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Why Did I Choose to Study Anesthesia Technician I graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Finance and Credit at the Moscow Psychological-Sociological Institute in Russia in 2004. I am 38 years old and I have been seeing how the biggest challenges in others’ lives can become the ultimate calling. My degree course is significantly different from the career path I plan to pursue due to the realization that this profession is where my heart and mind longs to delve into. Likewise, the academic background in finance and credit have given me a wider perspective on things that are paramount when compared to persistent emphasis on funds management and internal resources of various organizations.
What I have finally determined and realized is that I would like to be directly involved in working within a health care environment, as opposed to the previous business organizations that I have served. As long as I can remember, I was always intrigued by facets relating to medicine and health care; and my shelves are filled with medical books that perfectly coexist with other literary works; among which are Practical Doctor Dictionary and Jane Eyre, Avicenna, Castaneda. The working experiences I had for various organizations such as an auditing firm, the Rublev and K, the Bryansk Federal Environmental Protection Agency, the Bryansk Branch “Turboremont” Gazprom, and the TA billing office UMUC in Germany, all focused on my competencies within the finance and accounting functions.
Although I acknowledge my responsibilities as crucial in ensuring that the internal funds of these organizations are appropriately in order and properly managed, the fulfillment that I long to experience within a health care environment is not achieved. I felt that there remains a void to needs to be filled and the quest for changing direction in one’s profession would satisfy this need. My search for entry to the health care endeavor has been addressed as I looked closely in the which promises to develop my skills in the areas of preparation of much needed medications, setting up of equipment, as well as maintenance of anesthesia supplies.
I am actually looking forward to having hands-on experiences working with patients who need to be prepared for anesthetic procedures. I recognize that my contribution would be beneficial for the treatment of patients seeking improvement in their health conditions and overall wellbeing. Eventually, I see myself as seeking higher personal and professional goals using this career path to obtain additional certifications and the opportunity to enhance one’s skills in various health-related endeavors.
Likewise, I strongly believe that I could eventually be promoted to anesthesia technician supervisor or manager, or even a lead anesthesia technician with greater experience and after gaining more expertise in this career. I am highly optimistic and enthusiastic of the career change just thinking of the dynamic environment that I would be working in. I hope that my application to the Anesthesia Technician Associate Degree would pave the way for the much awaited realization of my lifelong dream.
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