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Meaning of the Hebrew Word Adam Religion and Theology Assignment
7 pages (1932 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
God bestowed upon him the authority over all that he had created on the earth. He was to rule and have dominion over all earthly creation. However, God gave him the warning to eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. Unfortunately, Adam disobeyed and was kicked outside the Garden of Eden.
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Why the Question-and-Answer Catechism cease to be used in Australian Catholic Schools Religion and Theology Assignment
8 pages (2141 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The Vatican department in charge of catechesis affirms the need to make a clear distinction between religious directives and catechesis. Students, therefore, ought to be taught about other religions apart from their own if they are able to defend their choice as Catholic and as well relate God’s message to all humanity.
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Magisterium and Theological Research Religion and Theology Coursework
9 pages (2269 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
If the theologian makes an effort in loyalty but the difficulties do not end, then he can inform the magisterium about the issues in the teaching, in the justifying arguments made about it, or even its form of presentation. He had to do this in a spirit of evangelism and with a good intention to solve the problems. 
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Transmission of Ritual Knowledge in Aboriginal Religion Religion and Theology Assignment
6 pages (1877 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
In the same vein ulema are scholars in various areas of the Islamic religion. They are better termed as arbiters of Islamic law. The last term to be alluded to in this paper is shia that is the second-largest denomination of Islam. According to Shia Islam, the Almighty has the right to choose custodian of Islam, Qur’an, ad Shariah.
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The Nature and Place of Prayer in Religious Education Programs Religion and Theology Coursework
9 pages (2395 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
As highlighted in the report, the nature and place of prayers in religious education programs are greatly influenced by federal and state laws. The challenge is determining which religious principles the prayers should be aligned to in order to ensure freedom of worship and consciences are observed. 
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Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist Religion and Theology Coursework
6 pages (1675 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Different definitions have been provided regarding sacraments by different authors and theologians. Sacraments have been defined as outward signs given by Christ Jesus to give grace to humankind, signs of Christ, signs of God’s love, signs of life, signs of faith, signs of the church, and signs of transformation spiritually.
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Salvation outside the Church Religion and Theology Assignment
11 pages (2285 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Salvation from a Church’s perspective is the aspect when a person who because of sin is estranged and separated from God, is reconciled to Him and declared righteous and sanctified through faith in Jesus Christ. Upon receiving salvation, one becomes one with Christ and is revealed the paschal mysteries of Christ. 
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The Spirit of Liturgy by Cardinal Ratzinger Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
6 pages (1532 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The objectives of the Israelites were to worship the God who led them from Egypt and therefore decided to represent his might using the image of the bull calf. However, God does not appreciate this. He sees it as the worship of idolatry and rejects it. This shows that God does not appreciate it when people imagine what he is and worships him that way.
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Brief Studies Myth, Ritual and the Sacred Religion and Theology Assignment
6 pages (1845 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The sacred texts in Hinduism also portray the features of sacred texts in that they have teachings that are considered divine and these teachings are associated with the messengers who discovered the teachings. For instance, In Hinduism, the Veda is the symbol of authority that cannot be challenged (Habel, O'Donoghue, & Maddox, 1993, pp. 50).
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Rolheisers View of Four Essential Pillars for a Healthy Christian Spirituality Religion and Theology Coursework
11 pages (2992 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
There is varying information, both in print media and digital media, on what ought to be done for a person to be considered as one leading a spiritual life. The existence of spiritual pluralism forms the foundation of Rolheiser’s view on the four essential pillars for a healthy Christian spirituality (Downey, 1997).
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Critical Evaluation of the Book of Brendan Hyde Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
6 pages (1904 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Hyde starts her article by stating that unlike other countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada, Australia is yet to carry out similar research especially in relation to children and spirituality. Hyde further notes that Australia has no legislative provisions addressing the importance of spiritual development among school-going children.
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Islamic Factor in Science and Knowledge Development Religion and Theology Coursework
6 pages (1803 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Diverse historical accounts have pointed to the fact that Islam is endowed with its own extensive golden history, commonly referred to as the ‘Golden age of Islamic civilization’ (7th -15th C) impacting nearly in every realm of knowledge and science, ranging from mathematics, astronomy, pharmacy and chemistry among others (Fariqi, 2006).
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Myth in the Ancient World Religion and Theology Assignment
8 pages (2261 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The myth of God testing Abraham by requiring him to sacrifice his son is a powerful story.  Abraham is ready to do what God asks when God tells him that it will not be necessary for him to follow through with the sacrifice.  ‘... [In] obeying and in acting upon God’s command to sacrifice Isaac, Abraham, in his acquiescence, is also ‘sacrificing’ himself to God’s command’
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Biblical Motifs of Shepherd, Builder, and Parent in Pastoral Theology and Ministry Practice Religion and Theology Coursework
7 pages (1903 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Motifs indicate the occurrence of an element within an author’s work. It can possess symbolic meaning or literal meaning.  Motifs have been used during writing as they enhance connection in different parts of the author’s work. They also collect the story in one piece and enhances the promotion of the author’s intentions to the readers.
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Controversy between Augustine and Pelagius Religion and Theology Coursework
6 pages (1759 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Augustine's Christianity life was characterized by a lot of delight in practicing Christian life more than teaching about Christianity. His life is greatly emulated by many Christians. Pelagius's life was not different and he also delighted in following Jesus’ teachings and his scriptures concerning human morals. He strictly followed the teaching of Christ.
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Islam: Past and Present Religion and Theology Assignment
7 pages (2098 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The origin of this split took place during the reign of the fourth Khalifa known as Ali who was also Muhammad’s son. During his reign, he faced the first rebellion from Talha and Al- Zubair, who claimed that he had a hand in the assassination of Khalifa Uthman. This rebellion is believed t have consequently resulted in a battle known as “Battle of Camel”.
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Critical Religious Issues Religion and Theology Assignment
6 pages (2407 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Religious practices believe in sacred beliefs that are normally set apart and are forbidden. It is the sacred and divine nature of religion that makes it impossible for science to disturb its adherents. Hinnells (2005) argued that the development of religion over the years has taken different cultures with some religions putting importance on belief.
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Islam Traditions in the World Religion and Theology Assignment
10 pages (3057 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Islam religion means submitting to the will and Commandments of Allah freely (Delong-Bas 2010, p.3). In the Islamic doctrine, five pillars form the framework of the lives of Muslims. These doctrines include prayer, faith, self-purification, concern for the needy, and pilgrimage to Makkah for the Muslims who can.
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Athenian Rites of Passage Religion and Theology Coursework
8 pages (2129 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
They considered the maturity of an individual as a result of the acceptance of structure and the essential duties and responsibilities that are part and parcel of preservation, continuation, and advancing of the same structures. According to the Athenians, the rites of passages were not linked with the acceptance of responsibilities but also coming-of-age.
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The Early Churchs Belief about Jesus Religion and Theology Coursework
7 pages (1915 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The early church is believed to have started during the days of the Pentecostal, in the gatherings of the disciples in the room when they were contemplating on what to do next after the death of Jesus Christ and his resurrection. During that time, the word of the Holy Spirit was witnessed by the disciples as they had been promised by Jesus Christ before his death.
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Difference Between Vincibly and Invincibly Ignorant Conscience Religion and Theology Coursework
6 pages (1653 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The concepts of ignorance and moral conscience have long been used in defining what is right and wrong as long as religion is a concern (Keenan, 1999). Ignorance, in moral theology, is defined as the deficiency or lack of knowledge that a person is supposed to have. Ignorance differs from nescience in that nescience involves a lack of knowledge.
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End of Life Decisions Religion and Theology Assignment
6 pages (1601 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
According to the book of Romans 8:18-21, the sufferings that Christians endure cannot be compared to the glory that will be revealed to them. This notion arises from the fact that all creations are subject to futility, not out of willingness. Furthermore, all creation needs to be freed from every form of bondage
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Galatians 4:21-31 Interpretation Religion and Theology Assignment
9 pages (2227 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
In the passage, the recipients of this letter are warned against reverting back to the law. The passage uses the word "brethren," which is the name apostles addressed each other. It commonly cited in epistles of Paul. Therefore, it was addressing the church of Galatians as the leader of the church.
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Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steve Hagen Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
9 pages (2335 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Believing in mysterious and supernatural powers to lead a holy life does not make sense for disregarding Buddhism as a religion since it contravenes this ideology.  As the other doctrines, Buddhism teaches how human beings could lead a divine, charitable, intellectual and righteous life through persevering suffering and hardship in life.
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Marriage, Divorce and the Church: Where Did the Church Go Wrong Religion and Theology Coursework
10 pages (2555 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Third, the church should adopt the “carrot and stick” approach to premarital education. The approach entails the use of incentives and sanctions simultaneously (Vail, Scott; 2012). One of the incentives has been explained already: the Church should stress to members the value of premarital education.
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The Second Temple Period Religion and Theology Case Study
12 pages (35 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
While Haggai and Zechariah played a crucial role in keeping the hope of people of Judah alive, Nehemiah and Ezra helped in the resettlement process in Judah. Nehemiah was appointed to a Governor's position in 445BC while Ezra who served as a priest led, in the second return, 5000 Jews back to their ancestral homes.
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Analysis of What the Bible is all about Book by Henrietta Mears Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
7 pages (1741 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The book seeks to introduce the key people in the Bible to the readers. These are the people that are adversely mentioned in the Bible such as, but not limited to, Jesus Christ, Adam, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, King David, Virgin Mary, and the twelve disciples. The Bible has very many characters that serve one key role or another.
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The Theological Method in Seventh-Day Adventist Religion and Theology Case Study
16 pages (3493 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In the article, Horton proposes open theism based on the principle that God is not knowable unless God makes himself known. Even then, human beings do not possess a complete understanding of God. Despite the numerous approaches utilized in theology, the hermeneutics methods have been unable to explain the world's questions.
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Catholic Social Teachings and Utilitarianism Religion and Theology Case Study
8 pages (2013 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The utility principle holds that the greatest happiness will bring about the right action for a significant number of persons. The doctrine holds that sometimes an individual needs to sacrifice some things to get tremendous amounts of happiness. For example, Derfner holds that Binyamin Netanyahu admitted to having cheated on his wife.
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Principles of Christian Theology Religion and Theology Assignment
6 pages (1545 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
God is self-giving, and his gifts are always of goodness. Oord describes God’s omnipotence to be involuntary where he cannot help but do good, and he also cannot stop evil (Oord). Tanner might disagree with this position because according to her, God reincarnated himself as a human to bring His creation closer to the Trinity and save them from evil.
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The Five Pillars of Islam Religion and Theology Assignment
8 pages (2163 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The first reference is made to the Western Criticism that Jihad as a component of the five pillars of Islam meant “the holy war” and that the religion was propagated by force. Protagonists of this definition to date argue that the Prophetic traditions and the Quran warrant war as a justified form of self-defense against harsh aggression and persecution.
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The Christian Life: According to Romans 8, the Spirit Is Integral to Our Sanctification Religion and Theology Assignment
10 pages (2347 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The time taken to adapt to the teachings of the holy book plays a decisive role in defining the individual characters of most Christians. The time taken to adapt to the teachings of the holy book plays a decisive role in defining the individual characters of most Christians. The development of affection is a key step of sanctification. God has true love and affection for his people.
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A Spiritual Journey Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1452 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This paper seeks to understand whether at Graduation, as a graduate one shall have embarked on a spiritual journey leading him towards a personal relationship with God within a religious tradition and/or faith community. Further, it will discuss more specifically if the graduate: has learned and embraced the example of Jesus Christ, as His disciple.
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Difficulties of Teaching Creationism in Public Schools Religion and Theology Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Out of the desire to explain the origin of the universe, its purpose as well as its eventuality, there have been concerted efforts that have been emphasized in this endeavor. There have been several theories put across to shed light on the discourse. Creationism has been backed mostly by various religions as the beginning of the universe.
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Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1641 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Given the master morality's presence, the other side of Nietzsche’s morality coin has to exist – what he refers to as slave morality. This morality was created by those lower than nobility, namely the priestly caste – it is at this point, we are first introduced to Nietzsche’s views on religion and morality in religion.
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My Personal Relationship with Christ Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1314 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Our family is used to adversity since we depend on the church many times. The material things that I see do not affect me much since my parents taught me to see things in the eyes of Christ. Of course, I am not perfect. I am also tempted and prone to sin since we are made of flesh. Yet, my relationship with Christ has proved to be a lamp that guided me on a dark path.
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Islam in America Religion and Theology Thesis
8 pages (2051 words) , Download 0 , Thesis
Ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt were built with slave labor, and wars were fought using enslaved soldiers. Some sort of slavery existed in all countries. But slavery took off as a commercial venture in the 1400s when merchant adventurers from Portugal began to transport men, women, and children from the West Coast of Africa to America's plantation owners.
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Interviews and Ways it Affects my Future Celebration of Sacrament of Reconciliation Religion and Theology Report
5 pages (1458 words) , Download 0 , Report
The sacrament of reconciliation is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. There are five integral sacramental elements to the sacrament of reconciliation. It is the first step in the return after straying from the Father through and is heeding the call of Jesus present in the sacrament to conversion.
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A Constant Controversy Between Muslim Nations Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1535 words) , Download 0 , Essay
One of the most important aspects that should be promoted by Muslim societies is the concept of education, which is extremely emphasized in Islam but maybe not given much importance now in Muslim societies. With the spread of education regarding the world, science, and the religion of Islam, all issues will easily be understood.
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Islamic Civilization in Pre-Mongol Era and Today Religion and Theology Assignment
6 pages (1539 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Islamic civilization in the pre-Mongol, or the classical era, had several major features. One of these was the fact that it was composed of an amazingly cosmopolitan society, made up of a number of different cultural and ethnic groups, as well as religions.  On one hand, Islam proved to be a uniting force.
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Three Major Religions and Their Various Perspectives Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1438 words) , Download 0 , Essay
They know from an early age what their god tells them is the right thing to do and what is the wrong thing. Others question their faith and try to revise their morality, bringing in parts of other religions or philosophies. Still, others have no real faith and try to build a moral foundation out of their personal experience adding rules.
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A Hindu Religious Ritual Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1389 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Excited with the prospect of being a part of one of the oldest religions globally, I patiently waited out the days till the day of the Puja arrived. I reached his house, and I was informed that the ritual they were celebrating was known as Saraswati Puja. I saw all house members dressed in their ethnic wear, either in white or in yellow.
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The Very Important Codes of Ethics and Religious Beliefs Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1650 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In the modern world of humanity and individuality, ethics are associated with well-founded standards of rights and wrongs. It is specifically prescribed in terms of rights, obligations, and benefits to society, fairness, and virtues. As a responsible citizen of the nation, the person has been given certain rights.
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The American Culture: Religious and Cultural Identity Religion and Theology Essay
7 pages (1862 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In college, my interactions with American society made me appreciate their culture and my traditional culture. The American culture influenced me to be less reserved about my ideas and opinions and to be open to competition with my peers. American culture affected what I eat. I used to eat traditional dishes only and some American food.
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Women in Islam - Aisha vs Fatima Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1420 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Koran, in its discourse on community relations as well as its recommendations on the methods of interpersonal interaction, discusses aspects of life that affect women. Particularly, it narrated personages that are influential to Muslim women. For instance, Aisha and Fatima are revered models of Muslim values.
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The Church as a Learning Community Religion and Theology Assignment
5 pages (1357 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The assigned reading identified several concepts that I found to be very informative and beneficial when rethinking the ministry at our church. One of our goals for this year is to increase church school and bible study attendance not to mention the overall interest in studying the Word of GOD at our church.
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St. Augustines Views Regarding Sacraments Religion and Theology Assignment
5 pages (1552 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
St. Ambrose believes that the celebration of the Eucharist is more ancient than the rites followed by Judaism. St. Ambrose argues that the flesh and blood of Christ had the power to quench hunger and thirst for eternity. It was superior to the earthly food and is the bread and wine that shall redeem humanity. The feast of the Eucharist can be attended only by the initiated, or the baptized.
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Pentecostal Church in Taiwan Religion and Theology Essay
7 pages (1781 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author states that this visit was enlightening and inspiring and thus encouraged further explorations into the various factions of the various religious traditions under the Christianity umbrella. For the second visit to a church in the lifetime, he/she opted to attend the New Life Worship Center located in Woodland, CA.
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The Gospel of Mary of Magdala - Jesus and the First Woman Apostle by King Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1293 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The translation of Karen King of the Gospel in the point of view of Mary is a very valuable tool for presenting current developments in the discipline of ancient Christianities to average people. Scholars should read King’s work to better understand the connection of textual-historical studies and their prescriptive repercussions for professionals. 
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Comparing the Ideas and Actions of Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X Religion and Theology Report
6 pages (1824 words) , Download 0 , Report
It was during his time in prison that his religious thoughts began to take shape. He was impressed by the teachings of Elijah Muhammad who was the leader of the Nation of Islam. His mission was to eliminate the disdainful attitudes of the whites towards the Blacks in the US who had repeatedly abhorred their color and race and had condemned them from participating in America’s social system.
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