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Every nurse is a leader 2 - Essay Example

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In order to create change in the workplace, the first strategy is to identify a problem and policy issues that need to be addressed through the changes. This would be significant in identifying the areas that have been affected and the necessary resources and personnel that need…
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Every nurse is a leader 2
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Creating Change al Affiliation: Creating Change In order to create change in the workplace, the first strategy is to identify a problem and policy issues that need to be addressed through the changes. This would be significant in identifying the areas that have been affected and the necessary resources and personnel that need to be involved during the change process (Reiß, 2012). The second advocacy strategy involves defining the advocacy goal. This involves understanding the positive change that will be expected as a result of change.

Furthermore, this strategy is significant in understanding the primary beneficiaries of the change process (Paton & McCalman, 2008). The third advocacy strategy involves consulting and building relationships. For any successful change process, the consultation process must be open and free from conditions. This would encourage the subordinates to support the change process. For instance, bringing a change in a rehab nursing home would involve the managers, employees, clients, and even donors.

Consultations and building of relationships plays a significant role in reducing the level of resistance (Paton & McCalman, 2008).The other strategy involves training the employees and informing of them on the change process and the benefits it will bring in the working environment. This strategy aims at identifying the allies and opponents of the change process. Therefore, the opponents are explained to the importance of the change process (Hughes, 2006). On the other hand, the rest of the employees are enlightened on how to take advantage of the change process.

Once this is done, the implementation of the change process is undertaken. Any issue that arises is addressed in order to avoid any fallout. ReferencesHughes, M. (2006). Change management: A critical perspective. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Paton, R., & McCalman, J. (2008). Change management: A guide to effective implementation. Los Angeles: SAGE. Reiß, M. (2012). Change management: A balanced and blended approach. Norderstedt: Books on Demand.

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