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Comparison of Three Marketing Presentations - Essay Example

The paper "Comparison of Three Marketing Presentations"  tells that evaluate the presentation of the three seminars led by three different groups at separate times is the objective of this essay. Part of the evaluation will be to look for at least three good points of every group…
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Comparison of Three Marketing Presentations
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Changes happen in life constantly. Men will surely fail when he ceases to change for the better. Whether a man is already successful or not, it is almost certain that there is always room for change. This principle also applies in the business of marketing. To be successful in marketing, the owners must continually aspire for improvement, and the best way is to employ the most effective and attractive packaging and advertising of their products and services. Naturally, customer care is essential, for customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers will serve as advantage over the perceived competitions. In line with the above premise, the topics about customer care, interactive marketing and packaging were discussed and presented individually by three different groups. To evaluate the presentation of the three seminars led by three different groups at separate times is the objective of this essay. Part of the evaluation will be to look for at least three good points of every group and to constructively pinpoint what aspects of their presentation would need some notable improvement. The first group with the topic of Customer Care delivered their seminar on the 15th of February, 2010, at 2:00 P.M. The members of the group were: Ahmed ALOMAR, Ali GUHFLI, Fares ALNAAMI, Issam DALATI and Mohamed ECHTIBI. The group was graded 58% by Charlotte Lystor, who remarked that their presentation was very good. There may be more than three good points that can be attributed to the group’s presentation, however the most notable were their excellent visual aids with the use of the power point slideshows. The background colors were lively, plus the attractive images that they used and the transition design that they employed from one slide to the next were eye-catching, and could have been found interesting by the prospective customers. In addition, the introduction of the ideas and concepts were clear and precise and could be easily understood, and the third good point worth mentioning was the way they encouraged customer participation, whose role were assumed by the audience in class. However, they need to exert more effort to work towards improvement of several flaws, such as the lack of team preparation, which made their lack of teamwork more evident when their topic had to be discussed on a deeper level. There were already confusions and they did not have common responses to various arguments. After their lively introduction, the main body of their presentation lacked substance, that led to the third point that needed improvement, which was the weak interaction with the audience, who later on got bored. As suggestions, more time should have been poured into the preparation in order that a more thorough discussion of the topic could have been shared, and all the members should have been briefed before the actual presentation, because they could have helped made the interaction more lively. They should also have anticipated the questions or arguments that were raised. The second group with the topic of Interactive Marketing gave their presentation on the 22nd of February, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. The members of the group were: Cuong Khuat, Martin Kredba, Refik Iyiuyarlar, Selcuk Ugur and Tomas Vagasky. The grade that they got was 40%. Even though they got the lowest score, it only aimed to encourage them to do better in the future, and to tell them that a lousy presentation was not to be tolerated. One of the positive points that should be noted was their ability to stick within the time limit, and the second is their pleasing appearance. Prospective clients always prefer sales people who are neat and look professional. Their presentation ended with a happy note, and this could be the third good point. On the other hand, their lack of preparation was apparent, their slide show exhibits were poorly done, and the ideas that they conveyed to the audience were not very informative and it came out to be less exciting. It is recommended that they improve their outline in order that they will be assured that their discussion will be comprehensive. They could have sought the help of others in the making of their power point slide shows because nothing can beat an exciting visual presentation. When the visual aids are lousy, then the audience will get bored undoubtedly. The topic Packaging was handled by the third group on the 22nd of February, 2010 also at 2:00 p.m. The group, which was composed of Andrew Curivan, Caroline Brackenbury, Dan Taylor, Daniel Reeves and Joanne Crowther was awarded a high mark of 68%, and the opinion of the other students was that they did a perfect job. It was found to be perfect, because the failure of the other two groups were not manifested by the third group. This time they were well-prepared. There was teamwork because they knew how to answer the questions thrown at them. To encourage more audience-participation, they enticed them with treats if they can answer questions, which was a clear indication that the audience were interestingly absorbed in their presentation. The discussion of the topic was quite thorough and very useful, and the best part was that there was not a moment when the audience got bored. The interaction and exchange of discussion were sustained in a lively manner during the entire seminar. It could have been more perfect for the group if they minimized the use of the notes, because this prevented them to express themselves with the use of body language. Relying on the notes made them seem stiff and less confident. Regretfully, there were some words misspelled in the powerpoint presentation. It is strongly suggested that they will not rely so much on their prepared notes and the use of the built-in spelling check could have prevented the mistakes in the spelling. The use of body language could have helped them to communicate more expressively and usually, constant eye contact with the audience and less glancing in the notes could depict more sincerity on the part of the group presenters. In conclusion, the basic point to be considered as important, whether in real life or in school life, is the preparedness of an individual. With the process of getting prepared, one can easily check and determine the changes that should be implemented for a better effect. Any job should always be well-thought of, and it should not be done haphazardly. A person will dwell deeper into any task that will be assigned to him, only if the person understands and recognizes the importance of such tasks. Being given the task to compare and analyze other groups, is an effective opportunity for the students to be more aware of their strong and weak points, that should lead them to the objective of this exercise, which is to maintain the strong points and be bold enough to introduce changes with the aim of improvement in the assigned or desired task at hand. Most importantly and finally, when comparing one group from another, or one job from another, it is best to employ the constructive method, because this could only lead to more positive changes and only positive results can occur. Read More

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