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"Caregivers and COVID-19: Case of Ms. Baker" is a wonderful example of a paper on care. Based on your observations, what are your initial thoughts regarding Ms. Baker's physical and cognitive well-being? Ms. Baker seems physically healthy for her age. She engages in several physical activities with other members of the green valley and enjoys helping others in the community.
The Child Poverty Strategy 2014-2017 focuses on ensuring sustainability via income support for poor families. Its focus shifts from income transfers to addressing the poverty root cause via parents' support to attain employment and earn more. Secondly to break the intergenerational child poverty cycle by educating the poor child
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Shannon Doe, a third-year student, on placement at Charles Darwin University Hospital Emergency Department (ED), faces work anxiety on the first day due to the situation that the hospital was under, that is, understaffed and a poor skill mix. She is forced to orient herself to the new workplace with the help of ‘search and find.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
Evidence-based medicine was described during the 1980’s as the usage of scientific evidence to apply the best practice. The term evidence-based medicine was shifted to evidence-based practice and is now commonly defined as the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of the current best evidence in making decisions.
The paper “Left Heart Failure, Nursing Interventions and General Steps Involved in Heart Failure Compensatory Mechanism” is a worthy variant of an assignment on nursing. There is a need for the body to maintain adequate perfusion of tissues and organs. Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to meet the blood supply to various parts of the body.
The abuse of amphetamine has been rampant across the world following its availability in the market. These drugs stimulate the central nervous system of an individual resulting in different body responses such as changes in the heart rate, and blood pressure among other systemic processes controlled by the central nervous system.
The paper "Evidence-Based Practices in Nursing" is a great example of a term paper on nursing. In nursing pieces of evidence, the based practice involves the application of the available research-based evidence in the filed in the provision of health care services. The application is in terms of behavior, education, and health outcomes.
4 pages (1386 words)
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, Research Proposal
Strict adherence to hand hygiene practices can improve healthcare outcome s to patients in very many ways. This will make hospitals and other healthcare facilities much safer for both patients and healthcare providers. Nevertheless, research shows that there are meagre rates of compliance to hand hygiene among healthcare providers.
Nursing in the general sense occurs when an individual carries, in whole or part, the burden of responsibility for what the person cannot yet or can no longer do alone. In contrast, the professional nurse, aligned with the practice of medicine, offers whatever help the patient may require to meet his needs while he is undergoing some form of medical treatment.
15 pages (4552 words)
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, Research Proposal
Every patient requires individualized nursing care from nurses. The successful outcome of this individualized care is facilitated by good communication between patients and nurses. While nurses devote most of their time to communicating with patients about their disease and treatment, they need to do so with sincerity, kindness, and courtesy.
This article outlines the medicinal use of Echinacea purpurea from which preparations are made and used as alternative treatments for a variety of illnesses. The study outlines that the plant has immunomodulatory properties, exhibiting pharmacological importance by enhancing macrophage activation which leads to a faster immune response to an infection.
In a case where the patient is unconscious, the decision to take photographs can be given by the next of kin or any other close relative. The Australian nursing code of ethics is very categorical where any form of photography is not directly related to the patient’s care. It provides that proper consent must also be obtained.
Clinical reasoning and clinical judgment in nursing are one of the most critical nursing skills in caring for patients especially those that are critically ill (Callister, 2012). Nursing significant clinical judgment is dependent on nurse’s critical thinking skills, and knowledge learned from nursing literature (Alfalo 2013).
9 pages (3021 words)
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, Research Proposal
Research has shown that sleep deprivation or restriction has negative effects on the emotional development of children (Sadeh, Gruber, & Raviv, 2002). Given that sleep deprivation has a significant effect on a large proportion of younger children and can result in a variety of health issues to them, this study investigates the effects of sleep intervention in younger children.
Teamwork is important for the delivery of effective healthcare services (Forte & Fowler, 2009). Collaborative teamwork is about a large number of health workers from different backgrounds coming together to work in areas such as problem-solving, networking and coordinating care for the delivery of quality care to families and patients.
Chronic diseases such as CKD or Chronic kidney disease are a great challenge to the healthcare system in terms of the number of patients and corresponding facilities and expenditures. According to Kidney Health Australia (2010), CKD is affecting almost 13% of Australian adults and is responsible for a significant number of premature deaths.
Beatty-Brooks et al (2006) claim that depression is a sign of an apparent reluctance, lack of ability and will of man to get over himself and live. Will is what drives life and gives the desire for one to live. An individual, who suffers from depression, loses his energy and motivation to operate in normal life.
The knowledge of processes of the body is far more than the ability to care for the diseased body and therefore medicine is valued more than nursing. Studies suggest that nursing is somewhere hidden behind medicine. Uncommonly, nursing is positioned and portrayed with respect to its relationship to scientific and medical discourse.
15 pages (5536 words)
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, Research Proposal
Though they would still go to hospitals for the sake of cultural pressure, they would go to local hospitals for medical attention during the period. The sample would also consider citizens attending such clinical attention in such places. The research will, therefore, group the research in two census zones, metropolitan and rural.
The process of health service delivery requires guaranteed quality engagement. Quality assurance and customer satisfaction is an important and integral part of any sector more so the health sector since it deals with human life. Human life is valuable and can not be subject to unproven medical practices.
10 pages (2582 words)
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, Research Proposal
The use of descriptive statistical analysis will be significant in the presentation of the sample populations. It will, therefore, have the function of summarizing data in a way that is unifying. In this case, the mean of the information will be calculated. Secondly, the standard deviations of the same data will be calculated.
On the contrary, on a catchment basis required health service is not provided to patients and this leads to the development of ambulatory services. At the ministry level, there is no existence of desk which could manage mental health services. Mental health facilities are also not provided to individuals at distant locations.
However, the study could have made use of mixed designs considering the benefits accrued by researchers using both qualitative designs. The need to access the experiences of nurses through collecting quantitative research design to complement data from the quantitative research is evident in the research requiring the use of mixed research design.
They offer their life for this gracious service. Nurses are synonyms of care. Nursing is the noble most profession. Nurses should possess several qualities and abilities and are supposed to play various challenging roles. The role of a nurse will be as complex as life itself and involves various tough and painstaking tasks.
The speaker went on to say that it is not necessary for us to be afraid of such a system because it acts as a check-post when we are faced with adversity. Conflict contributes to creativity and leads to problem-solving in a group. The meeting concluded with a prayer and everyone was handed out a questionnaire which was to be filled and sent back to BORN.
Nursing is a very unique profession considering that nurses are responsible not only for providing care to the patients but also to deal with situational cases that are commonly molded by each of the patients’ cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and personality. Aside from rendering health care services to patients within the health care settings, nurses also play a crucial role as community health educators.
A supposition for the second example would be a patient named ‘Y’ brought under intensive care due to an accident. The injuries which Mr. Y suffered; included severe blood loss via open wounds and a few major fractures along with some broken ribs. While blood loss was neutralized from blood bags taken from matching donors and volume expanders.
The advocate nursing is sensitive and the nurses need to be highly informed and empowered to deliver the objectives of a good facilitator. Ethically correct and morally right decisions are important criteria for nursing paradigms especially when they need to employ informed choices for effective decision making.
Gentle massage and practicing relaxation techniques like Yoga can reduce the agonies of dying patients very much. Nurses can advise the patients to practice Yoga to get rid of their mental stress. Giving company to the dying patient in all possible manners is the best way of assisting dying persons to get rid of their agony.
Most long-term care programs therefore assist people with other support services such as daily living activities which would include dressing, bathing, and using the bathroom (Medicare gov, 2009). Long-term care can therefore be offered at home, in the society or community, in assisted living, or in nursing homes.
A study done on adolescent mothers point out that close to 35% discontinued feeding their children breast milk after the initial postpartum period. The research was titled Factors Influencing Breast Feeding among Adolescents by Gray, Gary, and Camp (1988). It is in view of such findings that the idea of the air tilt body becomes important.
There are rampant disparities in racial and class-oriented health care. These inequalities are not isolated to the healthcare sector alone. On the other hand, the disparities in the nature of health care emanate from the commitment of the United States to come up with an approach to people that is equal and accommodative to all.
Sampling is regarded as the technique of selecting the most suitable people, processes, organizations, and resources among the several alternatives that are readily available. One such sampling technique to find out the best alternatives for the data collection procedure is the convenient sampling technique.
Colorectal cancer is a disease that has existed for several decades yet no particular treatment has shown great benefit to the patients. The conventional treatment of cancer involves the use of systemic drugs that target the cancerous tissues. These drugs have evolved for several ages due to the continued research of hoping to get better chemotherapy.
The paper " Community Nursing versus Real Nursing" is an outstanding example of a term paper on nursing. Nursing is indeed one of the few professions that command an aura of nobility beyond pecuniary considerations. It is a profession that has its moorings in the exalted spirit of selfless service.
Diabetes is the 4th leading cause of fatality in the whole world claiming the lives of 3.8 million people every year due to its related complications. The complications of diabetes account for about 20 percent of all chronic admissions care, in other words, one in every five patients manifests a diabetes-linked condition.
The paper "Improving Communication among Healthcare Professionals' is a good example of a term paper on nursing. The healthcare environment’s realities pose immense challenges for professional registered nurses who are required to offer safe and quality care. Usually, ineffective communication is acknowledged as a vital contributing factor in a majority of the inadvertent patient harm and medical errors.
This paper presents a thematic analysis of a study that was conducted in four hospitals where respondents were asked similar questions. The aim of the study was to know the views of respondents about kangaroo mother care and the benefits associated with KMC by recording the views of respondents about questions related to this topic.
Upon examining the effects of using the usual hand washing using anti-microbial soap and waterless-alcohol hand gels, Larson et al. (2005) concluded that the use of both techniques is both effective in terms of preventing possible infection as well as the number of microorganisms that were found on the hands of the nurses
5 pages (1644 words)
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, Research Proposal
The basic statistic method is useful in measuring variables related to the research respondents' demographic information. With the use of simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions, the utilization of the basic statistics method can enable the researcher to know how well the research respondents know specific information about tuberculosis's nature.
With the study chosen based on actual observations, despite the limited related studies and although they do not directly tackle the issue of the study, the day-to-day observations on the experiences of new graduates and nursing students had been enough to justify the intervention. The study that directly deals with the effect of horizontal violence on new graduate nurses used pre- and post-survey.
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, Research Paper
To conclude, a profound exploration of Levine’s Conservation Model confirms that Levine made a central contribution to nursing theory by her nursing practice model. Levine mainly emphasizes the value of nursing for promoting adaptation and maintaining wholeness in patients, by means of the principles of conservation
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, Research Paper
This paper tells that nursing informatics has been specifically developed to enhance the practice and help nurses improve care. Additionally, telehealth has paved the way for a more convenient and efficient healthcare provision, including nursing care, especially in the presence of several problems in the health care delivery system and accessibility.
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, Research Paper
According to the paper, a regulatory body in higher education is “an external organization that has been empowered by legislation” to take hold of the educational processes through restrictions and rules designed by the organization to maintain a specified standard. The importance of a regulatory body is nondiscriminatory.
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, Research Paper
The main objective of the report lies with advising the Board of Directors regarding the strategic actions required for meeting the challenges of instigating the new system. In the modern business environment, organizations can hardly cut down operational expenses. Instead, the probable alternative for them is to increase the productivity and revenues.
5 pages (1536 words)
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, Research Paper
Urban hospitals were run more efficiently compared to their rural counterparts. However, efficiency was found to be compromised as it had an inverse relationship to patient satisfaction. The hospital management tried to cut on hospitals operating expenses. As such, the management ensured that the available staff, though well remunerated served as many patients as they could.
13 pages (3537 words)
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, Research Proposal
It is a disease that constantly narrows the airways which makes it difficult for the air to get in and out of the lungs properly. It also causes the destruction of certain areas of the lungs that is responsible for the oxygen from the air moving into the bloodstream and taking the waste gases back to the bloodstream so that they can be exhaled.
When preparing learning objectives for nurses, it is imperative to consider the level and numbers of learners, the type of expected learning (skills, behavior, knowledge), learning and teaching methods, access to patient, clinical skills models, questioning techniques, and method of administration.
10 pages (2730 words)
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, Research Paper
In the 1990s, a decreasing trend toward general practice and primary care was observed in physicians. Major causes of such diversion were the differences in payment structure between general physicians and specialists. As a result, development and extension in the role of advanced practice nurses were observed.
17 pages (5245 words)
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, Research Paper
In UK and Europe as a whole, malnutrition among older persons is a persistent and extensive problem (Age UK, 2010; ‘‘European Nutrition for Health Alliance’’ 2006). Malnutrition delays recovery from illness, increases mortality, predisposes individuals to diseases and it is costly to society as well.