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Motivation and Teambuilding Strategies in Large and Small Organizations - Case Study Example

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The paper "Motivation and Teambuilding Strategies in Large and Small Organizations" states that Emirates Islamic Bank has a more democratic way of leadership in that their employees have the liberty to work as it fits one unlike in Standard Chartered UAE banks…
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Leadership Styles, Motivation and Teambuilding Strategies in Large and Small Organizations: A Case Study of Standard Chartered UAE bank and Emirates Islamic Bank Institution: Name: Date: Table of Contents Introduction 2 Background of the Companies 3 Relevance of the organizations to this project 3 Analysis of Standard Chartered UAE Bank 4 Transactional and transformational leadership 4 The partial correlations controlling for self-esteem and LS 5 Motivation strategies 6 Team building strategies 6 Analysis of Emirates Islamic Bank 6 Leadership styles 7 Motivation strategies 8 Team building strategies. 8 Comparison of similarities and differences 8 Research Methodology and Data Analysis 9 Problem identification, Suggestions and cross referencing for Standard Chartered UAE bank 10 Problem identification, suggestions and cross referencing for Emirates Islamic Bank 11 Conclusion 12 References: 14 Introduction This project is based on leadership styles, motivation and team building strategies practice of one large International financial institution and another small local bank in UAE. The project also looks into some of the problems the two companies face and how the go about solving them all this has been achieved through a strategic research methodology which includes the activities of the research such as personal interviews with key personnel in the two organizations, and proceeds with what the organization is managed, challenges faced and also what constitutes success after the organization has tackled its problems. The two organizations that the project or rather research was conducted both comes from the banking sector. They are of significant to the Emirates since it contributes in the regions that’s Emirates GDP thus of economic importance, hence leadership style matters a lot especially when it comes to management that is team work coordination, motivation and solving of problems internal and external ones (Gage, 2000). Background of the Companies UAE offers a solid and balance growth prospects also regional diversification over the few years ago to its investors. Such as free budget at individual levels this has lowered discretion spending especial among the military. Standard Chartered UAE banking plays a key role in the economy of the region since it marks a significant contribution to the regions GDP thus boosting the economy of the region. Emirates Islamic Bank is one of the banks of the UAE that contributes in the growth of the region’s economy collectively. Emirates Islamic Bank has a leadership trend that over the years has been known for maintaining ethnical banking standard that are of compliant (Awamleh, 1999). Relevance of the organizations to this project The organizations were useful since they provided a good research basis since its staff and management were off help especially in data filling, thus gave more insight on the leadership style, motivation and strategy the use in the running of their organizations. Also on the part of problem identification it was relatively easy to note due to the smooth coordination and willingness of both organizations thus been of relevance to this project (Gage, 2000). Analysis of Standard Chartered UAE Bank According to the research conducted for this project the large company between the two organizations that is Standard Chartered UAE bank and Emirates Islamic Bank. Standard Chartered UAE stands out to be large in terms of its economical contribution in the region, also in terms of employers and its net worth. On the analysis of Standard Chartered UAE leadership styles conducted within the banking sector is looked into of which the research covered both the transformational and transactional styles of leadership used by bank managers for satisfaction of employees and also as a way of motivating and enhancing team work among them for productive outcomes and performance by all those working in the organization. The analysis is divided into transactional and transformational leadership, motivation strategies and team building strategies all this as applied by the Standard Chartered UAE banks (Awamleh, 1999). Transactional and transformational leadership Standard Chartered AUE bank transactional leadership as used in the organization looks into sanctions and rewards such as salary increase, promotion among others given by the leader. It includes implicit and explicit agreement between the leader and the followers although a times it criticized as rather not always satisfactory as compared transformational leadership to but somehow effective in terms of performance. Transformational leadership as used by the bank is perceived to be produce good performance since it appeals to followers or rather employees needs of upper level such as self actualization thus leading to employees satisfaction that leads to improved performance and results in the bank. Both the Transformational and Transactional leadership styles pose an effective mode of managing Standard Chartered UAE bank and improving its performance (Gage, 2000). The partial correlations controlling for self-esteem and LS 1 2 3 1. Performance 2. Satisfaction 0.34** 3. Transactional 0.20** 0.28** 4. Transformational 0.31** 0.44** 0.65** **correlation is sig. at p < 0.01 Leadership style v/s Employee satisfaction (Carnegie, 2009) The table above explains the partial relationship between Leadership Style (LS) and employees satisfaction and self esteem of which show that transformational leadership style creates more satisfaction to the employees more than the transactional leadership style. (Awamleh, 1999). Motivation strategies Standard Chartered UAE bank has established an effective channel of communication between the employees and the leaders whereby they are able to express their grievances without difficulties, and also the leaders get to know among the challenges in the organization hence able to tackle thus creating a good employer-employees’ relationship which has lead to a good working environment. Another motivating factor is that brought about by transformational leadership whereby the needs that are of upper level for the employee are looked into well thus motivating the employees (Gage, 2000). Team building strategies Standard Chartered bank has divided the employees into different groups or rather teams that are divided on the basis of job specialization for example an IT team that handles major tasks collectively and also works with other teams within the organization for the purpose of improving the organizations performance (Awamleh, 1999). Analysis of Emirates Islamic Bank Standard Chartered UAE is a larger company compared to Emirates Islamic bank, thus on this part of analysis Emirates Islamic bank is taken as a small company. The research is analyzed into the following; leadership styles, motivation strategies, team building strategies that the Emirates Islamic bank uses to run in terms of management or rather supervision (Gage, 2000). Leadership styles Among the leadership styles used by the Emirates Islamic Bank include free rein whereby the manager allows the employees or subordinates to do their assignments in the way the feel is fit according to them. Another leadership style is the democratic leadership whereby all subordinates are included in the company’s’ decision making. The table below shows the relationship between leadership and the employees’ performance (Awamleh, 1999). 1 2 3 1. Performance 2. Satisfaction 0.356 3. Transactional 0.278 0.3 4. Transformational 0.367 0.5 0.7 **correlation is sig. at p < 0.01 Leadership v/s performance (Carnegie, 2009). Motivation strategies Emirates Islamic Bank management or supervision plays a key role in the motivation of employees by been concerned with the growth of their employees this is in terms of salary payment on time, according to the questionnaire filled by the employees payment of their salaries at a punctual time has enabled them to plan their financial needs on time increase of salary to those employees who are viewed as hardworking and more productive (Gage, 2000). Team building strategies. Emirates Islamic Bank organization uses a number of different programs to enhance team work such as social programs whereby the employees are made able to discuss a variety of things or issues comfortably this builds the sense of camaraderie since it formulates active teams. Another strategy used is that of outlining clear roles for each member in a team this reduces stress while working and thus boosts team work (Awamleh, 1999). Comparison of similarities and differences Both Standard Chartered UAE banks and Emirates Islamic Bank have embraced team work in a manner that they have their employees comfortable and hence productive in terms of performance another similarity is that both banks are divide into the hierarchy of leaders and the subordinates with the leaders been the overall. Among the notable differences is that of leadership styles whereby the Emirates Islamic Bank has a flexible leadership mode of management in that its democratic in that all subordinates are included in the organizations decision making process, and also have a choice on how the wish to tackle a given task based on how fit it is to one. This is different to that of Standard Chartered UAE banks in that the leaders decided on how the work is to be done under the transformational and transactional leadership styles of which employees are not that free to work as the wish as compared to those of Emirates Islamic Bank (Gage, 2000). Research Methodology and Data Analysis The study made use of a qualitative approach in collecting and analyzing primary data. Qualitative research has been associated with an empirical study that is interpretative, thereby implying that variables will be examined in their natural environment without any form of manipulation. The researcher was able to establish physical interaction with the subjects, in this case, through the use of in-depth interviews (Sucher, 2007). The primary research methodology used is the semi-structured interview that enabled the participants to clarify their answers and be asked to elaborate on these responses, thus more detailed information. This has been deemed suitable for the study as the topic is multi-faceted and will require extensive analysis based on the actual experiences and explanations of the interviewees, especially with the absence of predetermined responses found in highly structured survey questionnaires used in quantitative studies (Scott & Jaffee, 1995). The researcher also aims to exert efforts in establishing rapport with the interviewees in order to encourage them to truthfully express their feelings, thoughts and ideas as opposed to what is deemed acceptable. The study was carried out using a purposive type of sampling which seeks to establish certain criteria that should be followed for the selection of participants, thereby contributing to the relevance of primary data (Scott & Jaffee, 1995). For the current study, the criteria for inclusion required that the sample should consist of participants who have been working for local banks and have had mentorship experience for 1 year or more. They should also have understood the roles and responsibilities and have received preparations and training before and during their working experience (Scott & Jaffee, 1995). Secondary data for the study was collected by gathering information which is relevant to the chosen subject, specifically through scholarly books and peer-reviewed journal articles as well as other online resources (Hams, 2011). As such, the researcher drew on recent findings in examining the chosen subject using a well-structured manner. Collection of primary data was then involved an in-depth interview process among the selected participants with which consent forms will be distributed to verify the willingness of the chosen interviewees in their involvement in the study. Accordingly, once interview responses have been gathered, the researcher made use of thematic analysis in identifying patterns or themes that are brought up in the interviews and to be used as basis for addressing the research objective and establishing conclusions (Hams, 2011). Problem identification, Suggestions and cross referencing for Standard Chartered UAE bank Among the problems identified from the research include that of the leadership style of transactional, whereby they emerge complains of lack of satisfaction among the employees due its mode of leading in that it awards and the same time sanctions the employees. Thus questioning if there is any relationship between the leaders that is the supervisors or managers and their employees or rather the subordinates, and if there is a relationship how is between the two that is the leader and followers in this case the employees thus been a challenge to the organization and their leadership mode of managing the organization. Another problem identified is that of individual self esteem since the leaders that’s the managers and the supervisors have not provided a democratic working environment like that of the Emirates Islamic Bank whereby there is a channel or rather a communication means whereby they employees are able to raise their grievance comfortably without fear of intimidation or in other form of harassments from their supervisors. And also the fact of the subordinates in Standard Chartered UAE banks not involved in decision making process thus, going back to its mode of leadership whereby the whereby the their sanctions imposed to the employees who are perceived not be in accordance to the company requirements, this is a problem since some of the employs perceive it as not be a fair mode of management on them since man is to error (Awamleh, 1999). Another problem identified was the mode of analyzing the employees’ performance in the bank since according to the research data collected by the questionnaires issued a number of the employees didn’t agree to question asked if they believe that their performance is evaluated fairly?.This brings out the problem of awards and sanctions imposed incorrectly to the banks employees’, thus it’s a leadership challenge on the management side. Thus a team appointed by both the leaders and all staff to be in charge in monitoring and awarding and sanctioning (Gage, 2000). Problem identification, suggestions and cross referencing for Emirates Islamic Bank Emirates Islamic Bank problems identified based on the research and data collected by questionnaires, include that of fostering commitment in the entire organization that is both the managers or rather supervisors, and the employees since its leadership mode of managing the organization like in the case of democracy most managers based on the research were not that comfortable with the extended democracy since it allowed their subordinates do as the wish and as it fits them in tackling work. Which according to them it somehow made their role as managers and supervisors irrelevant or rather limited when it comes to supervising their employees since they cannot fully manage how they are doing their work. Another problem a rising on the side of management is that of involvement of all subordinates, which according to them slows the process of coming up and implementing the decisions that concern the organization, since due to increased decision makers it’s hard to reach an agreement in the shortest time possible thus the consider it as a waste of time in the process of coming up with a decision (Awamleh, 1999). Another problem identified is that effective leadership at team work level, this is because all subordinates are given the right to do as it fits in their day to day working in the organization, thus to come up with at a leader in that team work level is hard. Thus in most cases unless the team members cultivate individual self drive and commitment in the work given to them in their respective groups. Otherwise it becomes hard and time consuming since they whole team is of a balanced leadership level thus affecting the organizations performance at large. Suggestions include provision of more supervisory power to the managers and also selection of representatives to be involved in decision making to save on time and smooth running of the organization (Gage, 2000). Conclusion The research conducted in both banks on the basis of leadership styles, motivation strategies and team building, shows that both the Standard Chartered UAE banks and Emirates Islamic Bank have some similarities and also difference in management of their organizations, like for example Emirates Islamic Bank has a more democratic way of leadership in that their employees have the liberty to work as it fits one unlike in Standard Chartered UAE banks whereby employees don’t have such privileges. On the part of motivation and team building both banks have come up with ways of enhancing teamwork like for Emirates Islamic Bank it has come up with a number of programs that boost teamwork such as the social programs where the staff or rather the employees are comfortable to discuss a variety of issues this makes them have a good relationship among them (Awamleh, 1999). On the part of problems noted are that of lack of satisfaction among the employees that is in the case of Standard Chartered UAE banks due to its transactional leadership style that a times sanctions employees who do not perform in accordance with the company requirements. Suggestions made on this problem include adjustment of this leadership style. Emirates Islamic Bank problems noted were waste of time in decision making due to participation by all subordinates in decision making the suggestions made include appointment of few staff members to be part of the team involved in decision making (Gage, 2000). References: Awamleh, R. (1999). Perceptions of leader charisma and Effectiveness: The effects of vision content, delivery, and organizational Performance. Leadership Quarterly, 10(3):345-373. Carnegie, D. (2009). How to Win Friends and Influence People. New York; NY: Simon & Schuster. Gage, J. (2000). Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal. Res.13:453-43 Hams, B. (2011).Ownership Thinking; How to End Entitlement and Create a Culture of Accountability, Purpose, and Profit. New York; NY: McGraw-Hill, 2011 Scott, D., & Jaffee, T. (1995). Managing Change at Work. Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications, Inc.  Sucher, S. (2007). The Moral Leader: Challenges, Tools and Insights. Cambridge; CA: Routledge. Read More
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