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Running head: Unit 3 Discussions Unit 3 Discussions u03d1 Technology and Role of School Counselor Technology has led to the improvement of school counseling since counselors are able to carry out numerous activities via social networks like Twitter and Facebook. Currently, most of the students are using the social networking sites thus counselors use these sites to pass announcements to the students. In instances in which the counselors require feedback, they use blogs like Kidblog to allow comments.
Due to technology, some schools have set up their organizational page in which students and parents can become fans thus enhancing their interaction (Trae Turner, 2009). Counselors are able to have fulltime access to their clients through Facebook, therefore, it is easy to detect students’ behaviors and deal with them immediately thus technology has resulted in efficiency in counseling. In the school setting, counselors usually guide the students to ensure that they perform well in school throughout the year.
In most schools for example George Middle School (GMS), the school has put up the “No Child Left Behind” program to guarantee performance throughout the year. The accomplishment of this strategy was a challenge to the counselors since performance of students was dependent on their timely arrival in school and attendance of classes. However, with the current use of social networking sites, life has become very easy for the counselors (Trae Turner, 2009). This is because it has become easy for the counselors to deal with the persistent offenders via online messaging either on individual basis or as groups depending on the nature of the message.
Technology has aided in programming the students and this has resulted in minimal time wastage; hence leading to enough learning time that has resulted in good performance and discipline.In terms of performance optimization, technology has enabled counselors to gather vast information about various issues that they can use to counsel their clients and this result in efficiency. Counselors also use technology to send encouraging messages about personal victories or on serious issues via twitter.
This has resulted in positive reactions from the students (Trae Turner, 2009). Technology has made it easy for the counselors to deal with both the parents and students in that the counselors can use the social networking sites to avail information to the parents and students who may not be in a position to physically attend certain meetings. The information is sent to them via email which they can access using their computers. Technology has enabled counselors to collect information on counseling curriculum through interactive smart boards and sent clickers.
This allows the counselors to use the information in carrying pre and post testing and in conducting lessons (Karl, 2010). Due to the availability of Google documents, the counselors track class registration forms that the parents receive via email; this has resulted to performance optimization. u03d2 Challenges, Collaboration, and Advocacy of Counseling Mei tang (2003) in her article about career counseling in the future, lists the diverse compositions of the workforce as one of the challenges that career counselors face.
Over the last two decades, the workforce has changed with members of the minority groups and women entering the labor force. This challenge is further heightened by lack of research and literature on how to go about when dealing with groups from different cultural backgrounds. As a result, career counselors do not know how best to intervene with regard to problems faced by these different groups. Counselors also do not fully understand how the diversity in the workforce influences the work setting for each individual.
The author has one dream as far as career counseling is concerned. She hopes that counselors will see technology as a tool to make their practice easier and not as their competitor. Computers should function as a counselor’s assistant, doing the labor intensive and tedious work such as record keeping. Meanwhile, the counselor will have more time to facilitate self-exploration, self-awareness and charting a career path. Diversity of cultures is also a challenge in my area of specialization in counseling.
This is because different values, norms, beliefs and backgrounds mean that a client’s problem is unique to him or her and there is no umbrella solution to all problems. This requires for an in-depth understanding of different cultures to come up with solutions that are best suited for each client. Information technology on the other hand will help me in my area of specialization as it opens more opportunities. Not only does the counselor have more time to cater for the clients, but it also opens up other opportunities where one can offer online services.
In light of globalization, internet and applications such as Skype have enabled communication beyond borders. Arthur (2005) recommends use of the system theory framework. The framework would help career counselors pay attention to cultural influences in the workforce. In addition, the system framework points out that career counseling does to happen in isolation. Apart from cultural influences, counselors should consider the societal and environmental systems in which their clients exist and operate in.
On information technology, Gannon (2007) notes that information technology should not only be used in organizing and presenting information within the database and internet, but also in career education. Poor career counseling in developing nations is due to insufficient training. However, with internet and advent of distance learning, career counseling can be realized in developing countries. ReferencesArthur, N. (2005) "Multicultural career counseling: theoretical applications of the systems theory framework".
Career Development Quarterly. 18 Jun 2012Gannon, R. C. (2007). Career education and information technology diffusion/integration. DePaul University. Meinhardt., (2010) Texting Paid Off! Filed under: Ed Technology, Student Attendance, Student Engagement, The Portland Project.Tang, Mei. (2003). Career counseling in the future: constructing, collaborating and advocating. The career development quarterly. Vol. 52(1) pp.
61-70Trae Turner, H. V. (2009). High tech=High Touch. Covers school counseling issues for ASCA School Counselor and can be reached at
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