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Montreal City Destination Competitiveness
24 pages (6442 words) , Download 1 , Report
The paper 'Montreal City Destination Competitiveness" is a perfect example of a tourism report.... The paper 'Montreal City Destination Competitiveness" is a perfect example of a tourism report.... The paper 'Montreal City Destination Competitiveness" is a perfect example of a tourism report....
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Technology in Printing
6 pages (1882 words) , Download 0 , Report
This led to spread of printed leniencies that were utilized in churches, for example the printed copies of theses from Martin Luther were easily dispersed.... ?University of Pittsburgh Law review.... The book of Nature and the Nature of the book.... An Introduction to book History....
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Good School Administration: Educational Law
5 pages (1371 words) , Download 0 , Report
Some of them centered on questions that had firm legal standing, for example, I asked questions about students with exceptionalities, dealing with the teacher's union, and access to school records.... Some of them centered on questions that had firm legal standing, for example, I asked questions about students with exceptionalities, dealing with the teacher's union and access to school records.... For example, how a principle chooses to utilize a School Advisory Committee isn't necessarily established in case law, but a principle needs to be aware that the establishment of a policy or rules that guide the use of such a committee need to be guided by established educational law. ...
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Health Safety and Welfare
5 pages (1331 words) , Download 2 , Report
For example, electrical risks, mining risks, financial risks in large projects, all require experts in those fields to help the project steer through the potential problems caused by lapses.... raining and indoctrination of all personnel involved in specialized jobs in the project, with a competency review before starting work. ...
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Picking The Better Path
7 pages (1860 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report ''Picking The Better Path'' is designed to address the client's issues and questions regarding career choice.... Based on research in light of data collected from the client via an interview, the report consists of recommendations for the client, helping her make a better choice for her career....
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Situational Analysis of Barbara's Beauty and Nails
8 pages (2444 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Situational Analysis of Barbara's Beauty and Nails' is a meaty example of a report on marketing.... The paper 'Situational Analysis of Barbara's Beauty and Nails' is a meaty example of a report on marketing.... For example, new salons have mushroomed in the area, as a result taking away some of the salon's customers.... o, E, Kim, E & Taylor, K 2007, "Cross-national market segmentation in the fashion industry: A study of European, Korean, and US consumers," International Marketing review, Vol....
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Computer Forensics Issues
13 pages (3583 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, the framework may suggest that all corporate sound and video data will be blocked on the internet.... For example, such crimes can be assumed to have originated from an external party or a staff member who accessed information without authority or willingly disclosed information to third parties or used corporate information for personal gain at the expense of the company....
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Introducing a New Car in the Chinese Market
11 pages (3381 words) , Download 0 , Report
However, the review of the market, using PESTLE analysis, would help to identify areas on which the new car's marketers would possibly focus so that the risks involved with the project are minimized. ... efore entering the global market, a firm needs to review the conditions in the global environment....
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Strategic Analysis on the UK Hotel Industry
9 pages (2372 words) , Download 5 , Report
For example, certain hotels are marketing themselves as green hotels and environmental friendly that could attract cautious customers.... The report "Strategic Analysis on the UK Hotel Industry" is focused on the UK Hotels & Motels analyzed using two methodologies: PESTEL analysis and Porter's Five Forces Model, and concludes with the key drivers for change and success in the selected industry....
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Noncommunicable Diseases as an Emerging Global Health Agenda
9 pages (2979 words) , Download 0 , Report
or example, in Osun state of Nigeria the Nigerian government together with local government are worked in conjunction with Nigerian Heart Foundation to provide all school attending children aged between 3 to 7 years with healthy meal every day.... For example, the Stop Diabetes programme implemented in Australia has moved to other parts of the world.... Another example of intervention is the Community Intervention for Health implemented in Kerala, India which is aimed at creating a more health supporting local initiative....
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The Patient Administration Solution Project
8 pages (2116 words) , Download 0 , Report
He needs to review the planned results against the actual performance and determine the variance.... The paper "The Patient Administration Solution Project" describes that the decision to enhance clinical services in the entire State is a bold move.... However, the inclusion of all parties, especially clinical staff and administration staff, is necessary....
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Empowerment in the Broadest Terms
7 pages (2120 words) , Download 2 , Report
book Reviews: Kenneth E.... The paper "Empowerment in the Broadest Terms" discusses that involvement can be inhibited by growth specialists' reluctance to challenge inner power associations, absence of information about empowerment, or disinclination to advance past engaging main squealers....
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Peace Journalism: Dialog for Democracy and Democratic Media
11 pages (3133 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, Mahoud Abbas who is the chairman of the Palestinian Authority has condemned the attack as well as the Israeli authorities.... The text as well as graphics in the article is a good example of propagandistic representation of the conflict (war journalism). ...
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Lesson Plan for The Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine
6 pages (1558 words) , Download 4 , Report
peer review will be conducted for the dramatic representation of different passages of the book.... peer-review will be conducted in order to maintain the spirit of group work alive.... The book will be read out aloud to the students ... Students will be engaged in creative writing activities such as rewriting parts of the book as they would like it to be. ... tudents will pick passages from the book of their choice and rewrite the plot/dialogues in a new way. ...
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The Principles of Total Quality Management
12 pages (3147 words) , Download 2 , Report
For example, the standard of the employee answering the phone with appropriate greeting and identifying the department scored 100% suggesting that the standard was being met appropriately.... This report "The Principles of Total Quality Management" is written as a part of the coursework Total Quality Management....
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Hidden Lessons Taught in School
8 pages (2226 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, understanding which school teachers are excited to answer queries, which instructor teaches children that are bright, which teachers stresses on daily quizzes and weekly tests, which teacher love to teach boy, which teacher loves to teach girls and so on.... For example, is a good idea to understand hidden curriculum this can be done by writing one of hidden curriculum rule on the writing board and going through it for five minutes every morning with students....
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E-Learning Instructional Design Model
7 pages (2166 words) , Download 0 , Report
Below is a picture of an example of a playground window; ... Below is picture example of how the Café might look like; ... Below is an example of a window for exams in physics ... rydenberg, J, 200, Quality Standards in e-Learning: A matrix of analysis, The International review of Research in Open and Distance Learning Vol 3 Issue 2 . ...
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Organisational Learning in Development Co-Operation
12 pages (3533 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, when one department like the advertising department is working on the magazine, training can proceed with the other departmental workers while their workload is small.... For example, the coaches can demonstrate the means of collecting the best and enticing stories by explaining to the journalists what to look for in an article so that they can acquire clues towards a better publication.... The everything Coaching & mentoring book: Increase Productivity, foster talent, and Encourage Success....
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BLIP Echo Planar Imaging Method
10 pages (2648 words) , Download 0 , Report
However, the zero and first-order phase differences in the sampled odd and even images result in a ghost formed due to the imperfect balancing of the phases of the samples.... ?where, fc is the critical Nyquist frequency and dt is the time interval between consecutive samples.... By altering the time between the samples, the bandwidth represented in the reconstruction can also be decreased or increased....
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Sound in Film
4 pages (1671 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example in the 1971 film, A Clockwork Range, the director, Stanley Kubrick used singing in the rain as the background music of what was otherwise considered as a brutal rape scene.... In horrific films for example, directors often incorporate the sore a as a platform for building suspense and tension just before the presumed monster or zombie attacks a targeted victim (Beck & Grajeda, 2008)....
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New Product in Qatari Market
7 pages (1781 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "New Product in Qatari Market" describes a marketing plan for a smartpen developed by Qatar Tech.... The paper includes a comprehensive discussion about market research and marketing strategies to be deployed by the company so as to introduce the product and attract the target customers....
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Concrete Mix Design
5 pages (1541 words) , Download 0 , Report
The aim of the paper 'Concrete Mix Design' is to design concrete mix using BRE method and compare compression strength of cylinder and cubes from the mix.... There was also comparability of their workability, elastic modulus, Load rates and Hardened concrete density test.... .... ... ... The durability of a structure depends on the strength of concrete as well as the ability of the cement to deflect in case there is a load applied to it....
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Approaches to Ethical Decision Making Related to the Coca Cola Company
8 pages (2180 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Approaches to Ethical Decision Making Related to the Coca Cola Company" states that the Coca Cola Company has managed to stay ahead of its competitors by creating an interactive social marketing network with its loyal consumers through GRI.... ... ... ... Completed conservancy projects attract environmentally conscious beverage consumers as they view purchasing a product manufactured by TCCC as promoting their conservation efforts in the U....
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MCQs Assessment Method in the Medical School
8 pages (2709 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, “Which of the following is NOT a cause of heart failure?... Ironically, a lot of questions are constructed during the last minute and are also constructed by many teachers who taught the course and therefore there is limited time available to review the questions to ensure overall quality before student sit for the exam.... Teachers should also review the MCQs to make sure that they are free from item-writing flaws so as to ensure validity and reliability....
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Project on the 14 Principles of Sound Management
20 pages (5451 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, there was a case where Lucent Korean CEO's were fired due to using of bribery.... An example of an organisation that has been able to utilise the diversity successfully is Union Bank of California.... The Organization offers shimmering drinks and an assortment of still refreshments, for example, squeezes and juice beverages, vitality and games beverages.... For example, restaurants and accommodation stores who utilize the fountain syrups to create refreshments for quick utilization, or to approved fountain wholesalers or packaging accomplices who exchange the fountain concentrates to fountain retailers (Coca-Cola, 2014). ...
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The Role of Procurement Departments in the Procurement Process
11 pages (3141 words) , Download 0 , Report
Therefore, before making any order, the department could have ensured that these standards are met or ask for samples of the same if that deemed necessary. ... This paper "The Role of Procurement Departments in the Procurement Process" analyses the procurement process of the ADDC engineering firm....
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Impact of a Range of Contextual Influences on Classroom Processes
9 pages (2676 words) , Download 2 , Report
Take for example, a similar topic about war.... For instance, students may be asked to write a web magazine after researching about the novel Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, incorporating about a feature article about the author, critical review of a novel, a news item about a historical context (event) when the novel was published, and an opinion about music or art prevalent during the time of Hugo....
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German Gothic Architecture in the Early and Late Medieval Periods
9 pages (2379 words) , Download 1 , Report
The style was famous for its enormous cathedrals, for example, Liebfrauenkirchie 1233-1283 in Trier.... The best example is the Gothic Town Hall that was built at Stralsund in the 13th century.... This report "German Gothic Architecture in the Early and Late Medieval Periods" discusses time in Europe when the Roman Empire was on the decline and the revival of letters....
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Critical Service Points in the Service Encounters
9 pages (2360 words) , Download 2 , Report
For example, a television and telephone facilities were symbols of luxury in hotel rooms in the past.... For example, Apple is the most valuable technological company in the world.... This report "Critical Service Points in the Service Encounters" focuses on the service industry marketing strategies that are extremely different from the marketing strategies in other industries....
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Nike Ethical Audit Issue
11 pages (3068 words) , Download 0 , Report
Nike Limited is one good example of a company that has had numerous ethical dilemmas in the past.... It conducts regular departmental audits and review reports from these departments to determine if ethical values are being followed as expected.... The paper "Nike Ethical Audit Issue" states that not at any time should organization increase their revenue at the expense of their employees' rights....
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Management of Human and Organisational Resources - Team and Concepts Limited
11 pages (3292 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Management of Human and Organisational Resources - Team and Concepts Limited " is a great example of a management report.... The paper 'Management of Human and Organisational Resources - Team and Concepts Limited " is a great example of a management report.... iterature review: ... ccording to statistics from the World Fact book 2015, China has an age distribution of 47.... he organization has also implements the justice and equity theory whereby they have a written conduct book to guide the employees on the accepted conduct and treatment in the organization....
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Marketing Management
9 pages (2673 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, the carbon emission from the cars should be in compliance with the environmental protection policies and should not be hazardous to the customers and the society.... The company may participate in trade fair shows and car expos where the customer can experience the brand value and features personally and may book the car for future purchase (Clifton and Ahmad, 2009). ...
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Rotodynamic Centrifugal Pumps In Liquid Equipments
12 pages (3596 words) , Download 0 , Report
A literature review study will be conducted to understand laws that influence the Roto dynamic centrifugal pumps in liquids.... The literature review will focus on the laws of affinity, which are the main laws that can describe the operations of the centrifugal pumps in liquid equipment.... Additionally, the literature review will also present the most commonly identified problems when dealing with the Roto dynamic centrifugal pumps in liquid equipment's....
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How Children Can be Made to Love Maths
8 pages (2450 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, if the children like toys, you would introduce toys of various lengths to introduce measurements ... example, when giving food, numbers should be used and the children will be keen.... example, you would tell children that they have a circular ball, a rectangular box car etc....
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Alternative Dispute Resolution
5 pages (1498 words) , Download 1 , Report
Moreover, parties find their cases ending up on a cooperative note where they may decide to have further dealings as it happened in the example of Texaco and Borden.... The paper "Alternative Dispute Resolution" states that presentations are open to questions, therefore, they make the people feel that they are a part of it....
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Is Sexiness an Aesthetic Property
15 pages (4249 words) , Download 1 , Report
Introduction If ever there was a descriptive word that contradicts upon each review, then sexiness is an example of such a word.... ut beauty can be power, a sexy woman is respected, she is idolized, for example Marilyn Monroe was a good pleaser of the crowd.... Countries have statistics; the USA spends much on beauty in fact more than education for example.... Pornography is such a good example to compare with, is there sexiness in pornography....
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Health and Safety Executive Inspectors
10 pages (2859 words) , Download 0 , Report
The natural environment is essential for life; construction enhances civilization and industrialization which makes life easier (McQueen, Construction in a Fragile World: Environmental Issues review and Checklist).... Construction in a fragile world: Environmental issues review and checklist.... Year book Australia....
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Maintaining Financial Recorder
10 pages (2795 words) , Download 2 , Report
Accelerated depreciation is an example of depreciation method based on the use of the asset.... accumulated depreciation which is deducted from the book value of assets.... The report "Maintaining Financial Recorder" discusses different accounting perspectives of fixed assets and determines procedures involved in the authorization of the purchase of fixed assets by raising orders for fixed assets....
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An Immigration to Britain
6 pages (1613 words) , Download 1 , Report
This paper ''An Immigration to Britain'' tells that in the mid 20th century, the number of immigrants arriving in Britain, especially from Ireland and overseas colonial territories in the Caribbean, India, South Africa, Kenya, Hong Kong, and Pakistan, increased considerably.... ... ... ... It was not long before tensions between immigrants and British citizens escalated to an obvious public spat following the British Nationality Act 1948....
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Lanchester Liners Hospitality Database
5 pages (1311 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, transaction A is modifying some piece of data and transaction B issues a query for the same data and reads few rows of uncommitted changes.... For example, when transaction A issues a query and reads a piece of data, before the end of this transaction another transaction B updates the same data, then if transaction A issues the same query again, it would result in a different set of data. ... For example, when transaction A issues a query and reads a piece of data, before the end of this transaction another transaction B inserts a new row, then if transaction A issues the same query again, it would result in a new result set with different number of rows. ...
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Applying Force on the Body
15 pages (4053 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, if we push a shopping cart (the object) and it covers a certain distance, some work has been done.... For example, if we push a shopping cart (the object) and it covers a certain distance; some work has been done.... In the earlier example, we should "have some energy" in order to push the shopping before any work is done.... For example, when we throw a ball, a certain amount of energy has been imparted to the ball....
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Applying Cognitive Learning Theory to Adult Learning
12 pages (3226 words) , Download 1 , Report
In this case, we find that use of computer applications as a cognitive tool is an example of learning with technology rather than transforming them.... For example, for a learner to use Microsoft Excel when entering data into a spreadsheet he or she must, first, know what sort of facts he or she is using either a string or a variable hence would find Microsoft Excel easy and enjoy using. ... For example, in a Computer Application like Microsoft Access we have to know how to make forms and be able to know how to use different vocabularies used while using this application. ...
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Authentic Assessment Performance Task-Political Media
9 pages (2519 words) , Download 0 , Report
iven a chance to review the characters of the SNS, there are certain characters that I would love the SNS to include.... His book opens by stating that a celebrities' life is a debased one “an idiot culture”.... This paper ''Authentic Assessment Performance Task-Political Media'' tells that The information gained from the media impact many people's thoughts....
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Employee Health and Safety: Outlining Hazards in the Workplace
10 pages (2876 words) , Download 0 , Report
samples would the be collected in order to determine the scope and magnitude of these hazards and their harm to the employees and the general environment.... The scope of the hazard review would involve the various processes that are carried out in the workplace and the existing measures that deal with workplace risks.... Body temperature variability (Part 2): masking influences of body temperature variability and a review of body temperature variability in disease....
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Strategic International Business Management
11 pages (3077 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Strategic International Business Management" is a great example of a report on management.... The paper "Strategic International Business Management" is a great example of a report on management.... Harvard Business review, pp.... Harvard Business review, pp....
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Libya Political Unrest
6 pages (1628 words) , Download 0 , Report
In addition, Libyan situation is topic of interest to many therefore, readers will be interested in reading the publication due to the fact that they need to know more for example to what extended did the turmoil affected the country or who were the perpetrators or what does other nations and organization say about the situation of Libya. ... ntroduction of the article gives an overview of the whole article for example what caused political unrest, reason, some of the effects felt and who are the parties involved in the polarization of the situation....
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System Design Using UML
7 pages (1913 words) , Download 2 , Report
Logging is an example of a crosscutting concern in system development implementation because the strategy used in the logging process necessarily implicates every logged section of the system (OMG 2010, Pg.... For example, an interceptor that specifies the means of interception shows a limited style of cutting across, without significant support for debugging or type-safety.... Aspect J (Object J) shows an example of some of the expressions.... Aspects are also capable of making binary-compatible changes in the structure of other classes, for example, adding parents or members....
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The Principal Barriers to Secondary Analysis of Qualitative Data
10 pages (2420 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, the storage of information in archives can have improved electronic versions of interviews, and other qualitative data sources.... An example could be, a research focusing on the attitudes of footballers towards the media.... A secondary analysis may have a different target, for example, it would say, the attitudes reveal the footballers' real emotions, and use the primary data from the original research to prove the point.... It could be an example of an ethical dilemma....
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Met Life Company Operations Analysis
9 pages (2374 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, the money paid by the individuals who buy Met Life insurance policies is invested in various ways.... For example, the relatively high degree of market saturation in the United States has contributed to an increasingly competitive market thereby affecting the operations of the company.... For example, one of the strategies that have been adopted by the company to address some of its operational challenges is through the introduction of innovative products that are more profitable particularly during the low interest rate periods....
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Parenting Stress Index
5 pages (1502 words) , Download 0 , Report
It would need careful consideration of the parents review of care given to the children and their emotional behavior.... This report "Parenting Stress Index" presents the Parenting stress index that is termed by the California Department of Education and Development Services (1997) as an approach of evaluating the most stressful areas as far as interaction of the parent and their children are concerned....
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