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The Human Brain and Language Psychology Research Paper
14 pages (3892 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Language processing occurs mainly in Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas. In general terms, words are comprehended by Wernicke’s area and articulated by Broca’s area. Broca’s area is located in the frontal lobe. The back region moves the mouth to form words, while the front part is hypothesized to be related to aspects of word meaning.
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Social Psychology of New Social Media Psychology Essay
26 pages (5000 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Not only have people adopted social networking as a means through which to communicate, socialize and stay in touch, but businesses are as well are targeting the huge growing population in the social media through various marketing tactics.
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Critical evaluation of two major therapeutic orientations Psychology Essay
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Critical evaluation of two major therapeutic orientations. In counselling, a number of theoretical frameworks can be applied to solve a client's problems. The choice of the approach highly depends on the client's problems and the intensity of the problems.
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Individual Treatment Plan for Particular Case Psychology Essay
15 pages (4173 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The main premise supporting CBT is that emotional problems or disorders result from learned responses and can be altered by new learning. Although the specifics of CBT may vary when implemented to different clients, several defining features remain constant. These include obtaining a problem list from the client.
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Attraction and Creativity: Will an Interest in Music Be a Fitness Indicator for Men Psychology Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
With sexual selection, which is the ability to pass on one’s genes to the coming generation, there has been a great difference between males and females. Females are seen to emphasize greatly on the resources that the male in question can access. Males have a very different view, emphasizing on creativity, which is an indicator of productivity.
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Counselling treatment plans for case study- Steve Psychology Essay
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 7 , Essay
Counseling treatment plans for case study. This is a study about a counseling treatment plan for a client named Steve. The study will include the most appropriate intervention that can be applied in dealing with Steve’s case. The plan will start by giving biographical information about Steve that is missing and comment on his positive attributes.
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Stigmatization and discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS Psychology Essay
28 pages (7000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is clear that the people living with the disease have been neglected and discriminated against in their society.   In researching this, respondents were asked to answer relevant questionnaires through telephone conversation. These respondents were selected from health care and HIV centres in Kumasi.
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Dyslexia and Modern Music Teaching Techniques Psychology Essay
16 pages (4480 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Dyslexia is a difference in how the brain is wired. Dyslexics learn and think differently than those without dyslexia. They tend to be more global thinkers and are able to see the bigger picture, as opposed to getting hung up on the minutiae. Dyslexics are problem solvers, and have natural creativity, citing Picasso as an example.
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Effects of Sleep on GPA Psychology Research Proposal
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research proposal is motivated by the evident predicament of sleep disorders observed in college students, and the resultant effects this has on the students’ academic performance. As a result of the rigorous schedules, these college students are liable to experience upset sleep patterns and to regard them as regular.
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The Issue of Anxiety and Avoidance Psychology Research Paper
10 pages (2778 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Although not all worries lead to anxiety, exaggerated worrying accompanied with fear that exceeds six months becomes a serious problem. Actually, people who have serious anxiety disorder expect the worst. Simpson, et al. noted that some of the worries these people have include excessive worry about money, family problems, or stressful work.
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Masculinity in Relation to Lynx Deodorant Psychology Essay
12 pages (3489 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The social construct of being a man depends on age, culture, and social position and varies over time. Traditional masculinity is believed to give male gender privileges over female gender in society. In reference to masculinity contents, there are numerous socially constructed descriptions of one being either a man or a woman.
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Online Pathology Psychology Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper intends to avail a comprehensive discussion on online pathology through the disturbed gambling online. The internet pathology has received a profound popularity in the global scope due to its impacts on the parties involved. Internet gambling contributes to the alterations taking place in the internet on the presentation of pathology.
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Impact of Stress on Students Education and Productivity Psychology Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Pfeiffer defines stress as a physical, mental, or emotional response that stems from an individual's reaction to environmental tensions, conflicts, and pressures. Researchers recognize stress as the perception of inconsistency between environmental demands (stressors) and an individual's competence to meet these demands.
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Feminism and Femininity over lifespan Psychology Essay
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Then a detailed analysis of the theories, their empirical evidences and comparison between the two scholars contribution to feminism is discussed in a distinct way. Great communist philosopher Karl Marx proposes that communism is attained by moving out from the realms of ‘Differentiated Disunity’.
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The Effect of TV Violence on Children Psychology Term Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
They all portray violence and murder as an everyday part of life. TV shows such as Jersey Shore, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Survivor, Amazing Race, and other reality based programming continuously promote aggressive behavior such as bullying, physical violence, collaborating with one another to undermine someone who is not a common enemy but is perceived to be in the common interest of a perceived goal, these all contribute to the ever evolving and growing trend of television violence.
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Summary of Positive Psychology Seminars Psychology Essay
13 pages (3552 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Productivity is assured by the state of flow as there is an assurance of accomplishing long-term things and goals. In fact, many people consider flow as the sense of effortless action in moments. Flow has the characteristic of providing immediate feedback, which many people find pleasure in especially playing games like chess or tennis.
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Words Superiority Psychology Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Word Superiority Effect Experiment Abstract This experiment was based on Reicher’s (1969) experiment that allowed for the systematic analysis of the phenomenon of superior recognition of letters when they are embedded in meaningful words. Under controlled exposure conditions, 593 participants were briefly exposed to both letters within a word and letters in isolation, and then were asked to indicate the exposed letter using a forced choice between two alternatives.
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Parenting styles and effects on children Psychology Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Parenting style is one of the independent variables studied in the field of child development. Several studies have established the importance of parenting style to the healthy development of children’s intellectual, social, and psychological abilities.
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Abortion and Mental Health Psychology Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Abortion and mental health Introduction The debate on abortion continues to rage in many parts of the world. There is gradual mounting of evidence indicating that not only is the pre-born infant human, but that the mother may suffer mental harm due to the act.
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WAIS-III Assessment. Psychological tests Psychology Assignment
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Emma's full scale IQ score is 104. This is the score for the verbal plus the performance. This means that she has average intelligence, as average intelligence is marked by scores between 90-109. The score may or may not be meaningful as an analysis of her overall performance.
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The Various Attachment Theories Psychology Essay
12 pages (3242 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The various attachment theories include the cognitive view of attachment, which centres on infants' contention to develop concepts of object permanence before attachment. The approach holds that if children are upset about the absence of the caregivers, they must have perceived that the caregivers continue to exist.
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Earlier Physiological and Experimental Psychology Psychology Essay
12 pages (3288 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This approach is based on two ways of studying the human mind: rational and empirical. In this case, a rationalist believes that logical analysis is the route to knowledge. On the other hand, an empiricist believes that knowledge is acquired empirically or through evidence. This means that individuals obtain evidence via observation and experience.
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An Overview of Eating Disorders Psychology Dissertation
22 pages (8235 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
Considered problematic was how the media equates thinness with success, encouraging young people to partake in dangerous behaviours to achieve similar levels of success to their idol. Also illustrated was the problems that the pro-anorexia sub-culture can have and the role traditional and social media have in developing this sub-culture.
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Systematic Desensitization in Treating Phobias and Anxiety Psychology Term Paper
11 pages (2830 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Learning occurs through interaction with the environment. Pavlov believed that behavior is shaped by the environment and that taking feelings and emotions into consideration does not help explain behavior. His theory of classical conditioning takes into consideration the associations between the environmental stimuli and the naturally occurring stimuli.
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History of the Eugenics Movement Psychology Term Paper
11 pages (2948 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
As a motley collection from various disciplines including biology, anthropology, and genetics, the eugenics movement promoted racist and segregationist policies under the guise of science. The cornerstone of the movement’s ideals was that human beings were not created equal; some human beings were more intelligent, beautiful, or talented than others.
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ADHD and it's effects on Children's Development Psychology Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
ADHD and its effects on and its effects on Children's Development Introduction Neurological weaknesses of an individual to understand information and acquire new skills in a particular area are referred to as learning disabilities (LDs). Although, everyone has differences of learning capabilities, individuals with learning disabilities face graver and more long-term problems.
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Early Childhood Maltreatment Psychology Research Paper
11 pages (2981 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
These maltreatments to a young person have been found to course a development in the brain, which leads to maladaptive behaviour. These behaviours are either delinquency in the adolescent stage, or the child may turn to drug abuse as the other option. The effect of maltreatment varies from one individual to another, but the effect is always negative.
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Compiling Journal Writing Psychology Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Week one: Care giving is not an easy task, and whoever chooses to venture in the field must just be prepared for the challenges and difficulties that are associated with it (Felder, 2009). Before finally going to the field and start my provision of services to the clients, I first had to prepare myself physiologically and physically.
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Cultural Heritage and Influence on Counselling Process Psychology Essay
21 pages (5785 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Some power perceptions include expert power and legitimate power. The counselor has a duty of ensuring health and safety standards are observed. The counselor should consider the family patterns, belief systems, and prior life experiences of the client in order to building working counseling relationships.
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Relationship Between Executive Functions and Physical Activity of Young Adults Psychology Essay
10 pages (2958 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For ethical purposes, there was ethical approval from the Brothel University ethics board in line with the British Psychological Society. This was to ensure that, during the study, no one gets hurt. There was the use of devices such as a CRT monitor to display the Stroop task, the Eriksen flanker task, and the use of PEBL.
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Introduction about the Eating Disorders Psychology Research Paper
11 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
How a person thinks about themselves is going to affect every behaviour, including eating habits. If a girl perceives herself as fat, she will psychologically see herself as fat no matter how thin she gets. This may be because a child might be chubby and got teased at school, so the complexity in the child develops over time.
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The Most Common Anxiety Disorders Psychology Dissertation
16 pages (4841 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Studies show that socially conscious individuals tend to detail the specific aspects of the daily social interactions based on past experiences' recollections, whether good or bad. However, most of the previous research focuses on how negative autobiographical memories influence social anxiety in socially conscious and anxious persons.
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What Comes to Mind when Watching Films Psychology Essay
10 pages (3015 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Cognitive processes are constantly ongoing because there is stimulation all around us.  Everything that our senses pick up provides information that our brains process.  McDevitt & Omrod (2004) identify the components of the information processing system as the central executive, the sensory register, the working memory, and the long-term memory.
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Study of Diego's Medical History Psychology Research Paper
42 pages (10274 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
While organizations are not required to fully employ all the methods and objects of assessment contained within the assessment, a couple of procedures have been identified for security associated controls deployed from within. Any organization has an inherent flexibility that can determine what level of effort must carry out a particular assessment.
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An Official Definition of Autism Psychology Research Paper
15 pages (3899 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Asperger’s Syndrome was first reported in 1944 when Dr Asperger wrote on his clinical findings of the children he studied fraught with difficulties. Many of the children could talk, some could name things in their environment, while others could count or say the alphabet and recite whole books word for word from memory.
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The Relationship between Hypnotisation and the Language Employed Psychology Dissertation
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
This research entailed a comparison of hypnotisability depths based on employment of version of Russian translation, English and mixed English-Russian versions of HGSHS. In this study, fifteen participants were chosen, all of whom spoke Russian as their first language and also spoke fluent English.
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Therapeutic Approach and Methods Used in Counselling Psychology Psychology Essay
10 pages (2804 words) , Download 3 , Essay
According to the background information provided, the client is valued amongst his coworkers because of his amiable and caring nature, but now he has taken a prolonged leave of absence from work because of personal troubles. This absence is affecting his workplace environment badly as he played an essential role in keeping his team together.
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The Use of Biofeedback To Improve Performance in Athletes Psychology Essay
10 pages (2963 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The objective of monitoring the activities and health of these physiological functions is to help an athlete to manipulate the functions at will for the desired exercise/sports performance or results. Listed among these physiological functions that one may manipulate for desired sports/exercise results include heart rate and pain perception.
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The Incidence of Homicides in New York City Psychology Research Paper
11 pages (3008 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The homicide victims will die from the superior force exerted by the homicide attackers. Also, many homicide attackers have psychological problems. The attackers entertain a closed concept that they are authorized to kill the homicide victim. The homicide attacker has already made up one’s mind that he or she is correct in committing the homicide act.
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Psychology on Vanity in the United States Psychology Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The risk factors which predispose adolescents and young adults regardless of their gender to developing psychological issues are so ingrained in our society that it has become almost impossible for parents to protect their children from eating disorders and depression.
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Psychoanalysis An Experience Of Guilt Or Shame Psychology Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
 Psychoanalysis, as depicted by Sigmund Freud, is the process through which an investigation is taken of the mental processes, virtually undeterminable through any other method, enabling a remedy for neurotic disorders (International dictionary of psychoanalysis 2005, p.1362)
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Schizoaffective disorder Psychology Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The understanding of schizoaffective disorder is very important given the increasing prevalence of the disease among adults and its significant effects on the cognitive, emotional and behavioral patterns of the people affected. Physicians therefore need to perfect their ability to diagnose and distinguish schizoaffective disorder from affective/mood disorder and schizophrenia so as to timely identify the best possible type of intervention for a particular patient.
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Death at workplace and associated stress in the context of nursing Psychology Essay
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Dealing with death at work Introduction In the last three to four decades, there are increase evidences of work related stress in almost all segments of employment leading to various unwanted consequences for the workers’ overall health, individual safety and for the overall productiveness of the organisations (ILO, 1986).
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Sex Roles Related to Masculinity and Femininity Psychology Lab Report
11 pages (3897 words) , Download 3 , Lab Report
The central focal point of the current study was to exhibit the relationship between sex roles and body shape relative to masculinity and femininity. In addressing the research topic, the tools adopted were the BEM sex role inventory and the body shape questionnaire. The Bem sex role inventory was used in the study. 
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The Nature of Depression as a Psychiatric Condition Psychology Essay
12 pages (4112 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The disease of depression is described and expanded upon with respect to Gloria's specific symptoms. In light of the patient's deteriorating health, depression is viewed as the most likely explanation for her changes in behavior. Following the initial analysis, recommendations are given in regards to treatment options.
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Social Learning Theory Psychology Research Paper
14 pages (3778 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Albert Bandura developed social learning theory in 1977. He hypothesized that human learning is a continuous reciprocal interaction of behavioural, cognitive, and environmental factors. Social learning theory focuses on behaviour modelling, whereby children observe and imitate adult’s behaviours or other children behaviours in their surroundings.
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Gender Culture & Health Psychology Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The field of resilience is, therefore, diverse. Resilience can hereby be defined as an individual’s ability to cope with adversity and adapt to changes and challenges. Many people demonstrate resilience as their best strategy against stress in a regular basis.
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The Future of Biopsychology - Appetite, Sleep and Resource Intensive Lifestyle Psychology Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Biopsychology is a branch of neuroscience that deals with how the brain and neurotransmitters or the nervous system (NS) influence/control behavior, feelings and thoughts. Examples of such behaviors are sleeping and eating. This branch of neuroscience is a rapidly growing area of research that includes all aspects of the function and structure of the NS.
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The Adverse Health Effects of Marijuana Use Psychology Research Paper
10 pages (2506 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Low doses of marijuana are not much less harmful in effects upon health. When smoke in small doses, marijuana causes the blood pressure in the supine position to slightly increase while it undergoes a slight decline when the individual stands up. This causes the cardiac output to change. The increased heart rate induces an increase in cardiac output.
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East is East (1999) Critique Psychology Term Paper
10 pages (2862 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The opening scene captures the dynamics of how families work. In the scene, a catholic parade makes its way through the streets joined by Khan children who proudly carry banners of crucifixes. Their mother warns them to continue with the journey convincing them that their father has returned from the mosque and is observing the parade.
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