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Womens college basketball, Rice Vs Tulan - Essay Example

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I attended this event live, and I got lots of positive emotion during the game, and after it. The girls were very good, as it was the first game in the season and their first live broadcast. The tickets for the event were about 12-14$ for the adults.
There were students among the audience, who came to support their friends and classmates, but among the audience, I've also seen lots of middle-aged people - those, who came to see their kids playing, and the local basketball fans…
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Womens college basketball, Rice Vs Tulan
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Considering the fact that this game was the first one to be live broadcasted on cable TV, the organizers of the match tried their best to provide everything needed to ensure the safety and comfort of the viewers. The playground was decorated like the playgrounds for professional teams, there were lots of people who watched over to prevent any misunderstanding among the spectators. And, of course, no alcoholic drinks were allowed. Live broadcasting of this event will inevitably have positive impact on the overall wellness of the university sporting budget, as it can possibly attract sponsors, and head hunters who look for potential professional players in the college teams.

College administration will get the resources needed to improve the sporting base, and motivate players and trainers for more effective work. As I've already noted, the college administration have spent lots of money for preparing the playground to this game. Nevertheless, they hope that their expenditures will be covered by the profits from advertising during the match. And, what is true, there were quite a lot of companies who agreed to pay Tulan for putting their advertisements on the playground.

Live broadcasting have automatically transformed this match into an almost national event, as people all over the country could see it live. On the example of this game we can see the process of sports commercialization. College sport nowadays is a pre-school for many professional sportsman, but it is inevitably drives less attention than the professional sporting events. Nevertheless with each passing year the expenditures on college sports became grater, and more attention is driven to the contests between college basketball, baseball, swimming, and even soccer teams.

In the case described there is the additional factor that increases the chances for popularity - players are female. It's well known, that despite the Title IX and all other measures, for many people women's sport is more of aesthetical value than of sporting one. This is the reason for which the Tulan basketball team may help its university increase the sporting budget, and become more popular. The girls from the Tulane College won. They were happy, no less than the NBL players after winning the last match in the season.

I wish them luck, and I will watch their progress in future.2. Wycombe v Chelsea, 10/01/07 This was the sporting event I watched on TV, an important soccer match for the Carling Cup semi-final in Britain. Soccer is very popular in the United Kingdom, and, despite of the fact, that this tournament wasn't the one of national importance, there were lots of viewers who gathered to watch it on the tribunes, and lots of people in different countries watched it broadcasted.Like most of the important sporting events, this match attracted the attention of numerous sponsors.

There were lots of advertisements on the playround, before tha match, durng, and after it. The companies, who are interested in advertising their products to the specific audience (and those are mostly men, who are soccer-lovers) are ready to part

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