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Four Levels of Nursing Theories - Essay Example

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The paper "Four Levels of Nursing Theories" highlights that the application of Roy’s theory in research is highlighted in the article Role tuning between caregiver and care receiver during discharge transition: An illustration of role function mode in Roy’s Adaptation Theory…
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Four Levels of Nursing Theories
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I agree with Becky Samitt that nursing theory in research assists nurses in discovering new knowledge. According to Artinian, Giske & Cone (2009), the grounded theory founded by Barney G. Glaser and Anselm Strauss was used to investigate patients dying in California hospitals (p. xv). The Glaswegian grounded theory is an inductive qualitative methodology that permits the researcher to identify the main problem of a group of persons and the behaviors they use to solve their main problem; thus, this theory applies to research.

In this theory the main assumptions are: 1) the fundamental concern and core category will emerge with consistent use of the theory, 2) the social organization of a group exists and is available to be discovered and 3) the concerns of the participants’ rather than those of the researcher are the focus of the research (Artinian, Giske, & Cone, 2009).I agree with Brittany Freeland that in nursing practice there are four levels of nursing theories which are grand theory, middle-range theory, Metatheory and practice theory.

Abstractness and specificity of ideas and propositions distinguish the levels (Roy & Roy Adaptation Association, 2014). The specialized knowledge in the nursing profession is based on research and theory. Nursing theories provide and implement nursing theory-guided practice models. Nursing professional is important for testing, developing and refining nursing theory. The development of nursing theories has been strengthened by dialogue and reflection of genuine nursing situations. Nurses in the professional are guided by their beliefs, values and knowledge.

The beliefs, knowledge and values are reflected in the information about the nursing meta-paradigm, theories and philosophies (Parker & Smith, 2010). Employing nursing theories helps nurses to improve the care they offer to patients and guidance on how to develop nurse-patient relationships.

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