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Profile of Terrorist Group Hamas - Essay Example

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The paper "Profile of Terrorist Group Hamas" describes that Hamas has become a powerful group governing the political, social, economic, and educational aspects of the country, Palestine. Its conflict with Israel over the historical land has been put as an unceasing matter…
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Profile of Terrorist Group Hamas
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The Hamas: A profile of the group Introduction Hamas is a prevalent group associated with Israel- Palestinian issue and further it is considered as agroup that resorts to terrorism to overpower its opponents. The Hamas has been considered as one of the major terrorist groups in the Middle East. The Hamas in Palestine and the nearby areas have a strong hold in the policies and in the strategies of the country. The places like Gaza Strip and some parts of West Bank are under the control of Hamas. The word Hamas is an acronym for the Arabic word Harakat al Muqawama al-Islamiyya meaning Islamic Resistance Movement. It is a movement mainly to liberate Palestine from the clutches of Israel and establish an Islamic government. This group has a strong hold in the present political scenario of the country. The terrorist elements were entered into the group and so now the activities of the Hamas are mostly considered as terrorism by many of the countries. The religious categorization of the group has made for fight for jihad and so the Mediterranean is still burning with bombardments, shells and gun fire. The present paper gives out a profile of the Hamas and the various elements associated with it. Origin of Hamas: The origin of Hamas was in connection with the Muslim Brotherhood which was started in 1928 by Hassan al- Banna in Egypt. This group has been hailed as one of the strongest organization in Europe and in the Middle East. The group involved with the issues of Palestine and it considered Palestine as the homeland of every Muslim and therefore the group wanted to establish an unthreatening command over the place. The elements of this organization spread to Palestine and the rivals against PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) and Israel started this group. The forming of Hamas was in the late 1987 when the first Palestinian intifada (uprising) in 1987 and “it wanted to establish an Islamic Palestinian state in place of Israel and rejects all agreements made between the PLO and Israel” (National Counterterrorism Center, n. d.). The Muslim Brotherhood Society in Palestine was holding a firm hold to liberate Palestine and establish a government and it was going through the ways of peace and harmony until the outbreak of the Intifada. As Anisseh Van Engeland and Rachael M. Rudolph say, “It was not until the outbreak of the Intifada in 1987 that the Muslim Brotherhood Society in Palestine, with the creation of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), chose a different path” (Engeland & Rudolph, 2008, p.82). The founders of Hamas are considered to be Sheikh Ahamed Yassin and Mahmoud Zahar who wanted to establish a Muslim state in the areas namely Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The group started to gain power and strength through terrorist measures and so the group upheld the religious aspect of ‘jihad’ in its activities. So the authors further state, “Hamas represents the creation of a new Islamic ummah (community) and the Muslim generation that carries the banner of Islam” (Engeland & Rudolph, 2008, p.82). At present the group has a strong hold in Gaza Strip and it is trying to power on other sides also. Hence it is taking all measures of terrorism in the countries of Israel and Palestine. Aims and Ideology: The movement is mostly concentrated in the country of Palestine and Israel and its aim is to liberate Palestine from the hands of Israel. The founder of the group, Sheikh Ahmad Yassin speak out that the movement is against Israel because this country is an aggressive, usurping and oppressing state which fires at the people of Palestine (Hroub, n.d., p.18). He believes that by defending Israel he may be able to set up an Islamic state in the liberated Palestine. Kaled Hroub further states, “Hamas, in the Islamic language, means that it derives its guiding principles from the doctrines and values of Islam” (Hroub, n.d., p.18). The followers of Hamas are made believed that they fight for the religion and religious values, thus making a firm justification for the terrorist acts that they unleash on the civilians in and out of the country. Naphtali Benyamin says, “The ideology of Hamas, permeated through the minds of its followers, insists that the main problem of the Muslims to resolve is, “The existence of the Jewish State of Israel in the middle of the Arab- Muslim world” (Benyamin, 2003, p.43). The ideology of the Hamas is highly false given for the justification of its terrorist movements. The religion is disfigured by the Hamas in Palestine where the Hamas wanted to establish a Muslim government and out throw the Jewish government in Israel. Leadership: Hamas has a strong hierarchical order of leaderships. As it elements are mostly terroristic the leader is considered as the supreme commander. Since its forming in 1987 the founder, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin had been acting as the supreme authority of it. After the death of Yassin in 2004, even though, Abdul Aziz Rantist took over the charge the Hamas has not considered who is in charge of it. He was also killed by the targeted killing of Israel on April 2004. After the assassination both Yassin and Rantist, Khalid Meshal has been assumed as the leader of Hamas, even though he is away from Gaza. Many assassination attempts were turned on to him but he surpassed all of them and he is now considered as the most powerful leader of Hamas in Palestine and in Syria. He had been in exile in Damascus but he acts as the leader of Hamas in its military and political activities (Silver, 2006). But after the victory of Hamas in the election of Palestine, the leaders like Ismail Haniyeh, Mahmoud al-Zahar, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, Sheikh Mohammed Abu Tir, etc, lead the group in its both political and military activities. It has also the women leaders like Jamila Shanti who is enlisted with Hamas national candidates. In the national election in January 2006 Hamas had been called by Fatah and Hamas outpolled Fatah in the party list vote 44% to 41% (Zanotti, 2011, p.44). Thus Hamas could show its strength in the Gaza region through the involvement of it in the political scenario of the country. Ismail Haniyeh overturned Fatah for the first time in Palestine and he became the prime minister of the country. Even though he was dismissed by the president Mahmoud Abbas in 2007 he still continues to govern Gaza Strip and the places where Hamas has a strong hold. The leaders of Hamas are in the wanted list of Israel but Israel also has been intimidated on the terrorist and inhuman activities of Hamas. The structured leadership of Hamas makes it a strong organizational force in Palestine. Structure: Hamas has been hailed as political, social and religious movement apart from its active involvement with terrorism. It was started as an extension o f Muslim Brotherhood Movement and slowly it spread its hands on all other areas. After the establishment of Hamas in 1987 its main aim has been to overthrow the Jewish government from Israel and establish an Islamic government in Palestine and in the nearby places. It had social and religious aspects and with the participation of election in 2006 it has been actively participating in the political structure of the country. Hamas has a strong military wing to extend its military attacks on Israel. The military branch of Hamas is divided into three wings, “an intelligence arm which gathers information about Palestinians suspected of collaboration, an arm which pursues those who have violated Islamic law and the Izzedine al- Qassam squads who are responsible for most of the terror attacks” (Anti-Defamation League, 2006). The three divisions of the military wing of Hamas are taking a lead role in the terrorist elements of the group. The al-Qassam squads have different persons to act as shadow terrorists against the opponents. The social and political structure of Hamas is not clearly audited and so, any fund raised from other areas is used for the military activities. To sum it can be stated, “ The social, cultural, religious and educational institutions of Hamas are well- known venues for anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hatred and serve as recruitment centers for Hamas suicide bombers” (Anti-Defamation League, 2006). Strategies: Hamas has taken strategies to promote terrorism against Israel and its other opponents. The prime intention of Hamas is to overthrow Jews and Jews led Israel government and establish an Islamic government. Lt. Col. Jonathan D. Halevi is of the point that even though Hamas has stepped into Palestinian democracy, “this new political approach does not alter its firm adherence to “resistance” and “jihad” as its main tools for liberating all territories of “historical Palestine” (Halevi, 2005). Religion is the main weapon of Hamas. The suicide bombers are highly promoted by the terrorist group and heavy financial assistance is given to the families for the suicide bombers. Further, as the author states that Hamas has been trying to attain international legitimacy and Hamas expects that through this it will be able to stand in front of the other nations. The spreading of radical Islamic ideology based on ‘jihad’ offers many helping hands to fund Hamas and most of the funds are diverted to its military purposes. The focusing on political support and power may tend one to think of its shift from violence to peaceful measures but the intention of the group remains to be the same that is to overthrow the Jewish government and establish an Islamic government. The ceasefire with Israel does not relinquish Hamas from its original aim, rather, it is trying to penetrate over the Jewish territory and establish its regime there. Another strategy it had taken was with Fatah. When it was formed in 1987, Fatah stood as a hindrance to its growth. Hamas wanted to put down Yasser Arafat and his PLO. But the popularity of Arafat and PLO turned Hamas to turn its attention to Israel. Marc A. Walter comments, “When PLO rejected violence and accepted the conditions of the Oslo Peace Accord in 1993, Hamas adhered to its original agenda and its struggle against Israel although it reduced its number of attacks and referred to them as defensive” (Walther, 2009, p.23). So, it can be stated that Hamas is a group highly intended to obtain its objects and thus becoming a supreme authority of the region. Attack records: Ever since it’s forming as a group in Palestine it started its campaign of violence. The aims of the attacks were against Israel and its soldiers. The supporters of Israel in Palestine were killed and then it extended to make havoc among the Israeli civilians. Jewish Community Relations Council states that Hamas has been attacking Israel without proper reasons and besides it is found out that since 2005 Hamas launched hundreds and thousands of rockets indiscriminately into southern Israeli towns and cities” (Santis, 2008). Further the reports state that Hamas is responsible to 426 terrorist attacks since 2000, and it intentionally targets the civilians. These attacks have resulted in 377 deaths and 2,078 injuries. The psychological result of these attacks would have been affected the double the number of the civilians mentioned above. Suicide missions of Hamas started in 1994 when a Hamas suicide bomber rammed an explosive laden car against a bus killing eight and wounding more than 50 civilians (Anti-Defamation League, 2006). Jeroen Gunnig in his book, Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence puts, “Between 1994 and 2000 Hamas and Islamic Jihad between them carried out an average of three suicide bombings a year” (Gunning, 2010, p.208). The number of suicide bombs and other violence indicate that Hamas has been attacking Israeli soldiers and civilians ever since from its beginning as an organization. It is a great relief that after the cease fire in 2005 the number of mass killing has diminished to a large amount. Still the weapons are stored with Hamas and if any attacks happen the havoc inflicted by this would be serious and large. Group’s impact on others: Hamas with its weapons of ‘jihad’ and ‘historical restoration of Palestine’ is canvassing the common people into terrorism. It has its clutches mostly in Palestine, Syria and Iran. Some of the nations are supporting the terrorist elements of Hamas with an aim to take a control over Israel which is surrounded by Islamic nations. The Islamic movement in Gaza has got some positive side also in the areas. The writer, Sara Roy tells the example that, “Islamic Institutional social activism is over six decades old and is varied and complex, with a tradition of community development work that long predates the emergence of political and radical Islam” (Roy, 2011, p.11). The writer believes that the social activism of the religious group can make some impact on the people associated with it. Hamas happens to be an off shoot of this movement which has taken radical measures to fulfill its objectives. The social, religious, and political segments of society are highly influenced by the organizational structure and set up of the group but often the group’s adherence to violence and bloodshed makes it less popular. The dominion of Hamas in Gaza Strip and West Bank is still an imperishable matter even though many ways Israel have attempted to destroy it. The future of the group: Hamas has been a strong group in Gaza Strip and in West Bank and so the influence of the group in the areas remains to be firm and secure. In the question about the future of Hamas Khaled Hroub retorts positively. He is of the opinion that since the inception of Hamas it has been on the rising path. He further states, “Hamas will sustain its power and attractiveness within the Palestinian political and popular scene” (Hroub, p.150). The positive approach of the writer is counter acted by Monte Palmer and Princes Palmer who are of the opinion that Hamas has to struggle a lot to gain control over the land. They say that the tension between Hamas and al- Fatah led by president Abbas has “exploded into a virtual civil war as Hamas forces drove al-Fatah from the Gaza Strip” (Palmer & Palmer, 2008, p.67). At the same time the power of Hamas lies with Muslim Brotherhood. The writers state, “The core of Hamas’s strength is a tight and secretive organizational structure patterned on that of the Muslim Brotherhood. Leaders are assassinated and arrested, but others rise to fill the gaps” (Palmer & Palmer, 2008, p.68). Moreover the group is getting support from other sources like Muslim Brotherhood, Syria, Iran, Jordan, and Hezbollah. At the same time terrorism has been considered as a threatening force to all the nations of the world. The United States of America and United Nations supported by majority of the countries carry out tasks to demolish the terrorist elements from all places. The recent democratic movements in Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan push more democratic attitudes. The future of Hamas will remain stable if the group gives up terrorism and violence. The issue between Israel and Palestine can amicably settled if it retorts to peaceful means, and this will create a sustainable future of the group. Conclusions: Hamas has become a powerful group governing the political, social, economical, and educational aspects of the country, Palestine. Its conflict with Israel over the historical land has been put as an unceasing matter and hence the rivalry has been increased between these two countries. The intention of the group to demolish the Jewish government and establishing the Islamic regime turned the group to use terroristic elements. The intention of Muslim Brotherhood was genuine but soon when it was shaped into Hamas the intentions of the basic group got changed. The emergence of Hamas into the political realm of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the popularity it received by the 2006 elections shows that Hamas has a strong power in the country. The United Nations should have to accept Hamas and so necessary actions have to taken to settle the issues peacefully. The involvement of a third agency can be brought forward in settling the matters. The ceasefire treaty between these two countries will remain non-violated if both the nations avoid shadowy terrorism on both countries. The move of Hamas to political side of the country is a good indication for the international legitimacy and distraction from terroristic activities. Thus, if Hamas withdraws from terroristic elements the group will get acclaim in the international level enabling a quick solution for the Palestinian- Israeli issue. Reference list Anti-Defamation League 2006, Israel: Hamas fact sheet, Anti-Defamation League, viewed 9 March 2012, Benyamin, N 2003, What Remains of Israel, Council on Foreign Relations. Engeland, van A., Rudolph, M R 2008, From terrorism to politics, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Gunning, J 2010, Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence, Columbia University Press. Hroub, K, Hamas, The Other Press. Halevi, J D 14 April 2005, Undermining Mahmud Abbas: The "Green Revolution" and the Hamas Strategy to Take Over the Palestinian Authority, Jerusalem center for public affairs, viewed 9 March 2012, . National Counterterrorism Center, Terrorist groups: Hamas, National Counterterrorism Center, viewed 3 March 2012, . Palmer, M., Palmer, P 2008, Islamic extremism: causes, diversity, and challenges, 2nd illustrated edition, Rowman & Littlefield. Roy, S 2011, Hamas and Civil Society in Gaza: Engaging the Islamist Social Sector, illustrated edition, Princeton University Press. Santis, Y July 2008, HAMAS: Its Ideology and Record, Jewish Community Relations Council, viewed 9 March 2012, . Walther, M A 2009, HAMAS Between Violence and Pragmatism, BoD – Books on Demand. Zanotti, J 2011, Hamas: Background and Issues for Congress, DIANE Publishing. Read More
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