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Nursing Leadership and Management Field Experience: Reducing Door to Balloon Time in STEMI
10 pages (3261 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Nursing Leadership and Management Field Experience: Reducing Door to Balloon Time in STEMI" is about efforts that should be geared towards the reduction of the ischemic time for both thrombolytic therapy, infarct size is affected significantly by the period of coronary occlusion.... ... ...
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Islamic Accounting and International Financial Reporting Standards
11 pages (3030 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The paper "Islamic Accounting and International Financial Reporting Standards" is a wonderful example of an assignment on finance and accounting.... As the paper outlines, the Association of Accounting and Auditing Organisations for Islamic Financial Services has an ambiguous view regarding substance over form....
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IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement
14 pages (3663 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement" is a great example of an assignment on finance and accounting.... In accounting and economics, the procedure and standards for preparing and reporting financial statements have often varied from one jurisdiction to another.... There are countries that rely on the directions given by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in preparing the financial statements....
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The Core Concepts of Mental Health and the Need for Its Promotion
12 pages (3143 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author of the paper "The Core Concepts of Mental Health and the Need for Its Promotion" assesses & diagnoses the client's mental health condition enabling her to identify the ways & means of mental health promotion, which were exercised in Tomas's case.... ... ... ... The paper is to widen, gauge, and evaluate the author's understanding regarding the importance and application of mental health promotion techniques....
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Financial Management for Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Authority
12 pages (3321 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Financial Management for Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Authority " is a perfect example of a finance and accounting case study.... This report actually gives a summary of the impact which will be experienced by Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Authority on its budget proposals for the year 2011 if the government reduces its spending on the Authority by 5%....
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Supporting Good Practice in Managing Employee Relations - UK-Based System
12 pages (3384 words) , Download 7 , Essay
The paper "Supporting Good Practice in Managing Employee Relations - UK-Based System" discusses that redundancy affects not only the outgoing employees but also those who remain.... This is described as the survivor syndrome where the remaining employees become anxious about their job security.... ...
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Social and Behavioural Sciences for Nursing
12 pages (3267 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Social and Behavioural Sciences for Nursing" seeks to give a narrative of John (not his real name), a mentally ill patient diagnosed with schizophrenia that saw him in and out of a psychiatric hospital located in their community.... ... ... ... John's mother who spent considerable time with him at home and in hospital consented to the information she gave on John being given as a narrative in this paper....
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Capital Structure Decisions Evaluating Risk and Uncertainty
13 pages (3616 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
M & M theory refers to a financial theory that states that the firm's market value is entirely determined by its power with regards to earning as well as the ultimate underlying assets' risk, and is often independent of how it chooses to distribute dividends or finance its.... ... ... The paper "Capital Structure Decisions Evaluating Risk and Uncertainty" is a wonderful example of coursework on finance and accounting....
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Managing Financial Resource and Decisions
12 pages (3382 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
This paper seeks to accomplish, from the point of view of the owner, the following: (i) to explore the sources of finance available to a business, (ii) to analyze the implications of finance as a resource within a business, and (iii) to analyze and evaluate financial performance.... ... ... The paper 'Managing Financial Resource and Decisions' is an affecting example of finance & accounting coursework....
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Role of Relationship Marketing in International Business: China and Japan
9 pages (2629 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From the paper "Role of Relationship Marketing in International Business: China and Japan" it is clear that a lack of required information on the necessity of cultural background of business in South countries presents a wide range of potential researches directed on the study of these issues.... ...
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Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
9 pages (2714 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Cultural Diversity in the Workplace" highlights that increasing globalization has affected the cultural diversity of the workforce.... To analyze the importance of conscientious managers and their response towards cultural diversity, a survey was conducted.... .... ... ... Companies are trying to enter new developing markets for diversifying the business and for attracting potential customers from the remotest part of the globe....
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International Relations
11 pages (2777 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper 'International Relations' focuses on humanitarian intervention in Haiti and develop their arguments.... Make sure to identify not only the protagonists of the debate, but also their positions, and interpret those using international relations analytical frameworks.... ... ... ... Detractors of the humanitarian intervention in Haiti consider it as incapable of stimulating problem-solving to reunite the people; extremely forcible, further alienating conflict-ridden communities; extremely 'spick-and-span', or, basically, preventing all combat fatalities but not rescuing lives until the opponent surrendered....
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Political Issues for the American Voter
10 pages (2651 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Political Issues for the American Voter " simulates the situation of an ideal choice from several candidates to the position of the US President: of Kennedy, McCarthy, Humphrey, Wallace, or Nixon, explores the largest anti-war demonstration ever in Washington on November 15, 1969, etc....
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The UK Gender Recognition Act 2004
13 pages (3429 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The paper "The UK Gender Recognition Act 2004" discusses that the concept of gender and sex has always been confounding.... Most of the time sex and gender are used interchangeably in society.... Sex is a biological construct and gender is essentially a social construct.... ... ... ... The Act is not perfect because it denies some individuals the right to be part of a particular gender....
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Electron Company - Effective Team and Performance Management
12 pages (3433 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The report identifies the critical factors that impact the team performance.... The first section elaborates Bruce Tuckman's Team.... ... ... The paper 'Electron Company - Effective Team and Performance Management' is a thoughtful example of human resources case study.... The report highlights analyze and evaluate the team performance of the Electron Company, a small manufacturing company in North of England....
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Da Vinci and Michelangelo in the Art of the 16th Century in Italy and Europe
10 pages (2742 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This paper "Da Vinci and Michelangelo in the Art of the 16th Century in Italy and Europe" focuses on the fact that these two artists represent two of the most popular artists of the High Renaissance era, as witnessed in some of their work with a reputable standing.... ... ... ... Seen by many as influential artists in the making artistic expression touching on various contemporary issues, these two figures took the Renaissance influence to an all high level due to impressive detail to their work....
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The Significance of Article 234
12 pages (3597 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The research coursework "The Significance of Article 234" discusses the significant matter of Article 234 in mediating the relations between Community law and national laws in its provisions and principles of the direct and indirect effect, the formal role of the European Court of Justice.... ... ...
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The Spanish Civil War: Growth of Industrial and Agricultural Sectors
9 pages (2659 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "The Spanish Civil War: Growth of Industrial and Agricultural Sectors" presents the war that was a test for Germany and the USSR as well as fascist Italy for their new aircraft.... Another line explains the French links with the Soviet broke loose when the arms embargo hindered France.... ...
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Rethinking The Nature of War: Santa Ana of Mexico
13 pages (3626 words) , Download 0 , Report
Thie report "Rethinking The Nature of War: Santa Ana of Mexico" discusses general Santa Ana's leadership style and mistakes significantly contributed to the Texas Revolution loss.... General Santa Ana's leadership styles did not include other more viable means of winning the Texas Revolution.... ...
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Learning Difficulties Programs for Children With ADHD
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "Learning Difficulties Programs for Children With ADHD" investigates the effectiveness of LDPs on the academic performance of such children.... The research is conducted through interviewing 3 children suffering from ADHD, with mild and/or moderate ADHD symptoms.... ... ... ... Issues of confidentiality and privacy should be taken into account; the participants will be assigned pseudonyms and will be assured that all information they provide will remain confidential, and their names will not be mentioned anywhere....
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Organization Theory and Employee Engagement
11 pages (2914 words) , Download 0 , Essay
They therefore require appropriate engagement in order to improve their productivity.... The engagement process begins with the actual recruitment; the appropriateness of an employee to serve effectively.... ... ... The paper "Organization Theory and Employee Engagement" is an excellent example of an essay on human resources....
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Improvement of Attitudes towards the Mentally in the 19th Century UK
11 pages (2754 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Improvement of Attitudes towards the Mentally in the 19th Century UK" focuses on the critical analysis of the degree to which attitudes towards the mentally ill improved in the nineteenth century the UK.... It has an interestingly unique history of handling psychologically unstable patients....
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Link between Conflict and HPT-High Performance Team
13 pages (4039 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Conflict is often viewed as an unhealthy for high performance team; this is not often the case since it tends to provide a precursor for improving relations among team members.... In addition, conflict is almost inevitable in an environment where employees work as a team.... In a HPT,.... ... ... The paper "Link between Conflict and HPT-High Performance Team" is a great example of a literature review on human resources....
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The Use of Police as Expert Witnesses and Investigators Brings a Conflict of Interests
9 pages (2795 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This essay "The Use of Police as Expert Witnesses and Investigators Brings a Conflict of Interests" discusses the Western Australia Police model used for crime scene and forensic investigation while using the Splatt case as a miscarriage of justice in South Australia as an example.... ... ... ... Forensic services collect, identify, and analyze evidence gathered from scenes of crime, traffic incidents, sudden deaths, disasters as well as biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear threats....
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Particular Stage Of Human Development
10 pages (2763 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay "Particular Stage Of Human Development" discusses and analyses the psyche of a particular subject, whom we shall call 'Sue', applying the various theories.... Each set of theories presented offers a different view on how a subject thinks and feels.... ... ... ... The human psyche has been studied in various degrees throughout history....
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Ethical, Practical, Legal, and Religious Issues Concerning Euthanasia
12 pages (3530 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay "Ethical, Practical, Legal, and Religious Issues Concerning Euthanasia" focuses on the question is whether there are circumstances in which it is right to kill an innocent person.... Its supporting argue that a person has a right to die if his or her death is not causing any harm to others....
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The Private Security and Risk Industry
11 pages (2813 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper "The Private Security and Risk Industry" focuses on the fact that the private security and risk industry has grown tremendously, showcasing itself as an alternative solution to a globally terrorist hit and high-risk public security system.... ... ... ... Under this section, the duties of private security officers involve the delivery of prisoners to court and their custody whilst at court, the delivery of prisoners from court to prison or police station, the transfer of inmates from one prison to another and the custody of prisoners whilst temporarily outside the prison....
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World Market Scene
10 pages (2631 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The essay "World Market Scene" focuses on the critical, and multifaceted analysis of the major issues on the world market scene.... The word market brings the scene of a public place where goods and services are traded, purchased, and sold to our minds.... ... ... ... The meaning of the word market has many dimensions....
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Employment Prospects Beyond the Year 2010
12 pages (3171 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This term paper "Employment Prospects Beyond the Year 2010" explores the employment prospects beyond 2010 for the USA, Europe, and Asia.... The year 2010 has shown a delicate and uneven economic growth recovery and several reports asserted that beyond 2010 there is a weaker global economic outlook....
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Corporate Social Responsibility of Barclays Bank in the UK
12 pages (3275 words) , Download 4 , Essay
From the paper "Corporate Social Responsibility of Barclays Bank in the UK" it is clear that generally speaking, the bank's stakeholders play a role in providing information that is used in developing the bank's CSR and at the same time implementing it.... ... ... ... Corporate social responsibility can be defined as the set of conducts as well as actions that go beyond the requirements of regulations, trade rules, and the law....
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Inter-Professional Working and Practice
10 pages (2875 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of this following essay under the title "Inter-Professional Working and Practice" describes his\her action plan for his\hertransition into clinical practice which covers the first six months of his\her working as a qualified practitioner.... .... ... ... My specialization in my school was mental health nursing....
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John Keble and the Oxford Movement
10 pages (2636 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''John Keble and the Oxford Movement'' tells us that the Oxford movement is a religious movement that started in 1833.... It was launched by Anglican clergymen at Oxford University to renew the Church of England by reviving certain Roman Catholic doctrines and rituals.... .... ... ... They were later joined by Edward Bouverie Pusey and Richard William Church'....
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Law as an Index of Social Solidarity
11 pages (3073 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author of the paper "Law as an Index of Social Solidarity" states that it is Durkheim's use of law and punishment as indicators of societies approximating to his models that constitutes perhaps the most original sociological contribution of The Division of Labour.... ... ... ... Examination of systems of crime and punishment serves several purposes in his sociological analysis....
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The Chief Aims of the Government in the UK
13 pages (3609 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Chief Aims of the Government in the UK" explains that in this respect, clear information and guidance is given to the general public as well as to the safety and rescue authorities whose services are vital for safeguarding life and property.... ... ... ... The NHS comprising of various hospital trusts and other Primary Care Trusts were alerted to be prepared for casualties that may occur due to the threat of the Chemical attack....
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Interrelation of Correspondents and Disasters
11 pages (2950 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Interrelation of Correspondents and Disasters" states that local operations are managed and controlled by the Emergency Response and Recovery department which is organised in a framework that has three levels charged with different functions.... ... ... ... During their meetings, the issues of concern regarding the incident are identified and solutions discussed....
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Economic Performance of the UK
12 pages (3306 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The recent economic changes have affected the market badly and not only resulted into the shortage of housing but also created.... ... ... The paper "Economic Performance of the UK" is a perfect example of a macro & microeconomics case study.... UK housing market has gone through significant changes over the period of time showing both negative and positive trends over the period of time....
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Effects of Marriage, Divorce and Child Custody on Utility Changes
15 pages (3862 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Effects of Marriage, Divorce and Child Custody on Utility Changes" is a great example of macro & microeconomics coursework.... It is critical to ask why people get married.... People get married mainly for love, sex, money, and children.... These are also the same reasons why people get divorced....
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Qatar and Singapore Major Trade Partners
13 pages (3742 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The implication of this saying is that no country can effectively prosper without identifying key partners it can rely on in terms of trade and economic exchanges and support.... ... ... The paper "Qatar and Singapore Major Trade Partners" is an engrossing example of coursework on macro and microeconomics....
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The Use of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of Data Collection
12 pages (3360 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "The Use of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of Data Collection " is an outstanding example of a macro & microeconomics coursework.... This research aims at explaining two types of theories and policies that economists use to describe economic situations and offer solutions to the economy....
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Foreign Currency Translation
10 pages (2933 words) , Download 0
It also undertakes international activities for holding equity in the foreign companies.... There are several reporting and recording problems while the transactions with the.... ... ... The paper "Foreign Currency Translation" is a wonderful example of a report on macro and microeconomics.... Foreign currency translation Companies engage in expansion and international activities so as to increase their international presence....
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Strengths and Weakness of Human Development Index
10 pages (2679 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
In most of the developing world, there is a great boundary between those who have and those who don't have in the society.... In other words, there is a great unfairness in the distribution of the.... ... ... The paper "Strengths and Weakness of Human Development Index " is a perfect example of a literature review on macro and microeconomics....
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Bank's Risk-Taking Behaviour Prior to Financial Crisis
9 pages (3105 words) , Download 0
In general, conflict between the interests of shareholders of commercial banks and the depositors is very prominent.... Shareholders are always willing to.... ... ... The paper "Bank's Risk-Taking Behaviour Prior to Financial Crisis" is an outstanding example of a report on macro and microeconomics....
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Management Economics and Finance
11 pages (3112 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Management Economics and Finance" is a good example of a Management assignment.... Project management is identified as a very perplexing task to many project managers.... It is a ... multi-disciplinary feature of management that largely deals with carrying people together with diverse skill and knowledge on whom to join hands, hence, give the various features of a project so that they can invent with a necessary work or end consequence....
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Securitization in Kuwait
13 pages (3302 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Securitization in Kuwait" is a perfect example of a macro & microeconomics case study.... Securitization refers to the process whereby various types of assets are brought together with the sole intention of repackaging them into interest-yielding securities (International Monetary Fund Staff)....
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Major Issues on Daoism
10 pages (2728 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Major Issues on Daoism" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues on Daoism.... The Daoist master Du Guangtung wrote the Records of the Assembled Transcendent of the Fortified City to edit, organize, and save most of the scriptural heritage of the Shang Ching.... ... ... ... He established orthodox versions of the texts for preservation....
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Psychoanalysis and Family Therapy
10 pages (2781 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The essay "Psychoanalysis and Family Therapy" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in family therapy and psychoanalysis, two of the most renowned psychiatric methodologies applied today.... Psychoanalysis has been one of their favorites.... ... ... ... Psychiatric evaluation and treatments all have undergone constant changes and shifts in the series of concepts....
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Operation Decision Making in Tourism Business Administration
11 pages (3030 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Operation Decision Making in Tourism Business Administration" it is clear that the risks involved in adventure sports are high.... With the execution of this plan risks also increase.... Any minuscule mechanical error may lead to serious injuries or even fatalities.... ... ... ... In order to manage crisis situations, we must have a deep understanding of the term crisis....
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Gambling, Addiction and Crimes
12 pages (3613 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Gambling, Addiction and Crimes " discusses that generally, like any addiction such as cocaine, illegal drugs, or nicotine, it is always advisable not to start gambling, no more how innocent the first try might be as it can lead to addiction.... .... ... ... Gambling can cause addiction and this addiction leads to crimes....
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Ethics in Public Administration
11 pages (3022 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Ethics in Public Administration" will discuss theoretical ethics and their practical application with a particular emphasis on public administration.... To meet this purpose the author has categorized the discussion into the understanding of ethics, their kinds, and their contrast.... ...
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Reducing Recidivism in Philadelphia and Camden
10 pages (3045 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Reducing Recidivism in Philadelphia and Camden" is a great example of a literature review on social science.... CMB Reducing Recidivism in Philadelphia and Camden: What do prisons and communities contribute to rehabilitation?... .... ... ... The paper "Reducing Recidivism in Philadelphia and Camden" is a great example of a literature review on social science....
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