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The Apple Company Hi-Tech Product
12 pages (3307 words) , Download 0 , Report
From this paper, it is clear that the iPhone 4S is one of the most complicated, demanding, and effective Apple products.... The iPhone 4S has as well dominated both local and international markets.... Since its inauguration, the iPhone 4S has significantly improved the image and reputation of Apple Inc....
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Medical Group Analysis
7 pages (1963 words) , Download 2 , Report
A fine example is the effort of nuns and other clergy during the middle ages, which essentially performed the duties of modern nurses.... According to" Quality in Health Care 2000", a conclusion was made that combining prescription feedback of individual treatments with quality criteria of prescriptions based on guideline recommendations in peer review groups of doctors improved the quality of care of patients with asthma and urinary tract infection....
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Case Note Nicklinson Versus Ministry of Justice
6 pages (1970 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, Lord Kerr stood with the view that although a judicial system possesses a role of scrutiny of legislative justification, it varies in intensity (Elliot, 2014).... This report "Case Note Nicklinson Versus Ministry of Justice" focuses on Nicklinson's case that presents a significant division within the Supreme Court that relate to judicial review regarding cases that possess sensitive ethical or moral considerations.... n conclusion, Nicklinson's case presents a significant division within the Supreme Court that relate to judicial review regarding cases that possess sensitive ethical or moral considerations....
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NRA and AARP Policies in the State of Florida
9 pages (2365 words) , Download 1 , Report
ake the example of Mega churches that set an exemplary case of the member decided methodology.... This report "NRA and AARP Policies in the State of Florida" discusses effective instruments to create a powerful platform to change the system.... In recent years, both the giants, NRA and AARP come across with regard to the policies that deal with gun control and national health care....
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Critical Reflection
8 pages (2299 words) , Download 4 , Report
For example, I knew I needed to learn more about how to translate the English medical terms into the Portuguese language in order to communicate effectively with patients and to ensure my therapeutic efficacy as a physiotherapist.... Reflection and reflective practice in health professions education: a systematic review....
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History and Political Science Congressional Elections
8 pages (2244 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example in the elections of 1988s, one-fifth members of the House were ensured that they would emerge as successful and victorious for they faced no threat of competition by a major force (Hertzke and Peters 1992, 145)....  American Political Science review 100....
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Adult Learning and Feminism
6 pages (1855 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, the financial support will relieve men, the financial burdens, which they face during the time of vocation training.... Psychosocial Development of Women: A Critical review of the Literature.... This report "Adult Learning and Feminism" discusses the need of embracing adult education across various parts of the world....
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The Case of Carter Versus Canada
8 pages (2148 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "The Case of Carter Versus Canada" focuses on the case that is an example of a judicial review, mainly because it is able to strike down a law or policy that is initiated by the legislature.... n conclusion, this case is an example of a judicial review, mainly because it is able to strike down a law or policy that is initiated by the legislature....
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Rio Tinto Indigenous Employment Program in Australia
9 pages (2158 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example scientists who are trained through the cooperation with the museum are bound to have an understanding of the operations of Rio Tinto.... Academy of Management review 26, no 1 (2001), 22-56. ... This report "Rio Tinto Indigenous Employment Program in Australia" discusses a good policy that helps to measure the success of long-term employment programs....
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Investigation of Construction Materials
6 pages (1711 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, the modern glass has proved to be safer, stronger, and more energy-efficient than it used to be in the past.... ) states in his book that “ In the UK ,timber and timber products are consumed by a large range of industries, but the bulk of the materials continues to be used in construction ,either structurally, such as roof trusses or floor joists (about 43% of total consumption),or non structurally, such as doors and window frames, skirting boards and external cladding(about 9% of total consumption)”....
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Is Ageing Inevitably Associated with Disease
6 pages (1749 words) , Download 1 , Report
The everything menopause book: reassuring advice and the latest information to keep you healthy and sane.... The paper "Is Ageing Inevitably Associated with Disease?... discusses the case of ageing, which is or not inevitably associated with the disease, including the use of in-depth examples of Alzheimer, Osteoarthritis and many other diseases, to discuss theories of ageing and how it impacts on health....
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Mosques as an Integral Part of the Islamic Religion
5 pages (1413 words) , Download 1 , Report
The main items inside the mosque inside prayer mats and the Holy book, Quran.... Mosques are an integral part of the Islamic religion.... They serve a similar purpose of temples.... Muslims gather inside the mosque usually five times a day to offer their prayers.... In Islamic states, a call for prayer is made through the mosque before the actual prayer is conducted....
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Vagina Monologues
5 pages (1499 words) , Download 0 , Report
Valenti (2007), in her book about why feminism matters to young women, discusses the beautification of the vagina through the removal of hair.... The paper "Vagina Monologues" tells us about compilation of a series of stories about women and their relationship with their genitals....
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UK Energy Sector
16 pages (5551 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "UK Energy Sector" is a great example of a report on management.... The paper "UK Energy Sector" is a great example of a report on management.... This part of the report will analyze the energy sector in the UK and will also highlight the competitive advantages of the industry using important theoretical frameworks and models....
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Effects of the Politicization of Culture Contributes to the Chinese Communist Parties Consolidation
5 pages (1549 words) , Download 0 , Report
For the politicised population Mao was the Chinese Communist Party as well as being their leader whose thoughts and guidance were always available within his little red book.... This report "Effects of the Politicization of Culture Contributes to the Chinese Communist Parties Consolidation" discusses the ways in which the politicization of Chinese culture contributed to the Chinese Communist Party's consolidating its political position between the 1940s and the mid-1970s....
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Development Area Sierra Yoyo Desan Road
6 pages (1722 words) , Download 0 , Report
International book on public-private partnership.... This report "Development Area Sierra Yoyo Desan Road" presents Sierra Yoyo Desan Road (SYD) which is located east and north of Fort Nelson, and from the Alaska Highway, it is about 15 km through the Clarke Lake Road.... The road extends to about 173 km to the South Helmet airstrip....
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Trade and Exchange as External Stimuli to Changes in England
5 pages (1434 words) , Download 0 , Report
According to Cantor in his book “In the Wake of the Plague,” during the time when Black Death attacked Europe, the English textile industry had evolved in such that it was estimated to comprise 10% of the English wool production (2001, p.... This report "Trade and Exchange as External Stimuli to Changes in England" presents trade and exchange that represent "the most important external stimuli to change....
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Comparative Nutrition and Digestion
5 pages (1545 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Comparative Nutrition and Digestion" is a wonderful example of a report on health sciences and medicine.... The paper "Comparative Nutrition and Digestion" is a wonderful example of a report on health sciences and medicine.... The Natural Remedy book For Dogs And Cats....
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Green Roofs vs Conventional Roofs
5 pages (1352 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, the service life of the built-up roofs is generally between 15 and 25 years.... For example, service life of the built-up roofs is generally between 15 and 25 years (gogreenconstructionnow.... This report "Green Roofs vs Conventional Roofs" discusses conventional roofs as compared to green roofs....
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Role of Social Construction in the Making of Organisational Vision
7 pages (1955 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Role of Social Construction in the Making of Organisational Vision" is a wonderful example of a report on social science.... The paper "Role of Social Construction in the Making of Organisational Vision" is a wonderful example of a report on social science.... A good example is establishing positive relationships among customers, marketers, distributors, suppliers, and employees of a company.... A review of leadership theory and competency frameworks....
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Issues and Pointers in Nuclear Energy Usage
9 pages (2370 words) , Download 1 , Report
An example is the case of Japan which lost millions of dollars in shut-down operations due to the scare of the Fukushima plant exploding.... Hence, there is the need for a critical review of the use of nuclear power for energy.... The paper "Issues and Pointers in Nuclear Energy Usage" highlights that the liberal/mixed approach is best....
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Implementation of Workplace Initiatives in Order to Overcome Conflicts Within the Organization
5 pages (1266 words) , Download 0 , Report
example: Susan/ Organization Poor feedback, no response from the secretaries ... For example, one of the employees has mentioned the interpersonal conflict between employees that went unresolved and hence, it created a room for future conflicts in the same domain....
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Primary Prevention of Overweight and Obesity
11 pages (2659 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Primary Prevention of Overweight and Obesity" states that the cost of implementing ideas is cheap; and will use around $500,000.... This includes sponsoring the social media page, advertisements on other forms of media, and medical camps to educate the public.... ... ... ... Evaluation of the effectiveness of measures taken by the society will depend on the number of people following the social media pages and those that attest they have lost weight and adopted healthy living....
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The comparing two Different Paintings Created by Giovanni Baldini and Gustave Courbet
5 pages (1491 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''The comparing two Different Paintings Created by Giovanni Baldini and Gustave Courbet'' compares two different paintings created by Giovanni Boldini and Gustave Courbet.... The report concentrates on exploring the pieces and the artists to discover how the subjects of each work are differentiated from each other....
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Suppliers in Google+ and Potential Entrants
4 pages (1225 words) , Download 0 , Report
The Limits of the Learning Curve, Harvard Business review, 1974, p.... The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy, Harvard business review, 2008.... This report "Suppliers in Google+ and Potential Entrants" discusses the entry of new firms into the industry of social networking influences the profitability power of the existing firms as they have to struggle to ensure that it does not affect their business....
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Sustainable Technology
16 pages (4364 words) , Download 2 , Report
This is followed by the design development and review, pre-handover, the initial, and the extended aftercare.... esign Development And review; ... he review of designs is done to enquire on the past history and experiences of the client to ensure that he or she is satisfied with the final design.... This is followed by more training on the occupants, as well as the review of the O & M manuals.... his involves the review of the meetings that will deal with the aftercare of the project once it is completed (Calkins, 2008)....
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The Glass Ceiling: Are Women Treated Differently
15 pages (4033 words) , Download 1 , Report
This means that a female employee might be promoted to a certain level, for example become a supervisor; however, he will never reach a higher level of responsibility, such as being a manager.... This paper 'The Glass Ceiling: Are Women Treated Differently?... proves that the concept of the glass ceiling is a negative element of the contemporary corporate life....
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Exploration of Adolescent Developmental Theories
17 pages (4574 words) , Download 1 , Report
Other researchers will assert, for example the transitions of youth during our modern era are by no means linear, nor are they limited to predictable patterns.... This report "Exploration of Adolescent Developmental Theories" discusses the transition to adulthood characterized as delayed or extended in our contemporary era....
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The Relationship Between Education and Sustainability
16 pages (4219 words) , Download 1 , Report
This, for example, means that while teaching economics, students must be taught on the laws of ecology.... For communities and individuals to understand the need for healthy living, for example, they must have basic education which will enable them to understand basic health concepts.... Bees, for example, are important in ensuring that there is enough food to sustain the world....
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Measurement as an Important Part of the Modern Aspects of Science
15 pages (4109 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, Piezometer can only measure gauge pressure making it unsuitable for measuring the negative pressure.... The paper "Measurement as an Important Part of the Modern Aspects of Science" describes that the method seems to require steady-state discharge and a high level of record keeping....
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Gender Discrimination in the United States
5 pages (1479 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Gender Discrimination in the United States" analyzes that besides racism and class differences, gender discrimination is the other prevalent social injustices in the United States.... Gender inequalities have been evidenced in almost all production sectors besides the service provision ones....
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Microwaves, the Electromagnetic Spectrum
7 pages (2106 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper "Microwaves, the Electromagnetic Spectrum" describes the work of the microwave, its parts and gives the physical explanation of how microwaves heat our food.... Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from about one meter to one millimeter.... ... ... ...
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Business Administration: Personal Work Priorities
11 pages (3021 words) , Download 0 , Report
Business Administration: Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development PART A – review TERMINOLOGY a.... Similarly, she referred to the text book last hours and identified that it was difficult to understand.... The paper "Business Administration: Personal Work Priorities" discusses that Donna is struggling with a number of time management issues such as scheduling, planning, and organizing....
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Experimenting with New Ideas and Business Opportunities
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 1 , Report
his example highlights some of the strengths that I have.... For example, I plan to mould the plastics and create grains from it.... The game provided me an example to use different sources of financing and has helped me to look towards using similar ways of finance my business....
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Complex Social Work Practice - Child Protection and Families in Australia
12 pages (3402 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, it assumes that every social worker will think rationally, which is not always the case.... This report " Complex Social Work Practice - Child Protection and Families in Australia " discusses the complexity of working with child protection and families in Australia and the policies that the government and the sector should put in place and the role of a social worker....
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Learning to Play Chess
12 pages (3191 words) , Download 0 , Report
They must know that, for example, a pawn can only move forward, if the pawn has not yet moved it can move forward two squares otherwise it can only move one square, that it can move diagonally to capture a piece in the adjacent square and that on reaching the other end of the chess board it can be promoted.... For example, a chess player must essentially know what not to do such as sacrificing the queen to defend a pawn which is eventually unlikely to be promoted or to deliver the checkmate or leaving the king exposed in the middle of the board when playing against an aggressive player when castling is an available option....
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Identity in the Age of the Internet
8 pages (2122 words) , Download 0 , Report
The identity can be static or change depending on its nature for example gender or ethnicity are static, while class and status keep changing according to changes in the environment one is in.... The identify can be static or change depending its nature for example gender or ethnic are static, while class and status keeps changing according to changes in the environment one is in.... For example, teachers' identity in school is very different at home since he/she needs to convey certain identity to his student and a different one to his family and friends....
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The Human Resource Practices at DynCorp International
7 pages (1987 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper ''The Human Resource Practices at DynCorp International'' is a great example of Management report.... The paper ''The Human Resource Practices at DynCorp International'' is a great example of Management report.... D&B Reference book of Corporate Managements....
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Predictive Policing
5 pages (1416 words) , Download 2 , Report
This paper ''Predictive Policing'' tells that it is an innovative concept applied by police departments to take proactive measures to prevent future crimes by applying advanced technological tools and data analysis techniques.... Historical crime data are analyzed using advanced technologies to identify 'hotspots'....
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Strategies for Reducing Exposure to Radiation
7 pages (1919 words) , Download 0 , Report
The source images will be noisy; but the thick images used for review will not.... The source images with higher spatial resolution will be available if required to interpret an unresolved finding on the thick review images and as source images for 2D and 3D reformats.... But as I learnt, this “acquire thin and review thick” approach is not only efficient in terms of radiation dose but also improves workflow because fewer images need to be reviewed. ...
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Stress as Faced by the Police
6 pages (1573 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Stress – as Faced by the Police" discusses education and training for successful litigation defense.... Police department members should know how to deal with such kind of acts.... The officers should know to handle sensitive issues so that victim is not hurt during interrogation....
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Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 6 , Report
The kNN: k-nearest neighbor classification This algorithm is works by memorizing the entire training data and performing classification on conditions that the attributes of the test object matches either of the training samples accurately.... This report "Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques" discusses data mining clustering analysis as has been done above finds data object clusters that are identical in a way or another based on their features and possibility to be integrated to achieve a single outcome or result....
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Alexander the Great: Conquest of Persia
8 pages (2029 words) , Download 0 , Report
Along with the army there were also a team of geographers, botanists and other individuals related to the field of science who actually were collecting samples, information and specimens for Aristotle5.... This report "Alexander the Great: Conquest of Persia" discusses the conquest of Alexander the great for the Persian Empire....
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Statutory Interpretation
9 pages (2334 words) , Download 3 , Report
Due to a technical error, the email was sent to his entire email address book.... He intended to send emails to a few of his friends to invite them to his birthday, but unfortunately a technical error occurred and the email was sent to his entire email address book....
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Child Fire Safety Awareness
10 pages (2816 words) , Download 0 , Report
The budget is also guided by the annual Comprehensive Spending review and RSG Meeting and thus provides the most appropriate estimate for every project included therein.... This report "Child Fire Safety Awareness" presents the Child fire safety awareness project that is an important strategy in the Cambridgeshire fire and rescue service because not only will it instill fire safety tips to the children alone but also to the general community....
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Salient Pole Synchronous Generator
14 pages (3845 words) , Download 0 , Report
iterature review/Background Research.... This work called "Salient Pole Synchronous Generator" describes what students learned in various meetings that they had to study on how the Salient pole synchronous generator works.... The author outlines the different components of the Salient pole synchronous generator and how they work....
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Digital Marketing Plan for Bagel Nash LTD
13 pages (3701 words) , Download 0 , Report
These actions may include viewing online menus, virtual tour, or writing the website's review. ... The paper "Digital Marketing Plan for Bagel Nash LTD" major in providing a digital marketing plan for Bagel Nash Limited.... It discusses the implementation of sound marketing strategies....
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Business Strategy of Apple
11 pages (4543 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Business Strategy of Apple' is a cogent example of a management report.... The paper 'Business Strategy of Apple' is a cogent example of a management report.... For example, one of Apple's most important service is iTunes music stores and cloud storage, however there are emerging methods of accessing music such a peer to peer sharing and this could render iTunes redundant.... For example when Apple launched the smart phone, traditional cell phone companies such as Nokia and Samsung were forced to follow suit since they risked being rendered irrelevant by the disruptive technology....
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Health Law and Policy
7 pages (1952 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Health Law and Policy" discusses the relationship between the law and medicine in light of the case that has been provided.... When a patient is brought under the care of a healthcare practitioner, there are legal and ethical principles that define and qualify the physician's care.... ...
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Quistclose Trust and the Requirements for Its Creation
7 pages (2259 words) , Download 1 , Report
urns, F R 1992 “The Quistclose Trust: Intention and the Express Private Trust,” Monash University Law review, vol.... “A review of Current Trust Law Issues”.... ?? The Sydney Law review, vol.... This report "Quistclose Trust and the Requirements for Its Creation" focuses on means by which a lender of money can retain a 'security interest' in loan money only for specified purposes....
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