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Organizational Structure: Particular Job Role - Assignment Example

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Self Assessment is a process of evaluating oneself on the grounds of personality traits, compatibility with different environment types and certain skills and abilities that allows the individual to properly fit in an organizational structure or a particular job role. Self…
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Organizational Structure: Particular Job Role
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Self Assessment number Introduction Self Assessment is a process of evaluating oneself on the grounds of personality traits, compatibility with different environment types and certain skills and abilities that allows the individual to properly fit in an organizational structure or a particular job role. Self assessment can be done by using several self assessment tools that evaluates an individual based on their responses to certain questions. These tests give a fairly clear idea about his personality, compatibility and skills. This paper is focused on my self assessment based on the scores derived from certain self assessment tests. The assessment covers my personality insights, values and attitude insights, motivation insights and emotional intelligence. PART 1 Personality Insights 1. Based on the scores recorded by the big five model, my emotional stability has scored 12, which is the highest score in the test. This suggests that I am emotionally stable and enthusiastic and I do not let any form of negativity affect my professional life. As a result, I am not distracted by external influences. My conscientiousness score is 11, which is fairly. This suggests that I am solely responsible for my own actions and the company can rely on me with any given task. My moderate 9 score of Extroversion indicates that I am able to communicate and socialize with people, but not with enthusiasm. I am positioned between being extrovert and introvert. I will socialize only when necessary. Moreover, the low score of openness to experience suggests that I do not prefer sudden changes in my environment, and prefer stability of job position. Thus it can be underpinned that I am an emotionally stable person who prefers stability in job roles and prioritize professional responsibilities. 2. The Jungian 16 type personality test assesses a person based on 16 parameters, the mechanic, the duty filler, the nurturer, the artist, the protector, the idealist, the scientist, the thinker, the doer, the guardian, the performer, the caregiver, the inspirer, the visionary and the executive. Based on my personality traits, I am a “Duty Filler”. The duty filler is characterized by Introversion, Sensing, Thinking and Judging. The scores recorded from the big five model suggests that I have a high emotional stability and high sense of responsibility, which are corresponding to the extensive thinking and logical judging. This justifies my trait of duty fulfiller, where I prioritize my duties and make judgments by sensing and thinking. 3. The individuals bearing Type A personality tend to be workaholic and are responsible for their allocated tasks and they are willing to walk an extra mile to fulfill their duties (Price, 120-133). On the other hand, type B individuals are exactly opposite who try to avoid stress and responsibilities and are often pushed by their employer to get the work done. Based on the organizational structure score that suggests that I prefer a mechanistic organizational structure, it can be stated that I belong to the Type A personality group. Individuals who prefer a mechanistic structure are more focused on the laid rules and regulations along with taking higher responsibilities. Moreover, the high level of emotional stability suggests that I am enthusiastic and focused on my work. The high level of conscientiousness indicates that I am dependable and persistent and am focused on achievement. These are the typical characteristics of an individual with type A personality. 4. My tendency to handle ambiguity can be assessed by my consciousness and emotional stability level. The fairly high level of these two parameters suggests that I prefer to deal with ambiguity with logical judgment and thinking. As a result it helps me to avoid mental dissonance caused by ambiguity. I am not easily disturbed with ambiguity and I persistently work my way around this issue. Moreover, high enthusiasm and positivity suggest that I do not give up when faced with ambiguous issues. Thus it can be stated that when I am faced with an ambiguity I try to clarify the situation by logical thinking or asking the concerned person. 5. My creativity level can be measured by my level of openness to experience. Since this parameter has recorded a slightly low score than the rest of the parameters, so this suggests that I may possess some levels of creativity but they are not high enough to be my primary personality trait. Therefore it can be stated that I am moderately creative. Values and attitude Insights 1. Based on my personality test scores it can be stated that I mostly value fulfilling responsibilities. Being a Type A personality individual, I prioritize organizational goals and push my limits whenever necessary. This suggests that I value the power of authority and the meaningfulness of my job. The preference of a mechanistic organizational structure suggests that I prefer to follow predesigned rules and regulations and try to avoid instability or overlapping of roles. Thus it can be underpinned that I value fulfilling duties and responsibilities. 2. My job involvement level is fairly high. This can be justified by my high levels of conscientiousness that indicates my sincerity towards my job responsibilities and high dependability. I tend to priorities achievement by voluntarily engaging myself to the organizational objectives. This as a result increases my motivational level and helps me to give more effort to my work. Moreover, the high level of emotional stability allows me to stay engaged with my job for a longer period of time without facing any burn out or stress. 3. The job satisfaction level is dependent on the existing job characteristics. If the allocated job role is associated with clear description of tasks and activities, with high sense of responsibility, then I will have high job satisfaction. My sense of job satisfaction is directly associated with the job security and stability of roles and responsibilities. This can be justified by my slightly lower score of openness to experience that suggests that I am not comfortable with sudden changes and prefer stability of roles and responsibilities. 4. Owing to the rapid growth of cross diverse employee outsourcing, the work place now days are characterized by the presence of a diverse employee base belonging from several cultural background. Based on my fairly high scores of agreeableness and Extroversion, it can be stated that I am quite comfortable with work place diversity. I am open to communication and interaction with colleagues of different cultural background. However, I rarely take the initiative to start a conversation with others, but I do not avoid any professional interaction which is required in my work. As I have higher levels of agreeableness, so cultural diversity do not influence my decision making process. Thus it can be stated that I can easily cope up with a culturally diverse work environment. Motivation Insights 1. My primary motivational factors are work environment and job design. Although monetary element plays an important role but it is not on the top of my priority list. I prefer a suitable work environment that is compatible with my personality trait. This can be justified by my high scores recorded by the conscientiousness parameter, which suggests that I am highly achievement oriented. Therefore any work environment that complements and supports my pursuit of achievement and success will lead to high motivational level for me. This suggests that more than the monetary rewards, I am attracted to the suitable job environment that motivates me to voluntarily engage myself in my roles and responsibilities. Moreover, due to my lower score of openness to experience, a job role that is secure and stable acts as a motivational factor for me. 2. My dominant needs include clarity in organizational structure, roles and responsibilities. I need to have a clear idea of my daily tasks and feedback from my reporting authority. Since I am highly achievement oriented, feedback is imperative to my performance. Moreover, I prioritize job security over remuneration hike. I need a job environment that is free from any disputes and a job role that offer high responsibility and challenges. The organizational policies need to be mechanical in nature and the control needs to be centralized so that there are clarity of instruction and guidance. I like to avoid multiple reporting authorities, which may create overlapping of roles will eventually create internal disputes. 3. Every employee likes to be rewarded by his employer for his hard work. The choice of the rewards varies from person to person and is mostly dependent on his personality type. Since I am achievement oriented I prefer to be rewarded with appreciation that will acknowledge my success and achievement to my colleagues. I prefer to have promotion as a reward rather than monetary incentives. This can be justified by my priorities towards responsibilities and authority. A promotion will bring more responsibilities and will open up new opportunities for success and achievement. Moreover, the promotion will also acknowledge my achievements within the organization, which itself will act as a huge reward. 4. My view on other people’s nature is mostly based on my agreeableness score. The fairly high score on agreeableness suggests that I agree with other people’s opinion, thereby giving them fair chance to express. I believe that every other employee deserves to get equal opportunities and there shall be no biasness based on background, gender or influence. This can be justified by my cooperative and trusting nature suggested by the high score of agreeableness. I believe that the contribution of every employee is essential for the organizational success and that every colleague should be helpful to others. This as a result will help to create a harmony among the employees and will eventually increase the overall efficiency of the team or the department. 5. My performance goals are strictly predefined and regulation oriented. My preference towards a mechanistic organizational structure suggests that I will prefer to have a specific goal setting, which are easily measurable and are challenging to achieve. The goals are mostly based on achieving organizational objectives and will help me to make effective contribution to the firm’s success. Since I prefer a vertical management system, my personal goals are to promote myself to a higher position so that I can have more responsibility and authority. The higher level of conscientiousness suggests that my goals are mostly based on achieving success rather than to gain monetary rewards. 6. My higher level of conscientiousness suggests that I am quite confident about my success and I am aware of my skills and abilities. The high level of emotional stability indicates that I am enthusiastic about my job roles and like to take any job related challenges that involves higher responsibilities and hard work. My confidence level is proportional to the clear definition of job role. This suggests that I am more confident about a particular job that clearly states the required skills and abilities and at the same time is compatible with my personality. 7. I am a highly achievement oriented person, who prioritizes success over any other aspects of life. I am willing to work harder than other colleagues to achieve success and receive acknowledgement. This suggests that I have a workaholic personality who strives for success and is ready to push my boundaries to achieve what I want. My achievement pursuit is mostly in line with the organizational objective that allows me to make effective contributions to the organizational success. Therefore, my association with the success of the organization acts as the primary motivating factor for me that compel me to work harder. 8. I believe in equal distribution of opportunities among the employees and strictly adhering to the company rules and regulations. However, I prefer to have justified distribution of authority which gives clarity to the organizational structure and helps to remove any overlapping roles. This is justified by my preference to a mechanistic structure that complements a centralized authority and proper boundaries of responsibilities. 9. The motivating potential of my job is its stability of roles and responsibilities and its security. The fact that I will not be asked to leave the firm any day helps me to focus on my daily tasks and motivates me to work harder. Moreover the absence of any distracting elements also makes my job profile attractive for me. 10. Job enrichment is defined by the associated responsibilities and challenges that an employee has to take care of. Since I have high levels of conscientiousness I prefer to have job role that is filled with challenges and are high on responsibilities. Decision Making Insights 1. My decision making process is mostly based on the logic and forward thinking. Any decisions regarding my work are taken on the basis of my success and organizational welfare. This can be justified by my high achievement oriented attitude and high emotional stability 2. The high levels of conscientiousness make me highly sincere to my work. This suggests that I prefer to complete my allocated tasks within the stipulated time and do not procrastinate my work. 3. Based on my choice of mechanistic organizational structure, it can be stated that I prefer to follow all the ethical regulations laid down by the company. My achievement oriented nature may suggest that I may employ unethical practices to secure my achievement, however my emotional stability lets me to follow moral practices. Others 1. My emotional stability has recorded a score of 12, which suggests that I have high level of emotional intelligence. I am always filled with positivity towards life and my job. Moreover, my high level of enthusiasm indicates that I cannot be easily deviated from my path and I solely control my emotional state. The higher level of emotional stability helps me to deal with stressful situations thereby giving me a competitive advantage over other employees. I do not get easily burnt out and I am able to handle disputable situations with emotional maturity. 2. I am most productive during my working hours. Since I am an achievement oriented person, as suggested by the high score of conscientiousness, therefore my productivity is enhanced during the time I am at my work place or when I am involved in any professional activity. 3. My Type A personality suggests that I am keen at making calculations and follow predefined regulations. This indicates that I am good at making personal plans which helps me to organize my personal activities. My priority towards my professional career also suggests that I like to plan ahead of time so that I can make proper contribution towards my professional career. 4. In order to be an entrepreneur one must be able to create new ideas, take risks, face uncertainty and must develop the ability to adapt to sudden changes. Since I have a lower score of openness to experience, I may have mental conflict with situational uncertainty. Moreover, my tendency to avoid changes will also create hindrance in developing entrepreneurial qualities. PART 2 Communicational Skills 1. Based on my face to face communicational scores, it can be stated that my face to face communication style is friendly and intimate in nature. I ensure that my communication leaves a fairly significant mark on the other person and I am remembered for a longer period of time. 2. My attentive score suggests that I am a good listener and comment only after gathering sufficient information. Leadership and Team Skills 1. My leadership style is mostly democratic in nature. This is justified by my high score of agreeableness. I value the input of every other employee and I perceive that organizational success in dependent on the consolidated effort of all the individuals irrespective of their rank. 2. Based on the high score of emotional stability it can be stated that I am quite charismatic which is reflected in my high levels of enthusiasm and propensity to maintain harmony. 3. My high score of agreeableness suggests that I can trust others with a given responsibility. 4. The high conscientiousness suggests that I can be trusted by others due to high sincerity level. 5. Since I am achievement oriented and prefer a mechanistic structure, so I am good at making others to maintain discipline in the organization. 6. My high propensity to maintain harmony at the organization and my achievement orientation allows me to be a good leader and build an effective team. Power and Conflict Skills 1. My tendency to maintain harmony with other employees suggests that I do not seek fro authoritative power, thus I am less power oriented. 2. My preferred type power in democratic in nature. I prefer to achieve success by the power of influence and not by the power of authority. 3. I prefer to avoid office politics, since I prefer to have a stable and secure work environment. I ensure that I keep myself away from any disputable issue or unbiased behavior. 4. From my face to face communication scores, it can be stated that I leave a moderately positive impression on others and I maintain a friendly attitude when communicating with others. 5. My preferred conflict handling system is by mediating the issue. I prefer to prefer to use logic and unbiased judgment calls to solve any conflict related issues. 6. I prefer to make a win-win negotiation with my business partner. This ensures a long term relationship with them. This nature can be justified by my preference to make harmony and high emotional stability. PART 3 Organizational Structure 1. I prefer a mechanistic organizational structure that had clear definitions of rule, regulations, allocation of tasks, reporting authorities and centralized control. 2. The act of delegation is a highly responsible task. Since I prefer to take responsibility as reflected by my high conscientiousness score, I am highly willing to delegate. 3. I give fair and unbiased performance feedback as I prefer to follow ethical practices in the organization. Careers 1. The right organizational culture for me should be characterized by the strict adherence to rules and regulations and highly achievement oriented approach. 2. Based on the high conscientiousness score, I am highly committed and sincere to my organization and I prefer to make significant contribution to the organizational welfare. 3. Since I am a type A personality, I often face conflict with my personal life and professional life. This is mostly because I prioritize my career over my family. 4. My high affinity towards success and achievement makes me motivated to manage a particular task and take the responsibility for its success. 5. The role of a global manager involves a lot of responsibility and facing a lot of uncertain situations. My low score of openness to experience suggests that I may avoid taking up the role of a global manager. Change and Stress 1. The low score of openness to experience suggests that I dislike sudden changes in the system and like to prefer stability and security. 2. Being a type A individual, my life often gets stressful and I have a get a lot of responsibilities to take care of. 3. My high motivational level and enthusiasm prevents any easy burn out. Personal reflection Based on the self assessment points discussed above it can be stated that I am a highly enthusiastic person who is focused on his job and pursues after achieving success. I prefer to follow a mechanistic structure with clear definition of roles and responsibilities, where rewards are offered in a fair manner in terms of appreciations, responsibilities and promotions. I am motivated by acknowledgement of effort and my success by hard work. I belong to the type A personality which is characterized by hard working nature and achievement oriented mentality. I believe in work place equity and that all individuals have an important role to play in the organization. The high score of agreeableness indicates that I equally prioritize other’s opinion and tend to follow the shared consensus. Moreover, my personality makes me dependable to my employer as I take my responsibilities seriously. However, my avoidance towards uncertainty and sudden changes suggests that I may not be the right person to be an entrepreneur. The big five self assessment tool will be most helpful in the future as it can help me to derive a detailed and accurate analysis of my personality. All the results that I scored were expected, which indicates that these tools are quite efficient. Read More
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