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3) In the ‘Total Reading’ area your child scored the highest on the subtest of ‘Reading Vocabulary’ with a raw score of 27/30, and in ‘Reading Comprehension’ scored a total of 46/50. The student’s lowest score was ‘Sounds and Prints’ where they had a raw score of 26/30. 4) In the ‘Total Mathematics’ subtest, the student did the best in ‘Concepts & Problem-Solving’ with a raw score of 34/40, and the lowest result was found in ‘Computation’ with a raw score of 24/30. 5) This Management Aptitude Test (MAT) evaluates the performance of the student, the class, and the school in comparison with national averages.
This testing is conducted by the Ohio State Department of Education standards. 6) As a teacher of the student, my personal assessment of these scores in relation to her performance in class is that “Mary” is one of our best students and consistently ranks in the upper percentile of the class in most subjects. She is very strong in math and reading but could benefit from more time to improve her computer skills. I am available during the Parent-Teacher Conferences and also after school hours to discuss any questions you may have about these test results.
You may also call 555-7654 to leave a message on my voicemail machine with any inquiries, and I will return your call swiftly. 7) The Edge Academy in Akron is working to provide the best education to our students to provide them with the skills to further progress in life. about to include information on our schools local report card designation rating. Our school currently ranks 79.4/120 on the national performance ranking. We have not met our Adequate Yearly Progress goals for this year.
To view the full report card on the Edge Academy, please visit the Ohio State Department of Education website and download the file at: ( ). Should you have any questions about the local report card designation rating of the Edge Academy, or would like to discuss more about what we are doing to improve children’s education locally, please contact me personally at the number above.
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