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Prescription Drug Use in Teenagers
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author of this paper attempts to uncover the statistics regarding prescription drug use, identifying the impact of this behavior on lifestyle, and consider how community policy directors or parents can contribute to controlling this growing problem.... ... ... Prescription drug use by teenagers impacts their social network or is subsequently influenced by it and the dynamics that drive group affiliation at this age....
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Stakeholders and Commercial Viability versus Sustainability: The Al Qasr Project
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The purpose of the present study "Stakeholders and Commercial Viability versus Sustainability: The Al Qasr Project" is to examine the commercial viability of the Al Qasr Project in terms of finance and profits.... Therefore, the writer will conduct a detailed market and demand analysis.... ... ... ...
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The Economic Environment of Business
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Many airlines have come and gone but the strong ones have survived this far due to their understanding of the market they operate in and adopting strategies that will sustain.... ... ... Moving with the times has been one major strategy while others expand at every available opportunity.... Ryanair is one such airline that has expanded significantly since 1985 (Ryanair 2010)....
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Marks and Spencer Group PLC Performance Review
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
It is the one of the largest clothing company in the United Kingdom with leading retailers in menswear, women's swear, and lingerie.... It is a leading producer of quality and standard food products.... Marks & Spencer PLC is selling their products through telephone, online, and stores.... .... ... ...
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Overview of Economic Growth and Development in South Korea
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The paper "Overview of Economic Growth and Development in South Korea" provides an overview of economic growth and development in South Korea, which is among the developed economies of East Asia.... It discusses strategies applied to measure economic growth and development with reference to South Korea....
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Family as an Important Social Institution
9 pages (2713 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
This coursework "Family as an Important Social Institution" focuses on the transformation of traditional family structure, the rate of divorce, teenage pregnancy, marital conflicts and high costs of welfare and health programs that have dramatically increased in the last few years.... ... ... ... Various facts, researches, and studies about growing rates of divorce, parenting without wedlock, declining social and family values and its negative effects on children in a combination of increasing violence, crimes, substance abuse, poor mental and psychological health, and poverty have shown strong existence of a family crisis in modern societies....
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The Subject of Risk in Breaking Bad
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay analyses a trivial series of Breaking Bad, it differs quite drastically from popular mass-consumption TV products mainly because of the profoundness of ethical issues and universal values being brought up; the extreme popularity and quite a wide response drew prove that well enough.... ...
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Psychological Vignette Johns Compass
10 pages (2616 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Psychological Vignette John's Compass " presents that from a phonological perspective, it is essential to note that John is a young man who has suffered various tragedies in his life and the most traumatizing of these was the suicide of his father when he was quite young.... ... ... ... John might be reflecting on these incidents because he has come to believe that he is either inadequate in life or that there is a possibility that the suicides might be a genetic characteristic among the men of his family....
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Health Policy and Practice
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Coursework
This paper highlights that changes in health care today demand that careful planning and execution of interventions are followed to promote and maintain the health certain groups of individuals.... This implies that a good health policy must be put in place to achieve the desired outcome.... .... ...
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Does the effectiveness of hand sanitizer reduce over time
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay “Does the effectiveness of hand sanitizer reduce over time?... ?? investigates of hand sanitizer and importance of hand hygiene.... The writer states that hand hygiene is one of the simplest and effective ways to prevent the spread of microbial infections.... .... ... ... The paper under consideration will discuss the effectiveness of hand sanitizer methods....
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Utilization of Social Media in Arab Uprisings
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This essay 'Utilization of Social Media in Arab Uprisings' encompasses all the supportive materials to explain the rebellion of Arabs, covers in details some of the techniques which were utilized in success of their uprising and also conclusions.... ... ... ... The author states that social networks were useful and played significant informational and organizational duties....
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Role of Parents in Helping Young People in the Period of Adolescence
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Role of Parents in Helping Young People in the Period of Adolescence' will discourse the most influential adolescent development theories and will relate them to the role of parents in helping young people negotiate the adolescence period.... ... ... ... The paper will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these theories will relation to parents helping their children....
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Pauline Epistle-Righteousness of God
10 pages (2802 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This paper ''Pauline Epistle-Righteousness of God'' discusses that the Bible teaches us many things.... It brings peace into our lives by bringing us closer to God.... We get closer to God by reading his scriptures, which guide us in the right way to follow.... Paul has a great understanding of the Holy Spirit....
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Depression and Alcohol Consumption in Women
9 pages (2720 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This paper ''Depression and Alcohol Consumption in Women'' tells that in USA, 5.... million women consume alcohol in a manner that is harmful to their general well being, safety, and health.... Sixty percent have at least more than one drink in a year, and among those who drink, thirteen percent consume more than seven alcoholic drinks in a week....
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Genetics: Read description for more details about topic
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Lab Report
The objective of the study was to assess if the females of Drosophila Melanogaster, wild type strain, produce the same number of offspring when are given a choice between wild type males and mutant males with mutation for eye morphology including LOBE, ANTENNAPEDIA and BAR.... ... ... The study was conducted using Drosophila melanogaster wild type females and males of wild type and mutant strains LOBE (L), ANTENNAPEDIA (antp) and BAR (B)....
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Marxism and Nationalism: Theoretical Origins of a Political Crisis
10 pages (2783 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Marxism and Nationalism: Theoretical Origins of a Political Crisis" discusses Austro-Marxism that was a theoretical school of thought that was propagated by Victor Adler, Otto Bauer, Karl Renner, and Max Adler all of whom belonged to the Austrian Social Democratic Workers Party.... ... ...
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Social Interaction
9 pages (2560 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The paper "Social Interaction" discusses various theories and aspects of the issue.... Among them are Implicit Personality Theory, Attribution theory, Self –monitoring and Self- presentation strategies, Factors that influence relationships formation, Balance theory and Social exchange theory and etc....
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Horseshoe Crab
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The horseshoe crab brings several beneficial experiences to different people who understand the organism's benefits.... Some people living along the coastline view the horseshoe crab is a.... ... ... According to ecologists, the crab represents a vital creature characterised by vast adaptability towards predating on a variety of species in its ecology....
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Evolution of the American Presidency
12 pages (3131 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This work "Evolution of the American Presidency" focuses on the evolution of the country's presidency and the executive and show just how it has evolved beyond the founding father's expectations.... The author outlines that presidential power has been able to grow over the years as the function and role of the presidency continues to be expanded....
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The Individual Rights of Association and Expression in Exceptional Circumstances
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The issue of restrictions on political parties will form the content of this discussion.... The ECHR's interpretation of the weighing of the right to freedom of association and the needs of the state will be assessed.... Therefore, the discussion will begin with a detailed outline of Resolution 1308....
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The Arbitrators Duty of Impartiality and Independence
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
This paper 'The Arbitrator's Duty of Impartiality and Independence' will try to discuss the arbitrator's duty of impartiality and independence under the English Arbitration Act and compare with at least another system using resolved cases as the basis.... ... ... ... The author states that arbitration is one of the more popular forms of alternative dispute resolution of which two opposing parties agree to use a third person or more to settle the case in question....
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How the Hip Hop Music Culture Spread Into Eastern Countries
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay describes how the hip-hop music culture spread into Eastern countries.... he hip-hop music culture was embraced by these Eastern countries as well; and, a couple of these countries are even now being accredited with providing sectors of hip-hop and rap music's origination.... ... ... ... With underground hip hop and rap music spreading like wildfire throughout the Unitied States of America, it would soon prove to be no surprise that the controversial hip hop/rap music would soon be introduced into mainstream American music....
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Womens Liberation through the Equal Rights Amendment
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In this paper, the author outlines and interprets the women's rights movement in America.... Of particular importance here is the creation and the many hindrances that the Equal Rights Amendment of the United States Constitution has confronted throughout the years.... ... ... There have been numerous triumphs and successes made on behalf of the women's liberation movement....
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Teachers and Their Ego in the Workplace
9 pages (3049 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Teachers and Their Ego in the Workplace" discusses conflict as a process in which one party perceives as its interests may be depressingly divergent to another party.... It arises when the divergent goals of more than a party get a collision (Robbins, 2000).... ... ... ... Conflict can be categorized into two types basically one is socio-emotional conflict whereas the other may be referred to as task-related conflict (Schooley, 1994)....
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Effect of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth of the USA
9 pages (2583 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The author of this research proposal "Effect of government expenditure on the economic growth of USA" presents definitions of government expenditure and economic growth, government expenditure, USA's economic history, and USA's current economy, theories of Keynesian and Rahn.... .... ... ... Their argument mostly implies that an increase in government spending it is an indication that more money is going to the people's pockets which is a good boost towards economic growth....
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Ethics in Criminal Justice
13 pages (3587 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
"Ethics in Criminal Justice" paper aims at underscoring the applicability of ethical and moral considerations plus their foundations in the criminal Justice system from a sociological point of view.... The author is guided by two cardinal justice doctrines of discretions and due process of law.... ...
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Media, Culture and Society
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The main objective of the paper 'Media, Culture and Society' will be to explore how gender issues are presented in these newspapers as portrayed by the images and language used.... In this view, issues related to both males and females will be investigated.... ... ... ... For this research, a content analysis approach was used....
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Punishment and Society
11 pages (3168 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This work called "Punishment and Society" describes a period in mid 19th century and look into how matters of theft, infanticide, and rioting would be dealt with as at that time based on evidence from similar cases handled during this period.... The author outlines the particular cases and their resolution....
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Succession Plan for Executive Director
9 pages (3440 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper "Succession Plan for Executive Director" discusses an emergency succession plan that is vital to help guide the board of directors to ensure that the necessary actions and tactics undertaken by the board are aligned with documented policies and procedures.... ... ... ... The communications plan is vital....
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Giving economic circumstances over the last five years of how Tesco, Sainsbury and Morrisons have coped
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the second quarter of 2008 a global recession also known as the late 2000s recession or the credit crunch affected every business sector leaving many in a severe financial crisis.... This financial crisis affected the overall buying behavior of customers, as the buying behavior.... ... ... The 2008 economic crunch was caused by a shortage of finance which made buyers to go slow on purchasing goods as they feared the economic slump which could render them bankrupt if they did not economize Falling house prices which were caused by shortage of mortgages made the economy to worsen and investor fell short of repaying their loans....
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Ralph Vaughan Williams and His Operas
11 pages (2733 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
This coursework "Ralph Vaughan Williams and His Operas" focuses on the fact that Vaughan Williams received an unjustifiably low degree of attention and appreciation.... He is one of the seminal figures in the development of British music and in the history of musical nationalism.... .... ... ... Vaughan Williams was a man who was often ignored and misrepresented....
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Gulf Cooperation Council's Foreign Policy
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Given the intense and highly volatile global political environment due to power struggles, especially in the Arab world, establishment of good foreign relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council is in the national interest of the international community.... National states have.... ... ... r own strategic interests, which they strive to achieve regardless of the global constrains, thus, the GCC serves to further the interests of its member states in the region....
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Travel Information in Tourism Industry
8 pages (2652 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
This term paper "Travel Information in Tourism Industry" seeks to explore the nature of travel advice given.... There is a clear dichotomy on partial and impartial travel advice which is vital for every tourist.... The objective of this paper is to show the impact of partial and impartial advice on traveling....
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Establishing Money Exchange and Transfer Business
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 9 , Research Proposal
The feasibility study would be having three major parts; firstly, market analysis, which would be including the study of the money transfer and exchange industry in UAE.... Secondly, the operational plan.... Lastly, the financial plan would be focusing on the start-up cost summary.... ... ... ... Dubai, UAE is regarded as multicultural city because 90 percent of the population of Dubai comprises of emigrants or citizen from other countries....
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Creating a Daycare Facility in Campus
10 pages (2618 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Creating a Daycare Facility in Campus" discusses that setting up an on-campus childcare facility is one of the many ways of showing the faculty, staff and student parents that their presence and wellbeing in the University is valued by affording them with an excellent provision.... ... ...
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The Council of Chalcedon: A Historical and Doctrinal Survey
10 pages (2628 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "The Council of Chalcedon: A Historical and Doctrinal Survey" presents the Third grand council known as the Ecumenical council that was held, in such councils all the theological experts and religious scholars gather together to decide about the teachings of Christianity.... ... ... ... It is said that since there is no two natures then one other nature in the form of a person of Holy Trinity will have to sacrifice his life to reach salvation....
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Guantanamo Bay and Due Process
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The author of the paper discusses the ethical dilemma of enemy combatants.... The author examines the cases of the individuals at Guantanamo Bay which are considered enemy combatants, are not entitled to the same rights as others would be if they were tried in the United States.... ... ... Therefore, Kant would not agree with the idea that the combatants are being locked up, whether or not they are guilty, because it keeps society safe....
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Ethnography of a religious event
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Religion is one of the main tenants of any society.... For as long as mankind has been around, people have desired to believe in something beyond the temporal.... While humans have evolved in their thinking through the centuries, religious faith has remained.... People worship together and privately....
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How to Motivate Employees in the Chicago Police Department
11 pages (2953 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
"How to Motivate Employees in the Chicago Police Department" paper states that successful police agencies implement the programs of accountability to ensure that the goals of all police officers are the same and that all are making the necessary efforts during their shifts that they ought to make....
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Work With Immigrants and Refugees
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay will critically examine and present the proposition that refugees are being forced into illegal migration by the increasingly restrictive policies of receiving states.... The researcher will use data from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.... ... ... ... This research will begin with the statement that the article 13-2 of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights talks about the rights that every human has....
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The Role Of BBC In Media Sphere
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The paper "The Role Of BBC In Media Sphere" discusses the great success achieved by the BBC company in the many years of service and the company's strong business value and ethic system.... It also addresses the problems facing the organization and how the organization solved those problems.... ... ...
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Appropriate Leader for Arabic People
11 pages (3018 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The paper "Appropriate Leader for Arabic People" presents that when people cannot be patient with injustice which is from the unjust governments, they will shout and ask for their rights.... People who feel injustice can do the change in their communities.... ... ... ... To sum up, it is the belief of this author that the Arabic people should continue their revolutions and work to change their governments' system....
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An Introduction to Biblical Criticisms and Their Applications
12 pages (3411 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "An Introduction to Biblical Criticisms and Their Applications" presents the Parable of Watchful Servant that resonate relation with God as His children hoping for salvation and enjoyment of His Kingdom in exchange for unquestioning devotion as instruments of goodness.... ... ...
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Creation of League of Nations
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Creation of League of Nations" deals with the role of the USA in the formation of the League of Nations.... It also studies the reason for the USA not joining the League of the nation and lastly it deals in whether the decision of not joining was correct or not.... ... ... ... The need of an international organization to maintain world peace and settle disputes by arbitration was felt by several world leaders such as Woodrow Wilson and Jan Smuts during the World War I....
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Small business management
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This study seeks to establish, delve into, and analyze the primal indicators that govern employee motivation in Ainu Shasmi Hauliers Limited (ASH ltd).... Through the course of the research project's undulation, the topical issue and organization of interest are justified, the.... ... ... The study consequently reviews the relevant literature as pertains this domain and covers the information collection and sampling cues employed....
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Economic Report: The Scottish Housing Market
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
This report will first provide an analysis of the economic framework of the Scottish housing market over the last 10 years.... The analysis has been provided using economic tools of supply and demand which explain the reasons behind the volatile nature of the housing market.... .... ... ... It also explains how this volatility is detrimental both in terms of efficiency and distribution....
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Is It an Extension of Natural Right
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The research paper 'Is It an Extension of Natural Right?... looks at natural right as the universal rights of man that are also considered unalienable since they are not conferred by the man they are the natural consequence of being part of humanity.... ... ... ... The author states that Human Rights focus on the quality that restores the dignity of man in relation to the natural laws....
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The Law of Defamation, The Rule in Rylands v Fletcher and Nuisance
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The paper "The Law of Defamation, The Rule in Rylands v Fletcher and Nuisance" states that the law of nuisance and the rule in Rylands v Fletcher both function separate and apart from the general law of negligence.... Negligence is not necessary to prove nuisance under the rule in Rylands v Fletcher....
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Human Resource Development Plan For a Nursery in the UK
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
This research will begin with the statement that education is the base of all human development, and this fact is nevertheless very true and cannot be denied.... Someone has very wisely remarked that 'Education is what you remember when all that you have learned is forgotten'.... ... ... ... According to the research findings, it is usually entrusted to someone in the Administration Department of the school, and that person reports to and is usually directed by the head of the school regarding staff requirements and school objectives....
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Distrust Towards the West in the Middle East
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This paper begins with the statement that almost the whole of the world is dependent on the oil reserves of the Middle East.... The oil prices and the economy depend upon the changes in the Middle Eastern political scenario that have a direct impact on the global economy.... ... ... ... The present research has identified that there are various religious and ethnic groups present in the Middle East; the majority of the population is Muslim, however, there are marked differences between different factions and sects due to their racial background, tribal divides and minor differences in religious beliefs....
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