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Ang Lees Drink Man Woman and the Wedding Banquet - Research Paper Example

The paper "Ang Lees Drink Man Woman and the Wedding Banquet" discusses that generally, the Western culture has not changed much on family values since the setting of ‘The Wedding Banquet’ and gay marriages have been legalized in different states in the U.S. …
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Ang Lees Drink Man Woman and the Wedding Banquet
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A critical analysis of the theme ‘Family and interpersonal relations in Ang Lees Drink Man Woman and The Wedding Banquet Introduction Ang Lee, a Taiwanese-born American, is a successful film director, producer, and screenwriter (Arp, Barkman and McRae 5). His films have won various awards in the film industry due to the incorporation of different titles and themes. He has used his films to portray different social and cultural activities that occur in the set period for the films plots. Ang is also known to employ different themes in the same film, an approach that has led to the uniqueness in his films. Notably, most of his films focus on emotions, traditions vs. modernity, relationships vs. conflicts and cultural vs. social values (Arp, Barkman and McRae 22). The analysis will focus on two of Ang Lees successful films Eat Drink Man Woman and ‘The Wedding Banquet. The movies have employed different ideologies based on the plot and characterization. The variations have been contributed to by the directors extensive cultural background. As a result, the ideology of family and interpersonal relationships has been incorporated in both movies but different aspects. Mr. Lee has used his American, Taiwanese, and Chinese cultures to present different views of family relationships and how they can be affected by external variables. A scrutiny of the two films will provide detailed information on the two movies based on the chosen theme. Analysis and comparison of types of family and interpersonal relationships in both films The ideology has been widely incorporated in the two films. Family relationships can be referred to as those acquaintances that are bonded by blood or strong emotions (Noller and Feeney 15). Interpersonal relations, on the other hand, include close associations that can be based on the duration. They fall from brief to enduring as portrayed in the two films. Notably, the relations may be based on various social commitments such as solidarity, love and inferences. Mr. Lee has used the film titles to present the audience with a brief overview of the contents and the themes expected while watching. The film ‘The Wedding Banquet’ has a broad justification of the theme. The title itself explains a social commitment through the wedding aspect. Banquet, on the other hand, represents a large feast that may be as a result of the wedding. The title offers the audience with a rough idea of personal relations that may lead to a wedding ceremony. Consequently, the plot of the film shows a gay relationship, faked man-woman relation and a family with strong cultural ties that favor custom acquaintances (Entertainment Weeklys Notably, ‘The Wedding Banquet’ has depicted three types of family and interpersonal relations. The gay relationship is between Simon, an American, and Gao Wai-Tung, a Taiwanese immigrant (Entertainment Weeklys The relationship takes place after the after Gao moves into the United States to start a new life. The false association takes place as a plan to trick Gao’s parents into understanding that he is still part of the Taiwanese culture. Gao has to marry a Chinese lady in order to deceive his parents and help her get a green card to the U.S. The last family relationship is between Mr. and Mrs. Gao who are very conscious of the Taiwanese customs. Other associations occur with minor characters in the film. The second film, ‘Eat Drink Man Woman’ has also included family and interpersonal relations in its plot. The prevailing theme is family associations whereby Mr. Chu and his three daughters have been used to illustrate the aspect. As a result, there are tighter relationships as compared to ‘The Wedding Banquet’. The closeness can be explained by the daily lives and meetings of the characters while having their special meal. Other relationships include those between Mr. Chu’s daughters and their boyfriends. Additionally, there is also the presence of a secret relationship that will be discussed later in the essay. Analysis of the backgrounds of family and interpersonal relationships in both films ‘The Wedding Banquet’ has a diversified background when it comes to family and relationship approaches. The film has incorporated both Eastern and Western cultural values (Entertainment Weeklys Mr. Lee decided to add a diverse taste of preference based on his characterization and production. As a result, the film has a high rating on most internet film databases in terms of reviews and portrayal. The Eastern family approach includes production in the Chinese and Taiwanese countries. The two countries have similar cultures and beliefs that are based on the traditional societies. Importantly, families and other associations are bound by common rules and regulation based on individual customs (Hoffman and Asquith 26). According to the movie, the Gao family has a tight family relationship that can be based on the different situations in the film. For example, they have an obligation of making sure that their son has to marry in order to continue with the Gaos family generation. Most traditional families had strong family and kinship ties whereby a name had to be run through generations. As a result, there were different gender relationships that were highly recommended to increase the possibility of productivity. Mr. and Mrs. Gao have to ensure that their son does not break the family chain. The Western approach represents a different comprehension of family relationships. Family associations are based on birth, affinity or shared consumptions. Modernization and enlightenment have led to changes in the perception family values. Notably, there is the adoption of same gender relationship in the Western countries where cultural values have been deprived. The changes in family cultures have been employed by Mr. Lee in the film whereby there is the presence of a gay couple as part of the relationship aspects in the film. The association takes place freely in Manhattan as compared to its critique in the Eastern cultures. The family approach lacks stern custom unlike those in the Eastern countries. The lack of seriousness can be seen where Wai-Tung engages in another personal relationship with the Chinese girl with the consent of his soul mate, Simon. Modern day gay relationships have been condemned due to the lack of family continuity since same gender couples have to adopt a child. The adoption process discontinues family and kinship lines between cultural organizations. Other films directed by Mr. Lee have portrayed modern family relationships that have been affected by divorce and other issues. On the contrary, ‘Eat Drink Man Woman’ does not have the same perception of family values and relationships. The film has targeted the Eastern family values and takes place in contemporary Taipei. The plot includes Mr. Chu, his three daughters, and a wife that later passes on in the film. Family values portray those in the Chinese and Taiwanese cultures. Personal relationships are also based on the same customs. However, Mr. Lee has also included modern occurrences in relationships in order to bring out a clear comprehension of the film to the audience. Tight family relationships have been portrayed through Mr. Chus family and associations between his daughters and other characters. Mr. Lee based the title of the film on a Chinese book known as the ‘Book of Rites’. The book has been used in the Chinese culture to understand various behaviors among couples that later form families. The publication explains features in a man’s fantasy while in a relationship. Eating, drinking and having sex are the main factors that build an acquaintance between two different genders. Women also have their fantasies that are similar to those in found in men. There is the presence of a family tradition that has to be followed by all members. Mr. Chus family has to meet once a week on Sundays whereby he makes the meal as a sign of family love. Other relationships include those with workers, friends, and business individuals. For example, the family continues to grow changing from blood relationship to love with other characters in the film. Jia-Jen, the house cleaner, Jia-Ning, and Jia-Chien also become part of the family through the main characters. Consequently, the routine Sunday diner becomes part of the family. The aspect has not been identified in the other film due to the variation in cultures. Mr. Chu’s family has represented the family values. For example, he is a great chef that is known all over town. After his wifes death, his friend, Mrs. Liang wants to marry him and become part of the family tradition mostly because of the included Mr. Chus expertise in cooking. The film, however, has not focused on the need for children and continuation of Mr. Chus legacy after he dies. Similarly, ‘The Wedding Banquet’, presentation of modern relationships in the film shows a variety of changes in the cultures. For example, there is the presence of illicit romances whereby characters have experienced different personal experiences. For example, Jia-Jen, the oldest daughter, has just suffered from a heartbreak from her boyfriend. Jia-Ning, on the other hand, has a covert relationship with her ex-boyfriend whom she does not want her father to know about their reconciliation. Their father too has a secret relationship with Mrs. Liang with a chase to replace his wife. A relationship between Chu and his best friend makes him aware of the value of life; hence, leading to a serious association between him and Liang. The approach can be seen in the Chinese cultures whereby an individual in blood relation can move on with their lives in case of death of one of the partners. Family and personal relationship settings in the two movies ‘The Wedding Banquet’ has included both modern and traditional family setting. The film has portrayed family ties in a conjugal family in the field of Mr. and Mrs. Gao and their child. Mr. Lee has used this type of family to represent both cultures whereby there is the presence of nuclear families. A conjugal family includes one that has a wife, husband, and unmarried children. Wai-Tung is Gaos only child; hence, there is a conviction that he has to get married and form his nuclear family. However, considering the time of production, the families represent the western culture where modernization had been experienced by 1990s. Nuclear families were adopted after the country had approved capitalism, and all individual had to produce on their behalf. As a result, most extended families vanished due to the increased need in production. The film has also provided knowledge in same-sex families and their perception in the society as more advanced families. On the contrary, ‘Eat Drink Man Woman has a different setting that includes an extended family. Mr. Chu has three daughters at the start of the film but as time elapses, more people become part of his family. Additionally, there is also the presence of a blended family that has included a stepmother. Mr. Chus romantic association with Liang makes her the stepmother to his three children. The setting portrays the eastern culture where the ideology of socialism has been adopted ( Socialism has affected family models in the areas of jurisdiction due to the presence of more connections and sharing among families. It is mostly found in Asian countries such as China and Taiwan. Single families have been portrayed in the film through Liang and her daughter who are both single mothers. Family and relationship symbols in the two films They include the indications or signs used by the films director to portray the theme. Ang Lees films have a tendency to include customs from different cultures. He has used various symbols in his films to present a specific theme or aspect. In the first film, the theme of family and relationships has been outlined through the use of a wedding as a symbol of relationship and family building. It can be noted that the whole film revolves on the wedding from the title to the presence of the gay association between the main characters. Mr. and Mrs. Gao have invested much in their sons wedding after he decided to deceive them with Wei Wei, the Chinese girl. They carry with them thirty thousand dollars to make sure that the wedding will involve a huge party as a symbol of cultural success. The grandson’s event has also been used as a symbol to present family values between the two families. At first Mr. Gao is happy because his son is about to get married to a woman and provide him with a grandson. Additionally, the grandson is also a symbol of family continuation as per the Taiwanese culture whereby he will later get married and ensure the presence of the family name. The title is also used as an understanding of the demerits of a gay family to the audience. However, Mr. Gao later learns about the plan to deceive him and becomes friends with Simon. Abortion is also used as a symbol of the fake relationship whereby there is confusion on whether Wai-Tung is gay or bisexual. He engages in two relationships and to the audiences’ dilemma does not understand on his stand. Wei Wei despite getting pregnant decided not to abort the child but agree with Simon and his partner to become fathers of the child. On the other hand, Eat Drink Man Woman has used different symbols to reveal the theme of family and relationships ( For example, Mr. Lee has used the dining table as a sign of partnership. It is also part of the fantasies to win a man and make him stay in the marriage. Mr. Chu uses the table for the life changing decisions whereby all family members have to present their views on relationships and suppressed feelings. Additionally, the dining table has also been used by Mrs. Liang to join Mr. Chus family. The food served on a Sunday night tradition is a symbol used to show the daughters ways of making their relationships to work ( They have setbacks when it comes to love and friendly associations. As a result, they get advises while having their habitual dinner on Sunday. The feature is based on Chinese familial experiences where food is used as a link to communication between family members. The Chinese Book of Customs that has been used by Mr. Lee has provided information on the Chinese customs such as group settings and extended families. Additionally, the human desires, eating, sexual pleasure and drinking have also been provided for in the Confucian classic. Interpersonal relationships and their impacts on family affiliations based on the two films The first film, ‘The Wedding Banquet has various associations based on solidarity (IMDb). Personal affiliations between Wai-Tung and Wei Wei lead to a much closer relationship that is based on blood. The end product of the faked relationship is Wei Weis pregnancy. Additionally, the gay relationship between Simon and the main character also has a negative repercussion to the Gaos family whereby it leads to a deterioration of Mr. Gaos stroke condition. Notably, the producer has presented an impact for each kind of relationship in the film. An analysis of the second film shows that despite the diversified interpersonal relationships, there are similar results. For example, Mr. Chu’s secret affiliation with Liang has leads to a blended family whereby she becomes the step-parent. However, other relationships have led to heartbreaks and complicated feelings. Personal affiliations with friends have led to their perception that the customary meal on Sundays is a torture to their personal lives because they are not able to make rational decisions. Criticism based on the chosen theme Despite ‘The Wedding Banquet’ becoming a top rated film in 1993, critics have analyzed the film from different perspectives. Critical response on the movie shows that Mr. Lee was way ahead of time-based on families and relationships. When it comes to gay acquaintances, there were not much accepted and recognized in most of the U.S. Most of the gay relationships happened illegally and could not have been portrayed in an open way to the audience as done by Ang Lee ( Additionally, Mr. Gao was from a strict culture that did not support same gay families. However, the producer has changed the understanding before the end of the movie where he has made Mr. Gao to understand about the association and become friends with Simon. On a critics view, the characters should have stood up on their traits until the ends since the film have different cultural perspectives. The Taiwanese culture has not also been fully represented since in the wedding ceremony. The family should have come with its extended relatives as portrayed in other Lees films. ‘Eat Drink Man Woman, on the other hand, has also been criticized for its view of personal relationships. There is the presence of many relationships that have different notions on the theme of family and associations. There are many approaches to family relationships and that reflect the Western culture despite the film being produced entirely in Taiwan. Despite the films success due to its comedy mode, it has not presented its stand on Taiwanese culture. The combination of different family and interpersonal relationships has also been criticized due to the high possibilities of confusion in the audience. Conclusion Family and personal relationships have been widely represented in the two films. There are common codes of conducts that have been distinguished by cultural analysis of the setting of the two films. The analysis shows that Ang Lee has adopted realism in his films. As a result, the plots represent social activities that can be referred to in different aspects. The family values and principles can be dated back in time to the different backgrounds for both views. The Western culture has not changed much on family values since the setting of ‘The Wedding Banquet’ and gay marriages have been legalized in different states in the U.S. There are also interpersonal relationships based on affection that joins different families. For example, there is the presence of bi and tri sexuality in Western countries. Changes in culture has led to gay families having the right to choose other partners from the opposite gender to provide them with kids that can be used in the continuity of the same family blood. Despite Mr. Lees adoption of different themes in his films, such as Sense and Sensibility and Life of Pi, the most prevailing ones are culturally based such as family and other relationships (Arp, Barkman and McRae 30). Finally, the analysis has provided the background, different types of settings, and most importantly the symbols that have been used to ensure the theme has been presented efficiently to the audience. Work Cited Arp, Robert, Adam Barkman, and James McRae. The Philosophy Of Ang Lee. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2013. Print. Dragon, William, and Steve Duck. Understanding Research In Personal Relationships. London: SAGE, 2005. Print.,. Review And Analysis Of The Film Eat Drink Man Woman - Winnie Khaw - Eclectica Magazine V16n4. N.p., 2015. Web. 7 May 2015. Entertainment Weeklys,. The Wedding Banquet | EW.Com. N.p., 2015. Web. 7 May 2015. Hoffman, Mary, and Ros Asquith. The Great Big Book Of Families. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 2011. Print. IMDb,. Eat Drink Man Woman (1994). Web. 20 Apr. 2015. IMDb,. The Wedding Banquet (1993). Web. 20 Apr. 2015. Khaw, Winnie. Review And Analysis Of The Film Eat Drink Man Woman - Winnie Khaw - Eclectica Magazine V16n4. N.p., 2012. Web. 20 Apr. 2015. Maslin, Janet. Movie Review - Eat Drink Man Woman - FILM REVIEW; Avoiding Basic Human Desires, Or Trying To - Nytimes.Com. Web. 20 Apr. 2015. Noller, Patricia, and Judith Feeney. Close Relationships. New York: Psychology Press, 2006. Print.,. The Wedding Banquet (Xi Yan). N.p., 2015. Web. 7 May 2015. Read More

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