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The Christian Coalition of America Religion and Theology Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The values of this group are consistent with those of the Christian right, and as its website states: Christian Coalition of America is a political organization, made up of pro-family Americans who care deeply about becoming active citizens for the purpose of guaranteeing that government acts in ways that strengthen, rather than threaten, our families.
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Books of the Old Testament Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1463 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
The Sacred Writers of the New Testament often quote from the Book of Proverbs, citing them explicitly as Holy Writ (cf. Romans 12:19-20; Hebrews 12:5-6; James 4:5-6, for instance; it is also referred to in the Talmud and later Jewish works: it is thus an essential part of Hebrew scriptures and Christian doctrine.
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The Divine Command Theory Religion and Theology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
There are three main versions of the theory which are summarized as the weakest, stronger and strongest versions. The weakest version argues that God's commands are applicable within the context of specific religious communities, thus, limiting the application to only those within a specific group or sect. 
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Virtues of Saint Monica and Rebekah Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Monica bore her burdens patiently that’s why even though her husband was causing her pain, their life together was relatively peaceful (Women for Faith & Family). She also continued with helping other people despite the resistance from her husband.
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The Doctrine of Christ and Holy Spirit Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
7 pages (1909 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
As Satan accuses us, Jesus comes to our defense through his atonement. The theory presented by Grudem may place Satan as more of a judge than a prosecutor as illustrated by the epistle of John. Nonetheless, the atonement of Christ's death as ransom has eradicated our debts to God and mitigated Satan's foothold in accusing mankind.
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Buddhism History and Diversity of a Great Tradition Religion and Theology Assignment
4 pages (1094 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The author states that Buddhism shows the universal character based on the ritual doctrines and unique practices which awake human spirit and consciousness. Buddhism consists of and is influenced by three main schools of thought: the Vedic religion, the Sramanic movement, and Jainism.
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Tantra and Hinduism: Shared Philosophy and Common Faith Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1835 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is generally accepted that Tantras are not part of the ancient orthodox Vedic writings but were roughly consequent, each pervading and influencing the other.  Tantric teaching basically accepted and followed the Hindu gods and provided for their worship. This similarity of ritual may help account for the introduction of Tantra into Hindu rituals.
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What Are the 4 Myths of the Modern Age Religion and Theology Essay
14 pages (3916 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Charles Colson describes the four myths of the Modern Age. The first myth is the goodness of man. This myth makes people think that they are essentially good and absolves men of the responsibility of sin by substituting the term sickness for sin. The second myth is the promise of the coming Utopia which proposes that good governance and the tools of politics can produce perfect men.
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From Buddha to his pupils Religion and Theology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
To be Buddhic means to be a little Buddha in miniature himself or herself. To be Christian means to be a follower of Christ. To be Christic means to be a little Christ in miniature. You have to know these distinctions. Buddhism is a path to stop suffering, but Christianism is a path to adore and worship God.
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Christianity and Education Religion and Theology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Children prayed openly in school, and the class always said prayers before beginning the daily study routine. Nowadays, fewer people attend church. Christians who are faithful in their worship towards God are frequently mocked, and if people miss church, not much is thought of it.
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Theological Anthropology: Moral Creatures Religion and Theology Essay
8 pages (2236 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While the term “image” can be interpreted in a variety of ways, the most pertinent for us here today would be to consider the moral image of God as opposed to any other means of likeness. This approach should also free putting limits on the concept of God by considering the problem from the vantage point of only one religion.
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Women As Buddhists Religion and Theology Essay
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Few in the modern West can imagine Buddhism without women, even though on television and in film. This depiction does have its origins in the mores of the time of the Buddha, 2,500 years ago. In order to have a full appreciation of the Buddhist religion for both men and women, we must look at the history of the role of women in Buddhism.
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The Presence nd bsence Of God Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
It would seem tht we cn only think nd spek of it in propositions tht re dilecticl, tht is, which cncel ech other out. For if we construct the ide of God s its content demnds, God is both everything (to pn estin utos: Sir 43:27)-for nothing cn be outside God, nor cn nything be dded to him-nd 'exlted bove ll his works' (pr pnt to erg utou: Sir 43:28).
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Analysis of the Ten Commandments Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1276 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The Ten Commandments, akin to all the Biblical Texts, present an unsceptical challenge in today’s world, where the boundaries of theoretical opinions limit the application of The Ten Commandments. But when applying the rules, the task becomes the most difficult to follow.
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Soteriology - the Doctrine of Atonement Religion and Theology Article
8 pages (2293 words) , Download 3 , Article
The roots of the word Soteriology lie in two Greek words: ‘Soteria’ which means Salvation and ‘logos’ meaning word, matter, or thing. (Herrick 2005, screen 1) It is a study by theologians world over on why and how belief in Christ the Son, is the only way to the Father God and thereby, eternal life.
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The Roman Catholic Churchs Notion on the Death Penalty Religion and Theology Essay
8 pages (2051 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Death Penalty is the gravest of all punishments and the Roman Catholic Church’s take on this punishment has evolved over time. This change in view of the Church will be discussed in this paper thoroughly. The paper will start off by giving a history of the death penalty and its supporters and opponents in the past, in terms of societal and religious groups.
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How Other Religions Act Religion and Theology Personal Statement
2 pages (944 words) , Download 5 , Personal Statement
The author states that although they have their differences, it was gratifying to also see similarities in their laws and customs. In dietary laws and methods of religious worship, it seems like Jews and Muslims really did once come from a similar tradition. Observant Muslims eat halal meat.
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Compare and Contrast: Christianity and Judaism Religion and Theology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Esthetic and social activity as well as theological or philosophical inquiry is significant indications of the universality and earnestness of this seeking after the final meaning of the world, which supports the life of men. Whether the result takes the form of sensuous pleasure, an ethical code, a metaphysical system, or a religious creed, the assumption is that a formula for living has been found which corresponds in some sense to what the universe finally means.
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Insider/Outsider Problem Of Religion Interpretation Religion and Theology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
1 It reveals the magnitude of the insider/outsider problem in understanding, interpreting and studying the religions. From the critical perspective, being a practitioner of a religious belief or an insider can be considered as an obstacle to critical reception and analysis of religion, because it adds subjectivity and effectively eliminates objectivity and reasoning from the analysis.
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The Expression of Life Quality Religion and Theology Essay
10 pages (2617 words) , Download 3 , Essay
While it was clear that a Christian was not obligated to do everything to preserve life, it was unclear to what extent one was obligated to preserve life. Decisions about pursuing life-prolonging treatments were set within certain boundaries. On the one hand, one could not intentionally take innocent human life, including one's own; but, on the other hand, one need not maintain life at all costs.
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The Role of the Bible in Regards to Ethics Religion and Theology Assignment
8 pages (2237 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The four-fold task just as the name suggests involves four tasks that its supporters believe that human beings and Christians were created for. These four tasks are: Pray, Multiply, Train and Align. In Philippians 4:7, the Bible says that with prayer and supplication we should lay out our requests to the Lord and he will grant us our needs.
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The Abrahamic Covenant Religion and Theology Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The man was Adam and the woman, Eve. After Adam and Eve disobeyed the Lord and sin took over, they were cast away to the rigorous chores of life. Life was full of labour and while in it all, they multiplied when they took wives for themselves. And the abundance of evil grew to such an extent that God decided to destroy the world.
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Feminist Theology Religion and Theology Movie Review
1 pages (284 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
To date, Feminist Theology has been a domain of the West and thus it could not help incorporating the elements of racism within its ambit. To the colonial mindset, the veil represented a range of implications varying from the exotic Arab sexuality on one side to being an element of confrontation between the Western and Eastern values on the other
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Liberation Theology and Marxism Religion and Theology Essay
15 pages (4070 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the case of Christianity, this strength in the face of the sweeping tide of historical change is especially impressive. On the other hand, Marxism has only had to survive over a little over a century, yet like Christianity has been voraciously attacked by non-believers while having its core structure undermined by the corruption of those leading in its name.
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Religion of the Native Americans Religion and Theology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that beliefs and practices of Native Americans form a seamless part of their very essence and their style of life. Native American rituals promote preserving of horticulture; Indian customs teach interconnectedness of all things on the planet, the close relationship between God (Creator), nature, and a fellow man. 
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Iconostasis Construction in the Style of Justin Religion and Theology Essay
4 pages (1155 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The nave of the church is the area of the church which is reserved for believers and is symbolic of the human world while the sanctuary is where the Eucharist is celebrated.  The Eucharist is one of the seven sacraments within the church and the major ritual of the church wherein bread and wine are consumed to represent the body and blood of Christ. 
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Word of God (The attributes and the perfections of God) Religion and Theology Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The first attribute one must understand to have effective worship is that God is spirit (Colossians 1:15). This passage refers to Christ, "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn overall creation." God should always be worshiped in spirit, because He is without physical form.
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Are Human Beings Co-Creators Religion and Theology Dissertation
41 pages (10250 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
This study gives a suggestion that the activities of human beings should be submissive to the concept of god to have the status of co-creators as that concept can recognize the activities as interaction with god and partnership with his creation. The emphasis of ethical principles in application of genetic technologies has been stressed in the paper.
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Life and Deeds of Paul the Apostle Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
13 pages (3514 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Because of this diaspora, Paul gained Roman citizenship. There is ambiguity in what is known about Paul, yet from Phillipians 3:5 it is known that Paul belonged to the tribe of Benjamin from where he was circumcised, then given the name Saul. It is known based on the writings in the Acts of the Apostles that Paul was a fierce persecutor of the Jews.
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The Role Of Passion And Volition In Human Belief Religion and Theology Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Making an error in choosing an option is not something to be feared, but a way to explore one’s options and decide upon the correct one. In this way, the individual will becomes the basis for the personal opinion. We must accept the search for truth can sometimes allow for mistakes. The only way to avoid error is to stop believing.
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Three Perspectives of Genesis 1-2 Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
8 pages (2185 words) , Download 5 , Book Report/Review
Genesis 1 and 2 demonstrate two vastly different accounts of the creation story, thus infusing with meaning the creation story itself. As it is told by two perspectives, the savvy reader of Genesis 1 and 2 must resolve the at-times conflicting accounts and make sense of them as best as one can, according to the available resources at hand.
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The Role of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament Religion and Theology Assignment
9 pages (2393 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you."
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Hitchens Rationality of Atheism Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
And that puts the story of creation in the dark. Same holds true about the discovery of human genome mapping and the way the gene has evolved itself from the animals. This brings the human race closer to the animals and also brings all the human beings on to the same platform.
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Eucharist Divides More than It Unites Religion and Theology Essay
12 pages (3150 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Eucharist is one of the seven sacraments celebrated by the catholic community and according to canon law, it’s the central and most important of all the sacraments. The term "Eucharist" originally comes from the Greek noun “Eucharistia”, meaning “thanksgiving” or “gratitude”. Earlier Christians used it as the synonym of the Hebrew term berakkhah, meaning “a blessing”.
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Various Conditions of Israel in Amos Mission Religion and Theology Essay
7 pages (1764 words) , Download 3 , Essay
As stated by Amos, he was not a prophet, neither was he a son of a prophet; but was a herdsman and a nipper of figs of sycamore trees (Amos, 7:14). He was not a wealthy man. According to the New World Encyclopedia, the sheep raiser Amos has probably been traveling a lot to the wool and cattle markets of Israel and Judah.
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St Mark's Gospel in the New Testament Religion and Theology Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
St. Mark’s Gospel is a gospel in the New Testament. Considered second of the four canonical gospels, St. Mark’s gospel is often referred to as a synoptic tale. Although there is no information about its author, it is believed to have been ascribed by John Mark, the cousin of Barnabas. Also known as Mark the Evangelist, John describes the life of Jesus of Nazareth. 
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Paul Tillich and His Theology Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
6 pages (1746 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
A great master of abstraction, Tillich adopted a highly specific approach in his analysis of theological problems. Eventually, his approach developed into the so-called methodology of correlation the essence of which was the attempt to relate the traditional Christian concepts, symbols, and ideas to the problems of human existence.
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Possibility for the Catholic Church to Stamp Out Heresy during the 16th Century Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1406 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The undoing of faith infused and fostered by God Himself is possible on account of the human element in it, namely man's free will. They will determine the act of faith freely because their moral dispositions move them to obey God, whilst the non-cogency of the motives of credibility allows it to withhold their consent and leaves room for doubt and even denial. 
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Societal Functions of Religion According to Emile Durkheim and the Decline of Religion in the United States Religion and Theology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The U.S. has, in the past, been a very religious society. Nowadays, however, with the influx of immigrants from all parts of the world and media globalization, there has been increased pressure on the U.S. to accommodate with different perceptions of the world.
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Whether Jesus Performed the Miracles as Proposed in the Bible Religion and Theology Essay
4 pages (1292 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper deals with the authenticity of miracles and whether Jesus performed the miracles as proposed in the Bible. One of the greatest miracles performed by Jesus as proposed in the Bible is the miracle of what Jesus could see as going on in the hearts of people as Jesus could understand the deep and innermost thoughts of a person. 
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Hinduism: Various Paths to Salvation Religion and Theology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
That being said, within Hinduism there are two different ways of reaching salvation: worldly sosteriology and a renunciant sosteriology. Worldly sosteriology focuses on celestial rebirth through sacrifice and good karma. Renunciant sosteriology focuses on achieving liberation (moksha) from karma through yogic practices.
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Famous People and Events as Social Catalysts Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1900 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From Jesus Christ to Martin Luther, today’s world is built upon the martyrdom of those brazen enough to want to change it. Che Guevara and Martin Luther King, all of these men have worked as catalysts in terms of their own desire. While these men had a large impact during their lifetimes, it is now interesting to examine the lasting effects that they are holding on people and society as a whole.
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Hierarchy of Gender Roles in the Traditional Jewish Religion Religion and Theology Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Upon the guidance of Professor Katz, I attended the service that took place at Temple Sinai, in Miami Gardens Drive. It is important that I emphasize the fact that whenever I attend services in an Orthodox synagogue, which is my normal choice, it is a traditional “Shul” where the customs are extremely rigid.
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The Natural Direction of Evangelism Religion and Theology Essay
2 pages (588 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The author states that as our minds are filled with the knowledge of salvation and God’s immense love, an outpouring of Divine Grace inspires us to seek others who, themselves are in need of redemption. The challenge though for us is how to organize our efforts and resources in order to effectively communicate God’s message of love and hope.
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Sunni Islam and Shia Islam Religion and Theology Essay
3 pages (861 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author states that given that there are differences and conflicts, he decided to visit a Sunni Mosque in Los Angeles and see for himself whether there was, indeed, a difference in worship rituals. On Friday 8th December, he visited Masjid Omar ibn Al-Khattab, located on Exposition Boulevard in Los Angeles.
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Engaged Buddhism Movement in Asia Religion and Theology Essay
8 pages (2193 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Engaged Buddhism is a concept, which has its roots in Vietnam, and was highly inspired by the works of a Vietnamese monk, Thich Nhat Hanh. In 1963, Thich formed the Tiep Hien, which when translated means, “the order of interbeing,” as a reactionary measure against the war that was going on between South and North Vietnam (Ogi, 9).
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Islam religion and christianity Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper is an analysis of an interview undertaken on a Muslim male who volunteered to give information regarding religious practices and believes. The following is an analysis of the information provided by the respondent and also an analysis of the differences and similarities that exist between Islam, and Christianity.
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Religion in America Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This question can only be answered in the lights of a profound understanding of the so-called “First Great Awakening” and “Second Great Awakening.” First of all,the First Great Awakening refers to a period of sharp religious activity which has brought about drastic changes in American colonial society
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Jesus in the Parable of the Talents Religion and Theology Essay
27 pages (7058 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author of this paper is aimed at the investigation of the historical Jesus in the context of answering the following question: in what ways are Jesus’ parables, as exemplified by the Parable of the Talents, to be understood as radically subversive of 1st century CE Jewish social and cultural expectations?
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Comparing the Qualities of Jacob and Joseph in the Bible Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1766 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The life of Jacob and Joseph are very different. The story of Jacod is about selfishness and the carnal desires of the world. On the other hand, the story of Joseph is about patience, trials, forgiveness, and love. Joseph was the 11th child of Jacob and the first child of Rachel, Jacob’s second wife.  Joseph’s half-brothers and sister were the children of Leah, Rachel’s elder sister.
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