CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF Concerted Practice and Article 101 of the TFEU
These are laws are, supported by Articles 101 and 102 of the “tfeu” (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (tfeu) 1990) that are, previously the Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty of the EC.... This research is to discuss the statement, explaining how far the researcher of this paper agrees that it is an accurate reflection of the purpose and application of article 102.... The research presents three key necessities which must be fulfilled in order for the article 102 prohibition to be valid....
11 Pages
(2750 words)
Taking into consideration the ethical practices and the requirement of equal treatment of employees, the general guidelines of non-discrimination was implemented through the EU legislative emphasising on gender discrimination concerning the equal pay policies for both men and women under the Article 157 of the tfeu which was formerly attributed as Article 119 of the European Commission (EC).... Firstly, the economic objectives of EU commission is to create a common employment market with the help of equal treatment of the workers which are required to prohibit discrimination on the basis of nationality under the Article 45 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (tfeu)....
10 Pages
(2500 words)
It also explains article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union briefly.... Two cases that relate to article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union have been selected for comparison in this paper.... According to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union there are two central rules which are the foundation of the European antitrust policy: First, the article 101 of the Treaty prohibits any agreement between two or more independent companies which restricts competition....
10 Pages
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ECJ held that article 157 TEFU providing for equal pay for men and women was directly effective provision of the Treaty enabling private citizens to sue their Governments or their agencies in the national courts of their state for remedy against sex discrimination (Tovey, 2010-2011).... In Defrenne, it was made clear that the principle of equal for equal work would not only be binding on the member state but also private employers as guided by article 119 of EC later Art 141) which sets out criteria to identify direct and overt discrimination (Defrenne v Sabena , 1976)....
8 Pages
(2000 words)
article 101 and 102 were regulated as a means of achieving this goal.... It will review article 101 and 102 TFEU on IPRs after indicating detailed information about the tension between the two disciplines as well as their objectives and policies7.... That informs the reason for creating article 101 and 102, the Merger Regulation, and State Aid rules.... Besides, The Court of Justice has routinely reaffirmed that the implementation of IPRs, in principle, must correspond to the rules of competition (article 101 and 102), as well as the rules of free movement of goods referred to in Article 34-3710....
25 Pages
(6250 words)
"European Law: What Is the Purpose of article 101(3) TFEU" paper describes the general principles of application of the four conditions of article 101.... Especially the provisions of article 101 (3) which have even made the companies speculate with respect to the New EU Insurance Block Exemption Regulation.... One of the key provisions of TEFU is encompassed in article 101 which was ex Article 81 of the European community....
7 Pages
(1750 words)
This paper "The Modernization of article 101 and 102 TFEU" focuses on the fact that the EU's modernization of Articles TFEU and merger policy over the last decade is designed to provide for efficient economics, protection of the consumers' welfare and to foster a competitive environment.... article 101(1) applies to both horizontal and vertical arrangements.... The Modernization regulation abrogated the centralized method for effecting exemptions on an individual basis relative to the enforcement provisions contained in article 101 (3) of TFEU and simultaneously decentralized Articles 101 and 102's enforcement regime by conferring upon national courts and their corresponding competition authorities in collaboration with the European Commission the authority interpret and apply the provisions....
16 Pages
(4000 words)
Any agreements or decisions prohibited pursuant to this Article shall be automatically void (article 101(2) TFEU).... Direct challenges would entail either an action for annulment (as provided in Article 263 tfeu) or action for the inaction of the regulation (Article 265 tfeu).... Indirect challenges would entail either a plea of illegality (Article 277 tfeu) or references on the validity of the regulation (Article 267 tfeu)....
9 Pages
(2250 words)