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Selyes Adaptation Theory Nursing Essay
2 pages (624 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Selye’s Adaptation Theory" is a perfect example of a paper on care. Selye is known for the introduction of the General Adaptation Syndrome; this has been considered one of the most imperative theories in the field of nursing. Selye’s theory focuses on three major phases of stress that are believed to be a major cause of the disease (Selye, 1980).
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Effective Communication in Nursing Nursing Essay
4 pages (1122 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Effective Communication in Nursing" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. Communication is an essential part of any business organization. In the case of healthcare as well, effective communication in nursing holds importance because it enables nurses to build stronger affiliations with their organizations and with other colleagues they are working with.
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Nursing Theories: a Framework for Professional Practice Nursing Essay
2 pages (618 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing Theories: a Framework for Professional Practice" is a brilliant example of a paper on care. Questions that may arise with regard to taking care of Jeff taking into consideration the Bureaucratic Theory of Nursing PracticeWhat could be challenges faced by Jeff’s recovery process in an environment characterized by elderly and less active patients?
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Middle Range Theory for Nursing Nursing Essay
2 pages (617 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Middle Range Theory for Nursing" is a great example of a paper on care. Like any other person falling under a special population, Chris is vulnerable. Individuals under special populations always require special attention and well-coordinated nursing procedure. These people may include those with a terminal illness, the aged, or the dying as well as the disabled. (McEwen, M., 2011).
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Medication Errors in the Nursing Profession Nursing Essay
3 pages (690 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Medication Errors in the Nursing Profession" is a marvellous example of a paper on care. Workers in the nursing profession are faced with different problems that not only affect the nurses but also the patients, hospital administration and students pursuing a nursing course in school.
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Family Nurse Practitioner Nursing Essay
2 pages (606 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Family Nurse Practitioner" is a perfect example of a paper on care. As an enlisted nurse with a BSN and working at a long-term care hospital, I enjoy practicing my profession in the course of facilitating essential care services to the patients. In the current positions, working in building rapport with clients and their families constitute my daily routine.
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Nurse Practitioner Prescribing Practices Nursing Essay
5 pages (1491 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nurse Practitioner Prescribing Practices" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. Hospital services are the primary functional unit of care for patients (Berkeley, 2013). The hospital services include practices such as; general practice, social interaction, and mental care, among others.
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Seeking for an Opportunity to Join Graduate Nursing School Nursing Personal Statement
2 pages (546 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
My interest to take the nursing career path started at a young age and received a lot of support from family, friends and another practitioner whom I have been able to share with my interest. Since I started practicing nursing, my journey has been without many challenges hence the reason I am convinced that I am on the right career path.
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End of Life Care of Critically ill Patients Nursing Essay
2 pages (640 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"End of Life Care of Critically ill Patients" is a wonderful example of a paper on care. According to Ayanian et al., (2004), the end of care has been explained as delivering the finest health care services with excellent technical proficiency, avoiding underuse, and overuse of technologies. 
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Positive Communication with Alzheimers Disease Patients Nursing Essay
4 pages (1133 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Positive Communication with Alzheimer’s Disease Patients" is an outstanding example of a paper on care. Alzheimer’s disease affects the brain and is a common cause of dementia. Dementia comprises symptoms that include behavior changes, impaired thinking, loss of language skills, and memory. 
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Fundamentals of Nursing: Caring and Clinical Judgement Nursing Essay
4 pages (1170 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Fundamentals of Nursing: Caring and Clinical Judgement" is a wonderful example of a paper on care. In nursing, the practitioner is obligated to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the patients under their care before they can administer any kind of medical measure or recommend them for a particular form of medical attention.
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Emotional Intelligence in Nursing Advanced Practice Nursing Essay
2 pages (573 words) , Download 1 , Essay
"Emotional Intelligence in Nursing Advanced Practice" is a perfect example of a paper on care. Landa and Lopez-Zafra (2010) describe emotions as playing an important part in the nursing profession. Given that the nursing profession not only requires technical expertise but also psychological orientation and knowledge about emotions.
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Preventing Fall Among the Elderly in the Nursing Homes Nursing Essay
2 pages (688 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Preventing Fall Among the Elderly in the Nursing Homes" is a wonderful example of a paper on nursing homes. SMART Goal 1: Leadership Development. S: Specific. Who is involved in the goal, what is the goal, where will it take place? (Lisa 1). I want to identify if reviewing prescribed medicines assist in preventing falls among the elderly in nursing homes.
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Health Promotion Methods in Nursing Nursing Essay
4 pages (1122 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Health Promotion Methods in Nursing" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. Nursing as a branch under the wider health care context is mandated with the betterment and sustenance of human living. As such, health promotion is a key element advocated for in nursing wherein health promotion can be defined as the process of increasing people’s control over their health, thereby improving it.
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Magnetic Forces: Quality of Nursing Leadership, Management Style, and Organizational Structure Nursing Essay
2 pages (605 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Magnetic Forces: Quality of Nursing Leadership, Management Style, and Organizational Structure" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. This paper will discuss three magnetic forces; quality of nursing leadership, management style, and organizational structure, as the most important characteristics in optimizing system effectiveness and individual performance in a hospital.
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Ethnicity in Nursing Nursing Essay
2 pages (532 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Ethnicity in Nursing" is a good example of a paper on care. A person’s origin has a considerable effect on their everyday life and in most cases; it contributes to the successes and failures one encounters in life. In Medicare and nursing, ethnicity plays a key role in how people respond to medication and their mortality rate.
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Nursing Roles in Medical Institutions Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing Roles in Medical Institutions" is a decent example of a paper on care. Nursing has numerous divisions that are mandated with different roles. Nurse Practitioners are mandated with the responsibility of providing care to patients. In the hospital setting, nurse practitioners have significant roles since they act as second in command after doctors in regards to patient care.
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Nursing Medication Errors: Qualitative and Quantitative Research Nursing Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing Medication Errors: Qualitative and Quantitative Research" is a worthy example of a paper on care. This section of the research proposal identifies the experimental design chosen for the research and the reason for choosing it. It also explains the choice of samples and the sampling procedure to be used in the research.
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Unnecessary Care in Nursing Homes Nursing Essay
2 pages (617 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Unnecessary Care in Nursing Homes" is a great example of a paper on nursing homes. The study is based on the health promotional model that among other provisions identifies the role of behavior, characteristics, and perceived benefits on an individual’s action in health promotion (O’Carroll and Park, 2007). The model’s provision means that based on behavior and personality traits.
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Interdisciplinary Care Assessment: Right Shoulder Pain Nursing Essay
3 pages (1077 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Interdisciplinary Care Assessment: Right Shoulder Pain" is a wonderful example of a paper on care. Subjective data: A 66-year-old male patient with a previous medical history of alcohol abuse from the time he was 25 years and a history of hypertension, brought in by the paramedics.
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Nurse Manager Interview Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nurse Manager Interview" is a brilliant example of a paper on care. I am a registered nurse working as a charge nurse in a Nursing and Rehabilitation facility and it has been my aim to be a nurse manager in the future either within my current employment organization or in another organization.
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Anna Maxwell's Contributions to the Nursing Profession Nursing Essay
4 pages (1206 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Anna Maxwell's Contributions to the Nursing Profession" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. One would suggest that Anna Caroline Maxwell displayed many leadership qualities in her quest to develop the nursing profession in America. She did this through her determination to ensure that nursing as a profession was recognized and respected not only by the government but also by society.
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Communication Skills in Relation to Contemporary Nursing Practice Nursing Essay
4 pages (1313 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Communication Skills in Relation to Contemporary Nursing Practice" is a perfect example of a paper on care. In any profession, effective communication skills are important. In order for employees and managers to perform their duties in a proper manner, strong communication should not be overlooked.
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Evaluating Quality Patient Outcomes, and Discussion of Articles Nursing Essay
2 pages (677 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Evaluating Quality Patient Outcomes, and Discussion of Articles" is a perfect example of a paper on care. Data sets and their consequent analysis offer a good basis for establishing a consensus to help reach a buy-in for improved patient care. Such is the case that hospitals are able to use data as a tool to identify areas for improvement.
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Nursing Student Experience of Clinical Practice Nursing Essay
4 pages (1117 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing Student Experience of Clinical Practice" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. The article contains a qualitative study that aimed at finding out the experiences of nursing students in their clinical practices. The information was collected using focus groups where students gave their opinions.
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Coping with Critical Acute Illness Nursing Essay
2 pages (634 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Coping with Critical Acute Illness" is a great example of a paper on care. For nursing staff, delivery of patient-centred care also involves offering assistance to patients and their significant others, especially with regards to their critical thinking skills required to achieve health literacy.
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Barriers of Research Implementation in Nursing Practice Setting Nursing Essay
2 pages (609 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Barriers of Research Implementation in Nursing Practice Setting" is a marvelous example of a paper on care. The study “Icelandic Nurses' Beliefs, Skills, and Resources Associated with Evidence‐Based Practice and Related Factors: A National Survey” provides the researcher with additional insight with respect to the way in which some of the known barriers to research implementation within the field of nursing can be overcome. 
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Five Types of Nursing Interventions Nursing Essay
4 pages (1143 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Five Types of Nursing Interventions" is a remarkable example of a paper on care. The abnormal treadmill test that has been indicated in the patient gives an indication of possible complications that can develop to worsen the patient’s cardiovascular disease when the right interventions are not taken very immediately (Ralph & Taylor, 2005).
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Improving the Quality of Life for Multiple Sclerosis Patients by the Nurse Home Visiting Model Nursing Essay
5 pages (1373 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Improving the Quality of Life for Multiple Sclerosis Patients by the Nurse Home Visiting Model" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. Evidence-based nursing research papers need to fulfill the various characteristics of an efficient article. For example, the papers must clearly indicate the various sections using labeled titles.
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Nurse Initiated Reinsertion of Nasogastric Tubes in the Emergency Department Nursing Essay
4 pages (1290 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nurse Initiated Reinsertion of Nasogastric Tubes in the Emergency Department" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. Quantitative research basically involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of numerical data. The article Nurse initiated reinsertion of nasogastric tubes in the emergency department: A randomized controlled trial involved quantitative research.  
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Doctoral Programs in Nursing Nursing Essay
2 pages (578 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Doctoral Programs in Nursing" is an exceptional example of a paper on care. The profession of nursing has flourished and career opportunities along with educational paths have been created. Terminal degrees in nursing have started gaining recognition and their importance is being realized by the students as well as the policymakers.
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IDEAL Discharge Planning Strategy Nursing Essay
4 pages (1273 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"IDEAL Discharge Planning Strategy" is a well-written example of a paper on care. After patients have spent their time at the hospital and have started showing signs of recovery, it is important that they will be discharged home. The discharging process is however not to be an end to a means but a means to an end.
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Communication in Nursing Nursing Essay
2 pages (614 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Communication in Nursing" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. I was not feeling very well and therefore had to go in for examination in a local health care center. The healthcare providers were only two and therefore were under a lot of pressure. I had to wait a while for treatment and when my time came, the nurse was very rude and very uncooperative.
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How Does Leisure Activity Effect Elderly Nursing Essay
5 pages (1412 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"How Does Leisure Activity Effect Elderly" is a good example of a paper on care. The elderly are a vulnerable group that requires support and attention. Old age presents a myriad of physical and psychological changes that make the aged to be at risk while increasing their susceptibility to illnesses including cognitive and mental conditions.
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Nursing and Jewish Heritage Nursing Essay
2 pages (578 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing and Jewish Heritage" is an exceptional example of a paper on care. As a total way of life, culture dictates every sphere of life and sometimes, if not harnessed, can cause friction. The inability to harmonize work-life balance may capture this friction as illustrated in Lisa’s case seen below.
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Hispanic Health Traditions Nursing Essay
2 pages (606 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Hispanic Health Traditions" is a worthy example of a paper on care. Research from the National Alliance for Hispanic Health indicates that 65% of Hispanics from 45 years and above believe in herbal supplements and remedies being effective while 70% of them do not consult a medical professional before taking these supplements.
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Boykin and Savina Caring Theory Nursing Essay
2 pages (687 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Boykin and Savina Caring Theory" is a wonderful example of a paper on care. The theory by Boykin and Savina mainly focuses on personhood. The theory explains that a person’s humanness virtue makes them caring as the caring values are inborn in human beings. At the same time, personhood means living a life, which embraces caring.
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Ideals of Effective Nursing Practice Nursing Essay
4 pages (1207 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Ideals of Effective Nursing Practice" is an excellent example of a paper on care. The ideal medical care facility is faced with risks threatening the safety of the patients and staff, but with effective management, such risks are preventable and or manageable. Being mindful of each other among medical staff and extending the same to patients; improving health literacy in society are some of the remedies.
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Multidisciplinary Teamwork in Patient Care Nursing Essay
2 pages (619 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Multidisciplinary Teamwork in Patient Care" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. Multidisciplinary teamwork in patient care is one of the emerging trends in the delivery of healthcare services. It is one of the most popular approaches in improving the outcomes of patients in treatment.
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Nursing Care Experience Nursing Essay
2 pages (631 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing Care Experience" is a great example of a paper on care. My third day at the medical surgery floor was met with confidence and enthusiasm. I worked with a delightful nurse who tested my knowledge and ensured that I understood the purpose of the medication. Instead, I cared for two patients instead of the usual one.
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Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice Nursing Essay
2 pages (675 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice" is a wonderful example of a paper on care. Culture poses diverse challenges in the health care industry. This follows the different values and beliefs that different people hold. These aspects affect the way they wish to receive health care, and how they should be treated.
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Nurse Johnson Interview Nursing Essay
2 pages (586 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nurse Johnson Interview" is a good example of a paper on care. The RN interviewed Nurse Johnson who works in the pediatrics unit of the hospital. The nurse also volunteers sometimes in elderly people’s homes as a way to give back to society. She has always been a caring person about the welfare of other people ever since she can remember.
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Painful Urination in a 15 Yearly Old Patient Nursing Essay
5 pages (1748 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Painful Urination in a 15 Yearly Old Patient" is a perfect example of a paper on care. Last week, a 15-year-old female patient came to the walk-in clinic. She was feeling pain while urinating and was suffering for the past 24 hours. Her mother accompanied her to the clinic. In diagnosing, examining, and treating Patients, Flanagan’s Clinical Skills Assessment consultation model was followed.
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Interpersonal Relations Theory and Theory of Emancipated Decision-Making Nursing Essay
2 pages (544 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Interpersonal Relations Theory and Theory of Emancipated Decision-Making" is a great example of a paper on care. Hildegard Peplau presented the theory of Interpersonal relations. The theory explains the importance of creating personal relationships with patients in the organizational setting (Nursing Theories, 2012). 
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Application of Nursing Theories Nursing Essay
2 pages (685 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Application of Nursing Theories" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. Information and technology have been seen to be responsible for recent developments in many aspects of human life, they have enhanced knowledge and skills for people in various industries.
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The Importance of Post Hospital Follow up Services Nursing Essay
4 pages (1199 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Importance of Post Hospital Follow up Services" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. Study’s research question/s: What is the importance of post-hospital follow up services? How familiar are posted hospital services in society? Post-hospital follows up services help in either curbing or delaying the risks of rehospitalization. 
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Nursing Care Management: Communicating about Change Nursing Essay
2 pages (669 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing Care Management: Communicating about Change" is a decent example of a paper on care. Organizations ought to implement specific changes geared towards aligning their objectives to the changing dynamics of the modern world. In other words, organizations must implement change strategies to accommodate global current changes, especially in technology.
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Solutions to Shortage of Nurses in Healthcare Sector Nursing Essay
2 pages (716 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Solutions to Shortage of Nurses in Healthcare Sector" is a wonderful example of a paper on care. Considered as one of the most important aspects in the sustenance of life, healthcare has in the past been faced with numerous challenges that have significantly contributed towards the reduction in quality delivery.
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Use of ICNP as Standard Nursing Terminology Nursing Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Use of ICNP as Standard Nursing Terminology" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. The International Classification for Nursing Practice otherwise known as ICNP is a term used to define a program that consists of over one hundred and twenty member nations (Furtado et al., 2013). 
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Emotional Intelligence in Nursing Nursing Essay
2 pages (674 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Emotional Intelligence in Nursing" is a worthy example of a paper on care. It is imperative for an effective leader or manager to be emotionally sensitive and literate. In other words, leaders and managers ought to be competent in terms of emotional intelligence. This paper offers a description of a situation in which a nursing administrator did not demonstrate emotional intelligence when managing a situation. 
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