial misbehavior proof, Congress may adopt statutes that give the power of removing judges.... Any accused judge will have to afford the due process rights linked to a serious offense conviction.... ... ... ...
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Characteristics of the US Legal System
16 pages (4110 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Characteristics of the US Legal System " states that the common law traces its origin back to 12th century England during the ages when there were no legal precedents that were to act as a guide to judges for the purposes of decision making.... ... ... ... The most important characteristics of the U....
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Life and Deeds of Joseph Brant
16 pages (4388 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Life and Deeds of Joseph Brant" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the life and deeds of Joseph Brant, the powerful and influential Mohawk chief who sided with the British during the American Revolutionary War.... ... ... ... Born in Cuyahoga Ohio Country on the banks of the Cuyahoga River, near present-day Akron, Ohio, during the hunting season when Mohawks traveled to the area, Brant was originally named Thayendanegea, which has possibilities of meaning two wagers (sticks) bound together for strength, or "he who places two bets"....
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History of the Nuer Tribe
17 pages (4578 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper "History of the Nuer Tribe" will begin with the statement that Sudan, the largest country in Africa governs more than 500 indigenous tribes.... The northern tribes like the Rashaida are mostly Muslims and Arabs and make up a part of Sudan's 70% Muslim population.... .... ...
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The Laws that Govern Different Contracts Depending on the Group of People that Are Being Dealt With
17 pages (4435 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
"The Laws that Govern Different Contracts Depending on the Group of People that Are Being Dealt With" paper examines the doctrine of the insufficiency of existing obligations which is a poor way of distinguishing between enforceable and unenforceable modifications of contracts.... ... ... ... Clarke (p, 300) asserts that 'The laws concerning contracts are different from state to state and are only applicable if the right procedures are followed....
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Comparative Insolvency Law - the British System
20 pages (5117 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Comparative Insolvency Law - the British System" discusses that in the United Kingdom, an issue that has arisen over the last few years is the issue of whether security interests ought to take express predilection in the earnings of the sale above all supplementary parties.... ... ... ...
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Resistance Is Futile: Gypsy Assimilation in America
18 pages (4546 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Resistance Is Futile: Gypsy Assimilation in America" discusses that an average Gypsy camp might be made up of as many as thirty families, meaning you would have over a hundred people including kids.... This was back when there was a lot more space, of course.... .... ... ... I was born into a Gypsy clan known as the Romanies....
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A Decay and Caries Prevention Program for Primary Schools
19 pages (5280 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "A Decay and Caries Prevention Program for Primary Schools" clearly shows that children born to indigenous Australians have more incidents of tooth decay and dental caries as compared to their counterparts born to nonindigenous Australian parents.... .... ... ... The research is based on students from St....
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The Death Tax Label
16 pages (4271 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The author of the paper "The Death Tax Label" states that the lack of an inheritance tax can lead to other immoral behavior by those who inherit estates.... White explains that inheritances may 'encourage selfish or otherwise 'vicious' motivation and behavior.... ... ... ... One tax has more detractors than supporters even though some who speak out against it would benefit from it the most....
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Application of the US Commercial Law
19 pages (4951 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Application of the US Commercial Law" highlights that ONB did the right thing by refusing to honor the check that had been sent to them by CSB.... A check written to two people will have to be endorsed by the very two people in order to ensure that it is payable to someone else.... ... ...
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