Since the purpose of mediating is to effectively manage the dispute, I attempted to transform the conflict into a compromise by using my interpersonal skill in negotiation. At this point, negotiation was serving as a unique type of communication where both parties can join a reasoned discussion that could result into a shared understanding of the issue that can be agreed upon by both members at a soonest time (Spangle & Isenhart 2003, p.3). Remaining neutral, using appropriate tones in my statements, and with clear view of the issues involved during the mediation, I managed to persuade both members to weight the benefits of their proposed actions and move towards a win-win solution.
Finally, both members agreed to give both proposals a try and if one fails, the other would be accepted as the official activity. 3. Evaluating and Improving mediation and negotiation skills The use of mediation and negotiation skills in this type of conflict proves effective considering that tensions were reduced and both parties eventually reached an agreement. Using interpersonal skills like active and reflective listening while mediating and negotiating seems to work fine as both parties immediately developed trust and willingly express themselves in detail.
According to Greene & Burleson (2003, p.823), effective conflict management is giving more value on interpersonal skills such as effective listening and providing encouraging statements because they can build trust. Moreover, the tone in interpersonal communication is very important (Ellis 2003, p.58) because using appropriate tone or avoiding parental or authoritative tone while expressing some thoughts can lead to more trust. Careful listening and asking the right questions enables deeper understanding of the issues and identification of the real concern behind the argument (Ellis 2003, p.59). The trust that have been given by the two arguing members, active listening, and appropriate tone of voice on my part help conflict settlement prosper and gain momentum to a negotiated solution.
In general, as evidenced by the outcome of the mediation and negotiation, the interpersonal skills used were effective. However, this evaluation is based on the voluntary cooperation and willingness of both parties to settle the dispute and it may not be applicable in certain cases where opposite and difficult behaviour is involved. For instance, what will happen when one party does not trust enough regardless of neutrality because he has a deeper agenda than he had expressed? -active listening and appropriate tone of voice will probably yield no positive effect.
In reality, people argue because they have different values and idea thus the success of mediation and negotiation in an informal dispute resolution largely depends on reasonableness of the solution and consensus (Garth & Sarat 1998, p.25). An informal dispute resolution therefore may restrain extreme positions of one or both parties involved due to the logic of reasonableness and harmony. According to Irving & Benjamin (2002, p.84), some people may be unwilling to discuss a particular issue, challenge the authority of the mediator, firm, and at times aggressive.
When this scenario occurs, any attempt to negotiate using only such interpersonal skills will probably fail as the real motivations of a party in dispute are not made known and even insist on their grounds indefinitely regardless of trust, neutrality, active listening, and well-toned mediating statements. At this point, it may be best to include listening to nonverbal responses such as pitch, rate, timbre and subtle variations of the tone of voice of each party (Hargie et al. 1994, p. 215). This is because nonverbal responses are good indicators of willingness, interest, enthusiasm, sympathy, and active listening.
For instance, smiles can indicate the willingness to listen while direct eye contact with the speaker is a sign of interest or enthusiasm on the subject being discussed by the speaker.
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