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Personal Philosophy In Nursing Nursing Essay
5 pages (1387 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Personal Philosophy In Nursing" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. Just like many nurses, say nursing is a calling, in life I have come to agree with this too. I start my studies of nursing as an answer to the calling to be a nurse to serve the patients with dignity. As a nurse, I want to set a legacy as a patient representative, to struggle to meet their needs.
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Parenting Among Mothers Suffering from Bipolar Disorder by Venkataraman Nursing Article
3 pages (911 words) , Download 1 , Article
It is important to understand how this disorder affects the lives of the victims and those around them. In this paper, the findings of the study by Meenakshi Venkataraman (2011) on
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Nursing and Caring: Ethics of Care Nursing Essay
2 pages (641 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing and Caring: Ethics of Care" is a worthy example of a paper on care. Caring is the act of feeling and showing concern and compassion for others. It is universal and has an implication on people’s cognitive processes. According to the author of the article “caring in nursing,” caring is the focal point of nursing.
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Effective Approaches on Nursing Shortage and Nurse Turn-Over Nursing Essay
5 pages (1386 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Effective Approaches on Nursing Shortage and Nurse Turn-Over" is an excellent example of a paper on care. Nursing shortages involve having inadequate personnel. If a hospital has the challenges of employing new qualified personnel after the retirement of some nurses or job quitting, may bring a shortage of nurses in such a hospital if the turn-out of the patients is very high.
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Strategic Analysis: Autocratic Nursing Leadership Style Nursing Essay
4 pages (1127 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Strategic Analysis: Autocratic Nursing Leadership Style" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. In any given institution, leadership is very crucial for its success. There are different leadership styles and it is recommended that a leader chooses a style that is most appropriate in their institution.
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Data Collection Methods Nursing Essay
2 pages (684 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Data Collection Methods" is a great example of a paper on care. Data collection methods impact directly on the outcome of a study. The choice of data collection methods depends on the type of information needed and the objective of the study. In her study to discern the anxiety experienced by nurses in a clinical setting, Melincavage (2011) applied the qualitative method of data collection.
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Improved Technologies in the Nursing Houses Nursing Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Improved Technologies in the Nursing Houses" is a good example of a paper on nursing homes. Currently, in the world of today, the number of old age people is on the rise as compared to the previous years. The increase in the number of old people in nursing homes can be linked to several factors.
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Socialization into Professional Nursing Nursing Essay
4 pages (1121 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Socialization into Professional Nursing" is a remarkable example of a paper on care. The majority of nursing students walk into nursing learning institutions having the image portrayed by the nurses they see around them. The perceptions that these students usually hold are transformed into professional comprehension which is acquired in nursing schools. 
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Re-Training on the Incidence of Peritonitis in Peritoneal Dialysis Patient Nursing Essay
2 pages (562 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Re-Training on the Incidence of Peritonitis in Peritoneal Dialysis Patient" is a great example of a paper on care. The treatment of long-term diseases over the years has been developed to suit both the personal and medical needs of patients. Practitioners have been equipped with skills that ensure the treatments provided to patients are effective in ensuring the medical requirements are provided.
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Disaster Readiness for Nurses in the Workplace Nursing Essay
2 pages (627 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Disaster Readiness for Nurses in the Workplace" is a well-written example of a paper on care. Workers in any field are prone to facing some disasters as they carry out their daily duties. The journal article disaster readiness for nurses in the workplace depicts how nurses need to prepare for the disasters that they encounter in the line of their work (Lowe &Hummel, 2015).
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The Best Practice of Fall Preventions Nursing Essay
4 pages (1187 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Best Practice of Fall Preventions" is a marvellous example of a paper on care. Nursing action plans are developed based on established evidence from data gathered from NDNQI, which is then used to create the Dashboard. When considering improving nursing practices and strategic outcomes, the Dashboard provides the basis for developing the appropriate nursing actions.
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Vulnerable Population: Ostomy Management Nursing Assignment
3 pages (1082 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
In addition to these, inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are other disease units that may necessitate an ostomy. Given the intensive care needed and the nature of the recovery therapy, the need to have a
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Nursing Information Pioneers Nursing Essay
4 pages (1112 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing Information Pioneers" is a decent example of a paper on care. Different pioneers are known for incorporating technology in nursing; however, I am going to talk about Dr. Patricia Abbott and Dr. Marion J. Ball. Dr. Patricia Abbott is best recognized for her initial efforts in assisting to found the nursing informatics.
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Nursing Education for Rural and Northern Practice in Canada Nursing Essay
2 pages (634 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing Education for Rural and Northern Practice in Canada" is a perfect example of a paper on care. Nurses working in rural and remote communities face many challenges in such settings. Therefore, the recruitment and retention of healthcare workers in rural communities is often challenging and influence the delivery of care around the world. Canada faces this challenge.
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The Tinetti Assessment Method Nursing Essay
4 pages (1150 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Tinetti Assessment Method" is a good example of a paper on care. The Tinetti assessment method is one of the most fundamental aspects of physiotherapy. The Tinetti assessment is valid because it tends to be as accurate as possible when measuring the manner through which the aging process affects the physical attributes of the people.
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Levels of Evidence in Nursing Nursing Essay
5 pages (1583 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Levels of Evidence in Nursing" is a delightful example of a paper on care. American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 2012Type of Study: Descriptive study about how health disorders come into play in psychiatric patients. Research question or hypothesis: Does the psychological aspect trigger increase in the weight of the psychiatrist's’ inpatients?
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Reflection of a Nurse Nursing Essay
4 pages (1128 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Reflection of a Nurse" is an outstanding example of a paper on care. Nursing is a profession that deals with caring, improving, and saving the lives of people of all ages. In addition, nursing deals with the promotion of healthcare, the provision of counseling services, and the promotion of a safe environment to individuals who are sick or well.
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Becoming a Registered Nurse Nursing Essay
4 pages (1046 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Becoming a Registered Nurse" is a decent example of a paper on care. I have always dreamt and strived to become a Registered Nurse. Ever since I was eighteen years old, I have always been involved in the healthcare field. Currently, at twenty-four years old, I am a volunteer at Kaiser Permanente, where I work as a Certified Medical Assistant.
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Management and Leadership in Nursing Nursing Essay
2 pages (626 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Management and Leadership in Nursing" is a brilliant example of a paper on care. I am a registered nurse working in the intensive care unit as a bedside nurse. My supervisor evaluated my performance. I had mixed feelings about his results on the evaluation. This essay is going to discuss the positive and negative feedback from the evaluation,.
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The Nurses Role in Promoting Health Nursing Essay
2 pages (619 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Nurses Role in Promoting Health" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. Diabetes is a very challenging and difficult disease. Nurses are required to actively use their knowledge and experience to ensure the physical and emotional wellbeing of diabetes patients.
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Nursing Research Design Nursing Essay
2 pages (570 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing Research Design" is a perfect example of a paper on care. Is the use of soap and water or alcohol-based rubs more effective in preventing nosocomial infections? For patients of 70 years and older, how effective is the use of the influenza vaccine at preventing flu as compared to patients who have not received the vaccine?
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Home Health - the Levels of Care Nursing Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Home Health - the Levels of Care" is an engrossing example of a paper on nursing homes. Hospice care is a philosophy of care that puts emphasis on the palliation of the terminally or chronically ill patient’s symptoms as well as pain, in addition to attending to their sexual, emotional, and spiritual requirements (Connor, 2009).
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Minnesota Hospital Nurse Staffing Nursing Essay
3 pages (1024 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Minnesota Hospital Nurse Staffing" is a perfect example of a paper on care. According to the research, the 2013 Minnesota Legislature studied the correlation between patient outcomes and nursing staffing. The Minnesota Department of health used an expert workgroup n methodology and study approach.
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Improving Access to Hospice Care Nursing Essay
4 pages (1184 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Improving Access to Hospice Care" is a wonderful example of a paper on nursing homes. The core reason for seeking health care is to enhance the well-being of an individual, either to cure an infection or to improve the quality of life. Health care organizations play a critical role in the achievement of the goal of health care demand.
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Pain Management in Palliative Care Nursing Essay
4 pages (1130 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Pain Management in Palliative Care" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. There have been researches done before on the quality of healthcare especially on the pain management among people suffering from end-life illnesses. These studies have attempted to improve the healthcare for patients of this nature, but the results from the studies have in most cases been devastating.
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My Personal Nursing Philosophy Nursing Essay
1 pages (515 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"My Personal Nursing Philosophy" is a wonderful example of a paper on care. Nursing focuses on the care of individuals and their families and prevention of illness so that they may attain and maintain optimal health and quality of life.  Many changes that deal with the way health care is delivered and how nursing is taught have helped the growth and development of the nursing profession as it is today. 
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Person Centred Evidence-Based Care Nursing Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Person Centred Evidence-Based Care" is a great example of a paper on care. The essay will discuss the skills necessary that can be implemented in order to provide Reg. with person-centered evidence-based care. A definition of person-centered care shall be provided in the essay and focus will also be on the relevance of implementing this type of care to Reg.
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Pharmacology and the Nursing Process Nursing Essay
2 pages (577 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Pharmacology and the Nursing Process" is a perfect example of a paper on care.  Patients want to have reliable information, and many of them consider themselves insufficiently informed. In almost all the countries patients complain of the unsatisfied need for information along with other problems.
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Opportunities in the Clinical Professionalism versus Management Tract Nursing Essay
1 pages (524 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Opportunities in the Clinical Professionalism versus Management Tract" is a perfect example of a paper on care. Nursing professionals play some crucial roles in the transformation of the world healthcare system. Nurses who have advanced nursing degrees such as Bachelor of Science in Nursing possess a wider knowledge base.
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Democratic Leadership Style in Nursing Nursing Research Paper
3 pages (1039 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The main difference between different forms of leadership styles is the distribution of power across between different people in the group. The democratic style of leadership is a method where all members of the group take a
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Romance in the Nursing Field Nursing Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Romance in the Nursing Field" is a delightful example of a paper on care. This paper will present an evaluation of the nursing field. The analysis will be based on the strengths and challenges experienced in the nursing field. To be specific, the focus of the analysis will be based on how romance affects the nursing field.  
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Watsons Theory of Human Caring Nursing Essay
4 pages (1363 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Watson’s Theory of Human Caring" is a perfect example of a paper on care. Nursing care models encompass methods that determine the manner in which nursing care is conducted. Nursing care models, in this case, differ in varied health care institutions as well as in a set of different client situations.
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Romance in the Nursing Field Nursing Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Romance in the Nursing Field" is a remarkable example of a paper on care. This paper will present an evaluation of the nursing field d. The analysis will be based on the strengths and challenges experienced in the nursing field. To be specific, the focus of the analysis will be based on how romance affects the nursing field.
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Person Centred Model of Education in Nursing Nursing Essay
5 pages (1507 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Person Centred Model of Education in Nursing" is an excellent example of a paper on care. There exists no doubt pertaining to the fact that the process of human evolution is still incomplete. This premise also stands true in the context of social institutions and organizations being run by highly trained and motivated professionals.
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Definition Theories of Aging Nursing Essay
3 pages (884 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Definition Theories of Aging" is a decent example of a paper on care. Aging is the process where the biological body functions deteriorate, and they occur in the different stages of life. There are various types of aging theories, and all have their own importance. Havighurst’s theory is the theory used in this case study, and it deals with adult development stages.
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The Caring Relationship between Nurse and Older People Nursing Essay
3 pages (1429 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Caring Relationship between Nurse and Older People" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. The caring relationship between a nurse and a patient is vital for the total well-being of the patient. Older people require a caring relationship, which enhances conscious awareness of life, health outcomes, to promote the kind of relationship that is harmonious and in having a meaningful and social relationship.
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The Ethical-Legal Decision in Nursing Nursing Essay
2 pages (604 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Ethical-Legal Decision in Nursing" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. How the problem would look from another perspective. The relevant stakeholders, in this case, comprise the patient and her family whose desire is to access quality healthcare, the nurses, the doctors, and the health care practitioners whose sole role is to offer quality service to the patient and her family.
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Definitions of Global Health Nursing Essay
1 pages (432 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Definitions of Global Health" is an engrossing example of a paper on care. Agree with your definition, of global health as a multidisciplinary approach that overlaps with the more established disciplines of public and international health, which priorities on population-based preventive focus, vulnerable, and underserved populations.
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New Graduate Nurses Transition and Learning Needs Nursing Essay
1 pages (572 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"New Graduate Nurses Transition and Learning Needs" is a worthy example of a paper on care. The challenges associated with the transition process of the nursing students to a working nurse are immense. Undertaking or participating in research work as a student, prepares a student for the practical nature of a working nurse.
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Why Registered Nurses Stop Working in Healthcare Industry Nursing Essay
4 pages (1538 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Why Registered Nurses Stop Working in Healthcare Industry" is an outstanding example of a paper on care. According to Rogers (2008), retention management is the ability to hold onto those employees needed to keep longer in the company than your competitors. Silverman (2009), on the other hand, argues that retention is keeping those employees who keep you in business.
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Nursing Disaster Definition Nursing Essay
5 pages (1745 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nursing Disaster Definition" is a wonderful example of a paper on care. According to World Health Organization (WHO), disaster is “any occurrence that causes damage, economic disruption, loss of human life and deterioration in health and health services on a scale sufficient to warrant an extraordinary response from outside the affected area or community” (WHO, 2015).
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Perioperative Nursing Nursing Essay
2 pages (963 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Perioperative Nursing The presentation evaluates Perioperative Nursing as one of the crucial areas of nursing. Perioperative nursing is operating room nursing is a career path that involves providing health care to patients who are to undergo
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Understanding of Health Determinants Nursing Essay
5 pages (1896 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Understanding of Health Determinants" is a great example of a paper on care. Putting under consideration a broader perspective of health and gaining a broader understanding of health determinants e.g. social, environmental, and behavioral, is of great significance in meeting the health needs of a person with obesity.
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Person-Centered Assessment of Older Person Nursing Essay
5 pages (2653 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Person-Centered Assessment of Older Person" is a great example of a paper on care. A person-centered assessment refers to the gathering of information about the needs and preferences of a person through conversation and/or observation. It is a practice that involves understanding the respondent as a person, his or her beliefs, aspirations, preferences and values, and social care and health needs.
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Prioritisation of Complex Health Issues Nursing Essay
5 pages (1848 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Prioritisation of Complex Health Issues" is a wonderful example of a paper on care. This assignment addresses the health issues of Evelyn Hansen after she experienced pain in her hands from osteoporosis.Nursing care rankings for the patient’s health issues with associated tasksa) Nutrition intervention
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The Resource Kit in Taking Care of Parkinsons Disease Nursing Essay
4 pages (1242 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Resource Kit in Taking Care of Parkinson's Disease" is a great example of a paper on care. Hospital or home-based care for aged patients requires the possession of a lot of skills that relate to the social, psychological, and physical condition of these patients. Therefore, the information should be availed to caregivers and professionals in charge of these patients.
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Simulation-Based Education for a Code Blue Situation Nursing Essay
5 pages (1757 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Simulation-Based Education for a Code Blue Situation" is a perfect example of a paper on care. In situations involving patients in cardiac arrest is stressful enough for medical staff therefore, requires the use of protocols learned in basic life support (BLS) and advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS).
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The Comparison of Nursing and Nursing Education between Australia and India Nursing Essay
5 pages (1559 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Comparison of Nursing and Nursing Education between Australia and India" is a perfect example of a paper on care. The process of knowledge acquisition is a life-long process and nursing just like any other education concept it dwells on information gaining and transformation in a practical exercise in the field.
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The Development of Nursing and Nursing Education in Australia and New Zealand Nursing Essay
5 pages (1709 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Development of Nursing and Nursing Education in Australia and New Zealand" is a delightful example of a paper on care. Professional nursing is very instrumental in the healthcare system of any given country. Nurses form members of the largest profession in healthcare working in diverse settings and expertise often front lining the provision of services in health.
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The Existing Gaps in the Leadership and Management of the Facilities Nursing Essay
5 pages (2237 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Existing Gaps in the Leadership and Management of the Facilities" is a perfect example of a paper on care. • This paper stems to request to the senior management of healthcare facilities to re-examine the existing gaps in the leadership and management of the facilities. This request having been triggered by the increasing need to manage clutter and also spurred by new leadership development programs.
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