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Information System Analysis on Footwear Vendor
17 pages (5017 words) , Download 2 , Report
Therefore, design and analysis of WBISs require a distinct strategy from those websites that give information on the request of the users, for example, websites for advertisements, directory and catalog (Bouchoux, 2009), p.... There are also methods of designing websites, for example, OOHDM.... The website should also protect the users from making purchases that are not intentional, for example, error in typing, which can be done by introducing warning boxes....
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Pastoralism: the Zulu Kingdom
5 pages (1302 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, Mongols, who were horse herders, were given great tribute for centuries after winning such battles.... This "Pastoralism: the Zulu Kingdom" sheds some light on the Zulu community that practiced pastoralism as the major source of income.... The community mainly depended on their animals that were supplemented with the food grown by their women....
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Managing Across Cultures
9 pages (2614 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Managing Across Cultures" is a good example of a report on management.... The paper "Managing Across Cultures" is a good example of a report on management.... For example, my team in Palestine and Jordan are very good at marketing strategy, and the other teams are very good at other operations such as sales and distribution.... From the literature review on working with global teams, I have learnt that leadership styles such as transformational, charismatic and inspirational leadership are important in managing virtual employees (Bartel-Radic 2006)....
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The Consumer Buying Behaviour
6 pages (1820 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, a customer wants to upgrade his/her lifestyle by purchasing a car.... For example, my friend is a constant supporter of environment awareness and pollution reduction campaigns and I observed that he would opt for similar cars such as Ford Eco Sport, which are known to emit minimum pollution and other emissions....
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High-Fidelity Prototyping, Evaluation, and Client Analysis MaxiMart Shopping Mall
15 pages (4099 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "High-Fidelity Prototyping, Evaluation, and Client Analysis MaxiMart Shopping Mall" is a good example of a report on marketing.... The paper "High-Fidelity Prototyping, Evaluation, and Client Analysis MaxiMart Shopping Mall" is a good example of a report on marketing....
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PRINCE2 Project Management Methodology
10 pages (2857 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'PRINCE2 Project Management Methodology' is an actual example of a report on management.... The paper 'PRINCE2 Project Management Methodology' is an actual example of a report on management.... n consideration of an Engineering Project Management, The Walsham hotel case is typical example for analysis....
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Internet Security Management at CPCNet
5 pages (1419 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, I could find that the firm had spent huge sums of money to implement costly solutions that were put to use in its daily operations.... The paper "Internet Security Management at CPCNet" describes that some of the future thrusts of the company would be to enhance its customer satisfaction to new levels....
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The Relationship Betwixt Capacity of Gas and the Temperature
5 pages (1713 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, a change in temperature may result to changes in either its volume or pressure or both.... The paper "The Relationship Betwixt Capacity of Gas and the Temperature" presents an experimental analysis of the relationship between temperature, pressure, and volume of ideal gases usually known as Gas laws....
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The Role of Economic Models
5 pages (1446 words) , Download 0 , Report
If for example an investor faces a choice of investment in stocks generating a return of 6% per annum and a choice to earn on treasury for the same rate of 6%, the would investor would normally choose the treasury sold by the US Federal Reserve.... The purpose of this report "The Role of Economic Models" is to help the reader to realize and explain the economics that exists all around us....
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The Organized Crime
5 pages (1672 words) , Download 0 , Report
This example demonstrates the seriousness of UK authorities in battling organized crime.... This paper ''The Organized Crime '' tells that there is no specific definition of organized crime, it entails a crime committed by a group of three individuals.... The lack of a specific definition for organized crime makes it hard to estimate the scale of organized crime....
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Defining Positive Illusions
6 pages (2011 words) , Download 0 , Report
Research studies have shown that men who are HIV seropositive and have positive illusions of their capabilities to control their health situation do not develop symptoms early, do not face a faster course of sickness and experiences other positive cognitive outcomes, for example, acceptance of a loss (Bower et al.... Even when there is a change in self-perception caused for example by failing an exam, which is generally temporary, individuals move back to their original state....
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The Spread of Loneliness in Social Network
6 pages (1759 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, a man who leaves friends, family, and travel to a different location feel an increase in social isolation when he arrives in the next destination.... For example, people may use vocalization, facial expressions, postures and other body movements' leads to convergence of the emotions.... For example, those students arriving at college are elevated because their normal ties with their friends and families are broken....
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Arts and Cultural Event Management
10 pages (3060 words) , Download 1 , Report
Also in most international events, same to national, alcohol companies like Guinness have greatly sponsored, for example in most recently the just concluded Olympics in London.... A good example can be traced from SA whose Aardklop Festival commonly known has now been taken over by a Guinness company.... For example, in US there is a latest national campaign called Time to End Alcohol Marketing in Sports (TEAMS) was initiated to minimize the promotion of alcohol usage among the young Americans by barring alcohol marketing in sports and festivals....
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Factors Affecting Marine Dolphin Population
5 pages (1491 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, the bottlenose dolphin replaces its outermost skin layer after every two hours.... For example, the bottlenose dolphin replaces its outermost skin layer after every two hours.... From the paper "Factors Affecting Marine Dolphin Population" it is clear that the dolphin's skin is thick, hairless and lacks glands....
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Change Throughout the New Zealand Defense Force
11 pages (3022 words) , Download 1 , Report
?? California Management review 9, no.... New Zealand International review 33, no.... ?? New Zealand International review 34, no.... New Zealand International review 36, no.... ?? New Zealand International review 35, no.... Policy and Management review 2, no.... New Zealand International review 33, no....
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Compare and Contrast three Separate and Distinct Linux Vendors of Workstation and Server
15 pages (4159 words) , Download 2 , Report
This report ''Compare and Contrast three Separate and Distinct Linux Vendors of Workstation and Server'' shows that the above analysis for each of the vendors of Linux depicts the reason for which many organizations are changing their preferences from the Microsoft workstations and servers.... .... ...
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The Link between Globalization and the Environment
12 pages (3381 words) , Download 0 , Report
American Economic review 91 (4):877-908.... This report "The Link between Globalization and the Environment" presents global governance that appears as central to the management of the relationship between environment and globalization.... The environmental and globalization processes are interrelated and broad....
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Importance of Fuel Economy
6 pages (1737 words) , Download 0 , Report
Fuel economy can be defined as the necessary quantity of fuel that can make a machinery for example automobile engine achieve a certain distance.... One example is the continuously improving demand for hybrid cars on the basis of more fuel efficiency and less fuel related expenses aside from the fact that it can be considered for positive environmental effects (Ensing and Cagle, 2004). ... The present economic issues and problems can be considered to be largely based on the increasing demand for fuel to supply the international community in addition to the fact that the scare sources are being controlled by countries and groups situated near the oil sources, for example in the Middle East....
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Realism, Structuralism, and Regional Organisations: From Trade Agreement to Political Union
6 pages (1641 words) , Download 0 , Report
Using the US-China example, it is worth noting that the United States may be stronger than China politically, militarily, socially and even economically.... While China's admission to the WTO was strategically important to the US for example, the latter could not secure the former's admission without supporting votes from other countries.... For example, regional organisations such as NAFTA and the EU are a reflection of both the realism and structuralism concepts, while larger world organisations such as the United Nations and the WTO are a reflection of the realism concept....
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Opium, Heroin, Marijuana, Hashish Drugs
7 pages (1794 words) , Download 1 , Report
eroin can be smuggled through post, for example there is a famous story: a drug gang posted 70 Jiffy envelopes from Lima, Peru to the UK.... ports equipments can be used for the smuggling of heroin for example there is a famous story: a man was arrested for trying to smuggle cannabis and steroids to his brother in prison by lobbing tennis balls over the prison wall.... If we see example of Toys then it was not easy to catch that type of smuggling....
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Experiential Investigation about the Social Exchange Theory
6 pages (1706 words) , Download 0 , Report
urthermore, the above 7-11 store scene is a very good example of the social_exchange theory.... This report "Experiential Investigation about the Social Exchange Theory" delves into the social_exchange concept.... The report focuses on the importance of the concept's compliance with society....
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Analysis of Communication Techniques
4 pages (1187 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Analysis of Communication Techniques" presets Oliver's TED Prize wish: Teach every child about food.... In this video, Jamie Oliver brings to light stories from his anti-obesity project in Huntington.... He makes the perfect case for American and Britishers' all out ignorance on food....
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Abstract Finding with Eriksons Psychosocial Doxy
7 pages (2410 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Abstract Finding with Erikson's Psychosocial Doxy" presents that the psychosocial crisis in accordance with the theory will be concerned with the young adults, adulthood and respondents considered to be of old age in their development but within the realm of Erickson's theory.... ... ... ...
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The Growing Influence of the Asia Pacific in the Global Economy
13 pages (4035 words) , Download 0 , Report
Singapore itself, for example, is only about the size Chicago, encompassing just under 225 square miles of habitable land.... As an example, Singapore touts a mostly stable, although very hot, climate and countless options for entertainment and leisure.... Consider that Singapore, for example, has not always been a country of any note in regard to economic power, and it certainly was not even on the global radar a mere century ago.... Malaysia and Singapore, for example, were actually territorial possessions of Britain at one time or another....
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Myers Briggs Personality Assessment Test
10 pages (2328 words) , Download 2 , Report
For example in a certain study, it was an expectation that the results would yield a bimodal structure of distribution.... An example of its application relates to the development of an assessment criteria that would include the study of introverts and Extroverts in organizations....
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Major Weaknesses of Leadership Frameworks
10 pages (3042 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example the principal is answerable on issues pertaining quality results of students to the Director-General of the school.... For example, if the world was actually so unfussy that people could portray it in a small number of paragraphs, life could be much easier.... For example when a school leader (principal) is arguing with a student (or a school employee under him/her) and he/she lose his/her temper and start to utter improper things in an unfounded way, he/she will be losing their respect....
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Leasing -Accounting Standard
5 pages (1504 words) , Download 0 , Report
A good example of debt financing can be drawn from a corporation that underscores to sell bonds to fund a particular project.... nother example of debt financing is the use of direct debt instruments so as to fund the project.... For example, municipalities can offer shares to the public in order to fund a housing project over a certain period of time....
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A Global Problem of Child Labor
6 pages (1712 words) , Download 5 , Report
?? In some of the poorest African countries such as the Central African Republic, Chad, Guinea-Bisseau, Niger, Sierra Leone, and Togo, for example, more than 50 percent of children are engaged in economic activity” (Ronald, 2005, p23). ... This report 'A Global Problem of Child Labor' analyzes the term 'child labor', which represents a child working under harsh and inhumane conditions trying to earn enough to help his/her family financially....
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Productive Partnerships in Agriculture Project in New Guinea
10 pages (2698 words) , Download 1 , Report
The paper 'Productive Partnerships in Agriculture Project in New Guinea' seeks to review on issues concerning the impact of implementing Productive Partnerships in Agriculture Project (PPAP) in the Papua New Guinea.... he report seeks to review on issues concerning the impact of implementing Productive Partnerships in Agriculture Project (PPAP) in the Papua New Guinea.... atie, SS 2003, ‘The Multifunctional Attributes of Northeastern Agriculture: a Research Agenda', Agricultural and Resource Economics review, vol....
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China and Recession
9 pages (2384 words) , Download 2 , Report
BEIJING review.... This report is about China and recession in China's economy.... China is famously known to be a land which did not allow the outsiders to trade in its country.... However in the recent years China has allowed the outside world to invest in its country which has changed the level of economics in China....
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The Prescriptive Approach to Ethical Decision Making
29 pages (7736 words) , Report
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The paper "The Prescriptive Approach to Ethical Decision Making " is a wonderful example of a report on management.... The paper "The Prescriptive Approach to Ethical Decision Making " is a wonderful example of a report on management.... The paper "The Prescriptive Approach to Ethical Decision Making " is a wonderful example of a report on management.... n addition, the perspective approaches have been explained using US companies as an example....
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Human Factors Impacting Health Care Settings
6 pages (2058 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, pharmacy attendants may be aware that it is prohibited to sell a certain type of medicine without the doctor's prescription, yet they may decide to violate this rule and sell it to their customers without such prescription.... For example, the plan of a pharmacist could be to prescribe drug A to the patient, but an error is committed when drug B is prescribed instead.... For example, a pharmacist can prescribe an antibiotic for the treatment of skin itch, whereas the signs result from a sexually acquired infection and not bacteria....
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Gyroscopes in Physics
6 pages (1710 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example of this is a spinning top, which has freedom about two axes in addition to the spinning axis.... Another example is a rifle bullet, which due to the spin traverses a straighter line of flight due to gyroscopic inertia.... A simple example is the rolling hoop, to turn the hoop; guiding pressure has to be applied not to the front or to the rear of the hoop, but against the top and this pressure, although applied about a horizontal axis, does not cause the hoop to fall over, but causes it to precess about the vertical axis at right angles to the applied pressure, with the result that it turns and proceeds in a new direction....
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Market and Credit Risks Measurements
14 pages (3751 words) , Download 0 , Report
The basic instrument of zero defaulting coupon bonds is made as an example in this model.... The insurance cover to various financial risks and reinsurance of the insurance companies is the best available example inn this connection.... The paper "Market and Credit Risks Measurements" highlights that generally speaking, options for large portfolios and loan positions can be obtained by the integrated pricing and management system....
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Readiness of the Saudi Government to Implement a Balanced Scorecard in its Public Sector
21 pages (5742 words) , Report
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The paper "Readiness of the Saudi Government to Implement a Balanced Scorecard in its Public Sector" is a great example of a report on management.... The paper "Readiness of the Saudi Government to Implement a Balanced Scorecard in its Public Sector" is a great example of a report on management.... The paper "Readiness of the Saudi Government to Implement a Balanced Scorecard in its Public Sector" is a great example of a report on management....
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History of Eastern Philosophy
5 pages (1586 words) , Download 2 , Report
For example, there are many concepts in philosophy, which have their basis in religion.... This paper ''History of Eastern Philosophy'' tells that the difference between philosophy and religion is an ongoing debate for many centuries.... For many, religion and philosophy are the same since both are looking for the ultimate truth....
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Competitive Strategy for Two Companies, Smith and White, and Mukatame
5 pages (1526 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, Mukatame will gain a head start in the business by being the first to deal with higher voltage cordless tools and will also benefit by capturing market share that later entrants into the market will find difficult to displace.... This paper "Competitive Strategy for Two Companies, Smith and White, and Mukatame" does the SWOT Analysis for Smith and White and Mukatame, and describes their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats....
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Development and Performance of Burberry Group Plc
14 pages (3780 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Development and Performance of Burberry Group Plc' is a breathtaking example of a management report.... The paper 'Development and Performance of Burberry Group Plc' is a breathtaking example of a management report.... This report analyzes Burberry Group PLC and how the company has performed....
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Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms
14 pages (3995 words) , Download 2 , Report
The proposed plan additionally supports protected and proficient element operations on outsourced information, together with oversaw control, for example: Block modification, Deletion, Append and Security[Net]. ... When all is said is done individuals or whatever other associations that are utilizing the cloud environment for the need of their administrations, for example, programming or equipment they need to rely on the cloud suppliers.... he proposed framework permits clients to review the cloud storage with extremely lightweight correspondence and reckoning expense....
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An Analysis of the Print News
8 pages (2215 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example of what has been headlined in the papers shade some light on this.... An example of a video uploaded is that of Darcy Moore becoming Colligwoods next hope (Herald Sun, 2014).... An example is the article by Sue Williams in The Age page where she summarises on Australia's first serial killer....
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Accident and Catastrophes Investigation Summaries
13 pages (3495 words) , Download 0 , Report
Such disasters can be man-made for example explosions, fires, terrorism and accidents emanating from devices such as vehicles and other structures.... An example is a road accident which follows a first car accident on the same route.... For example a slightly saline farming soil will be exposed to the full sea water on outpouring.... The risks of assassination, landmine detonation, kidnapping, harassment or arrest by local authorities, and the road banditry are the major risks of robbery, rape, traffic accidents as well as health threats for example malaria and HIV/AIDS....
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The Role of Media to Literacy Development in 5-10 Year Olds
8 pages (2942 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, the material purpose of clothe include protection, concealment, and attraction (Seymour 2011).... For example person-input elements that are reflected in fashionable technology include pressure, bend, biometric data, sound, visuals, humidity, acceleration, orientation, proximity, etc.... For example, the sensors collect data from the human body and also environmental aspects like light, humidity, temperature, sound, or smoke.... For example, technological innovations in fashion can be seen in the way modern designers are able to use technologies such as digital textile printing, use of synthetic fibers, and use of formotion technology to produce clothes, use of fire-resistant and sweat-wicking garments, and the use of aerogel in garment production....
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The Television
7 pages (1977 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''The Television'' tells that it is an electronic system for sending images and sounds through space on wire onto a viewable screen.... It is also defined as a piece of technology that receives television broadcast signals.... The first inventors of the TV had a hard time convincing their funders....
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The Practice of Medicine was Transformed during the Civil War
13 pages (2988 words) , Download 0 , Report
New techniques were developed by doctors, for example, Dr.... This report "The Practice of Medicine was Transformed during the Civil War" discusses the American Civil war that provided umber opportunities to many physicians, scientists, and civilians to come up as innovators who put in much effort to transform medicine into an advanced profession....
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Lean Management Application to Toyota Production System
12 pages (3587 words) , Download 0 , Report
TOYOTA WAY – A review OF LEAN MANAGEMENT AND ITS APPLICATION TO FIRMS OUTSIDE LARGE SCALE MANUFACTURING Contents Introduction 3 Background of Lean Production 3 ... he purpose of this report is to critically review and analyse the concept of Lean Production which is a component of Toyota Production System.... The second part will critically review and analyse the ability to adapt and apply lean production and the Toyota system to other entities other than large manufacturing entities....
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Numerous Complaints of KFC
11 pages (166 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Numerous Complaints of KFC" states that the company promotes ethical standards by ensuring safety and health, favorable working conditions, proper wages, and fair treatment of its employees.... Should develop new policies for creating a sustainable environment for humans and animals.... ...
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Application of Epidemiology to Obesity
6 pages (1778 words) , Download 2 , Report
The author of this paper "Application of Epidemiology to Obesity" discusses the issue of obesity in the US, how to overcome it, four new policies or laws that the government can implement to address the obesity predicament in America, and which include an activity at the Federal array.... ... ... ...
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Comparison of Two Readings
6 pages (1618 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Comparison of Two Readings" describes the works of Foucault and Bogard.... This paper outlines what that direction is, and compares this essay's line of thinking with an article presented by William Bogard entitled 'The Coils of a Serpent: Haptic Space and Control Societies' (Bogard, 2007)....
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Human Growth and Development- Aging
5 pages (1456 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Human Growth and Development- Aging" discusses some of the developmental and cognitive changes related to aging that occur at the age of fifty and above.... It is common to experience gradual changes; however, rapid changes with a combination of diseases often result in a burden.... ...
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Strategic Analysis of the E-Business Model and System of Spotify
8 pages (2294 words) , Download 0 , Report
From the paper "Strategic Analysis of the E-Business Model and System of Spotify" it is clear that generally speaking, Spotify has a major risk from new entrants and substitutes.... This is because the music industry is very easy for competitors to enter.... .... ... ... The report utilizes three main concepts to diagnose the internal, external and competitive environments of Spotify....
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