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Climate Anomalies in the World
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the paper, 'Climate Anomalies in the World' the author shall examine climate anomalies for a particular region in the context of the large-scale hemispheric wave pattern with multiple objectives to convert temperature and precipitation data, obtained from the Plymouth University Portal.... ... ...
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Antibacterial Prophylaxis
10 pages (3363 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This essay "Antibacterial Prophylaxis" discusses how it has become a well-established practice in present-day surgical procedures, as a means to prevent postoperative infections in the patients.... ... ... ... Through consultations and information sessions at the department levels, as well as at inter-department levels, and multi-disciplinary levels cooperation for the changed antibacterial prophylactic strategy would be got and then implemented....
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Reflect on the manner in which an musical artist(Mos Def) deals with issues of identity or racism
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper is related to one of the greatest trip-hop artist Mos Def.... The author of this paper is reviewing his biography and life story connected to music and movie career.... ... ... ... From the Public Enemy and CL Smooth days of sophisticated and socially conscious rap to the ‘gangsta' rap of the ‘90's, this genre of ‘music' has been changing again thanks to artists such as Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Common and more....
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Learning Theory on Career Counseling
9 pages (2720 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Learning Theory on Career Counseling" highlights that the sixth stage of career decision-making is the elimination of alternatives.... Using reliable information and inferences drawn from probably scenario simulations, the counselor can now help the counselee decide with career.... ... ...
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How Finance Managers Can Contribute to the Maximization of Shareholder Wealth
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
This paper "How Finance Managers Can Contribute to the Maximization of Shareholder Wealth" discusses the relationship between corporate management and shareholders' wealth.... More specifically, the decisions taken by the corporate managers have an extensive influence on the level of share prices....
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Innovation and Change
11 pages (2878 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The case study "Innovation and Change" states that any organized human activity, which is done in-group, will be most times constituted into an organization.... So, Organization is a structure with a 'collage' of workers doing their allocated work under the supervision of a leader, for the benefit of the organization as well as them....
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Knowledge Required for Decision Making in Adult Nursing
12 pages (3892 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
This paper "Knowledge Required for Decision Making in Adult Nursing" presents an understanding οf the relationship between two problems οf a patient and the care planned to alleviate these problems.... A further purpose is to develop an understanding of a holistic approach to planning care....
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William Carlos Williams Embracing Nature in Spring and All
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The thesis statement this paper would be holding is that in William Carlos Williams' poem 'Spring and All', the poet demonstrates through the structure and content of his poem his own connection with, and essential relationship to, the wonders of nature.... ... ... ... This research will begin with the statement that William Carlos Williams was a man ahead of his time....
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A Comparative Analysis of French and Italian Languages
11 pages (2865 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The text contains examples of phrases in French and Italian.... The essay 'A Comparative Analysis of French and Italian Languages' provides historical information and a comparative analysis of the formation of the standard French and Italian languages, their main features, stages of development, differences and characteristics....
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Hypocrisy in Society
12 pages (3261 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The paper 'Hypocrisy in Society' presents Gore Vidal who was seething with acid.... There, he could no longer hide his contempt for conventions and categorizing, for hypocrisy in society, and for his revulsion against sexual norms.... In the Myra novel, he showed all and sundry.... ... ... ... In 'Burr', it was expected that he would mellow down in his usual satiric stance, this being a historical novel, an exposition of the political events that unfolded a few decades after the American Revolution....
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Regeneration Projects of Europe and Their Implications
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that the process of regeneration links needs and opportunities, economic growth, social cohesion and cultural development, health, social care, and environmental sustainability and this has helped the British Governments to correct to some extent of their lost social balance.... ....
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Left and Right Marker Error by a Reporting Radiographer: Whose Legal Responsibility
11 pages (3422 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author states that in order to determine as to who has legal responsibility in cases where there is a left and right marker error on a report by a reporting radiographer, resort to the standards and duty of care imposed upon health care professionals under the law of tort is therefore warranted....
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Stalins Policies on Women and Family
12 pages (3664 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
In the following paper 'Stalin's Policies on Women and Family' the author examines how official Soviet State policy on women and the family changed after Stalin came to power, and what were the effects of the Stalin years on women and the family.... ... ... ... The author states that Joseph Stalin, a renowned Russian leader has been of great interest to historians all over the world....
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Is Aggression a Natural Part of Child Development
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The author examines the issue of bullying and the reason for aggressive behavior in children which is, by no stretch of the imagination, different from those in grown-ups.... Usually, the cause of bullying is power-imbalance resulting due to the formation of groups in school .... ... ... Another sidelight to the form of bullying can be seen by studying their effect on girls and boys separately....
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Inflation Targeting as Successful Strategy of Central Banks
10 pages (2747 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper researches the "Inflation Targeting as Successful Strategy of Central Banks" introduces to explicit inflation targets for monetary policy in a number of countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, and Spain.... ... ... ... Inflаtiоn tаrgeting is а mоnetаry-pоlicy strаtegy thаt wаs intrоduced in New Zeаlаnd in 1990, hаs been very successful, аnd hаs nоw been аdоpted by mоre thаn 20 industriаlized аnd nоn-industriаlized cоuntries....
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Human Resource Management Strategies and Planning
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Human Resource Management has become the prime notion for people in management.... It covers the wide area of management, including employees and their behavior, organizational aims, and objectives.... A recent development that could be identified in the management practices is called strategic management....
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Customer Relationship Managment
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Relationship marketing was pioneered by Leonard Berry after the realisation that conventional marketing strategies had certain inefficiencies.... He realised that there was a need to cater for the needs of pre-existing customers and establish a relationship with them.... So, this paper will discussed this....
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The Strengths of Harley Davidson Inc
12 pages (3504 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The paper entitled 'The Strengths of Harley Davidson Inc' touches upon Harley Davidson and is presented with the aim of highlighting the strengths of the company and to recommend fresh strategies for the continuation of its competitive position in the market.... ... ... ... Harley Davidson Inc is a famous motorcycle company that ranks 45th in Interbrand's 100 top brands and 56th by Milward Brown in its list of the top 100 brands....
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Hepatic Granulomas
8 pages (3356 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Hepatic Granulomas" presents 'hepatic granulomas' that is a medical term used to refer to abnormal small clumps that build up on cells whenever certain physical health disorders such as tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, sarcoidosis occurs.... ... ... ... Hepatic granulomas normally develop together with physical health disorders such as tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, sarcoidosis....
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Elder Abuse: Need for Educational Interventions to Create Public Awareness
11 pages (3237 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The paper "Elder Abuse: Need for Educational Interventions to Create Public Awareness" discusses that history of family violence, dependance on the abuser in any way, mental health history or other addictions in the patient is also very important contributors in elderly abuse.... .... ... ... It is really quite essential to state that the treatment and prevention of elder abuse, therefore, requires more researches and more awareness in all levels of society....
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Australian Migration Law: Irina Boldova
10 pages (3154 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The essay "Australian Migration Law: Irina Boldova" reviews the case of a Russian Athlete who tries to immigrate to Australia.... ... ... ... There is a class of visa that Irina can apply for temporarily before the expiration of her Subclass 420 Entertainment visa and during the pendency of her application for a Distinguished Talent Visa....
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Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport
10 pages (2746 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The following paper 'Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport' describes the first United States fortification called Fort Lauderdale, which was constructed in 1838, and later was a place of warfare during the Second Seminole War.... The fort was discarded in 1842.... ... ... ... The author states that despite the fact that the region exchanged between Spain, the United Kingdom, the USA, and the Confederated States of America, it continues mostly under-developed until the 20th century....
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Race and Education: A Look at why Black African-Caribbean Boys are Underachieving in Schools
10 pages (2881 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The paper "Race and Education: A Look at why Black African-Caribbean Boys are Underachieving in Schools" discusses the reasons for the low performance of Black African-Caribbean Boys in schools in the UK, issues developed above the British government, the factors to influence the phenomenon.... ... ...
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The genotypic ratio is 1:2:2:1:4:2:1:2:1 with all combinations possible.... This ratio follows Mendel's Law and shows the traits are not linked.... This follows the law of.... ... ... This gives the phenotypic ration of 9:3:3:1, white disc, white sphere, yellow disc, yellow sphere.... The genotypic ratio is All combinations are represented and would therefore occur....
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Child Protection Policy
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The author of the "Child Protection Policy" paper discusses the measures of protecting children implemented by the government after the death of Victoria Climbie who was murdered by her great aunt Marie-Therese Kouao and her boyfriend Carl Manning in February.... .... ... ... Policy and Practice must be better coordinated and integrated and new structures such as preventive services and children's trust must be considered and integrated into the local service systems....
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Rise of American Public Education
11 pages (2881 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
This coursework "Rise of American Public Education" focuses on the American public education system is a product of forces that shaped the nation itself.... The system changed and gave rise to public schools when the demands of society changed.... The American public education system is unlike any other system....
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The Role of the Early Years Worker in the Protection of Children from Abuse
11 pages (3530 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This paper "The Role of the Early Years Worker in the Protection of Children from Abuse " discusses the scope of government involvement in children's development and challenges all those involved with children to develop effective practices in promoting positive developmental outcomes for all.... ...
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Heaven and Hell
12 pages (3718 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Heaven and Hell" examines the worldwide belief in good vs.... evil that is commonly known in Christian circles as Heaven and Hell.... It is easy to surmise that there was once one universal belief in Heaven and Hell that changed over time in different regions of the world.... ... ...
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12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The 3 basic roles of a nurse are that of a practitioner, leader and researcher.... As a practitioner, the nurse attends to all the medical needs of.... ... ... patient and as a leader she takes decisions which relate to, influence and facilitate the actions of others with an aim to achieve a particular goal....
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Specifics of the Banking System of Spain
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article 'Specifics of the Banking System of Spain' intends to draw conclusions about the role of the banking industry in the Spanish economy and its place in the World Bank system as well as about two strong global bank conglomerates and the ways in which the banks compete.... ... .... ... ... In a monetary and credit system of Spain there are about 150 banks with an aggregate number of branches 17 727 and the general number of workers 138 386 persons....
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Every Child Matters
9 pages (2832 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "Every Child Matters" discusses the reason for the United Kingdom government establishing the policy of child care, and how the provisions 'Stay Safe' and 'Make a Positive Contribution' should be implemented by multi professionals forming a Children and Families Social Work Team.... ... ...
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Advertising Effectiveness
12 pages (3283 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
This work "Advertising Effectiveness" describes the positives and negatives that need to be studied with regard to marketing on alcohol.... The author takes into account the aspects of the interactive television advertising campaign.... ... ... ... The positives are that it brings a sort of choosing platform for the eventual consumers of alcohol when it comes to brand and the negatives include the wrong target market which is touched upon....
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English language for International Students
13 pages (3653 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This work called "English language for International Students" describes little choice of the course and college and this affected the ability to motivate themselves for the course.... The author takes into account life experiences, different communication styles, and distinct learning styles.... It is clear about the role of colleges and universities in administering English language tuition....
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Criminalization of Sodomy Laws is Unconstitutional
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The researcher of this essay aims to analyze sodomy laws, that may be gender neutral or gender specific.... Sodomy in itself is a crime and can undoubtedly be framed as a criminal act within the provisions of the law.... The imposition of sodomy laws may represent an intrusion into the freedom and right....
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The Purpose Of Imprisonment
14 pages (3870 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The essay "The Purpose Of Imprisonment" calls upon the history of imprisonment, as well as theoretical justification of such an act in social sciences.... .... ... ... In conclusion, the basic rights of man take precedence over all the differing views on its objectives because 'It is not enough that people merely happen to be secure ....
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Developments In The European Union
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The European Union is a political and economic union of twenty-seven member states.... The paper "Developments In The European Union" discusses the concept of bringing different nations under one umbrella and to collect the over all contributions from all the member states to realize a bigger result....
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Respiratory Disease Management in Primary Care Reflective Nursing Model
9 pages (2763 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
This paper "Respiratory Disease Management in Primary Care Reflective Nursing Model" discusses a 3-year-old girl diagnosed with asthma who suffered a serious episode requiring hospitalization for 2 days.... The author met the patient and her family at the time of hospital discharge.... ... ... ... Though the child was doing well at the time of discharge, her parents were extremely distraught and frightened of a reoccurrence....
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Counterterrorism as a False Approach
9 pages (2635 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
From the paper "Counterterrorism as a False Approach" it is clear that the shock and awe tactic being employed by the United States may have initially brought success but it was merely temporary.... Recent reports are replete with proof that terrorism is now more widespread than before 9/11.... ... ...
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Communications Problems on 9/11
10 pages (2754 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
This coursework describes communications problems on 9/11.... This paper outlines communication problems that are evident from the 9 – 11 Commission and suggestions for improvement of the situation.... ... ... ... The previously mentioned position is likely to be supported by anyone who has had an interest in emergency or disaster management....
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Ancillary Relief
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
In the paper 'Ancillary Relief' the author focuses on ancillary relief, which is mainly governed by Part II of the Matrimonial Causes Act of 19731, together with future amendments that have occurred.... There is a wide latitude of discretion that has been allowed to the Courts.... ... ... ... The author states that the recent developments allow a greater share in surplus assets and they may be eligible for a share that is greater than 50%....
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Economics of small and medium enterprises
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay talks about the actions of the Government of UK, taken in order to revitalize activities of the small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in the country.... SMEs act as one of the pivotal points in United Kingdom around which the growth and prosperity of the entire nation revolves.... ...
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The United States and the Six Day War
10 pages (2791 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The "The United States and the Six-Day War" paper tries to understand the role of the United States in the Six-Day War, we need to look at the political history between the United States and Middle Eastern countries, especially Israel, in the decades leading up to the war.... ... ... ... The volatile situation escalated into a war a few years later....
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Chivalry Among Men in the Novel The Three Musketeers
10 pages (2850 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The book review "Chivalry Among Men in the Novel The Three Musketeers" states that Chivalry is a term that is used often to refer broadly to the code of honor among such characters as the Knights of the Round Table and the Musketeers of Dumas fame, but few pay attention to what the term means.... ...
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Inland Freight Transport System
6 pages (2747 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
This paper 'Inland Freight Transport System' envisages bringing out the operational challenges faced by the Inland Freight System Operators in Europe as well as in the UK, including the Governmental regulations concerning their licensing, record keeping and other measures.... ... ... ... The author states that the various modes of inland freight systems like rail, highways, and waterways including sea and rivers have an important role to play in the development of an economy....
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In the Name of National Security: The Issue of Terrorism
10 pages (2680 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This paper tells that terrorism may be perceived as a lot of things.... On one hand, it is seen as an action taken by one to deal with the aggression and the hostility of 'oppressors', a fight for freedom and justice and on the other hand it is seen as a crime against humanity.... ... ... ... As the paper outlines, terrorism may be viewed as false flag operations carried out for the sheer purpose of fulfilling political agendas....
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Iker Casillass Girlfriend Sara Carbonero and Real Madrids Dressing Room Scandal
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This paper discusses whether it ethical for Sara Carbonero to leak information from the dressing room of Real Madrid?... It also discusses the details of the case, analyzing the ethical side of it and shedding light on how the parties associated with the case have actually been affected by it.... ...
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Encounter Between Christianity And Other Religions During The 19th And 20th Century
11 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
An essay "Encounter Between Christianity And Other Religions During The 19th And 20th Century" reports that early Christians suffered persecutions at the hands of Roman officials.... The fact that Palestine was part of the Roman Empire greatly facilitated the rapid spread of Christianity.... ... ...
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Fantasy Orientation Questionnaire
10 pages (2829 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
"Fantasy Orientation Questionnaire" paper starts with a critical discussion of what Fantasy orientation is, drawing significant points from various studies conducted on the matter.... It continues to conduct elaborate research with a group of 50 pre-school and kinder garden children aged 2 to 5.... ....
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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans
9 pages (2616 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans" paper examines PTSD categorized as a form of anxiety disorder that results from an emotional trauma that is often associated with threats of death.... PTSD can be a result of an event and it is associated with symptoms that constantly disturb the patient....
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Misrepresentation of Women in Cinema
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The idea of this paper emerged from the author's interest in how society should change the dominant ideology of male in cinema and try to produce a new image of the female in the film.... Misrepresentation and mistreatment of women have been very relevant in our society for a long period.... ... ...
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