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A flight attendant’s job is one of the most dynamic jobs due to the recurrent changes in the flight experience. This job requires the captain to usually briefs people who can listen carefully to instructions since flight attendants at least an hour before take-off on what to expect during the flight (“Flight Attendant”, n.d.). It is also expected that they are very friendly and resourceful to the passengers. They welcome all passengers aboard in a friendly manner as they check their tickets. They must also speak, fluent as they direct passengers on when to fasten their seat belts and enquire whether a passenger needs assistance. Keenness is also key as they make sure all things in the plane such as food, beverages, blankets, pillows, and first aid kits are in place. The knowledge of safety is required in case of any terror attacks. Flight attendants are always on the lookout for any suspicious passengers. They also stay put to attend to emergency cases of the passengers. Readiness to work for 12 hours or more is crucial since they work for 12-14 hours per day (“Flight Attendant”, n.d.). Observation can be used by an organization in monitoring their employees to ensure they do work in the desired manner. Surveillance cameras may also be incorporated to perk up observation and keep employees on their toes.
Reliability and Validity of the Job Analysis
This job analysis is very accurate since all information acquired is firsthand, hence reliable. Also, due to the simplicity of the technique, fewer mistakes were likely to be made thus this job analysis is likely to be valid. Information learned about the job prior to the analysis would be verified making the analysis reliable. However, since one mostly observes manual tasks, the mental tasks and the feelings of the workers were unlikely to be taken into consideration. In addition, the possibility that workers alter their normal performance to match the requirements on the day of the observation is high. Limited information is provided on personal requirements for the job by simply observing the workers. This would make the analysis to some degree unreliable.
Performance Appraisal Methods for This Job with Their Benefits and Vulnerabilities
Rating scales may include five components such as unsatisfactory, fair, satisfactory, good, or outstanding. The supervisors use them to gauge performance. It is beneficial in that it is not time-consuming. It also gives comparisons that can be quantified (“11 Performance”, 2010). However, this appraisal method is vulnerable to being invalid if different supervisors rate different workers. The Management By Objectives method would also apply in appraising this job. In this method, managers set objectives by which they gauge the performance of employees (“11 Performance”, 2010). The employees are rewarded according to the goals achieved. The benefits of this method are that it gives all employees a chance to utilize their capabilities to the maximum to ensure that they achieve the most goals. Also, since it emphasizes future results, appraisal becomes more constructive (“11 Performance”, 2010). One shortcoming of the method is that it can lead to unhealthy competition among employees. Another suitable appraisal method is the 360-degree method. All employees, managers, peers, and other stakeholders give feedback on the performance of each in the company. Performance is then rated according to the overall feedback. Its advantages are that it can improve personal development and that it gives a more credible performance appraisal. Its tendency to be time-consuming and its complexity can, however, make it less preferable (“11 Performance”, 2010).
Job analysis is very useful to an organization in that only individual with the required skills are recruited. Observation can be a very effective method when analyzing a flight attendant's job. It ensures that the job analysis arrived at is accurate and with fewer mistakes. All in all, after a job analysis and selection of the best candidates, their performance must be measured. The most suitable appraisal methods for a flight attendant job are Rating scales, the Management By Objectives method, and the 360-degree method.
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