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The Role of Reflexivity in Research Work - Essay Example

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The paper 'The role of Reflexivity in Research Work' talks about reflexivity in research work and how it could model or influence decision-making in this domain. Various theories on reflexivity have been dealt with vis-a-vis particular situations that involved film making and the training and selection process…
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Extract of sample "The Role of Reflexivity in Research Work"

The role of Reflexivity in Research Work Summary 2 Introduction 2 OBJECTIVE 2 METHODOLOGY 3 Parameters used for the research work 3 DATA ANALYSIS 4 Thorndike's Theory of Connectionism 4 Experiment 1: 5 Experiment 2: 5 ?.-,*. Analysis and Assessment 6 Role of various reflexivities involved in the multi-paradigmatic research and Collaborative and emancipatory research: 7 Reflexivity/ Reflectivity 8 Analysis of data 8 Inference: 11 Conclusion: 11 References: 12 APPENDIX-I 12 Summary: This paper talks about reflexivity in research work and how it could model or influence decision making in this domain. Various theories on reflexivity have been dealt with vis-a-vis particular situations that involved film making and training and selection process. The paper shows how use of reflexivity in research has gone into a stream of idea generation and thus their incorporation in the research. The paper shows a step-by-step account of this research and how reflexivity has been incorporated in the same. Introduction Broadly, reflexivity is considered to occur when the observations or actions of observers in a given period affect the very situations they are observing, or the out come being formulated is disseminated to and affects the behaviour of the individuals or systems the theory is meant to be objectively modelling for a proper decision making. Therefore, Reflexivity is a methodological issue to the observer principle. Within that part that has been called the strong programme, reflexivity is suggested as a methodological norm or principle that should itself be explainable by the same principles and methods as used for accounting for these other knowledge systems. This point to a general feature allows for specific fields of research to elucidate the expected results as part of an overall self-reflective process as given below. For creating knowledge, any particular field of research occupied with aspects of knowledge processes in general may reflexively study other such fields yielding to an overall improved reflection in the conditions. Reflexivity includes both a subjective process of self-consciousness inquiry and the study of social behaviour with reference to theories about practical aspects and its relationship. (Hardy, C., Phillips, N. and Clegg, S. (2001) OBJECTIVE 1. To analyse and assimilate the role of reflexivity in both the given situations, namely in the Film making and in the Training and selection process. 2. To feature the importance of reflexivity in research. 3. The ideas and experience incorporated in the research. But before going to the topic, the role of reflexivity in research work has to be noted. METHODOLOGY Interview with the Students associated with the work (Questionnaire in Appendix1) Being a serious learner of reflexivity and its role in behavioural change, I would like to make an inner look in the two given situations. In order to get access, I contacted the students and conducted the interview with the following parameters to assess their lens and views. From the parameters used it was obvious that the immediate goals in a certain period makes the key role often we call it as the term reflexivity, which makes the distinguished results in both these changes. Hence it was a clear reason to make a study about the influence of reflexivity in the attitudinal change of the students. Only students along with the members of the focus group were taken into the interview and the subsequent assessing activities. But the various opinions of coaches were also taken care of. The tangient and intangient benefits from the play are the expected immediate out come of the students participated. In other wards it is the set goal in front of them posing to give a better performance. (Alvesson, M. and Skoldberg, K. (2000). Parameters used for the research work 1. As a researcher it was my pre occupation to find out the behavioural changes seen in the interviewees. So I prepared a questionnaire (in Appendix1) to elicit their clear responses so as to assure the cementing fact that reflexivity has the significant role in behavioural change. By assessing the factor, I went through the Constant iteration between personal experience of research, potentially relevant theory, underlying assumptions, data, and participants’ feedback 2. Used Research diary for making the personalised comments from the candidates. 3. Interacted with many action learning groups. 4. Written Self critical accounts. 5. Included Multi-paradigmatic research and Collaborative and emancipatory research. DATA ANALYSIS From the tools used, it was obvious that the students were so apprehensive about the outcome in both two situations even though they were self confident and hard working. The pressurised reflexivity oriented situations made them work. The self conscious feeling about them- what others would think about - was the key feeling which rule them in situation 1. But in later stage they were relieved by the fact that the interview was not properly taken, but as in a casual friendly chat only. The reflexive coherent factor gave them the sense of relief and engaged in a friendly manner without stress. If the interviewer was included there in the discussion without knowing as it is being filmed, the reflexivity role can be utilised effectively. But in the second situation, the promotion of players from regional level to national level made a competitive spirit in them to get selected in their particular basketball team. That made things so tight. The transportation issue, the food, the injury factor etc. were not constraints for them to stand in back foot. The only motive ruled the students by the time were to get selected in the team. The disciplinary assumptions given also made a reason to be to get selected. In fact, the reflexivity factor coined by a need did a desirable out come in a positive way. In connection with this reflexivity research I would like to put a similar theory proposed by Thorndike a famous educational expert. His comments have a significant relevance in my study. Lets look how reflexivity equally coined with Thorndike’s Stimulus-Response Theory. Cognitive theorists explain that central brain-processes integrate our goal seeking behaviour. Learning modifies our cognitions, perceptions, attitudes and beliefs. (E. L. Thorndike (1874 — 1949) Thorndike's Theory of Connectionism Thorndike’s theory of learning is a stimulus-response (S-R) theory, and is popularly known as connectionism. This theory assumes that through conditioning, specific responses come to be linked with specific stimuli. These links, bonds or connections are products of a biological change in a nervous system. Thorndike thought that the chief way to effect S-R connections was through random selection - and - correction activities; that is, through random trial and error. Trial and error learning is a process of elimination of erroneous responses, for the establishment of correct responses on each trial. The major components of trial and error learning are, (I) A motivated organism, (ii) An environmental choice situation which offers several alternate response possibilities, (iii) Responses involving sensory motor integration, and (iv) Establishment of correct response. J Thorndike conducted several experiments on animals to explain his theory of learning. Two such experiments are mentioned below. Experiment 1: A hungry cat was put. in a cage which could be opened by pulling a loop of string hanging inside. Outside the cage was put a tempting morsel of fish. The cat indulged in a number of random activities such as clawing at the bars, scratching the cage, walking round, and pushing the bars, in order to get out of the cage. After several such trial-and-error activities, the cat ultimately succeeded in pulling the loop of string arid getting out of the cage. On subsequent trials, the cat, took shorter and shorter periods of time, and committed less and less number of errors. Finally, it learnt to come out easily by pulling the loop of string. Experiment 2: ?.-,*. Thorndike admitted a hungry white rat through one end of a T-maze, placing food at the other end. The rat in its earlier trials, made a good number of errors by running through many blind alleys to reach the food. Finally, after several trials it learnt to avoid wrong paths and took the correct and shortest path leading to the goal. An analysis of Thorndike's trial and error learning reveals the following facts. 1. Motivation plays a vital role in the process of learning. (The cat was motivated by the presence of food). 2. The organism makes a number of trials or responses. (The cat scratches and bites) 3. Some responses lead to the goal. They are called satisfying responses (pulling the string). 4. Some responses do not lead to the goal. These are called annoying responses. (Scratching, pawing) 5. Satisfying responses strengthen the connection, and are better learned, because they lead to the attainment of goal. 6. Annoying responses weaken the connection because they do not lead to the goal. Now we can compare the reflexivity – stimulus response equally. Both are tools elicit good response from the students for a desired level. By taking all these facts, we can analyse our situations. Analysis and Assessment PREPARATION REFLECTIVE PROCESS EXPERIENCE The need to reflect on self as a means of self-development is widely endorsed in schools of education globally. Often there is a requirement to reflect on practice. As a researcher, I included multi-paradigmatic research and Collaborative and emancipatory research in my wok, on action were being carefully noted in daybooks, and lesson plans and a reflective journal. This record kept motivating me to further examine them on study reflection as a means of professional development. A deep inward gaze into every interaction whether it be in researching or any other interaction in life. Out of all the data collected namely from the questionnaire, chart prepared to know their background, graphical representations, it is clear that there are factors affecting behavioural attitude. By reflexivity one can boost up her attitude. There is a place in every research inquiry for both reflexivity and reflections as I do here. Role of various reflexivities involved in the multi-paradigmatic research and Collaborative and emancipatory research: Systematic reflexivity has given birth to epistemic and methodological reflexivity. Epistemic reflexivity concerns the researcher’s belief system and allows for the examination and testing of assumptions. Looking deeper, it can be suggested that, epistemic reflexivity is the constant analysis of their live experience as well as your own theoretical and methodological presuppositions. Epistemological assumptions are interested in not only description, understanding and change they are interested in critical progress by researchers who investigate the sole efficacy of epistemological reflexivity.. Critical thinking requires questioning and judging of various selected teaching assumptions and it is necessary to move forward to expose data and realize meaning as a whole. Epistemological reflexivity requires us to clarify the following questions. How the research does defined and limited, what are we expected to do to find etc... Thus, epistemological reflexivity encourages the students here to reflect upon the assumptions that we have made in the course of the research, and it helps us to think about the implications of such assumptions for the research and its findings. (Flanagan, O. J. (1981) In order to understand so effectively and to know theory then to change, it gives a way out. Before any reflexive actions that are being issued, it is the very same assumptions that may have been hidden. To study personal beliefs and assumptions embedded in cognition, it is said to be a means. Methodological reflexivity requires the researcher to observe and examine his or her own behaviour within the classroom or school as it occurs. For example, the coach can experiment with nonverbal communicative behaviours to find out if the changes made in nonverbal behaviour caused desired outcomes. That we could see in the second situation. As the methodological reflexive educator, he is hoping to improve the methods and realize just how well these are implemented as the actions unfold. Similarly, the in-coach can often change their notion due to their own self-examination to improve their performance. Reflexivity/ Reflectivity In the interview conducted within the student groups we discussed about the practical aspect of reflexivity in detail. The epistemological roots of reflexivity seem very relevant here. I discuss two strategies, that of transparency and reflectivity, which using the following table: Sl. Number Out come Strategy of Transparency Strategy of Reflectivity 1 Goal: information delivery compelling experience 2 Metaphor: interface as window interface as mirror 3 Response by user look through interface look at interface Analysis of data As the part of my interview, I approached all the students with the questionnaire and the research diary. From the friendly conversation I understood their details and noted in particular. The details are given here. Particulars Situation1 Situation2 Total Students 20 25 Age in years 20 – 22 5 10 22-24 5 5 24-26 5 5 26 and older 5 5 Education No high school diploma 5 8 High school 6 7 Some College 4 5 College grad or graduate degree 5 5 Race White 10 10 Black 5 10 Other 5 5 Annual household income < 30,000 10 3 30,000 – 50,000 5 6 50,000 – 75,000 3 9 > 75,000 2 7 Marital status Married 0 0 Not married 0 0 Financially backward All luxurious facilities 5 16 Without facilities 15 3 (The datasheet used to understand the total social and family background of the students )From the details I got from the data sheet, various working knowledge groups, and written self critical accounts, I found out the fact that all the students are brilliant even though they belong to different background. They are all exceptionally well in their performance also. But the fact that, being the socially backward category, some students showed much aggression rather than the other students and got incentives even. When considering all as a unit all performed well significantly when they were given more reflexivity oriented training. A graphical representation of that is given below. Graphical representation of children when reflexivity-oriented training was given STUDENTS WITH NORMAL PERFORMANCE PEAK UP WHEN REFLEXIVITY ORIENTED TRAINING GIVEN (Note: Thorndike’sTheory of Connectionism Inference: From my detailed research work it is observed that, 1. A reflexivity oriented training work often gives better result as we seen here in both two cases. 2. There are factors affect one’s performance especially the social and the mental factors. 3. Disciplinary assumptions like incentives, special benefits give a morale booster in one’s performance. 4. In general, reflexivity is a vital tool to equip the human work force effectively. Conclusion: In this paper I have presented some theoretical constructs of research methodology with the aim of outlining the reflections on the two given situations. In this study, field-based research has done properly. As is often the case in field-based studies and the practice do fit neatly into a theoretical process. The methodology used was by using, proper tools mentioned above. The conclusion being that various factors affecting ones social and mental back ground, physical traits, other circumstances affect the behavioural attitude which can properly enhanced by a proper reflectivity oriented strategy in training.. Here I attempted to fit what was undertaken in the field into the frameworks of action research by accepting the theory. In a wider canvass, one can visualize that, there are a series of pre -occupied factors that can affect one’s reflexivity and there by influence their performance in the long run. So as a researcher, I would say that reflexivity oriented training would give better result in a time based practice work in general. References: 1. Flanagan, O. J. (1981). 'Psychology, progress, and the problem of reflexivity: a study in the epistemological foundations of psychology', Journal of the History of the Behavioural Sciences, 17, pp. 375-386. 2. Hardy, C., Phillips, N. and Clegg, S. (2001). Reflexivity in organization and management theory: A study of the production of the research ‘subject’. Human Relations, 54, 531-560. 3. Alvesson, M. and Skoldberg, K. (2000). Reflexive Methodology: New Vistas for Qualitative Research. London: Sage Publications. 4. Nightingale, D. & Cromby, J. (Eds) (1999). Social constructionist psychology. Buckingham: Open University Press. Retrieved February 18, 2008. 5. E. L. Thorndike (1874 — 1949): Educational Psychology Spence, Kenneth W: Behaviour Theory and Conditioning, Re published 1990 Retrieved February18,2008 6. APPENDIX-I QESTIONNAIRE FOR ANALYSING THE PERFORMANCE NAME……………………………………………………DATE………………………… Sl. Number Questions Response Result(Good Performance/Poor Performance) Assessment 1 How did you feel in the first situation? 2 What made you relieved in the First situation? 3 How was your performance 4 How can you improve your performance 5 How did you feel in the second situation? 6 What made you relieved in the second situation 7 How was your performance 8 How can you improve your performance 8 Your comments about the performance appraisal 9 Interaction with partner 10 Enthusiasm 11 Self-conscious; Worried what others were thinking 12 Achieved clear signals physically with appropriate strength and timing 13 Disciplinary assumptions given as incentives Overall Performance of the Candidate………………………………………. Read More
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