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Obesity in Children in the United States - Essay Example

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This paper talks that in the United States, Obesity in children has been confirmed as one of the acute health problem that faces nearly a third of youth with over 23 million children and teenagers have been confirmed as overweight or obese. …
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Obesity in Children in the United States
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? Obesity in Children in the United s Obesity in Children in the United s This paper discusses the impact and effect of obesity in children in the United States Introduction In the United States, Obesity in children has been confirmed as one of the acute health problem. Nearly a third of youth with over 23 million children and teenagers have been confirmed as overweight or obese. Apparently, obesity has doubled in the last thirty years especially in children and adolescents. Economic perspectives on childhood obesity The basic measure of Obesity is Body Mass Index (BMI), which allows weight and height comparisons. It is absolutely the mandate of government to intervene in ensuring that people especially children is protected against poor health. The lives of children in the past three decades have greatly being related to weight gain. Through the use of National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), it easier to determine if mothers working for longer hours during the week or more on average are likely to have children who are obese. Economic model dictates that there should be well informed individuals who are capable of making choices on their health. Economist must handle the policy intervention in addressing obesity especially now that the government has intervened. Behavioural economic predictors of overweight children’s weight loss In behavioural economics predictors of children‘s weight loss, there is an urge to determine if the constructs of behavioural economic. Environment can be used to treatment predictors of obese with regard to loss of weight especially in children. High levels of environmental enrichment were associated with successful treatment for children who found food less reinforcing. Through economic perspective on childhood obesity and the behavioural economic predictors of overweight on weight loss in children, the various research carried out are proofing helpful to curb Obesity. Socio economic status correlation with childhood overweight and obesity Obesity is associated with bad eating habits. In fact, eating habits are associated with the level of income of the affected person. Family headed by persons with high income, it is likely for the children to develop obesity. This can be attributed to the likelihood of the children to get what they want. Studies have documented that families headed by persons with college or higher education are less prevalence to obesity than those without or with primary or secondary education. Obesity could lead to other complications like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Family narratives about cause of their motivation for taking action Obesity may be seen to be a ‘normal’ health problem; its effects are devastating such as making affected persons inefficient in carrying out their duties. Research has also indicated that there are arising cases of discrimination of persons with obesity. There also cases of poor school performance for obese children. Seeking medical attention when obesity and heavy weight is in its extreme points may become expensive to treat. Conclusion BMI distribution has indicated that the median body mass index rose to 9.2 percent and 4.5 percent for adults and children respectively with respect to the first and last survey. Observing on the eating habits and having physical exercise forms the basis for reducing obesity. It is indispensable for the government and other stakeholders to prioritize on sensitizing the issue of obesity to the citizens. The food industry should also be controlled on the levels and contents of the foodstuff they sell to people. Abstract This paper discusses the impact and effect of obesity in children in the United States. In essence, it reviews the economic perspective on childhood obesity with the inclusion of recent findings on cost of illness and cost effectiveness of intervention. In addition, it captures the behavioural economic predictors of overweight children’s weight loss, eating healthy, over and above social economic status in relation to obesity. Introduction In the United States, Obesity in children has been confirmed as one of the acute health problem that faces nearly a third of youth with over 23 million children and teenagers have been confirmed as overweight or obese. In essence, too many children are experiencing energy imbalance due to taking in more calories than they actually burn. Apparently, obesity has doubled in the last thirty years especially in children and adolescents. Economic perspectives on childhood obesity In the recent past, researchers have continuously engaged themselves in research to determine ways in which programs will be implemented to promote a healthier population in the United States. In essence, the trends in Obesity have continuously being reviewed by the NHANES that has constantly being conducted from the year 1952 to 2001. This has been done through the measurement of height and weight, an analysis that dictates if a person is overweight or not. The basic measure of Obesity is Body Mass Index (BMI), which allows weight and height comparisons (Jurgen et al, 2012). Although, most people view weight as a private issue, over and above, the decision of the amount of food to eat and exercise to be partaken., it is absolutely the mandate of the government to intervene in terms of ensuring that these people especially children are protected against poor health by preventing them from purchasing products that contribute to obesity such as cigarettes and alcohol. Moreover, changes have been documented by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC). Through this, BMI distribution has indicated that the median body mass index rose to 9.2 percent and 4.5 percent for adults and children respectively with respect to the first and last survey. Of importance to note is that, the lives of children in the past three decades have greatly being related to weight gain. In essence, mothers working far from home have not being able to prepare appropriate meals for their children, and supervise them when they are engaged in outdoor activities especially those that involve calorie – expending experience (Jurgen et al, 2012) Through the use of National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), it easier to determine if mothers working for longer hours during the week or more on average are likely to have children who are obese. Simply, the data contains information on various social economic characteristic with relation to families’ and their children. With regard to this, the economic model dictates that there should be well informed individuals who are capable of making choices on their health. Recent finding in cost of illness is attributed to poor eating habits especially from adults who are the high percentage with regard to weight problem. Needless to mention that, health care cost are likely to be generated from the weight problems for adults as the obesity related illness are more associated to adults. Hence, economist must handle the policy intervention in addressing obesity especially now that the government has intervened in the lives of people in various ways that may have greatly contributed to their weight issue either directly or indirectly (Jurgen et al, 2012). Behavioural economic predictors of overweight children’s weight loss In relation to behavioural economic predictors of children‘s weight loss, there is an urge to determine if the constructs of behavioural economic such as the delay of food and monetary rewards, over and above, enrichment through the environment where there substitutes to unhealthy foods are crucial factor that are related to treatment predictors of overweight with regard to loss of weight especially in children. A research was carried out to determine the obesity preference in children (Gredysu et al, 2012). This entails children completing a task in which they were expected to complete a task for assessing specific kind of food and delay in which there were discounting measures of snack food and money to access such kind of lifestyle. Through this research, some children were associated with food that was highly reinforcing and sharply inexpensive future food rewards which regrettably did not act in response to the treatment given out with regard to obesity, a complete opposite of the situation that was present with the children who did not use this combination of risk factors. Bandura 1977, in his social learning theory argues that children with bad eating habits most likely learn the behaviour from observing people who are around them especially their parents. The parents act like influential models to children in various ways to a point where they want to do what their parents are doing. Thus, parents who have bad eating habits influence their children directly into the behaviour that causes obesity. It is worth noting that adults were also incorporated in the research where they assisted in assessment of environmental enrichment. Of important to note is that, high levels of environmental enrichment was associated with successful treatment for children who found food less reinforcing. In addition, the monetary discounting rates indicated the presence of weight loss with no relation to the level of food consumed by the children especially during the research. Hence, there was the necessity in coming up with genuine treatment for obesity especially to the underlying impulsivity and food consumption for both adults and children. It was also noted that if the environment was enriched with substitutes to unhealthy eating it would enable loss of weight especially in children who carry the highest percentage in terms of obesity in the United States (Gredysu et al, 2012). Apparently, United States has continuously been able to curb the increase of Obesity in the country considering the fact that it is among those countries in the world who view Obesity as an enormous health problem. Through economic perspective on childhood obesity and the behavioural economic predictors of overweight on weight loss in children, the various research carried out are proofing helpful to curb Obesity. Socio economic status correlation with childhood overweight and obesity It is apparent that socio economic factors play a critical part in deliberations of how the issue of obesity should be articulated. Basically, obesity is associated with bad eating habits. In fact, eating habits are associated with the level of income of the affected person. Studies have indicated that persons with higher income are more prevalence to obesity than those with lower incomes (Kearne E., et al. 2012). According to social cognitive theory, Bandura argues that behaviour could also be influenced by intrinsic reinforcement that acts as a form of internal reward such as satisfaction. For example, a person with a stable income may decide to eat junk food or fast food to satisfy her urge for the food leading to internal reward through satisfaction. In regard to children from a family headed by persons with high income, it is likely for the children to develop obesity. This can be attributed to the likelihood of the children to get what they want. In essence, children from such backgrounds have a tendency of eating fast foods since they can afford to buy them. In addition, children tend to highly like sweet foods and snacks, which have been associated with causing obesity. It is also apparent that not many children like the idea of being active physically. This is a critical issue because physical exercise is believed to be effective in reducing cases of obesity (Chambers & Wakley, 2002). Moreover, most of such children get almost everything done for themselves by house helps and care givers. Therefore, they rarely participate in any activity that could help them reduce their weights. Conversely, children living in a family headed by persons with low income are less prevalence to obesity (Kearne E., et al. 2012). This is because they cannot afford eating expensive meals, which among them includes fast foods and snacks. In addition, such children participate in most of the family chores since they cannot afford to hire house helps or caregivers. Therefore, they become physically active, something that helps them to reduce chances of developing obesity. Studies have also documented that families headed by persons with college or higher education are less prevalence to obesity than those without or with primary or secondary education (Kearne E., et al. 2012). This can be attributed to the fact that educated persons have knowledge on how to remain healthy and more so on eating healthy diets. They clearly understand the risks of unhealthy eating behaviours which could lead to health situations like obesity. They also understand that conditions like obesity could lead to other complications like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Besides, the knowledge of how to reduce weight such as being physically active is well instilled in them. In another dimension, in order to remain distinct from those that have little education, educated persons have to ensure that even their children need to be healthy. This motivates them to using every necessary measure in order to have checks and balances on their family’s health. Gender is also a crucial factor to consider. Studies have documented that girl child is highly prevalence to obesity than a boy child. This is also interrelated with ethnicity. To some extent, some extent, some ethnic groups have been found to have a higher prevalence to obesity than some other ethnic groups. In the United States, studies have indicated that non-Hispanic white people are prevalence to obesity than non-Hispanic black people. Family narratives about cause of their motivation for taking action Although obesity may be seen to be a ‘normal’ health problem, its effects are devastating. One of the most common effects is that of making affected persons inefficient in carrying out their duties. For example, an obese child would be unable to perform even small chores in the house. In another dimension, obesity or overweight may lead to other complications like high blood pressure. This has some other implications like causing heart diseases (Chambers & Wakley, 2002). In this regard, it is apparent that, many people would start taking action when there are such occurrences. This is arguably true because since many people view obesity as not a serious health problem, its seriousness is actualized when such additional complications occur. In light of this, it is important to note that learning does not necessarily lead to change in behaviour. Thus, people learn new behaviour through paying attention, retention, reproduction and motivation. This theory plays a big role in encouraging children and to extent adults towards handling bad eating habits, over and above, building self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977). Research has also indicated that there are arising cases of discrimination of persons with obesity. This is mostly associated with the notion that, obesity is related to abnormality. In light with this, it is evident that persons/children with obesity become psychologically disturbed. When the children or any other member of the family is obese and develops psychological complications, other members of the family get affected too. Therefore, when this happens, this is the time most people start thinking of taking action in the bid to save their loved ones (Gronbaek, 2008). There also cases of poor school performance for obese children. This can be due to several factors associated with obesity. In essence, such children find it difficult to concentrate in class. This ends up making them perform poorly in their studies. When investigations are carried out on the causes of poor performance by such children that is when most parents or guardians think of searching for assistance (Gronbaek, 2008). Of course, one thing that is common as the end result of the intrigues of obesity is the idea of medication. Seeking medical attention when obesity and heavy weight is in its extreme points may become expensive to treat. This is more so when obesity lead to the development of other complications. Conclusion BMI distribution has indicated that the median body mass index rose to 9.2 percent and 4.5 percent for adults and children respectively with respect to the first and last survey. There is an urge to determine if the constructs of behavioural economic such as the delay of food and monetary rewards. It is critical that people take precaution measures that could help in reducing obesity prevalence. Observing on the eating habits and having physical exercise forms the basis for such measures (Chambers & Wakley, 2002). Unfortunately, many people are ignorant of such measures. It is indispensable for the government and other stakeholders to prioritize on sensitizing the issue of obesity to the citizens. It is indispensable for the public to be educated on the effects of bad eating habits and above all, on how they can avoid incidences of obesity and overweight. Such education can be done both in schools and public forums. The food industry should also be controlled on the levels and contents of the foodstuff they sell to people. For example, they should be advised to indicate the level of fats in the food they are selling so that customers can have full knowledge of the content of the foodstuff they buy. This way, customers can deliberate on the kinds of foods they should take. References: Bandura, A.(1977). Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Chambers, R. & Wakley, G. (2009). Obesity and overweight matters in primary care. Abingdon: Radcliffe Medical Press. Gredysu, R., et al. (2012). Behaviour Economic Prediction of Overweight Children Weight Loss, Journal of Consulting and Clinical, Psychology, 80, 1086-1986. Gronbaek, H.N. (2008). We’ve Always eaten healthily’, Family narratives about cause of their children obesity and their motivation for action. Nordic Psychology, 63,183-208. Jurgen, J. et al. (2012). Review: An economic perspective on childhood obesity: Recent finding on cost of illness and cost effectiveness of intervention. In nutrition, 28, 829-839. Kearne E., et al. (2012). Measure Parental Weight States and familial Socio-Economic Status Correlates with childhood overweight and Obesity at age 9. PLos One, 7, p 1-9. Read More
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